The Imperfects

The Imperfects

Hugh van Cuylenburg, Ryan Shelton & Josh van Cuylenburg

We’re all imperfect. On this podcast, founder of The Resilience Project Hugh van Cuylenburg, his good friend Ryan Shelton, and only one of their brothers, Josh van Cuylenburg, talks to a variety of interesting people who vulnerably share their own struggles and imperfections, or expertly pass on their wisdom on the subject of imperfection. Whether it’s in The Vulnerabilitea House, The Academy of Imperfection, or with our very own psychologist, Dr Emily, The Imperfects are here to find some valuable takeaways we can all apply to our own imperfect lives.

Get Ready. We’re Touring A Brand New Live Show!

Get Ready. We’re Touring A Brand New Live Show!

It’s time for Announcement Number Three! A brand-new Imperfects Live Show (!!!!!!). That’s right, we’re going on the road again. In October, November, and December of this year (2025), we’ll be performing a brand-new stage show, around the country! It’s gonna be bigger, it’s gonna be better, and we promise we won’t let Hugh (or Chat GPT) write the show. All responsibility will henceforth be given to Random Word Generator! We would love and adore to see you there! 🎟️ Click here to get your ticke

Feb 20, • 15:36

Maria Ruberto - Sleep Your Way To Your Top

Maria Ruberto - Sleep Your Way To Your Top

Psychologist Maria Ruberto is back to talk about one of the most important parts of our day: sleep. Starting off with the biology of sleep, Maria takes us through how we get to sleep, what happens when we sleep, and why we desperately need to sleep for good health and longevity. With metaphors galore to make the science as relatable as possible, we discuss the role of melatonin, the impact of screens on our suprachiasmatic nucleus and whether it’s worth cutting your sleep short to exercise

Feb 16, • 1:53:19

Mick Fanning - Riding The Waves of Loss

Mick Fanning - Riding The Waves of Loss

The stoke level is pretty high this week because we are joined by three-time world champion surfer, shark attack survivor, and maybe the nicest guy we have ever met, Mick Fanning. We had high expectations for this chat (we mean, it’s Mick Fanning), but he absolutely blew us out of the water with his humanity, compassion, empathy, and positivity in the face of incredible tragedy. Mick, we’ll definitely take you up on that offer of a surf (and lifelong friendship). To watch this f

Feb 9, • 1:40:06

We're Back! And A Little More Imperfect

We're Back! And A Little More Imperfect

Well, well, well. We’re (officially) back for 2025, baby! On Hugh’s agenda for today’s episode: nugatory chat, ghosts, general excitement for the new season and we also reveal THE SECOND BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! That’s right, The Imperfects are bringing you a new show. A Little More Imperfects, which can be found on Patreon, is bonus fortnightly episodes featuring everything that you know and love (Josh going deep, Ryan being hilarious and Hugh giving life changing advice /

Feb 2, • 28:28

James van Cuylenburg - What’s Your Relationship Status?

James van Cuylenburg - What’s Your Relationship Status?

It’s our last episode of Summer School, and today we welcome back clinical psychologist (and “clinical cousin” of Hugh and Josh), James van Cuylenburg. In this episode, James tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about our relationships… well almost everything…there’s a lot to cover. From attachment styles, to breaking trust, to learning how to own your feelings and navigating coupledom through life’s changing seasons. Getting into the nitty gritty, Hugh

Jan 26, • 1:35:26

Imperfect Birth Stories with Sophie Walker

Imperfect Birth Stories with Sophie Walker

In this episode of our Summer School, we are joined by Sophie Walker, creator, and host of Australian Birth Stories. With over 17 million downloads, and 500 episodes, Australian Birth Stories podcast has been accredited by the Australian College of Midwives and has been instrumental in educating and empowering both people who are giving birth, as well as birthing partners. Hugh shares the incredible trauma and fear involved with his first experience of birth, and how tools of education and empow

Jan 19, • 1:01:55

Surprise! You’re Writing A Book!

Surprise! You’re Writing A Book!

B b b bonus episode! We proudly present to you My Imperfect Life: a novel journal written by you. That’s right, we’re releasing a book, but making you do all the work. With 100 questions inspired by episodes from 2024 on The Imperfects, My Imperfect Life is an introduction to vulnerability, allowing you to unpack your own imperfect life and be more vulnerable with yourself (because we know vulnerability with others can be A LOT). To celebrate the launch of My Imperfect

Jan 16, • 34:01

Bronnie Ware - What Are Your Future Regrets?

Bronnie Ware - What Are Your Future Regrets?

There will come a time for all of us (unless we REALLY make some improvements with bio-hacking) where we are faced with our own mortality. Who is at your hypothetical bedside? Are you happy with how you’ve lived? Do you have any regrets? In this Summer School edition of the Academy of Imperfection, we are joined by Bronnie Ware. Bronnie found herself in palliative care, caring for, and listening to, the dying. And boy, are we glad she did. Bronnie collated, and published, the Top 5 Regrets

Jan 12, • 1:03:04

Little Boy Christmas - The Forgotten Son of Mr & Mrs Claus

Little Boy Christmas - The Forgotten Son of Mr & Mrs Claus

Quick heads up: Little Boy Christmas has a tenuous relationship with his parents, and therefore, this episode isn’t suited for kids. Have you ever wondered about Little Boy Christmas, the forgotten son of Santa and Mrs Claus? Nope, neither had we. That’s probably why he’s forgotten. Looking like an unbelievably shredded Dickensian orphan (you’re going to want to watch the YouTube for this one), Little Boy Christmas chats to Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the physical and psych

Dec 22, 2024 • 27:53

Little Boy Christmas - The Forgotten Son of Mr & Mrs Claus

Little Boy Christmas - The Forgotten Son of Mr & Mrs Claus

Quick heads up: Little Boy Christmas has a tenuous relationship with his parents, and therefore, this episode isn’t suited for kids. Have you ever wondered about Little Boy Christmas, the forgotten son of Santa and Mrs Claus? Nope, neither had we. That’s probably why he’s forgotten. Looking like an unbelievably shredded Dickensian orphan (you’re going to want to watch the YouTube for this one), Little Boy Christmas chats to Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the physical and psych

Dec 22, 2024 • 27:53

Michael Theo - Life on the Spectrum

Michael Theo - Life on the Spectrum

You may know Michael from Love on the Spectrum, or his podcast Mr A+, or even his appearance on Ellen – he’s done it all and has gained an incredible amount of wisdom on his journey so far. We’ve been doing this show for six years, and no-one has ever summarised it as well as Michael Theo: trying to be perfect is a wild goose chase. In this episode, Hugh, Ryan and Josh chat to Michael about how he found his voice after growing up as a non-verbal kid, and instils on the guys som

Dec 15, 2024 • 1:03:54

Michael Theo - Life on the Spectrum

Michael Theo - Life on the Spectrum

You may know Michael from Love on the Spectrum, or his podcast Mr A+, or even his appearance on Ellen – he’s done it all and has gained an incredible amount of wisdom on his journey so far. We’ve been doing this show for six years, and no-one has ever summarised it as well as Michael Theo: trying to be perfect is a wild goose chase. In this episode, Hugh, Ryan and Josh chat to Michael about how he found his voice after growing up as a non-verbal kid, and instils on the guys som

Dec 15, 2024 • 1:03:54

Layne Beachley - Surf’s Up… And Down

Layne Beachley - Surf’s Up… And Down

Today we welcome into the studio 7 time world champion surfer, and all-round legend, Layne Beachley. Layne, who had the self-described ‘compassion of a tiger shark’ during her competition days, has lived an incredible journey to learn how to love others, and more importantly, herself. Upon discovering that she was adopted, Layne internalised a fear of rejection and intense need to prove herself. What’s one way to prove yourself, you may ask? Becoming a world champion, no matter the cost. In this

Dec 8, 2024 • 1:27:14

Johann Hari - Beware The Thrill of The Magic Pill

Johann Hari - Beware The Thrill of The Magic Pill

Johann Hari is a prolific author, deep thinker, and seasoned guest of The Imperfects. In this episode, Johann takes the guys on a deep dive into the Western food system, and how processed food has completely derailed our nutritional wisdom. Our relationship with food is a very personal one, and Johann and Josh get vulnerable about how they have used food to manage emotions. They discuss how vanity comes into play, the plethora of risks and benefits to the new weight-loss drug like Ozempic, and i

Dec 1, 2024 • 1:26:07

Jim Rogers - A Life Bigger Than Dementia

Jim Rogers - A Life Bigger Than Dementia

Today we are introducing you to Jim Rogers, who, in amongst a wild and vibrant life, has been diagnosed with younger-onset dementia. So generous, and such an amazing storyteller, Jim tells us the three acts of his life, so far. The grief of losing his first love, the surprise of his second, and the shock of a dementia diagnosis at 55, this conversation left Hugh, Ryan, and Josh with an invigorated sense for the preciousness of life, love, and family. In Jim’s words, dementia strips you of the mo

Nov 24, 2024 • 1:36:36

Dr Emily - Resent Less, Live More

Dr Emily - Resent Less, Live More

How long have you been holding on to that grudge? Are you picturing that person or moment right now? Have you ever considered what a step towards forgiveness might look like? These are BIG questions, and thank God, Dr Emily, our resident psychologist, is here to talk us through it all. In today’s episode, Dr Em begins by acknowledging that resentment is a normal human emotion. Phew. However, holding on to resentment for prolonged periods of time can have a serious impact on your physical a

Nov 17, 2024 • 1:05:23

Peter Bol - 800m & 3 Free Haircuts

Peter Bol - 800m & 3 Free Haircuts

You may know Peter Bol as the 800m runner, who came fourth in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and second in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Or, if you’re Hugh, you may have hundreds of photos of Peter training. Wherever you are on the Peter-obsession-meter, we think you’re going to love this episode. Our chat with Peter starts in Sudan, where Peter and his family moved as a unit, through Egypt, before settling in Australia. They were chasing safety and opportunity, two values that continue to g

Nov 10, 2024 • 1:28:03

Janelle Booker - Living With ADHD

Janelle Booker - Living With ADHD

In this long-awaited Academy of Imperfection, we chat to psychologist Janelle Booker, who specialises in ADHD and Highly Sensitive Person trait. There is SO MUCH to learn (and love) about an ADHD brain. We learn how ADHDers are often extremely creative, innovative, and talented, and in the right conditions, absolutely thrive. However, ADHDers may struggle with executive functions such as time keeping, organisation and emotional regulation, which can make daily life really hard and exhausting. Pe

Nov 3, 2024 • 1:28:02

Ben Shewry - Making It Right (And Delicious)

Ben Shewry - Making It Right (And Delicious)

Chef extraordinaire, creative genius and owner of Attica, Ben Shewry is welcomed back to the studio, this time into the Vulnerabilitea House. In this episode, Ben answers the question, “When was a time you stayed silent, and regretted it?” and talks about his own culpability in racism, and how this event shaped the person that he is today. Hugh and Josh share a moment they wish they could have back, and how they have been moving through the shame to do better next time. In determinin

Oct 27, 2024 • 55:20

What's Your ATAR?

What's Your ATAR?

It’s tiiimmmmeeee, to get vulnyyyyy (again). And this time, we’re talking about year 12 exams. With the WHOLE TEAM! Whether you’ve hid a possum in your cupboard the night before your English exam, or lost your voice on stage in your drama final, or maybe didn’t even take exams, we’ve been there, and we’re here to tell you, it will be okay. So, get out your papers and pens (do kids still use these?), sit down and enjoy. Love, The Imperfects. To watch this full

Oct 24, 2024 • 48:08

Dr Julia Baird - An Awe-full Conversation

Dr Julia Baird - An Awe-full Conversation

As an author, journalist and broadcaster, Dr Julia Baird has spent the last decade researching awe, wonder, grace and forgiveness (...and now the title makes sense!). Finding joy and purpose through ocean swimming, Julia shows us how impactful nature and community can be when we say yes to adventure (and also what to do when caught in a rip). With Josh out sick, Ryan and Hugh do the heavy lifting with bountiful good questions, Ryan becomes enlightened and discovers the meaning behind church (no

Oct 20, 2024 • 1:14:01

Jack Post-Natal Depression

Jack Post-Natal Depression

The birth of a child is completely overwhelming, in every way. What gets you through is your newfound love and connection. Right? But what happens when your heart doesn’t break open with love? What happens when you don’t feel what you’re meant to be feeling? Jack Post is a pillar of Australian radio. Cackling Jack of Hamish and Andy, Side-Kick of the Christian O’Connell Show, Jack has worked hard to always be in the right place at the right time. In this Vulnerabilitea Ho

Oct 13, 2024 • 1:04:08

Getting Vulny - Josh’s Big Announcement

Getting Vulny - Josh’s Big Announcement

We’re gettin’ vullllnnnnyyyyy. Oooohhhhh yeahhhhhh. Yeah, that’s right. We’re trying something new. And, in the coolest way possible, we really hope you like it. Specifically, Josh is gettin’ vulny, and letting us in on a little something he’s been working on (or hoping to work on) (he’s nervous). We’re so proud of you Josh, and we can’t wait to see everyone there x TO BUY TICKETS TO JOSH’S GIG (!!!!!) - follow this link: To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this

Oct 10, 2024 • 22:30

Dr Emily - The Certainty of Uncertainty

Dr Emily - The Certainty of Uncertainty

Do you believe that if you stop worrying, the worst-case scenario will happen? According to Dr Emily, uncertainty, is the only certainty (mic drop) (jaw drop) (the crowd goes silent). If you weren’t having an existential crisis yet, strap yourself in, because today we’re talking worry and uncertainty. In this emisode, our resident psychologist Dr Emily Musgrove talks us through our new-age uncertainty intolerance, and why we continuously seek reassurance and data to drive our decisio

Oct 6, 2024 • 55:31

Zoë Foster Blake - Zero Lucks Given

Zoë Foster Blake - Zero Lucks Given

Author, business lady and skincare wizard (according to her customs card), Zoë Foster Blake is nothing short of prolific. Chatting with Hugh, Ryan and Josh in this Vulnerabilitea House, Zoë talks through the pressure and responsibility she felt during her loneliest time. Striking ‘luck’ as a dirty word, Zoë’s compulsion to be productive and produce ‘good work’ has earned her a multitude of publishing awards for her numerous books, the production of on

Sep 29, 2024 • 57:05

Dr Billy Garvey - From Boyz II Men

Dr Billy Garvey - From Boyz II Men

Dr Billy Garvey gets kids. A developmental and behavioural paediatrician with over twenty years experience, Billy is an expert at up-skilling kids with the fundamental skills of empathy, kindness, compassion and self-esteem. Due to the extremely high demand for his expertise (the clinic waiting list is most likely seven years long at this point), Billy decided to co-produce his own podcast ‘Pop-Culture Parenting’, and has also just released a book Ten Things I Wish You Knew About You

Sep 22, 2024 • 1:08:25

Nathan Buckley - Out of The Woods

Nathan Buckley - Out of The Woods

For Nathan Buckley, self-reflection is critical for becoming the person he wants to be. Placed on a pedestal during his playing career (for good reason), Bucks was Collingwood’s favourite son, and GOD he felt the pressure. Communicating only through criticism, both to himself and his teammates, Bucks says he was "demented" in the way he trained. In this episode, Bucks shares the steps he took to change his entire approach to playing and coaching footy. Importantly, unlearning that pl

Sep 15, 2024 • 1:26:59

Dr Emily - Compassion of The Self

Dr Emily - Compassion of The Self

Do you feel like you're on your own side? Are you able to speak to yourself with kindness? Or stick up for yourself in front of others? That, my friend, is self-compassion and it can be incredibly hard to do.  Dr Em says, "compassion" in Latin translates to “with suffering.” And SELF-compassion is how we relate, reflect and react when our self is suffering. In this episode, Dr Em talks about why cultivating a self-compassionate voice is SO DIFFICULT, but how it's also pivotal in getting us throu

Sep 8, 2024 • 1:08:22

Grace Tame - "Sexy-time, Scissoring, Autism"

Grace Tame - "Sexy-time, Scissoring, Autism"

In this Vulnerabilitea House, Grace addresses her adolescent self with a simple message - “It wasn’t your fault.” Australian of the Year, Next Generation Leader (as voted by Time Magazine), ultra-marathon runner and changer of laws, Grace Tame can't be tamed. Here she discusses the uncomfortable truths of her child sexual abuse, grooming & rape. She shares how survival mode became her new normal while dealing, and continuously recounting, her trauma in the public eye. Talki

Sep 1, 2024 • 1:25:16

Rana Hussain - Belonging For Connection

Rana Hussain - Belonging For Connection

Have you ever felt excluded? Or like you don't belong? It turns out that belonging is a fundamental human need. To thrive, we need to feel safe, we need to feel welcome, but very importantly, we need to know the tribe has our back. In this Academy of Imperfection, Hugh, Ryan and Josh chat to founder of Good Human, Rana Hussain. Rana is a host of The Outer Sanctum podcast, a board member of Reconciliation Australia and consultant to a plethora of elite sporting clubs on bettering their diversity

Aug 25, 2024 • 1:16:24

Jack Steele - Socials Anxiety

Jack Steele - Socials Anxiety

‘The Inspired Unemployed’ began when a couple of tradies, Jack Steele and Matt ‘Falcon’ Ford, began an Instagram to catalogue the skits they were writing and filming overseas. Since then, Jack and Falcon have launched Australia’s fastest selling beer, collaborated with Fendi and Louis Vuitton, have 2 million followers on Instagram, launched a podcast exclusive to Spotify AND star in their own TV show The Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers. Life, from the outside, seems pretty much perfect.

Aug 18, 2024 • 1:06:13

Maria Ruberto - Advancing Despite Adversity

Maria Ruberto - Advancing Despite Adversity

Settle in and grab your notebooks, you’re in for a good one. We’re joined by Maria Ruberto, director and founder of Salutegenics Psychology, who just happens to be Ryan and Josh’s (ex) psychologist. Maria is the co-designer of Resilience First Aid, an internationally recognised two-day certification program, which teaches the neuroscience of resilience (Ryan took sooooo many notes). We discuss with Maria the relationship between biology and behaviour, and the six domains of res

Aug 11, 2024 • 1:24:20

Jackson Tozer - Don’t Give Up On Me

Jackson Tozer - Don’t Give Up On Me

Jackson Tozer embodies the essence of The Imperfects podcast. Well, that’s what Ryan thinks, and we’re pretty keen to agree. Hugely successful and outrageously talented, Jackson, from the outside, is living the dream. Behind the professional success of acting alongside Shaun Micallef, John Cena and Zac Efron (and Ryan, can’t forget Ryan), Jackson found himself learning how to be a high-functioning addict (literally high) at rock bottom. Sharing his experience with grief, the lo

Aug 4, 2024 • 1:13:56

Another Imperfect Chat About Men

Another Imperfect Chat About Men

This is not compulsory listening, but then again, it kind of is. We’re back to have another imperfect conversation about men, violence and consent, because we're still imperfect and we believe reflecting on behaviour is key to changing it. We don't have all the answers, but in collaboration with Teach Us Consent and future OAM Chanel Contos, we’ve come up with some new Vulnerabilitea House questions to help anyone get vulnerable and think deeply about these issues. In all

Aug 1, 2024 • 58:16

How I Built Dis - The Resilience Project Story

How I Built Dis - The Resilience Project Story

Dis episode is a little bit different, but if you’re as obsessed with Hugh van Cuylenburg as we are, we think you’ll enjoy it. The Resilience Project (TRP) is the company that Hugh started building 12 years ago. Today, it delivers evidence-based, wellbeing programs to over 1000 schools in Australia, as well as countless work-places and helps provide people with strategies to build resilience too!Hugh always knew that TRP would be something special, but god, it took a lot of hard work (and some m

Jul 28, 2024 • 1:16:38

Dr Emily - What Are Your Values?

Dr Emily - What Are Your Values?

Your values are perfect - according to our resident psychologist Dr. Emily Musgrove. Although this sounds counter intuitive to what we usually say…it’s actually a beautiful place to start. Figuring out what your values are, and where they come from can be a pretty intense experience. Lucky we have Dr Em to help, breaking down why they are important and how they can add purpose to your life. As she explains, our values work like a compass, and when used responsibly, can point us in the direction

Jul 21, 2024 • 1:29:06

Zan Rowe - If I Had A Year To Live

Zan Rowe - If I Had A Year To Live

In the ultimate power move, we interview Zan Rowe, ‘one of Australia’s best interviewers’. Talk about pressure.  Champion of the airwaves, TV presenter, music journalist and podcaster, Zan has soundtracked the lives of many Australians. In this episode of the Vulnerabilitea House,  Zan draws the card; ‘how would your ambitions change if you only had one year to live?’  In between getting ‘death ready’ and facing burnout just when her professional dreams were all coming true, Zan and Hugh fan-gir

Jul 14, 2024 • 1:07:42

Poh Ling Yeow - When The Relationship Ends

Poh Ling Yeow - When The Relationship Ends

Have you ever made a really bad decision? Made a call that you couldn’t undo? It's a fear for many, and for others, living with the reality of a ‘roll of the dice’ gone wrong, is cause for great sadness, and discomfort. But, there is wisdom in mistakes. And for Poh Ling Yeow, learning to own her bad decisions, meant she could move forward with empathy and acceptance. A skill she's honed through a life of ‘magooing’ to her way onto our screens through Maste

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:29:10

Professor Felice Jacka - Food For Thought

Professor Felice Jacka - Food For Thought

How does food affect our mood? Does diet actually impact our mental health? What is a gut micro-biome, and can we still eat a few chips without ruining it?In this Academy of Imperfection episode, we are joined one of the worlds leading experts on the relationship between what we eat, and how it effects our mental health, Professor Felice Jacka. And if can we trust anyone to get to the bottom of the vagus nerve ‘highway’; our hippocampus shrinking; our mitochondrial reaction to ultra-

Jun 30, 2024 • 1:24:20

IMPERFIX: What is Rape Culture? with Chanel Contos

IMPERFIX: What is Rape Culture? with Chanel Contos

Last season we met Chanel Contos from Teach Us Consent and we were completely blown away by her courage and the work she's taking on. So much so, that within minutes of Hugh opening and reading Chanel’s book, “Consent Laid Bare”, he had nominated her for Australian of The Year.  In this snippet from the full episode, Hugh, Ryan, Josh and Chanel discuss the normalised and systemic nature of sexual violence against women and the pervasive issue of rape culture; including what it is and how we can

Jun 28, 2024 • 23:31

Michael Klim - The Race of His LIfe

Michael Klim - The Race of His LIfe

What would it feel like to have the very thing that mad you great - your body, strength and co-ordination - slowly and painfully taken away from you? As a swimmer, Michael Klim was on top of the world - he was literally ‘World Swimmer of the Year’. Trips to the Olympics, medals of every colour, 21 world records AND his face on the cover of a Foo Fighters Album, Michael really did have it all. However, in 2022 Michael was diagnosed with a life changing condition, wherein your body att

Jun 23, 2024 • 1:21:05

Dr Emily - What Are Your Boundaries?

Dr Emily - What Are Your Boundaries?

Do you have boundaries? Have you ever crossed someone else’s boundaries? How would you react if someone crossed yours? It is WAY easier to ignore it. Avoiding potential conflict and awkwardness is second nature to most of us. For those of us with people-pleasing tendencies, telling someone they have violated a boundary can be an acute version of living hell. Luckily for us, our resident psychologist Dr. Emily is here to help us navigate what a healthy boundary looks, feels and sounds like. And w

Jun 16, 2024 • 1:13:05

IMPERFIX: How Rick Davies Deals with His OCD

IMPERFIX: How Rick Davies Deals with His OCD

Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not a life sentence, as Rick Davies so eloquently tells Hugh and Josh in this episode of The Imperfix. Best known as Jimmy from the TV show 'Offspring', Rick is unbelievably vulnerable in sharing his story with OCD - from the awkward and painful compulsions, to the relief of a diagnosis at 18 years old. Here Rick share's how he was inspired by the trailblazing work of Penny Moodie and talks through finding peace and happiness amidst the torment.

Jun 14, 2024 • 15:25

Yumi Stynes - Me and Alcohol Don’t Mix

Yumi Stynes - Me and Alcohol Don’t Mix

From being ‘canceled’, to alcoholism and post-natal depression, Yumi Stynes knows how to get vulnerable in the Vulnerabilitea House. Starting as a magnetic, music presenter on Channel V, Yumi’s career spans more than 20 years on our screens, on the radio, or in the very successful books she’s written. However as she shares with Hugh, Ryan and Josh, there were times when the phone simply didn't ring and her career felt like it was at a stand-still.  In this episode, Yumi shares stories from her c

Jun 9, 2024 • 1:09:30

Billy Slater - Leading from the (Full)Back

Billy Slater - Leading from the (Full)Back

Unfortunately, we all know what bad leadership looks like, for many of us, it doesn’t take long to think of examples…but what does it actually take to be a ‘good leader’? This week in the Academy of Imperfection, Hugh, Ryan and Josh are joined by a legend of the sport, former rugby league player and current coach of the Queensland Maroons, Billy Slater. Billy has been called the best fullback ever to have played the game. As a player, he’s won more awards than we could possibly list. As a coach

Jun 2, 2024 • 1:08:41

IMPERFIX: Dr. Em - Befriending Your Inner Critic

IMPERFIX: Dr. Em - Befriending Your Inner Critic

How kind is your inner voice? What does it say to you when your with friends, having family dinner, at work, when you mistakes, or, when you look in the mirror? We all have an inner critic and for lots of us, that voice can be loud and relentless - holding us back from thriving, from living the life we want to live and being the person we want to be. In this episode of the IMPERFIX, we jump back into an episode with Dr Em and get up close and personal with ‘our inner critics’. In this snippet we

May 31, 2024 • 17:25

Nathan Cavaleri - The Ups & The Blues

Nathan Cavaleri - The Ups & The Blues

Its hard to imagine a life more remarkable, or as unique as that of Nathan Cavaleri. Nathan rose to fame as an 8 year old blues prodigy, regularly appearing on Aussie TV screens in the 90’s, but there is so much more to Nathan and his story than that. Whether it’s touring Australia with the likes of Jimmy Barnes; or touring America with blues Legend B.B. King; being signed to Michael Jackson’s label; or starring in a Baywatch spin off with David Hasselhoff; Nathan’s life from the outside, really

May 26, 2024 • 1:35:25

IMPERFIX: Believing Women with Tarang Chawla

IMPERFIX: Believing Women with Tarang Chawla

After his sister, Niki, was murdered by her ex-partner, Tarang Chawla made a decision - that he wouldn’t allow Niki to be remembered as just another statistic. Since then, Tarang has become an activist, working to reduce incidents of all forms of violence and abuse towards women in Australian. In this episode of the IMPERFIX, we reflect on a conversation we had with Tarang back in 2022. Here, Tarang discusses the importance of believing and supporting women when they disclose abuse, and understa

May 24, 2024 • 18:09

Dr Emily - The Risk of Avoiding Risk

Dr Emily - The Risk of Avoiding Risk

Taking a risk, by definition, is hard. A lot of us spend most of our life avoiding risks, under the assumption that it’s the ‘safe’ thing to do. As Dr Em explains, we have an evolutionary instinct for self-preservation; tendencies to overestimate danger and underestimate our ability to cope; and we often have early childhood experiences and messages around safety that can coalesce into ‘playing it safe’ behaviours. In this episode, Dr Em reveals that paradoxically, if we spend our whole life avo

May 19, 2024 • 58:08

IMPERFIX: Dr. Kiran Martin - Leadership

IMPERFIX: Dr. Kiran Martin - Leadership

We mean no disrespect to any of our other guests, but when Hugh says that Dr. Kiran Martin, is the most impressive person he has ever met, it’s hard not to agree. Dr. Kiran Martin is the founder of ASHA in India. It’s a not for profit, that for over 35 years, has provided healthcare and education to millions of people living in slums in India. In this clip, Dr Kiran tells us of the time she decided to wash the feet of a Dalit woman (an ‘untouchable’ in the caste system of

May 17, 2024 • 10:57

Reece Conca - Tackling Male Infertility

Reece Conca - Tackling Male Infertility

All too often when talking about infertility, we only tell one side of the story. Traditionally in the public discourse, it has very much fallen into the category of a ‘women’s issue’. However, as our guest this week Reece Conca can all too painfully attest, 40% of infertility issues are actually male factor related. Reece Conca is a former Australian Rules Footballer, who played over 150 games for Richmond and Freemantle. When Reece and his partner Bell were finding it difficult to conceive, it

May 12, 2024 • 1:11:35

IMPERFIX: Luke McGregor - Living With Anxiety

IMPERFIX: Luke McGregor - Living With Anxiety

In this episode of the IMPERFIX, we revisit our chat with Australian comedian Luke McGregor. Many of us live with Anxiety, Luke McGregor has for a lot of his life. For Luke, his anxiety became so overwhelming that it resulted in him having panic attacks on stage in front of audiences. In this clip Luke explains what anxiety looks like for him and what he now does to manage his anxiety, allowing him to continue to work and to get the most out of life. You can hear the original episode in full, wi

May 10, 2024 • 13:06

James Clear - Down The Habit Hole

James Clear - Down The Habit Hole

Every Thursday over 3 million people want to hear what James Clear has to say. They do so in the form of his ‘3-2-1 newsletter’, one of most popular newsletters on the planet. In 2018 James Clear published his book Atomic Habits, a comprehensive, practical guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day. And that book has now sold over 15million copies. So you won’t be surprised to hear how excited we were to have Jame Clear as this weeks guest lecturer in T

May 5, 2024 • 1:14:26

IMPERFIX: Johann Hari & Josh Talk About Addiction

IMPERFIX: Johann Hari & Josh Talk About Addiction

In this episode of the IMPERFIX we revisit one of our many conversations with Johann Hari. However this IMPERFIX starts with Josh, delivering what may be one of the most powerful and moving acts of vulnerability we’ve ever seen on this podcast, when he felt compelled to share a realisation, that he had been addicted to the internet for much of his life. Johann’s response was as always, heartfelt, engaging, hopeful and empowering. And we thought it was worth revisiting. You can hear the episode i

May 3, 2024 • 20:21

Pallavi Sharda - Where We Belong

Pallavi Sharda - Where We Belong

What would you do if a teacher said you couldn’t achieve your dreams because your hair and skin colour weren’t acceptable? When this became Pallavi Sharda’s reality she moved to India by herself and became the first Australian women to lead a Bollywood movie In this episode we meet Pallavi Sharda, a powerhouse actress, who grew up in Taylors Lakes, a suburban area in Melbourne’s west, who went on to not only clock Bollywood, but see tremendous success on screens in Austra

Apr 28, 2024 • 1:32:58

IMPERFIX: How to Live Again, with Sam Willoughby.

IMPERFIX: How to Live Again, with Sam Willoughby.

In this week’s ImperFIX, we revisit an episode from season 2 with Australian BMX racer, world champion and Olympian, Sam Willoughby. In 2016, Sam experienced a life-changing neck injury which left him a tetraplegic. In this snippet, we hear Sam describe the bike accident that lead to his injury and his incredible journey of recovery. Most importantly, he shares how meeting NASCAR crew chief, Booty Barker, inspired him to live life again. You can hear the full chat with Sam Willoughby here https:

Apr 26, 2024 • 22:27

Dr Emily - Joy Decision

Dr Emily - Joy Decision

Have you ever felt so elated, that in that very moment, you felt yourself and the world around you were in perfect harmony? That feeling is joy! But for many of us, ‘joy’ can seem elusive, almost impossible to experience, or an emotion that we feel we just don’t have time for. And for some of us, it may feel like we have lost the ability to experience joy altogether. In this episode, our resident psychologist Dr Em explores the experience of Joy. What is it and how

Apr 21, 2024 • 1:01:55

An Imperfect Chat About Men

An Imperfect Chat About Men

In this bonus episode of The Imperfects, Hugh, Ryan and Josh have an imperfect conversation about mens violence against women. To say it's a massive problem in Australia is an understatement. Violence and aggression can take many forms that span from small micro-aggressions all the way through to rape and murder. It effects ALL women, with the most vulnerable and marginalised in our community, at the greatest risk. We don’t have the answers to solve it. But we don’t want to remain silent. Throug

Apr 18, 2024 • 31:45

Fern Brady - Autistic in a Non-Autistic World

Fern Brady - Autistic in a Non-Autistic World

In this episode, Scottish comedian, Fern Brady joins us in the The Vulnerabilitea House. In pulling the card “how would your ambitions change if you only had one year to live?”, Fern shares a very recent story, after receiving a terrifying phone call from her doctor. Fern also discusses being diagnosed with Autism in her 30s, 20 years after telling a doctor she thought she was Autistic. Fern talks with with great insight and humour, not only about life since her diagnosis, but

Apr 14, 2024 • 1:26:58

IMPERFIX: Imposter Syndrome with Hamish Blake

IMPERFIX: Imposter Syndrome with Hamish Blake

Imposter syndrome and self doubt aren’t necessarily things you think when you think of Australian comedian Hamish Blake. However when Hamish visited us for a VulnerabilTea House in season 4, that’s exactly what came up. In this episode of The IMPERFIX, we revisit a vulnerable moment where Josh shared his very real self doubt about his role on the show. This evolves into a beautiful conversation about the self doubt we all feel in the work we do, and culminates in Hamish droppin

Apr 10, 2024 • 10:31

Sean Turnell - A Prisoner’s Guide to Life

Sean Turnell - A Prisoner’s Guide to Life

Imagine being falsely imprisoned, in a foreign country, where you barely speak the language, during a military coup, with no guarantee of a trial (fair or otherwise) and no idea whether you’ll ever be allowed home?  That's what Australian economist Sean Turnell lived through for 650 days, when in 2021 he was arrested during a military coup over-throwing the democratic government of Aang san Suu Kyi. Sean is a remarkable person and a brilliant story teller who radiates positivity. In this episode

Apr 7, 2024 • 1:32:53

IMPERFIX: Jamila Rizvi on Living with a Brain Tumour

IMPERFIX: Jamila Rizvi on Living with a Brain Tumour

In 2018, writer, author & change advocate Jamila Rizvi was met with horrible news. She was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour and needed surgery. In this episode of The Imperfix we revisit Jamila’s story; the tumour and its varied complications, the surgeries and how Jamila and her husband communicated the news to their son.  Jamila is an all round wonderful human being and this is an incredibly moving episode. You can hear the entire chat with Jamila here: Th

Apr 3, 2024 • 23:10

Elizabeth Day - The Me-est Version Of Me

Elizabeth Day - The Me-est Version Of Me

We’re not sure if podcasts can date. But if they could we would want to date Elizabeth Day’s podcast - ‘How to fail?’. (A proposition Hugh awkwardly put to Elizabeth in the final moments of the show). This conversation covers a lot of ground. Elizabeth vulnerably discusses her journey through infertility, IVF and her eventual decision to stop fertility treatment; we explore the role exercise and strength training can have in reclaiming one's connection to their body; Ryan

Mar 31, 2024 • 1:38:38

IMPERFIX: Truth vs Harmony with Dr Em

IMPERFIX: Truth vs Harmony with Dr Em

In this episode of The Imperfix we revisit one of our most popular episodes ever and in it, a topic that is very close to Hugh, Ryan and Josh’s respective bones. The ongoing battle of Truth vs Harmony. Do you choose to live truthfully? Or harmoniously? And what does that even mean? And how does living ‘truthfully’ or ‘harmoniously’ affect us and the people around us? To listen to the full Truth Vs Harmony episode, follow this link: To listen to Hamish Blake's Imperfects ep

Mar 27, 2024 • 18:46

Gary Barlow - The Pain Behind The Pleasure

Gary Barlow - The Pain Behind The Pleasure

Very few people have experienced Gary Barlow’s level of success and fame. He’s the lead singer of the nineties British pop band Take That, he’s won 6 Ivor Novello Awards for song writing & composing, sold more the 50 million albums and filled stadiums of screaming fans across the world! But despite all this, as we’ve come to learn, he’s one of the nicest, most genuine people going around. In this episode, Gary shares his experience of rising to such fame, and wh

Mar 24, 2024 • 57:17

IMPERFIX: Christian O'Connell's Panic Attacks

IMPERFIX: Christian O'Connell's Panic Attacks

In 2018, Christian O Connell was one of the most successful people in British Radio, he was on top of his world, and then…the panic attacks began. The attacks got so bad and so regular that he couldn’t perform live and it nearly cost him his career. In this episode, we revisit Christian’s experience, the physical and mental toll of his panic attacks as well as the societal pressures and expectations he felt as a man - his need to appear strong and provide for his family. And w

Mar 20, 2024 • 14:31

Dr Emily - Social Anxiety, They’ve Got It Too

Dr Emily - Social Anxiety, They’ve Got It Too

“Get your butterflies in formation”. If you take one thing away from this episode, it’s how to handle the nervous, anxious, flutter of stomach butterflies that arises when we’re socially anxious. Social interactions can be challenging. You may believe that everyone else has all their shit figured out and can effortlessly walk into a social situation and just be themselves. But it turns out, we all, at some point, get social anxiety. In this episode, our resident psychologist Dr Emily, delves dee

Mar 17, 2024 • 1:22:51

IMPERFIX: Kate Langbroek on The Risks of Love

IMPERFIX: Kate Langbroek on The Risks of Love

Kate Langbroek, in our humble opinion, is a very special person. We absolutely love her, and we’re clearly not alone. Kate, has experienced decades of success on Australian TV and radio - whether it was every Wednesday night on The Panel; with her mate Hughesy on the radio; or in countless podcasts, and radio shows since. On this episode of The Imperfix, we revisit, when in 2022, Kate generously shared with us what it was like when her eldest son Lewis was diagnosed with Leukaemia, and how

Mar 13, 2024 • 15:41

Adam Grant - The Potential of Your Potential

Adam Grant - The Potential of Your Potential

World leading organisational psychologists, Adam Grant is this week's guest in The Academy of Imperfection and honestly, we can’t believe how much ground the brilliant man managed to cover in this episode. I mean, sure, you might expect him to touch on the value of embracing our imperfections. Or perhaps he might explore imposter syndrome & the importance in believing in others' belief in yourself. Or how procrastination can actually be a creative force. Or maybe even some tips f

Mar 10, 2024 • 1:30:55

IMPERFIX: Ben Crowe's Purpose

IMPERFIX: Ben Crowe's Purpose

In this inaugural episode of the imperfix, Hugh takes us back to our very first Academy of Imperfection, where special guest Ben Crowe explores what it actually means to define your purpose. We discuss Ryan, Hugh & Ben’s purposes, how they defined them, and how important they are in shaping their respective every-days. We also delve a little deeper into Josh’s seeming ‘lack of purpose’ and find that he might actually have a bit more purpose there than he realises. To

Mar 6, 2024 • 19:17

Pat Cummins - Love, Loss & Life

Pat Cummins - Love, Loss & Life

They say that by the time he retires, Pat Cummins could be one of Australia’s most successful cricket captains. And if 2023 is anything to go by, "they" might be right. Pat captained the team winning The ODI World Cup, The ICC World Test Championship and retaining The Ashes. And individually, he was not only named The ICC Men's Cricketer of the Year, but also signed a record-breaking contract to play in India in the IPL this year. So yeah, Pat wins a lot. But this episode isn't just about

Mar 3, 2024 • 1:32:38

A Very Imperfect Welcome Back

A Very Imperfect Welcome Back

We’re back… almost! As has become tradition, Hugh, Ryan and Josh catch up for a formal welcome back episode to chat about the season ahead. They talk about their brand new extra weekly episode called The ImperFIX, the show’s foray into YouTube, aaaand just build general hype around the exciting upcoming guests on the show. Oh. And Hugh demonstrates his brand new sleeping position. It’s so, so good to be back. To watch this episode on YouTube (and see Hugh's sleeping posi

Feb 25, 2024 • 25:40

Lael Stone - Parent Yourself First

Lael Stone - Parent Yourself First

To look after our loved ones, we need to start by looking after ourselves. And according to parenting expert Lael Stone, that means looking back and showing compassion to our younger selves.In this b-b-b-bonus summer episode we’re very lucky to have Lael back for a third time (her previous episodes are linked below) as we prepare for a new year with new challenges. But don’t worry. You’ll be ready for anything after an hour with Lael Stone. To learn more about Lael and her work, follow this link

Jan 21, 2024 • 53:58

Mrs Claus - Santa’s Better Half

Mrs Claus - Santa’s Better Half

Heads up: Mrs Claus is VERY close friends with comedian, Urzila Carlson. As such, this Special Christmas Episode is definitely not appropriate for kids.Last year, we were honoured to sit down with the one and only Santa Claus as he joined us in The Vulnerabilitea House. A big thank you to Glenn Robbins for organising that interview for us! Link below if you missed it.This year, Hugh, Josh and Ryan meet the woman who claims to be the brains behind the operation, Mrs Claus (or is it Ms Claus?). In

Dec 17, 2023 • 32:25

Dr Emily - Merry Not-Enoughmas

Dr Emily - Merry Not-Enoughmas

For some people, Christmas Day is the most wonderful time of the year. But for others, catching up with friends and family at this time of the year can lead to pain and sadness and as Dr Emily describes it, an overwhelming feeling of “not-enoughness”. In this special bonus episode, Dr Emily explains where this feeling comes from and why it pops up year after year. But as always she gives us some helpful advice on what we can do to address it and feel a little less alone this Christma

Dec 10, 2023 • 1:03:45

Chanel Contos - Consensual Healing

Chanel Contos - Consensual Healing

Dear Men,Please listen to this episode about consent and rape culture. Hugh, Ryan & Josh xOn the face of it, this Academy of Imperfection with Chanel Contos may seem like a heavy episode. An episode about consent, rape culture and sexual violence might not seem like an episode that concerns you. That may be true, but if the #MeToo movement taught us anything, it’s that you probably know someone who’s either been raped or sexually assaulted in some way. We have a lot to learn abou

Dec 3, 2023 • 1:19:52

Gina Chick - Don't Fight Life

Gina Chick - Don't Fight Life

Gina Chick grew up… different. She wasn’t like the other kids, and they let her know about it. But as an adult she learned to see her “different” as a strength, which led to her most well-known achievement, outlasting everyone else for 67 days in the Tasmanian wilderness to win ALONE Australia. But as you’ll hear, that’s only a part of her story - as is the fact that she’s very close friends with Hugh Jackman.After going through some of the lowest lows a human can experience, Gina learned the po

Nov 26, 2023 • 1:48:52

Hamish Macdonald - How To Be You

Hamish Macdonald - How To Be You

As co-host of The Project, Hamish Macdonald has seen and done more than most journalists could ever dream to achieve in their entire career.Before The Project and a stint hosting ABC’s Q+A program, Hamish worked and reported around the world from war zones to natural disasters, winning a bunch of prestigious awards including a coveted Walkley Award in the process.But as he discusses with Hugh, Ryan and Josh, he’s also faced bullying throughout his life, whether that be from students

Nov 19, 2023 • 1:54:42

Dr Louise Newson - Maybe it’s Menopause

Dr Louise Newson - Maybe it’s Menopause

Menopause, or THE Menopause according to our guest lecturer Dr Louise Newson, affects every woman at some point in her life. That’s 51% of the entire world! And even if you’re not a woman, chances are you know a few of them. Either way, the menopause IS coming. And you better be ready.Dr Louise Newson is a GP and Menopause specialist who is campaigning for better menopause care for all women. But despite her specialisation and regular lecturing on the subject, even she didn’t pick up on the sign

Nov 12, 2023 • 1:10:59

Dr Emily - Who Do You Desire?

Dr Emily - Who Do You Desire?

We know, we know, we know. ‘Who Do You Desire? is a very click-baity title. But we’re pretty confident that if you DO take the bait (come onnnn), you’ll be nicely rewarded. In this episode, our resident psychologist Dr Emily talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the concept of Mimetic Desire - the idea that whether we like it or not, pure originality is impossible. All of us are being influenced by someone. The question is, are we proud of the someones currently influencing us,

Nov 5, 2023 • 59:13

Steve Hooker - The Ups & Downs & Ups

Steve Hooker - The Ups & Downs & Ups

Not many of us have won Olympic Gold. And even fewer of us have jumped over a 6m high bar. But Australian pole vaulting champion Steve Hooker has done both. And boy oh boy does he have a story to tell!? That was rhetorical btw, he definitely does have a story to tell.What would you do if you were the best in the world at something one day, and then the next day you suddenly couldn’t do that thing anymore?? At all. That’s pretty much what happened to Steve. And on this episode he tells childhood

Oct 29, 2023 • 1:38:46

Lewis Hobba - Success Is Never Enough

Lewis Hobba - Success Is Never Enough

Lewis Hobba grew up idolising Triple J. But despite being chosen as Triple J’s drive-time co-host by the age of 30, and being selected by Andrew Denton as one of Australia’s most creative and talented young performers for the show Hungry Beast, Lewis never felt like he succeeded in anything. In this Vulnerabilitea House, Lewis tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh what it was like behind the scenes for him during this time and how he dealt with crippling anxiety on a daily basis until eventually

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:25:48

Taryn Brumfitt - Every Body Is Perfect

Taryn Brumfitt - Every Body Is Perfect

As Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt is making a massive impact on an issue that effects people everywhere… BODY IMAGE.Not only is Taryn a body image campaigner, she’s also a documentarian, having made two docos encouraging us to EMBRACE our bodies, not matter what they look like. We highly recommend you watch them - links below.In this Academy of Imperfection, Taryn talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about her own body image journey, including a vulnerable Before & After image of herself t

Oct 15, 2023 • 1:23:54

Tim Minchin - Lucky To Be Here

Tim Minchin - Lucky To Be Here

Tim Minchin is an Australian comedian, actor, writer, musician, poet, composer, and songwriter. He’s probably best known for his music, his comedy, and well… his ‘Matilda: The Musical’… but has it really all been “luck”?Tim talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about so many different things in this fascinating chat about art and creativity, family, free-will, success, failure and the importance of taking life one level at a time.For tickets to Tim's new show, An Unfunny Evening with Tim Minchin and Hi

Oct 8, 2023 • 1:46:18

Vulnerability Update: Josh Wrote a Song!

Vulnerability Update: Josh Wrote a Song!

If you know, you know. And if you do know, you’re just as bonkers excited as we are.Buuut if you don’t know, that’s totally fine too.Those that were able to make it along to our Live On Stage show this year were treated to the debut performance of a song, written and performed by our very own Josh van Cuylenburg. But this song was not without context.In Season 3 Josh shared a vulnerable story from 13 years ago that resulted in him losing the confidence to realise his lifelong dream of writing mu

Oct 4, 2023 • 18:14

Dan Sultan - Stopping The Bullshit

Dan Sultan - Stopping The Bullshit

Eastern Arrernte and Gurindji singer/songwriter Dan Sultan is a 5-time ARIA Award winner and respected stalwart of the Australian music industry. But alongside his creative achievements, is Dan’s struggle with addiction. Dan talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about everything from the adversity he’s faced on and off the stage, to the joy he now gets from his young family, and his ongoing love of creativity.To purchase or listen to Dan's new album, Dan Sultan, follow this link: https://bi

Oct 1, 2023 • 54:19

Jack's Gambling Addiction Story

Jack's Gambling Addiction Story

For Jack, it’s progress, not perfection when it comes to his battle with gambling addiction.This one is a slightly different episode for The Imperfects. Jack isn’t a celebrity, or an expert. But he is a person with imperfections, just like everyone else. And Jack has been kind enough to share his all-too-familiar story with Hugh, Ryan and Josh.Jack discusses his crippling battle with sports gambling, his experience at rehab, and how he was finally able to escape his life of keeping s

Sep 27, 2023 • 1:18:11

Dr Emily - Other People Matter

Dr Emily - Other People Matter

Dr Emily is back - and once again proving why she is increasingly becoming the most popular person on The Imperfects.This Emisode is all about a fundamental part of Positive Psychology… the beautiful idea that OTHER PEOPLE MATTER.Now, you’re probably thinking… of course other people matter, right? Seems pretty obvious. But here, Dr Emily explains what it is about ‘other people’, that matters so much, and how much it relates to our never-ending search for that elus

Sep 24, 2023 • 1:10:12

Brooke Blurton - The Path Of Most Resilience

Brooke Blurton - The Path Of Most Resilience

To only say that Brooke Blurton was on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, would not only be a crime to Show Notes, but a huge disservice to you. As Hugh, Ryan and Josh quickly discover, that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what makes Brooke the inspiring, resilient, game-changing, youth-working, breath of fresh air that she is.While Brooke does touch on her Bachelor and Bachelorette experiences (and why she decided to do it), what makes this Vulnerabilitea House truly special is the story th

Sep 17, 2023 • 1:15:58

Penny Moodie's New Book - OCD & Finding Joy Again

Penny Moodie's New Book - OCD & Finding Joy Again

Penny Moodie first shared her OCD story on The Imperfects in 2020. Since then, we and she have been flooded with incredible feedback from OCD sufferers who finally felt seen. Now Penny is back because she’s written an incredible book about OCD called The Joy Thief and it’s out now (link below).In this beautifully moving episode, Penny talks openly with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about some of the confronting moments from her book. The reason Penny calls OCD ‘the joy thief’ is be

Sep 13, 2023 • 45:42

Professor Tim Spector - Food Fight

Professor Tim Spector - Food Fight

Food is such a mystery. Well, I mean, it’s the stuff we eat when we’re hungry, we know that much. But there are so many mysterious things ABOUT food. Like… What actually are healthy foods? What are good fats? Is meat good for you? Is orange juice really that bad? And can food truly be as effective as medicine? Professor Tim Spector has done all the research, written books (link below) and is one of the world’s top 100 most cited scientists. Tim really knows about food an

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:05:44

Grant Denyer - Self-Worth Was Worth Fighting For

Grant Denyer - Self-Worth Was Worth Fighting For

Whether it was Family Feud or whether it was the weather, Grant Denyer has been a larger than life fixture on Australian TV for 25 years. But it hasn’t all been big smiles and Gold Logies. In this raw and vulnerable chat with the most joyous man on the telly, Grant opens up about his past dependence on the pain medication (OxyContin) that he needed after suffering a serious injury that broke his back. He tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh how that dependence not only jeopardised his career, but his marri

Sep 3, 2023 • 1:40:35

Dr Emily - Friendship 4 Eva

Dr Emily - Friendship 4 Eva

Monica. Chandler. Rachel. Ross. Phoebe. Joey. We all love Friends. But what about friendSHIPS? Why are our friendships so important to us? In this episode, Dr Emily explains everything - our different types of friends, why they matter SO much, and what it is about someone that makes us like them? (Spoiler alert: it’s got nothing to do with how impressive they are) To listen to Will McMahon's Imperfects episode, follow this link: To listen to 360's Imperfects ep

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:20:08

Myf Warhurst - The Anxiety of Uncertainty

Myf Warhurst - The Anxiety of Uncertainty

Myf Warhurst is an icon. An Australian icon. Everyone, we have an icon on our podcast. From Spicks & Specks to Triple J, and Eurovision to Bluey… oh and doing a whole show about menopause… HER menopause… Australia has LOVED Myf Warhurst for a long, long time. You might even think it’s impossible to love her more, well just wait until you hear her honesty and vulnerability in this Vulnerabilitea House.Myf talks about the anxiety that comes with her line of work, how

Aug 20, 2023 • 1:08:42

Osher Günsberg- In & Out Of Control

Osher Günsberg- In & Out Of Control

For 20 years, Osher Günsberg has been one of Australia’s most famous and successful TV/radio/podcast personalities. Since hosting the wildly popular Australian Idol, to handing out roses on The Bachelor (and SO MUCH in between), there aren’t many showbiz stories that rival Osher’s sustained success. But if we’ve learned anything on this podcast, behind every perfect story is an imperfect reality. And as you’ll hear in this honest chat with Hugh, Ryan and Josh,

Aug 13, 2023 • 1:22:51

Dr Richard Harris - “That Thing In Thailand”

Dr Richard Harris - “That Thing In Thailand”

While our guest might humbly refer to his heroics as “that thing in Thailand”, it was in fact far more significant…In 2018, the world was gripped by the terrifying story of thirteen boys who were miraculously saved from inside a Thai cave. Maybe you’ve seen one of the billion docos made about it, or the Hollywood film directed by Ron Howard. As you probably already know, the most miraculous part was HOW these boys were saved, thanks in large part to today’s guest, Australian deep-diving anaesthe

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:08:46

Dr Emily - When Are You Triggered?

Dr Emily - When Are You Triggered?

The phrase, “That’s triggering” or “I’m triggered”, has become more and more common. And while people are triggered by an event, or a topic, or even a scene in a TV show, what does it truly mean to be ‘triggered’? And should we really be avoiding triggering topics, or should we be exposing ourselves to them?In this extremely helpful episode, Dr Emily goes deep on triggers. She explains to Hugh, Ryan and Josh what it means to actually be ‘trig

Jul 30, 2023 • 49:03

Christie Whelan Browne - Unbreakable

Christie Whelan Browne - Unbreakable

Christie Whelan Browne is one of the funniest (and most talented) people in Australia. If you know, you know. She’s won multiple awards and done everything from stage and musical theatre, to TV drama and comedy… and most recently Dancing with the Stars. But it’s her journey, before the #MeToo movement (and continues today) that’s making the biggest impact. Christie has rarely spoken so openly about her very public and tumultuous experience through the courts, in the media and even within her own

Jul 23, 2023 • 1:32:01

Laura Henshaw - What Do They Think Of Me?

Laura Henshaw - What Do They Think Of Me?

Laura Henshaw has achieved a lot. Not only is she an author, law graduate and podcaster, but she is the CEO and co-founder of the wildly popular and successful health & fitness app, KIC - which she started and still runs with friend, and former Imperfects guest, Steph Claire-Smith. But behind her success, Laura still worries what people think of her. And in this Vulnerabilitea House, she vulnerably tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh where this comes from and how this anxiety continues to crop up for

Jul 16, 2023 • 48:31

James van Cuylenburg - Love Your Wonky Bricks

James van Cuylenburg - Love Your Wonky Bricks

Other than being a Clinical Psychologist (with a child specialisation), Dr James van Cuylenburg is not only Hugh and Josh’s cousin, but in Hugh’s opinion, he’s the greatest piano player in the world - which provides zero context for this incredible episode.James covers so much in this 90 minutes that it’s almost impossible to sum up here. Everything from the development of our kids today, screentime issues, the cost of ambition, the importance of self-compassion and James’s own experiences with

Jul 9, 2023 • 1:25:50

Dr Emily - How to Stress Less

Dr Emily - How to Stress Less

What do you do when you’re stressed? Watch the telly? Scroll the innuhnet? Fix yourself a stiff VB on the rocks? We all feel stressed and burned out from time to time. It’s unfortunately a reality of life. But double-unfortunately, most of us don’t know how to correctly deal with it. And that’s why Dr Emily is here to help!In this extremely practical episode, Dr Emily explains the science behind WHY we get stressed. But more importantly, she tells us what we can do to all

Jul 2, 2023 • 1:04:43

Hugh & Penny - The Elephant in the Relationship

Hugh & Penny - The Elephant in the Relationship

You might remember Penny Moodie from her first appearance on The Imperfects when she talked about her own experience with OCD. Link below if you don’t! Well, Penny is back to talk about something else; her marriage with Hugh. Or, more specifically, and far less click-baity, the mental load in her marriage with Hugh. “The mental load” is the cognitive effort that’s required to juggle the often invisible labour of running a household. Something that Penny noticed was becoming too much for her to h

Jun 25, 2023 • 1:08:29

Michael (Wippa) Wipfli - Light at the End of the Tunnel

Michael (Wippa) Wipfli - Light at the End of the Tunnel

If you live in Sydney, you probably know Wippa. He’s on NOVA every morning with Fitzy and Kate Ritchie (or 6-7pm in the rest of the country), but he's also a veteran of Australian radio, having been on air for 20 years, making his start in Port Augusta before moving to Perth, then Melbourne and now Sydney.Wippa and Ryan have been great friends for a long time. They even co-hosted the NOVA drive show for two years with Monty Dimond in 2009 and 2010. During this time, Wippa went through one

Jun 18, 2023 • 1:04:55

Kemi Nekvapil - The Secret of Your Success

Kemi Nekvapil - The Secret of Your Success

We all want to be successful. But what is ‘success’? And what if we’ve been thinking about it in the wrong way? Enter Kemi Nekvapil… back for the second time on The Imperfects!Kemi has worked in the wellness industry for 25 years and holistic leadership for 10 years. She is a mother, a wife, an endurance athlete, a gardener, an author with three books, and a certified Dare To Lead facilitator having trained personally with the one and only Brené Brown! In this Aca

Jun 11, 2023 • 1:20:12

Ben Shewry (Pt 2) - How The Chef Was Made

Ben Shewry (Pt 2) - How The Chef Was Made

This is Pt2 of our chat with award-winning chef and owner of Melbourne restaurant, Attica. Go back and listen to Pt 1 if you haven’t yet. It’s a doozy. As the second part, this is a double-doozy… or a... twoozy… I guess.In this episode, Ben explains how he managed to build empathy amongst the staff at Attica through something he created called Staff Speeches. He also shares a harrowing bullying story from his childhood when his mother saved him from certain catastrophe,

Jun 4, 2023 • 1:10:34

Ben Shewry (Pt 1) - The Other Side of Excellence

Ben Shewry (Pt 1) - The Other Side of Excellence

Originally from New Zealand, Ben Shewry is the head chef and owner of Melbourne-based restaurant Attica - the highly respected restaurant that has been included in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants numerous times. Ben’s chat with Hugh, Ryan and Josh was so big and so special, it needed to be split across 2 big and special episodes. In this first big and special part, they talk about what makes Attica such a unique place, how he approaches his work, and how he deals with the anxiety tha

May 28, 2023 • 1:12:28

Dr Emily - Curb Your Perfectionism

Dr Emily - Curb Your Perfectionism

We’ve spent about four and a half years on this podcast telling you why we’re all imperfect. But on this episode, Dr Emily actually explains why trying to be PERFECT is… well… really bad. And not only why it’s really bad, but why perfectionism’s mere existence is stealing all the good from our lives. Take it away Dr Emily……… PSYCHOLOGIST! To learn more about Lynn Lyon's work around anxiety and perfectionism, follow this link: https://www

May 21, 2023 • 1:09:17

Broden Kelly - When Anger & Creativity Collide

Broden Kelly - When Anger & Creativity Collide

If you don’t know comedy sketch group Aunty Donna, then take a moment, open your local internet browser and watch their incredible stuff for a bit (some of it is linked below). Then come back and listen to this episode with Aunty Donna's, Broden Kelly.In this Vulnerabilitea House, Broden talks about his own and Aunty Donna’s creative process, and how it’s evolved over the years while working together on stage and on the telly. But at the heart of this conversation, is Broden’s vulnerability in r

May 14, 2023 • 1:09:19

Emma Murray - How Mindfulness Actually Works

Emma Murray - How Mindfulness Actually Works

Emma Murray is the high-performance mindset coach for the Richmond Football Club and Mum to four children.As the founder of High-Performance Mindfulness - a company that uses mindfulness, psychology and meditation to help people perform at their best - Emma works with elite athletes, corporate executives, students and actors.In this very practical and vulnerable episode, Emma explains how high-performance mindfulness has not only helped her clients, but also helped her when in 2016, her son Will

May 7, 2023 • 1:17:02

360 (Matt Colwell) - From Addiction to Authenticity

360 (Matt Colwell) - From Addiction to Authenticity

This extremely raw and revealing episode with Australian rapper 360 is all about authenticity. 10 years ago, 360 (Matt Colwell) was one of the most successful and respected artists in Australia. His songs and albums went multi-platinum, he was winning prestigious ARIA and APRA awards and his enormous tours sold out nationally. But what no one knew at the time, is he was simultaneously battling an addiction that nearly took his life.Here, with Hugh, Ryan and Josh, 360 tells the whole story, inclu

Apr 30, 2023 • 2:06:21

Dr Emily - How Anger Affects Us All

Dr Emily - How Anger Affects Us All

We all get angry. Some of us show our anger and some of us suppress it, but at the end of the day, we’re all susceptible to being angry.In this episode, Dr Emily goes into the many aspects of anger - how it can show up in our lives, how it affects us and the people around us, and of course, what we can do about it.If you liked this episode, you might be interested in book recommendation, When the Body Says No, The Hidden Cost of Stress, by Dr Gabor Mate: To view rese

Apr 23, 2023 • 1:07:02

Bronte Campbell - Comparison, The Thief of Joy

Bronte Campbell - Comparison, The Thief of Joy

What if you were one of the best swimmers in the world, but you still couldn’t beat your older sister? That’s what Olympic swimmer Bronte Campbell has been facing for most of her career with her sister, Cate Campbell.In this Vulnerabilitea House, Bronte opens up about being at the top of the professional swimming world, but still living in someone’s shadow. And how comparison stole much of the joy she might have otherwise felt. But she also describes how the perspective provided by her brother w

Apr 16, 2023 • 1:08:42

Some Things We Wish We Knew Earlier

Some Things We Wish We Knew Earlier

This B-B-B-BONUS episode arrives thanks to Hugh - a man who claims to hate lists. At least he did until he saw a list called “40 Things I Wish I’d Known at 40” (link below).The list of things resonated with Hugh so much, that he sent it to Ryan and Josh and they decided to do an episode about it. This is that episode. It’d be weird if it wasn’t though wouldn’t it?There’s no guest in this one, it’s just Hugh, Ryan and Josh speaking about the things

Apr 12, 2023 • 34:49

Ann Davidman - Should You Have Children?

Ann Davidman - Should You Have Children?

When Ryan spoke about his ongoing indecision surrounding whether or not he should have children (Episode: To Breed or Not To Breed - link below), it definitely struck a chord with a lot of people who could relate. One of those people was “Parenthood Clarity Mentor” Ann Davidman, who helps people all over the world to answer the question, ‘Should I have children?’So, as a sort-of-follow-up episode, Ann joins Hugh, Ryan and Josh in the Academy of Imperfection to provide some much-needed guidance t

Apr 9, 2023 • 1:05:35

Dilruk Jayasinha - When Drinking Stopped Being Funny

Dilruk Jayasinha - When Drinking Stopped Being Funny

Dil’s rise from accountant, to one of Australia’s most successful stand-up comedians is incredible. But what might be even incredible…er is how he was able to finally get sober after years of relying on alcohol.In this vulnerable episode, Dil reveals to Hugh, Ryan and Josh what his life was like when his drinking was out of control, and how when he stopped, it forced him to change the way approached his work and his life. To purchase tickets to Dilruk's comedy show "Heart Stop

Apr 2, 2023 • 1:44:22

Dr Emily - A Guide To Getting Therapy

Dr Emily - A Guide To Getting Therapy

Dr Emily is back in the studio with Hugh, Ryan and Josh to deliver a slightly different, but extremely practical episode.You may not be ready to see a therapist, but even the thought of it can be really overwhelming. Where do you start? Who’s the right therapist for you? What even happens once you’re in a therapy session? And which movies or TV shows get it right? Dr Em guides us through all of that, which will hopefully help you in your journey to find the right therapy for you. Whe

Mar 26, 2023 • 1:13:49

Ben Crowe (Pt 2) - Now BE Your Inner Fan

Ben Crowe (Pt 2) - Now BE Your Inner Fan

This Academy of Imperfection is a Part 2, or… addendum episode… with the phenom that is Ben Crowe! So, if you haven’t heard Part 1, please listen to that one first by following the link below. In this episode, Ben expands on what he said in Part 1 about listening to your inner fan rather than your inner critic. He guides Hugh, Ryan and Josh through some simple exercises where they access positive memories from their past, so they can reframe their belief system, that they&rsq

Mar 22, 2023 • 45:41

Ben Crowe (Pt 1) - Meet Your Inner Fan

Ben Crowe (Pt 1) - Meet Your Inner Fan

Ben Crowe is a huge part of our humble Imperfects history. Ben’s first episode with us in 2021 continues to be one of our most listened to episodes, helping many of you, your friends and your family members.Ben is back in the Academy of Imperfection (split over two episodes) to spread even more wisdom that he's accrued from decades of working with elite athletes at Nike and now at MojoCrowe. Ben’s mission is simple yet powerful… be a good human-being first and a great athlete

Mar 19, 2023 • 1:02:19

Samuel Johnson - A Life of Vulnerability

Samuel Johnson - A Life of Vulnerability

Most of us first met actor and writer Samuel Johnson - and his silky voice - when he burst onto our screens over 20 years ago in the iconic show, The Secret Life of Us. Since then Sam’s experienced a lot of good times, but also some of the most challenging times any of us could imagine. In this Vulnerabilitea House, Sam chooses to answer the card, ‘What childhood challenges best prepared you for adulthood?’. And he not only explains to Hugh, Ryan and Josh why he feels so passio

Mar 12, 2023 • 45:52

Hugh's Special... Verrry Special

Hugh's Special... Verrry Special

A lil b-b-b-bonus ep to announce some exciting news...Our very own Hugh van Cuylenburg has filmed and released his Resilience Project talk as a Special on Amazon Prime Video! It's called 'Hugh van Cuylenburg: G.E.M' and it's out now.Hugh has been talking to people about Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness for a loooooong time, but now it's finally been filmed so everyone can watch it whenever they want. Watch 'Hugh Van Cuylenburg: G.E.M' now on Prime Video, or listen to it on Audible.For Hu

Mar 8, 2023 • 20:45

Chrissie Swan - Honesty

Chrissie Swan - Honesty

A few years ago, Australian TV and radio legend Chrissie Swan decided to finally be honest with herself. She stopped doing the things she didn’t want to do anymore, and started doing the things that made HER happy. In this inspiring episode, Chrissie tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh how she was able to turn her life around and live as her true self. No more role-playing, just 100% Pure Swan. For book recommendation 'The 12 Hour Walk' by Collin Obrady, follow this link:

Mar 5, 2023 • 1:44:35

Season 5 Trailer

Season 5 Trailer

It’s Season 5 and oooooooooooh baby, are we excited!!! Yes we are. Why? Because everything’s new BUT everything’s also the same! Y’know? Like when your fish and chip shop does a big renovation and you’re really excited because the shop’s all spiffy and new, but you’re also really excited and relieved that they still have potato cakes and dim sims and prawn toast and all the stuff you liked last year. So yeah it’s kinda like that. Sort of.Anyway, hi

Feb 26, 2023 • 21:36

Lael Stone - Take Care of Yourself

Lael Stone - Take Care of Yourself

Okay so quick brag… last year’s episode with parenting expert Lael Stone was 2022’s #1 Most Shared Episode on Apple Podcasts, which you can listen to at the link below. 💁‍♀️But now, Lael is back for a brand new b-b-b-bonus ep with Hugh, Ryan and Josh to talk all about YOU! Well… you and your kids and your loved ones and some other very shareable things that you might be verrrrrry interested in.As your kids start a new year of school and you start a new year of&hell

Feb 2, 2023 • 1:13:44

How (and Why) Ryan Dumped His iPhone

How (and Why) Ryan Dumped His iPhone

Ryan loves his smart phone. Or at least, he used to.Recently, he became fed up with it ruling his life. Endless scrolling, lost time, and just general bleh. So, three months ago he traded in his beloved iPhone for a not-so-smart flip phone - which he affectionately refers to as his ‘SmugPhone’.In this b-b-b-bonus episode, Ryan talks Hugh and Josh through every aspect of his smug journey so far:- Why he gave up his iPhone- How it’s going - pros and cons- What’s his actual

Jan 15, 2023 • 1:01:50

Santa Claus - A Special Vulnerabilitea House

Santa Claus - A Special Vulnerabilitea House

Well… it doesn’t get more exclusive than this!During the busiest time of his year, Santa Claus has been kind enough to join Hugh, Ryan and Josh in the Imperfects studio, so he can enter The Vulnerabilitea House.Despite some issues with parking his sleigh and some disruptive reindeers during the recording of this episode, Santa still manages to answer all three of the cards he pulls from the Vulnerabilitea House deck.It’s safe to say that this is not our normal type of Imperfec

Dec 18, 2022 • 29:02

Hugh van Cuylenburg - Ageing, and Other Reflections

Hugh van Cuylenburg - Ageing, and Other Reflections

In this third of three b-b-b-bonus episodes, Hugh enters the Vulnerabilitea House and answers the question, ‘What do you see when you look in the mirror?’For the first time in Hugh’s life, he doesn't see a young man reflected back at him, and he generously tells Ryan and Josh how this is effecting him.How do we feel when we realise we’re not “young” anymore? It really is the age-old question isn’t it?P.S. Keep an eye out for a very special Christmas episode next week!!! You won’t believe who our

Dec 11, 2022 • 40:40

Hugh van Cuylenburg - Ageing, and Other Reflections

Hugh van Cuylenburg - Ageing, and Other Reflections

In this third of three b-b-b-bonus episodes, Hugh enters the Vulnerabilitea House and answers the question, ‘What do you see when you look in the mirror?’ For the first time in Hugh’s life, he doesn't see a young man reflected back at him, and he generously tells Ryan and Josh how this is effecting him. How do we feel when we realise we’re not “young” anymore? It really is the age-old question isn’t it? P.S. Keep an eye out for a very special Christmas e

Dec 11, 2022 • 36:11

Josh van Cuylenburg - How to Defeat Envy

Josh van Cuylenburg - How to Defeat Envy

In yet another b-b-b-bonus episode, it’s Josh’s turn to draw from the deck Vulnerabilitea House cards. And in doing so he shares his struggle with envy and jealousy amongst his successful friends, but also how it’s changed for him in recent years. And why. See for privacy information.

Dec 4, 2022 • 42:21

Josh van Cuylenburg - How to Defeat Envy

Josh van Cuylenburg - How to Defeat Envy

In yet another b-b-b-bonus episode, it’s Josh’s turn to draw from the deck Vulnerabilitea House cards.And in doing so he shares his struggle with envy and jealousy amongst his successful friends, but also how it’s changed for him in recent years. And why.

Dec 4, 2022 • 46:51

Esther Perel - Let's Be Better Lovers

Esther Perel - Let's Be Better Lovers

If there’s such thing as a b-b-b-bonus B-B-B-BONUS ep, this is it.Psychotherapist Esther Perel is THE woman to turn to for relationship advice - IYKYK! Her two TED talks have been viewed over sixty million times, she’s written two books that have both been featured on the New York Times Bestseller list, and her intimate podcasts with real people in real counselling sessions have positively changed the relationships of millions of couples - including ours.In this Academy of Imperfection, among ot

Nov 30, 2022 • 54:54

Esther Perel - Let's Be Better Lovers

Esther Perel - Let's Be Better Lovers

If there’s such thing as a b-b-b-bonus B-B-B-BONUS ep, this is it.Psychotherapist Esther Perel is THE woman to turn to for relationship advice - IYKYK! Her two TED talks have been viewed over sixty million times, she’s written two books that have both been featured on the New York Times Bestseller list, and her intimate podcasts with real people in real counselling sessions have positively changed the relationships of millions of couples - including ours.In this Academy of Imperfection, among ot

Nov 30, 2022 • 59:23

Ryan Shelton - To Breed, or Not to Breed

Ryan Shelton - To Breed, or Not to Breed

Teeeeechnically the season is over… but who cares about rules when you’ve got three hosts who eat rules for breakfast!Hugh, Ryan and Josh have decided to add three B-B-B-BONUS Vulnerabilitea House episodes to the end of the season!To kick things off, Ryan answers the question: What parts of ageing scare you most?Ryan goes on to share something big that’s been on his mind recently - whether or not he should have children - and his fear around making a decision that he may regret later in life.Nex

Nov 27, 2022 • 47:55

Ryan Shelton - To breed, or not to breed

Ryan Shelton - To breed, or not to breed

Teeeeechnically the season is over… but who cares about rules when you’ve got three hosts who eat rules for breakfast! Hugh, Ryan and Josh have decided to add three B-B-B-BONUS Vulnerabilitea House episodes to the end of the season! To kick things off, Ryan answers the question: What parts of ageing scare you most? Ryan goes on to share something big that’s been on his mind recently - whether or not he should have children - and his fear around making a decision that he may re

Nov 27, 2022 • 43:25

Nedd Brockmann - The Man, The Myth, The Neddgend

Nedd Brockmann - The Man, The Myth, The Neddgend

If you look up ‘Nedd Brockmann’ in the dictionary you won’t find anything because it’s a proper noun. But if you google ‘Nedd Brockmann’, you’ll see the true meaning of ‘legendary’.For 46 days in 2022, Nedd ran 100km a day from Cottesloe Beach to Bondi Beach, literally RUNNING ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.Why? That’s the best part. Nedd (23!) not only wanted to raise $1m for homelessness (it’s currently at $2.5m - link below to donate), but he also wanted to inspire people and show them they’re mor

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:37:54

Nedd Brockmann - The Man, The Myth, The Neddgend

Nedd Brockmann - The Man, The Myth, The Neddgend

If you look up ‘Nedd Brockmann’ in the dictionary you won’t find anything because it’s a proper noun. But if you google ‘Nedd Brockmann’, you’ll see the true meaning of ‘legendary’. For 46 days in 2022, Nedd ran 100km a day from Cottesloe Beach to Bondi Beach, literally RUNNING ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. Why? That’s the best part. Nedd (23!) not only wanted to raise $1m for homelessness (it’s currently at $2.5m - link below to don

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:36:12

Dr Emily - Lonely? You're Not Alone

Dr Emily - Lonely? You're Not Alone

Dr Emily is back with Hugh, Ryan and Josh for the final Emisode of the year, and she’s chosen to talk about something we can all relate to in one way or another… loneliness.In reflecting on last year’s raw episode with Christian O’Connell (link below), Dr Emily deep-dives into the many facets of loneliness.- Why do we feel lonely?- How do we handle our own loneliness?- What can we do to help others who feel lonely?The holiday season is approaching, which for some of us signals a happy time spent

Nov 13, 2022 • 1:10:44

Dr Emily - Lonely? You're Not Alone

Dr Emily - Lonely? You're Not Alone

Dr Emily is back with Hugh, Ryan and Josh for the final Emisode of the year, and she’s chosen to talk about something we can all relate to in one way or another… loneliness. In reflecting on last year’s raw episode with Christian O’Connell (link below), Dr Emily deep-dives into the many facets of loneliness. - Why do we feel lonely? - How do we handle our own loneliness? - What can we do to help others who feel lonely? The holiday season is approaching, which for some of

Nov 13, 2022 • 1:06:15



We’re doing it. Well… there’s no turning back now. Hugh, Ryan and Josh are going live on tour around the country with a stage show that they promise will be some of the most imperfect shows they’ve ever done. Live. Uncut. 100% guaranteed imperfection! The Imperfects… LIVE ON STAGE in 2023 Special pre-sale tickets available from November 11-14 2022 Tickets available from See for privacy information.

Nov 10, 2022 • 14:32



We’re doing it. Well… there’s no turning back now.Hugh, Ryan and Josh are going live on tour around the country with a stage show that they promise will be some of the most imperfect shows they’ve ever done. Live. Uncut. 100% guaranteed imperfection!The Imperfects… LIVE ON STAGE in 2023Special pre-sale tickets available from November 11-14 2022Tickets available from

Nov 10, 2022 • 14:31

Kate Reid (Pt 2) - The Life-Saving Croissant

Kate Reid (Pt 2) - The Life-Saving Croissant

If you haven't heard Part 1 of our chat with Lune founder and master-baker, Kate Reid, we recommend you do that first. Because this episode, the sequel in our Croissantology, continues Kate's miraculous story as she attempts to overcome an eating disorder that forced her to leave her dream career in Formula 1. Here, Kate explains how she did that by going all in on creating the "perfect" croissant. And how that croissant launched a new pastry obsession for Melbournians, which eventually led to t

Nov 6, 2022 • 1:42:03

Kate Reid (Pt 2) - The Life-Saving Croissant

Kate Reid (Pt 2) - The Life-Saving Croissant

If you haven't heard Part 1 of our chat with Lune founder and master-baker, Kate Reid, we recommend you do that first. Because this episode, the sequel in our Croissantology, continues Kate's miraculous story as she attempts to overcome an eating disorder that forced her to leave her dream career in Formula 1.Here, Kate explains how she did that by going all in on creating the "perfect" croissant. And how that croissant launched a new pastry obsession for Melbournians, which eventually led to th

Nov 6, 2022 • 1:46:32

Kate Reid (Pt 1) - The Impossibility of Perfection

Kate Reid (Pt 1) - The Impossibility of Perfection

Lune is highly regarded as the most respected patisserie in Australia. The New York Times even called the Lune croissant the best in the world. And the woman behind it all is Kate Reid, a former Aerospace Engineer at the Williams F1 Team in the UK.Kate’s story has to be heard to be believed. It’s so epic, we had to break it into 2 parts.In Part 1, Kate talks about her time at Williams, and generously shares her struggles with anorexia, which eventually forced her to end her F1 dream and return h

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:12:24

Kate Reid (Pt 1) - The Impossibility of Perfection

Kate Reid (Pt 1) - The Impossibility of Perfection

Lune is highly regarded as the most respected patisserie in Australia. The New York Times even called the Lune croissant the best in the world. And the woman behind it all is Kate Reid, a former Aerospace Engineer at the Williams F1 Team in the UK.Kate’s story has to be heard to be believed. It’s so epic, we had to break it into 2 parts.In Part 1, Kate talks about her time at Williams, and generously shares her struggles with anorexia, which eventually forced her to end her F1 dream and return h

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:07:55

Oliver Burkeman - The JOY of Missing Out

Oliver Burkeman - The JOY of Missing Out

4000 weeks. Like it or not, that’s (approximately) the average length of a human life. And while we intend to use that time wisely, and do all the things we care about, we often find ourselves doing the opposite.In this episode, UK author Oliver Burkeman tells us how to focus on the things that REALLY matter, rather than filling our time with the not-so-important things. Pulling from his best-selling (and incredible) book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals, Oliver is this week’s l

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:12:08

Oliver Burkeman - The JOY of Missing Out

Oliver Burkeman - The JOY of Missing Out

4000 weeks. Like it or not, that’s (approximately) the average length of a human life. And while we intend to use that time wisely, and do all the things we care about, we often find ourselves doing the opposite. In this episode, UK author Oliver Burkeman tells us how to focus on the things that REALLY matter, rather than filling our time with the not-so-important things. Pulling from his best-selling (and incredible) book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals, Oliver is this w

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:07:38

Linda Marigliano - Strict Parents & Being a ‘Good Girl’

Linda Marigliano - Strict Parents & Being a ‘Good Girl’

As a DJ, TV presenter, award-winning podcaster and Triple J royalty, Linda Marigliano has had a big career and spoken to some of the biggest artists of all time. And now she joins Hugh, Ryan and Josh in The Vulnerabilitea House.Linda talks about her life growing up as the child of an Italian father and Chinese mother, and explains about how the criticism she received from her mother made her feel about herself - both then and now.Oh, and there’s some very practical advice on nose-hair trimming,

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:04:36

Linda Marigliano - Strict Parents & Being a ‘Good Girl’

Linda Marigliano - Strict Parents & Being a ‘Good Girl’

As a DJ, TV presenter, award-winning podcaster and Triple J royalty, Linda Marigliano has had a big career and spoken to some of the biggest artists of all time. And now she joins Hugh, Ryan and Josh in The Vulnerabilitea House.Linda talks about her life growing up as the child of an Italian father and Chinese mother, and explains about how the criticism she received from her mother made her feel about herself - both then and now.Oh, and there’s some very practical advice on nose-hair trimming,

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:09:06

Dr Kiran Martin - Truth, Leadership & Gratitude

Dr Kiran Martin - Truth, Leadership & Gratitude

After listening to this Academy of Imperfection, you’ll no doubt be heartily agreeing with Hugh, who introduces Dr Kiran Martin as the most impressive person he’s ever met.Over 30 years after jumping the fence to get inside a slum in Delhi so she could help treat the people in need, Dr Kiran now runs ASHA, an organisation she created that has helped over 900,000 people in over 100 slums across India. And counting!This is the story behind ASHA. And well… it’s incredible.But as this is an Academy,

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:24:36

Dr Kiran Martin - Truth, Leadership & Gratitude

Dr Kiran Martin - Truth, Leadership & Gratitude

After listening to this Academy of Imperfection, you’ll no doubt be heartily agreeing with Hugh, who introduces Dr Kiran Martin as the most impressive person he’s ever met. Over 30 years after jumping the fence to get inside a slum in Delhi so she could help treat the people in need, Dr Kiran now runs ASHA, an organisation she created that has helped over 900,000 people in over 100 slums across India. And counting! This is the story behind ASHA. And well… it’s incredible

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:20:06

Dr Emily - Rejection Sensitivity

Dr Emily - Rejection Sensitivity

None of us like to feel rejected. Whether it be at work, with friends, or on a date.In this Dr Emisode, Dr Emily - our very own psychologist - tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh why some of us have a sensitivity to rejection. She explains what we can do about it, and how we can act compassionately towards others, and avoid making them feel unnecessarily rejected as well.For research article, 'Recognising Emotion In Faces: Developmental Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect', by Seth Pollak, follow this link

Oct 2, 2022 • 1:09:52

Dr Emily - Rejection Sensitivity

Dr Emily - Rejection Sensitivity

None of us like to feel rejected. Whether it be at work, with friends, or on a date. In this Dr Emisode, Dr Emily - our very own psychologist - tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh why some of us have a sensitivity to rejection. She explains what we can do about it, and how we can act compassionately towards others, and avoid making them feel unnecessarily rejected as well.   For research article, 'Recognising Emotion In Faces: Developmental Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect', by Seth Pollak, follow this

Oct 2, 2022 • 1:05:22

Hamish McLachlan - A World Turned Upside Down

Hamish McLachlan - A World Turned Upside Down

While many of us may think of Channel 7’s Hamish McLachlan as the voice of sport in Australia, Hamish is very quick to point to Bruce McAvaney instead. As it turns out, we all love Bruce McAvaney A LOT and apologetically talk about him for quite a while - including a few wonderful Bruce stories from Hamish.When we finally get to the Vulnerabilitea House card selection, Hamish answers the question, ‘When did your life get turned upside down and how did things change?’. This prompts Hamish to show

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:16:39

Hamish McLachlan - A World Turned Upside Down

Hamish McLachlan - A World Turned Upside Down

While many of us may think of Channel 7’s Hamish McLachlan as the voice of sport in Australia, Hamish is very quick to point to Bruce McAvaney instead. As it turns out, we all love Bruce McAvaney A LOT and apologetically talk about him for quite a while - including a few wonderful Bruce stories from Hamish.When we finally get to the Vulnerabilitea House card selection, Hamish answers the question, ‘When did your life get turned upside down and how did things change?’. This prompts Hamish to show

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:12:10

Nazeem Hussain - Losing a Parent

Nazeem Hussain - Losing a Parent

Stand-up comedian Nazeem Hussain lost his father to COVID-19 in 2021. In this episode, Nazeem shares the difficulties surrounding his family’s loss, and how his Dad’s life and sudden death has impacted his own life. But Nazeem also tells some wildly funny stories - in particular one about a "comedy concert" he did in Sri Lanka in front of The Prime Minister, which turned out to be organised by none other than his Dad. You probably already know Naz from his many, MANY appearances on t

Sep 18, 2022 • 1:30:21

Nazeem Hussain - Losing a Parent

Nazeem Hussain - Losing a Parent

Stand-up comedian Nazeem Hussain lost his father to COVID-19 in 2021. In this episode, Nazeem shares the difficulties surrounding his family’s loss, and how his Dad’s life and sudden death has impacted his own life. But Nazeem also tells some wildly funny stories - in particular one about a "comedy concert" he did in Sri Lanka in front of The Prime Minister, which turned out to be organised by none other than his Dad.You probably already know Naz from his many, MANY appearances on the telly incl

Sep 18, 2022 • 1:34:50

Johann Hari (Pt 2) - Why Do We Do What We Do?

Johann Hari (Pt 2) - Why Do We Do What We Do?

In Part 2 of this Academy of Imperfection, author and profanity purveyor, Johann Hari answers more of your brilliant questions.As a result, Johann talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about intrinsic and extrinsic values, and how they affect the things we do and social media’s role in why we do them.Also (speaking of click-bait), in an Imperfects exclusive, Johann reveals his go-to KFC order.And double-also, we recorded this episode before the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, which will make more sense

Sep 14, 2022 • 53:49

Johann Hari (Pt 2) - Why Do We Do What We Do?

Johann Hari (Pt 2) - Why Do We Do What We Do?

In Part 2 of this Academy of Imperfection, author and profanity purveyor, Johann Hari answers more of your brilliant questions.As a result, Johann talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about intrinsic and extrinsic values, and how they affect the things we do and social media’s role in why we do them.Also (speaking of click-bait), in an Imperfects exclusive, Johann reveals his go-to KFC order.And double-also, we recorded this episode before the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, which will make more sense

Sep 14, 2022 • 58:18

Johann Hari (Pt 1) - How Can We Change?

Johann Hari (Pt 1) - How Can We Change?

Imperfects regular, Johann Hari joins us IN STUDIO for the first time to answer your questions!In this very special edition of The Academy of Imperfection (which we’ve split into 2 MASSIVE EPISODES OVER 2 MASSIVE... um... EPISODES!), Johann Hari talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about our ability to change our habits in the face of addiction. And why we can learn from the approach of Overeater’s Anonymous to help our addiction to our phones and the internet.Johann will be back later this week to an

Sep 11, 2022 • 55:34

Johann Hari (Pt 1) - How Can We Change?

Johann Hari (Pt 1) - How Can We Change?

Imperfects regular, Johann Hari joins us IN STUDIO for the first time to answer your questions! In this very special edition of The Academy of Imperfection (which we’ve split into 2 MASSIVE EPISODES OVER 2 MASSIVE... um... EPISODES!), Johann Hari talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about our ability to change our habits in the face of addiction. And why we can learn from the approach of Overeater’s Anonymous to help our addiction to our phones and the internet. Johann will be back later t

Sep 11, 2022 • 51:05

Mark Wilson from JET - Dealing with Loss

Mark Wilson from JET - Dealing with Loss

In 2003, JET’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl was one of the biggest songs on the planet. It was so big, Apple even used it for their first iPod ad. Remember? The one with the dancing silhouettes on the colourful backgrounds? Yeah, that was JET.As the bass player for JET, Mark Wilson has lived the dream of any musician. He’s toured the world and played to packed stadiums, and even stood with Beyonce and Jay Z at the MTV Video Music Awards before playing on stage in front of them.But Mark has also been

Sep 4, 2022 • 1:39:30

Mark Wilson from JET - Dealing with Loss

Mark Wilson from JET - Dealing with Loss

In 2003, JET’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl was one of the biggest songs on the planet. It was so big, Apple even used it for their first iPod ad. Remember? The one with the dancing silhouettes on the colourful backgrounds? Yeah, that was JET.As the bass player for JET, Mark Wilson has lived the dream of any musician. He’s toured the world and played to packed stadiums, and even stood with Beyonce and Jay Z at the MTV Video Music Awards before playing on stage in front of them.But Mark has also been

Sep 4, 2022 • 1:35:01

How to Write a Gratitude Letter

How to Write a Gratitude Letter

To celebrate Father's Day, Hugh plays some intimate audio of him reading a chapter of his book, 'Let Go', to his Dad (and Josh's Dad incidentally). But not just any old chapter, the final chapter ABOUT his Dad. Afterwards, Hugh explains to Ryan and Josh, how writing a gratitude letter to your Dad (even if he isn't around anymore) can have a hugely positive impact. But of course, Gratitude Letters aren't just for Dads, they're for your Mum or any carer in your life as well. Happy Fathers Day. Hav

Sep 1, 2022 • 34:16

How to Write a Gratitude Letter

How to Write a Gratitude Letter

To celebrate Father's Day, Hugh plays some intimate audio of him reading a chapter of his book, 'Let Go', to his Dad (and Josh's Dad incidentally). But not just any old chapter, the final chapter ABOUT his Dad.Afterwards, Hugh explains to Ryan and Josh, how writing a gratitude letter to your Dad (even if he isn't around anymore) can have a hugely positive impact.But of course, Gratitude Letters aren't just for Dads, they're for your Mum or any carer in your life as well.Happy Fathers Day. Have a

Sep 1, 2022 • 36:46

Dr Emily - Who Is Your Inner Critic & Why Is It There?

Dr Emily - Who Is Your Inner Critic & Why Is It There?

In this Emisode, Dr Emily explains some reasons why the inner critic is there in the first place, and where it’s coming from.   To watch Shirzad Chamine's Ted Talk, 'Know Your Inner Saboteurs', follow this link: To learn more about Daniel Siegel research and to purchase Mindsight, follow this link: To read the research article 'Positive Self-Statements, Power For Some, Peril For Others', follow this link, or,

Aug 28, 2022 • 1:05:11

Dr Emily - Who Is Your Inner Critic & Why Is It There?

Dr Emily - Who Is Your Inner Critic & Why Is It There?

In this Emisode, Dr Emily explains some reasons why the inner critic is there in the first place, and where it’s coming from.To watch Shirzad Chamine's Ted Talk, 'Know Your Inner Saboteurs', follow this link: learn more about Daniel Siegel research and to purchase Mindsight, follow this link: read the research article 'Positive Self-Statements, Power For Some, Peril For Others', follow this link, or,

Aug 28, 2022 • 1:09:40

Darcy Vescio - They/Them Matters & Here’s Why

Darcy Vescio - They/Them Matters & Here’s Why

Carlton footballer Darcy Vescio is one of the biggest names in the AFLW, having won multiple awards including the Carlton Best & Fairest, 2-time All Australian selection and the Mark of the Year. As a marquee player, Darcy is at the top of their game.But that’s just part of Darcy’s story. Less than a year ago, Darcy publicly came out as non-binary, announcing to the football community that they would now go by the they/them gender pronouns.In this Vulnerabilitea House, Darcy tells Hugh, Ryan

Aug 21, 2022 • 46:21

Darcy Vescio - They/Them Matters & Here’s Why

Darcy Vescio - They/Them Matters & Here’s Why

Carlton footballer Darcy Vescio is one of the biggest names in the AFLW, having won multiple awards including the Carlton Best & Fairest, 2-time All Australian selection and the Mark of the Year. As a marquee player, Darcy is at the top of their game.But that’s just part of Darcy’s story. Less than a year ago, Darcy publicly came out as non-binary, announcing to the football community that they would now go by the they/them gender pronouns.In this Vulnerabilitea House, Darcy tells Hugh, Ryan and

Aug 21, 2022 • 50:51

Dr Paul Callaghan - How To Follow The Dreaming Path

Dr Paul Callaghan - How To Follow The Dreaming Path

This Academy of Imperfection is a little different. As Hugh explains in the opener, this episode actually IS more like a lecture. But trust us, that’s a good thing.Dr Paul Callaghan has a lot of wisdom to share that he's accrued over a lifetime of wins, losses and even a near death experience that changed his life forever. As an Aboriginal man, much of Paul's wisdom has come from his experience on The Dreaming Path, which also happens to be the title of the book he’s co-written with his friend a

Aug 14, 2022 • 1:02:04

Dr Paul Callaghan - How To Follow The Dreaming Path

Dr Paul Callaghan - How To Follow The Dreaming Path

This Academy of Imperfection is a little different. As Hugh explains in the opener, this episode actually IS more like a lecture. But trust us, that’s a good thing. Dr Paul Callaghan has a lot of wisdom to share that he's accrued over a lifetime of wins, losses and even a near death experience that changed his life forever. As an Aboriginal man, much of Paul's wisdom has come from his experience on The Dreaming Path, which also happens to be the title of the book he’s co-written with

Aug 14, 2022 • 57:35

We Need to Talk... Again - Hugh, Ryan & Josh have a chat

We Need to Talk... Again - Hugh, Ryan & Josh have a chat

B-B-B-BONUS EP!!! A-A-A-AGAIN!!! Every now and then, Hugh, Ryan and Josh like to get together and chat about their own imperfections that they’ve been dealing with recently. This is one of those episodes. Hugh talks about “life seasons”, Ryan explains why European holidays aren’t always as perfect as they appear, and Josh talks about watching Morning Wars with Jennifer Anniston. To read Hugh’s recommendation of Kimberly Gillan’s article in the Age

Aug 7, 2022 • 49:00

We Need to Talk... Again - Hugh, Ryan & Josh have a chat

We Need to Talk... Again - Hugh, Ryan & Josh have a chat

B-B-B-BONUS EP!!! A-A-A-AGAIN!!!Every now and then, Hugh, Ryan and Josh like to get together and chat about their own imperfections that they’ve been dealing with recently. This is one of those episodes.Hugh talks about “life seasons”, Ryan explains why European holidays aren’t always as perfect as they appear, and Josh talks about watching Morning Wars with Jennifer Anniston. To read Hugh’s recommendation of Kimberly Gillan’s article in the Age, ‘Are You In Tune With Your Life Season’, follow t

Aug 7, 2022 • 53:30

Dr Emily - You Are Not Your Emotions

Dr Emily - You Are Not Your Emotions

She’s back again! Our very own psychologist, Dr Emily! In this emisode, Dr Emily reflects on a very moving chat we had with comedian Steen Raskopoulos.  She talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the concept of Emotional Awareness, and explains why it’s not only important to identify your unpleasant emotions, but why it's even more important to express them when they arise. Oh, Hugh and tells us about going to Bondi.   For book recommendation Atlas of The Heart by Brene Brown, follow this link: ht

Jul 31, 2022 • 47:33

Dr Emily - You Are Not Your Emotions

Dr Emily - You Are Not Your Emotions

She’s back again! Our very own psychologist, Dr Emily!In this emisode, Dr Emily reflects on a very moving chat we had with comedian Steen Raskopoulos. She talks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the concept of Emotional Awareness, and explains why it’s not only important to identify your unpleasant emotions, but why it's even more important to express them when they arise.Oh, Hugh and tells us about going to Bondi.For book recommendation Atlas of The Heart by Brene Brown, follow this link: https://

Jul 31, 2022 • 52:03

Steen Raskopoulos (REPEAT - but with new intro!)

Steen Raskopoulos (REPEAT - but with new intro!)

Okay, so we're dabbling with repeat episodes because we've taken a week off. But we have recorded a new intro bit so there ya go, at least there's SOME new stuff!This episode with comedian Steen Raskopoulos is not only one of our favourite episodes, but it's also the subject of next week's emisode with Dr Emily - which we can't wait for!So yeah, back to regular, imperfect programming next week!To listen to Steen’s podcast, Congrats On The New, please follow this link:

Jul 24, 2022 • 1:23:50

Steen Raskopoulos (REPEAT - but with new intro!)

Steen Raskopoulos (REPEAT - but with new intro!)

Okay, so we're dabbling with repeat episodes because we've taken a week off. But we have recorded a new intro bit so there ya go, at least there's SOME new stuff! This episode with comedian Steen Raskopoulos is not only one of our favourite episodes, but it's also the subject of next week's emisode with Dr Emily - which we can't wait for! So yeah, back to regular, imperfect programming next week! To listen to Steen’s podcast, Congrats On The New, please follow this link: https://app

Jul 24, 2022 • 1:19:20

Michelle Brasier - The Case For Optimism

Michelle Brasier - The Case For Optimism

Maybe you know Michelle Brasier from Aunty Donna. Or maybe from Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell. Or maybe she’s made you laugh (or cry) in any number of things she’s done on the stage and screen over the years. Or maybe you don’t her……… YET! Michelle Brasier is a singer, actor, writer and comedian who - as you’ll hear in this Vulnerabilitea House - has overcome multiple adversities since a young age. But despite the challenges, she still firm

Jul 17, 2022 • 50:12

Michelle Brasier - The Case For Optimism

Michelle Brasier - The Case For Optimism

Maybe you know Michelle Brasier from Aunty Donna. Or maybe from Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell. Or maybe she’s made you laugh (or cry) in any number of things she’s done on the stage and screen over the years. Or maybe you don’t her……… YET!Michelle Brasier is a singer, actor, writer and comedian who - as you’ll hear in this Vulnerabilitea House - has overcome multiple adversities since a young age. But despite the challenges, she still firmly believes in the practice of optimism. And after selecti

Jul 17, 2022 • 54:42

Martin "Rac" Heppell - The other F word... FAILURE

Martin "Rac" Heppell - The other F word... FAILURE

We all fail. All of us. Why? Because we’re all imperfect. And no one talks about failure more passionately than The Resilience Project’s own Martin “Rac” Heppell. And he’s today’s guest lecturer in The Academy of Imperfection. Some of you may remember Rac’s first memorable appearance in The Vulnerabilitea House last season. If you haven’t heard it, we know you’ll want to listen (or re-listen) after this one - link below. Failure, the other F

Jul 10, 2022 • 1:23:35

Martin "Rac" Heppell - The other F word... FAILURE

Martin "Rac" Heppell - The other F word... FAILURE

We all fail. All of us. Why? Because we’re all imperfect. And no one talks about failure more passionately than The Resilience Project’s own Martin “Rac” Heppell. And he’s today’s guest lecturer in The Academy of Imperfection.Some of you may remember Rac’s first memorable appearance in The Vulnerabilitea House last season. If you haven’t heard it, we know you’ll want to listen (or re-listen) after this one - link below.Failure, the other F word, is something we don’t like to talk about. It’s emb

Jul 10, 2022 • 1:28:05

Libby Trickett - When is Enough, Enough?

Libby Trickett - When is Enough, Enough?

Australia has had a LOT of success in the Olympic Swimming Pool. That’s an understatement. But one of our most successful and loved Olympians of recent times is golden girl, Libby Trickett. During her successful swimming career Libby was all smiles after winning gold medal after gold medal at three consecutive Olympic Games, but as she shares in this episode, on the inside she was struggling with a powerful feeling that she wasn’t enough.Libby tells us all about what that was like, as well as sh

Jul 3, 2022 • 1:33:15

Libby Trickett - When is Enough, Enough?

Libby Trickett - When is Enough, Enough?

Australia has had a LOT of success in the Olympic Swimming Pool. That’s an understatement. But one of our most successful and loved Olympians of recent times is golden girl, Libby Trickett. During her successful swimming career Libby was all smiles after winning gold medal after gold medal at three consecutive Olympic Games, but as she shares in this episode, on the inside she was struggling with a powerful feeling that she wasn’t enough.Libby tells us all about what that was like, as well as sh

Jul 3, 2022 • 1:37:45

Dr Emily - The (pesky) Hedonistic Treadmill

Dr Emily - The (pesky) Hedonistic Treadmill

Dr Emily is back to help us all! Reflecting on our episode with Olympic BMX rider, Sam Willoughby from Season 2, Dr Emily talks us through the dangers of the Hedonistic Treadmill, and its slightly lesser known cousin, Hedonistic Adaptation. There’s a lot covered in this episode, including ‘Growth Mindset’, being mindful of what we want and why, and how quickly we actually adapt to finally getting those things we want. For book recommendation Hardwiring Happ

Jun 26, 2022 • 51:02

Dr Emily - The (pesky) Hedonistic Treadmill

Dr Emily - The (pesky) Hedonistic Treadmill

Dr Emily is back to help us all!Reflecting on our episode with Olympic BMX rider, Sam Willoughby from Season 2, Dr Emily talks us through the dangers of the Hedonistic Treadmill, and its slightly lesser known cousin, Hedonistic Adaptation.There’s a lot covered in this episode, including ‘Growth Mindset’, being mindful of what we want and why, and how quickly we actually adapt to finally getting those things we want.For book recommendation Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson, please follow this l

Jun 26, 2022 • 55:32

Glenn Robbins - Listening to the Voice in Your Head

Glenn Robbins - Listening to the Voice in Your Head

For over 30 years, Glenn Robbins has been one of the funniest and most loved performers in Australia. From The Comedy Company and Kath & Kim, to The Panel and of course Russell Coight, Glenn has guaranteed his spot in the comedy history books.But Glenn hasn’t always seen it that way. From a young age he was told he was "average", and despite his many successes, has dealt with a lifetime of performance anxiety.In this edition of The Vulnerabilitea House, Glenn opens up and tells us how he manages

Jun 19, 2022 • 1:14:41

Glenn Robbins - Listening to the Voice in Your Head

Glenn Robbins - Listening to the Voice in Your Head

For over 30 years, Glenn Robbins has been one of the funniest and most loved performers in Australia. From The Comedy Company and Kath & Kim, to The Panel and of course Russell Coight, Glenn has guaranteed his spot in the comedy history books. But Glenn hasn’t always seen it that way. From a young age he was told he was "average", and despite his many successes, has dealt with a lifetime of performance anxiety. In this edition of The Vulnerabilitea House, Glenn opens up a

Jun 19, 2022 • 1:10:12

Lael Stone - Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans

Lael Stone - Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans

In the words of her own child, Lael Stone “works for the kids”. But while Lael is technically a therapist who supports parents in understanding their children, everything Lael talks about in this edition of The Academy of Imperfection could easily be applied to all of us in understanding the people in our lives - no matter what age. Whether that be our friends, parents, colleagues or even ourselves. Through her work, Lael helps adults process their own childhood trauma, and creates e

Jun 12, 2022 • 1:06:46

Lael Stone - Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans

Lael Stone - Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans

In the words of her own child, Lael Stone “works for the kids”.But while Lael is technically a therapist who supports parents in understanding their children, everything Lael talks about in this edition of The Academy of Imperfection could easily be applied to all of us in understanding the people in our lives - no matter what age. Whether that be our friends, parents, colleagues or even ourselves.Through her work, Lael helps adults process their own childhood trauma, and creates education syste

Jun 12, 2022 • 1:11:15

Harry Garside - A Boxer Who Dares To Be Different

Harry Garside - A Boxer Who Dares To Be Different

Harry Garside is an Australian boxer who won bronze at the Tokyo Olympics - the first Olympic medal in boxing for Australia in 33 years. But to simply describe Harry Garside as a champion boxer, would be to sell him waaaaaaay short.Because Harry is also a ballet dancer, a plumber and the guy who asked to wear a dress at the Olympic Opening Ceremony with the desire of defying gender stereotypes (request denied).But above all of that, Harry embodies everything we preach on The Imperfects. Vulnerab

Jun 5, 2022 • 1:35:28

Harry Garside - A Boxer Who Dares To Be Different

Harry Garside - A Boxer Who Dares To Be Different

Harry Garside is an Australian boxer who won bronze at the Tokyo Olympics - the first Olympic medal in boxing for Australia in 33 years. But to simply describe Harry Garside as a champion boxer, would be to sell him waaaaaaay short. Because Harry is also a ballet dancer, a plumber and the guy who asked to wear a dress at the Olympic Opening Ceremony with the desire of defying gender stereotypes (request denied).   To listen to the podcast with Deeyah Khan that Harry recommends, please follow the

Jun 5, 2022 • 1:30:58

Dr Emily - Truth vs Harmony

Dr Emily - Truth vs Harmony

In this Emisode, Dr Emily returns to talk about a topic that is VERRRRRY close to the bones of Ryan, Hugh and Josh. The ongoing battle of Truth vs Harmony. Does that ring any bells for you? Do you choose to live truthfully? Or harmoniously? And what does that even mean? What’s the difference? And how do living ‘truthfully’ or ‘harmoniously’ affect us and the people around us? Dr Emily goes into all of it. In this episode, Dr Emily references conversations fro

May 29, 2022 • 53:10

Dr Emily - Truth vs Harmony

Dr Emily - Truth vs Harmony

In this Emisode, Dr Emily returns to talk about a topic that is VERRRRRY close to the bones of Ryan, Hugh and Josh. The ongoing battle of Truth vs Harmony.Does that ring any bells for you? Do you choose to live truthfully? Or harmoniously? And what does that even mean? What’s the difference? And how do living ‘truthfully’ or ‘harmoniously’ affect us and the people around us?Dr Emily goes into all of it.In this episode, Dr Emily references conversations from Hamish Blake's episode and our last bo

May 29, 2022 • 57:39

Max Gawn - The Comment That Changed Everything

Max Gawn - The Comment That Changed Everything

Big episode. HUGE episode in fact. Especially for Ryan.Ryan has been a long-suffering/recent-celebrating supporter of the Melbourne Demons his entire life. And today, Premiership captain of the Dees, Max Gawn is in The Vulnerabilitea House.Ryan. Breathe.Max tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh about a courageous comment made by one of the players in a team meeting that addressed the negative way players were speaking to each other. The comment cut deep - not only for Max who felt shame for his own behaviou

May 22, 2022 • 1:07:21

Max Gawn - The Comment That Changed Everything

Max Gawn - The Comment That Changed Everything

Big episode. HUGE episode in fact. Especially for Ryan.Ryan has been a long-suffering/recent-celebrating supporter of the Melbourne Demons his entire life. And today, Premiership captain of the Dees, Max Gawn is in The Vulnerabilitea House.Ryan. Breathe.Max tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh about a courageous comment made by one of the players in a team meeting that addressed the negative way players were speaking to each other. The comment cut deep - not only for Max who felt shame for his own behaviou

May 22, 2022 • 1:11:51

Tarang Chawla - Men Talking About Men’s Violence

Tarang Chawla - Men Talking About Men’s Violence

We seriously hope you listen to this one. I mean, obviously we hope you listen to all our episodes but THIS ONE... well, we reckon this one’s important.Tarang Chawla’s younger sister Niki was the kindest person he knew. But in 2015, Niki was murdered by her partner who she was trying to break up with, as a result of domestic violence. Since then, Tarang has become an activist against men’s violence, educating all Australians on the many forms of abuse and its role in the mental health crisis.But

May 15, 2022 • 1:20:52

Tarang Chawla - Men Talking About Men’s Violence

Tarang Chawla - Men Talking About Men’s Violence

We seriously hope you listen to this one. I mean, obviously we hope you listen to all our episodes but THIS ONE... well, we reckon this one’s important.Tarang Chawla’s younger sister Niki was the kindest person he knew. But in 2015, Niki was murdered by her partner who she was trying to break up with, as a result of domestic violence. Since then, Tarang has become an activist against men’s violence, educating all Australians on the many forms of abuse and its role in the mental health crisis.But

May 15, 2022 • 1:16:23

Narelda Jacobs - Being True To You

Narelda Jacobs - Being True To You

You might think that TV journalist and proud indigenous woman Narelda Jacobs has a perfect life. She’s the co-host of Studio 10, makes regular appearances on The Project, she’s a three-time host of the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, and she’s... done lots of other things that are also on her Wikipedia page.But like all of us, Narelda’s life has been far from perfect. I mean come on guys, we’re all imperfect, surely you’ve learnt that by now!In this episode, Narelda talks openly about the c

May 8, 2022 • 1:21:16

Narelda Jacobs - Being True To You

Narelda Jacobs - Being True To You

You might think that TV journalist and proud indigenous woman Narelda Jacobs has a perfect life. She’s the co-host of Studio 10, makes regular appearances on The Project, she’s a three-time host of the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, and she’s... done lots of other things that are also on her Wikipedia page.But like all of us, Narelda’s life has been far from perfect. I mean come on guys, we’re all imperfect, surely you’ve learnt that by now!In this episode, Narelda talks openly about the chall

May 8, 2022 • 1:25:45

Dr Emily - Managing a Panic Attack

Dr Emily - Managing a Panic Attack

Welcome back to Dr Emily, our very own... PSYCHOLOGIST! Reflecting on the recent episode with Luke McGregor, in this episode Dr Emily talks about panic attacks. What are they? Why do we get them? And what do we do when they show up and scare the hell out of us? Thanks Dr Em To find out more about by Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap and his work as an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Trainer visit; Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a

May 1, 2022 • 42:23

Dr Emily - Managing a Panic Attack

Dr Emily - Managing a Panic Attack

Welcome back to Dr Emily, our very own... PSYCHOLOGIST!Reflecting on the recent episode with Luke McGregor, in this episode Dr Emily talks about panic attacks. What are they? Why do we get them? And what do we do when they show up and scare the hell out of us?Thanks Dr EmLINKS:To find out more about by Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap and his work as an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Trainer visit;

May 1, 2022 • 46:53

Oliver Twist - Where is Home?

Oliver Twist - Where is Home?

Originally from Rwanda, stand-up comedian Oliver Twist spent 14 years in a Malawi refugee camp before finally arriving in Ipswich, Queensland with his family. In this Vulnerabilitea House, Oliver answers the question, “Where is home for you?” - a simple question for some, but a complicated one for Oliver. Oliver shares stories from his extraordinarily imperfect life in great detail. Everything from being displaced by the Rwandan Genocide, to living in the refugee camp, and eventually

Apr 24, 2022 • 59:45

Oliver Twist - Where is Home?

Oliver Twist - Where is Home?

Originally from Rwanda, stand-up comedian Oliver Twist spent 14 years in a Malawi refugee camp before finally arriving in Ipswich, Queensland with his family.In this Vulnerabilitea House, Oliver answers the question, “Where is home for you?” - a simple question for some, but a complicated one for Oliver.Oliver shares stories from his extraordinarily imperfect life in great detail. Everything from being displaced by the Rwandan Genocide, to living in the refugee camp, and eventually seeing Trevor

Apr 24, 2022 • 1:04:15

Kemi Nekvapil - How to Live a Life Without Apology

Kemi Nekvapil - How to Live a Life Without Apology

Okay, so get this...not only is Kemi Nekvapil an author, speaker and coach, but she was trained by Brené Brown. Yuh. THE Brené Brown.As an author, Kemi has written a new book that you must read. It’s called ‘POWER: A woman’s guide to living and leading without apology’. And in our imperfect opinion, as 3 NON-women, it’s exactly what we all need right now.In this edition of The Academy of Imperfection, Kemi shares her childhood experience living in foster care - being moved between 5 different fa

Apr 17, 2022 • 1:16:05

Kemi Nekvapil - How to Live a Life Without Apology

Kemi Nekvapil - How to Live a Life Without Apology

Okay, so get this...not only is Kemi Nekvapil an author, speaker and coach, but she was trained by Brené Brown. Yuh. THE Brené Brown. As an author, Kemi has written a new book that you must read. It’s called ‘POWER: A woman’s guide to living and leading without apology’. And in our imperfect opinion, as 3 NON-women, it’s exactly what we all need right now. In this edition of The Academy of Imperfection, Kemi shares her childhood experience living in fo

Apr 17, 2022 • 1:11:35

Luke McGregor - Being Funny And Having Panic Attacks

Luke McGregor - Being Funny And Having Panic Attacks

Like all of us, Luke McGregor is imperfect. From his challenging childhood at home and school, to his crippling panic attacks on stage as a stand-up comedian, Luke generously shares some of the many stories from his imperfect life with us and of course with you.A lot gets covered here, including Luke’s ongoing battles with OCD and why he eventually turned to professional comedy after trying a handful of other careers first.But also, as you’d expect, Luke’s hilarious in this ep so please put your

Apr 10, 2022 • 1:19:54

Luke McGregor - Being Funny And Having Panic Attacks

Luke McGregor - Being Funny And Having Panic Attacks

Like all of us, Luke McGregor is imperfect. From his challenging childhood at home and school, to his crippling panic attacks on stage as a stand-up comedian, Luke generously shares some of the many stories from his imperfect life with us and of course with you.A lot gets covered here, including Luke’s ongoing battles with OCD and why he eventually turned to professional comedy after trying a handful of other careers first.But also, as you’d expect, Luke’s hilarious in this ep so please put your

Apr 10, 2022 • 1:15:25

We Need to Talk - Hugh checks in with Ryan & Josh after a big month

We Need to Talk - Hugh checks in with Ryan & Josh after a big month

B-B-B-BONUS EP!!!After what has been a very vulnerable month for The Imperfects, Hugh wanted to check in with Ryan and Josh to see how they’re feeling after some “big shares” in the first 4 episodes of the season.Firstly, Ryan reflects on how he’s feeling after revealing his worries around the supposed “love triangle” with Hugh and Hamish during Hamish’s Vulnerabilitea House episode. Then Josh talks about his self-doubt surrounding his role on the podcast, and of course where he’s at with his in

Apr 7, 2022 • 48:06

We Need to Talk - Hugh checks in with Ryan & Josh after a big month

We Need to Talk - Hugh checks in with Ryan & Josh after a big month

B-B-B-BONUS EP!!! After what has been a very vulnerable month for The Imperfects, Hugh wanted to check in with Ryan and Josh to see how they’re feeling after some “big shares” in the first 4 episodes of the season. Firstly, Ryan reflects on how he’s feeling after revealing his worries around the supposed “love triangle” with Hugh and Hamish during Hamish’s Vulnerabilitea House episode. Then Josh talks about his self-doubt surrounding his role on the podc

Apr 7, 2022 • 43:36

Introducing Dr Emily… PSYCHOLOGIST!!!

Introducing Dr Emily… PSYCHOLOGIST!!!

Please welcome the newest member of The Imperfects family... our resident psychologist, Dr Emily! Dr Emily recently joined The Imperfects behind the scenes, ensuring our episodes are released with care, compassion and professionalism. This season however, Hugh, Ryan and Josh begged Dr Emily to bring her knowledge directly to you with her very own regular episodes! Each month she will join Hugh, Ryan and Josh and bring in something from The Imperfects archives, to then give general advice and inf

Apr 3, 2022 • 40:46

Introducing Dr Emily… PSYCHOLOGIST!!!

Introducing Dr Emily… PSYCHOLOGIST!!!

Please welcome the newest member of The Imperfects family... our resident psychologist, Dr Emily!Dr Emily recently joined The Imperfects behind the scenes, ensuring our episodes are released with care, compassion and professionalism.This season however, Hugh, Ryan and Josh begged Dr Emily to bring her knowledge directly to you with her very own regular episodes! Each month she will join Hugh, Ryan and Josh and bring in something from The Imperfects archives, to then give general advice and infor

Apr 3, 2022 • 45:16

Hamish Blake - Let's Talk About Self-Doubt

Hamish Blake - Let's Talk About Self-Doubt

Hamish Blake is a very funny man. No surprises there. But as it turns out, Hamish Blake is also a man who experiences self-doubt. Hmm, SOME surprises there!And as the latest guest in The Vulnerabilitea House, Hamish tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the self-doubt he’s experienced while performing on TV, even after doing it for almost 20 years. Whether it be during one of his many appearances on panel shows, or even while standing in front of the contestants on his first day as host of Lego Master

Mar 27, 2022 • 56:02

Hamish Blake - Let's Talk About Self-Doubt

Hamish Blake - Let's Talk About Self-Doubt

Hamish Blake is a very funny man. No surprises there. But as it turns out, Hamish Blake is also a man who experiences self-doubt. Hmm, SOME surprises there!And as the latest guest in The Vulnerabilitea House, Hamish tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the self-doubt he’s experienced while performing on TV, even after doing it for almost 20 years. Whether it be during one of his many appearances on panel shows, or even while standing in front of the contestants on his first day as host of Lego Master

Mar 27, 2022 • 51:33

Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention

Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention

We can all feel it. And unfortunately, it’s getting worse. Paying attention and properly focussing these days is getting harder and harder. And in the first Academy of Imperfection for 2022, Johann Hari is here to explain to Hugh, Ryan and Josh exactly why that is. The good news is... it’s not our fault. But luckily there are things we can do about it. If you want to delve deeper into the topics and themes from this episode, please read (or listen to - like Hugh and Ryan did) Johann&

Mar 20, 2022 • 1:11:51

Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention

Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention

We can all feel it. And unfortunately, it’s getting worse. Paying attention and properly focussing these days is getting harder and harder. And in the first Academy of Imperfection for 2022, Johann Hari is here to explain to Hugh, Ryan and Josh exactly why that is. The good news is... it’s not our fault. But luckily there are things we can do about it. If you want to delve deeper into the topics and themes from this episode, please read (or listen to - like Hugh and Ryan did) Johann’s incredible

Mar 20, 2022 • 1:16:21

Kate Langbroek - Love Story

Kate Langbroek - Love Story

Kate Langbroek, in our humble opinion, is a very special person and we absolutely love her.Kate has experienced decades of success on Australian TV and radio - whether it was every Wednesday night on The Panel, or with her mate Hughesy on the radio. Now she’s written her first book, “Ciao, Bella” - filled with stories from her amazing and colourful life. But even with all her success, like all of us, Kate’s life hasn’t been perfect.In this raw episode, Kate generously shares what it was like whe

Mar 13, 2022 • 1:30:47

Kate Langbroek - Love Story

Kate Langbroek - Love Story

Kate Langbroek, in our humble opinion, is a very special person and we absolutely love her.Kate has experienced decades of success on Australian TV and radio - whether it was every Wednesday night on The Panel, or with her mate Hughesy on the radio. Now she’s written her first book, “Ciao, Bella” - filled with stories from her amazing and colourful life. But even with all her success, like all of us, Kate’s life hasn’t been perfect.In this raw episode, Kate generously shares what it was like whe

Mar 13, 2022 • 1:26:18

Season 4 Trailer

Season 4 Trailer

We’re back... for a warm up ep... and as you’ll soon hear... we’re properly professional now!Not because of the three of us, because of the new members of our Imperfects team... Bridget Northeast, BOTH British Andys (Hall and Poole), George Martin, Jamieson Moore and Dr Emily!This really is our highest level of excitement EVER.So, so, so good to see you,Hugh, Ryan & Josh

Mar 6, 2022 • 26:42

Season 4 Trailer

Season 4 Trailer

We’re back... for a warm up ep... and as you’ll soon hear... we’re properly professional now!Not because of the three of us, because of the new members of our Imperfects team... Bridget Northeast, BOTH British Andys (Hall and Poole), George Martin, Jamieson Moore and Dr Emily!This really is our highest level of excitement EVER.So, so, so good to see you,Hugh, Ryan & JoshSee for privacy information.

Mar 6, 2022 • 26:42

Georgia & Hugh

Georgia & Hugh

In this extremely special episode, Hugh reads the opening chapter from his second book, ‘Let Go’ to his younger sister (and Josh’s older sister) Georgia van Cuylenburg - a heartfelt letter from him to her.What follows is an incredibly powerful conversation between the two of them that, for the first time, addresses unspoken feelings and issues that have existed for years.We’ve been fortunate to have witnessed many beautiful examples of vulnerability on this podcast over the years… but guys… seri

Dec 22, 2021 • 56:37

Georgia & Hugh

Georgia & Hugh

In this extremely special episode, Hugh reads the opening chapter from his second book, ‘Let Go’ to his younger sister (and Josh’s older sister) Georgia van Cuylenburg - a heartfelt letter from him to her.What follows is an incredibly powerful conversation between the two of them that, for the first time, addresses unspoken feelings and issues that have existed for years.We’ve been fortunate to have witnessed many beautiful examples of vulnerability on this podcast over the years… but guys… seri

Dec 22, 2021 • 59:06

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 2)

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 2)

A Part 1 wouldn't be complete without a Part 2. So here it is... wrapping up the wrap up!After Hugh kicked things off with a beautiful bang in Part 1, Part 2 sees Josh and Ryan follow suit and reflect on 2 moments from the podcast that meant a lot to them in 2021 - powerful moments from Martin Heppell and Ben Crowe.Once again, thank you for your ears. We love you. Now go tell someone special that you love them.See for privacy information.

Dec 16, 2021 • 28:43

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 2)

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 2)

A Part 1 wouldn't be complete without a Part 2. So here it is... wrapping up the wrap up!After Hugh kicked things off with a beautiful bang in Part 1, Part 2 sees Josh and Ryan follow suit and reflect on 2 moments from the podcast that meant a lot to them in 2021 - powerful moments from Martin Heppell and Ben Crowe.Once again, thank you for your ears. We love you. Now go tell someone special that you love them.

Dec 16, 2021 • 29:13

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 1)

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 1)

We had to split our "End of Year Wrap" into 2 parts because of what came up in this ep.Without wanting to spoil it, it's yet another example of what can happen when we start the conversation and show a lil vulnerability to the ones we love.There will obviously be a Part 2, and then a few more very VERY special episodes to round out the year.Thank you for listening to us. We love you and appreciate you a LOT.See for privacy information.

Dec 8, 2021 • 32:14

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 1)

Almost end of year wrap - (Part 1)

We had to split our "End of Year Wrap" into 2 parts because of what came up in this ep.Without wanting to spoil it, it's yet another example of what can happen when we start the conversation and show a lil vulnerability to the ones we love.There will obviously be a Part 2, and then a few more very VERY special episodes to round out the year.Thank you for listening to us. We love you and appreciate you a LOT.

Dec 8, 2021 • 32:44

The Vulnerabilitea House - Peter Helliar

The Vulnerabilitea House - Peter Helliar

Whether it’s TV, film, stand-up comedy, radio, books, podcasts... or... Straughanie, Peter “Pete” Helliar has been making us laugh for over 20 years and has found a lot of success doing it. But like anyone, Pete’s life has at times been imperfect. In this episode of The Vulnerabilitea House, Pete speaks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about one of the most difficult times in his life when one of his close friends and colleagues, Richard Marsland, took his own life. Hugh then sha

Nov 22, 2021 • 50:50

The Vulnerabilitea House - Peter Helliar

The Vulnerabilitea House - Peter Helliar

Whether it’s TV, film, stand-up comedy, radio, books, podcasts... or... Straughanie, Peter “Pete” Helliar has been making us laugh for over 20 years and has found a lot of success doing it. But like anyone, Pete’s life has at times been imperfect.In this episode of The Vulnerabilitea House, Pete speaks with Hugh, Ryan and Josh about one of the most difficult times in his life when one of his close friends and colleagues, Richard Marsland, took his own life.Hugh then shares some practical ways yo

Nov 22, 2021 • 53:19

Your Non-Free Gift! (Unannounced Surprise Podcast Episode)

Your Non-Free Gift! (Unannounced Surprise Podcast Episode)

Surprise! We have something special for you. Okay fine... it MAY be merchandise. Fine, you twisted our arm... it IS merchandise. But GOOD merchandise! PUN merchandise!!!Have a listen and go to BUT BE QUICK!

Nov 14, 2021 • 24:57

Your Non-Free Gift! (Unannounced Surprise Podcast Episode)

Your Non-Free Gift! (Unannounced Surprise Podcast Episode)

Surprise! We have something special for you. Okay fine... it MAY be merchandise. Fine, you twisted our arm... it IS merchandise. But GOOD merchandise! PUN merchandise!!! Have a listen and go to BUT BE QUICK! See for privacy information.

Nov 14, 2021 • 24:57

The Academy of Imperfection - Jeff Warren

The Academy of Imperfection - Jeff Warren

You may have an image of what a “meditation teacher” sounds like. Whatever you’re thinking of, we’re pretty sure you’re not thinking of Jeff Warren. Jeff Warren is not your traditional meditation “guru”. He’s just... well, a guy. A Canadian guy! And alongside his own challenges with ADD and Bipolar diagnoses (among other things), he’s found a life and successful career in mindfulness and meditation. And if you’re like us, you’ll want to be his best friend.Jeff is currently best known for his “Da

Nov 8, 2021 • 1:13:02

The Academy of Imperfection - Jeff Warren

The Academy of Imperfection - Jeff Warren

You may have an image of what a “meditation teacher” sounds like. Whatever you’re thinking of, we’re pretty sure you’re not thinking of Jeff Warren. Jeff Warren is not your traditional meditation “guru”. He’s just... well, a guy. A Canadian guy! And alongside his own challenges with ADD and Bipolar diagnoses (among other things), he’s found a life and successful career in mindfulness and meditation. And if you’re like us, you’ll want to be his best friend.Jeff is currently best known for his “Da

Nov 8, 2021 • 1:15:31

The Dyl & Friends crossover episode

The Dyl & Friends crossover episode

We’ve been big fans of the Dyl & Friends podcast for a long time now. We love everything about the former AFL footballer and host of the Dyl & Friends podcast, Dylan Buckley. To that end, we are very excited to release this episode of our podcast as a Dyl & Friends and The Imperfects collaboration. As you will hear, Dylan is authentic and open. He embraces his imperfections and as such this chat is a true mix of both shows. Dylan starts off interviewing us about how The Im

Nov 1, 2021 • 1:16:15

The Dyl & Friends crossover episode

The Dyl & Friends crossover episode

We’ve been big fans of the Dyl & Friends podcast for a long time now. We love everything about the former AFL footballer and host of the Dyl & Friends podcast, Dylan Buckley. To that end, we are very excited to release this episode of our podcast as a Dyl & Friends and The Imperfects collaboration. As you will hear, Dylan is authentic and open. He embraces his imperfections and as such this chat is a true mix of both shows. Dylan starts off interviewing us about how The Imperfects started, and t

Nov 1, 2021 • 1:18:44

The Vulnerabilitea House - Dr Yves Rees

The Vulnerabilitea House - Dr Yves Rees

Today we welcome Dr Yves Rees into The Vulnerabilitea House. One morning, in a hotel room in Canada, aged 30, Yves had a life changing epiphany. With this came a range of emotions - happiness, confusion, pain, joy...and almost everything in between. As well as being a renowned history professor at La Trobe University, Yves is transgender. In today’s episode of The Imperfects, Ryan, Josh and Hugh are educated and enlightened by the insightful and vulnerable Dr Yve

Oct 25, 2021 • 58:28

The Vulnerabilitea House - Dr Yves Rees

The Vulnerabilitea House - Dr Yves Rees

Today we welcome Dr Yves Rees into The Vulnerabilitea House. One morning, in a hotel room in Canada, aged 30, Yves had a life changing epiphany. With this came a range of emotions - happiness, confusion, pain, joy...and almost everything in between.As well as being a renowned history professor at La Trobe University, Yves is transgender.In today’s episode of The Imperfects, Ryan, Josh and Hugh are educated and enlightened by the insightful and vulnerable Dr Yves Rees. Dr Rees has recently releas

Oct 25, 2021 • 1:00:57

Becky Lucas - The power of laughter

Becky Lucas - The power of laughter

On this week's episode of the podcast we talk to Australian comedian Becky Lucas. Becky has written a book -Acknowledgements, and as you will hear Hugh is BIT of a fan. We cover a-lot in this ep, from bitchy English exchange students, Becky’s parents' divorce, 'dick-lit’, the stresses of lock down; and somehow we manage to squeeze in a discussion of 90s NBL basketball under the ‘auspice’ of a special birthday surprise. Afterwards we discuss the role of laughter and c

Oct 12, 2021 • 1:22:28

Becky Lucas - The power of laughter

Becky Lucas - The power of laughter

On this week's episode of the podcast we talk to Australian comedian Becky Lucas. Becky has written a book -Acknowledgements, and as you will hear Hugh is BIT of a fan.We cover a-lot in this ep, from bitchy English exchange students, Becky’s parents' divorce, 'dick-lit’, the stresses of lock down; and somehow we manage to squeeze in a discussion of 90s NBL basketball under the ‘auspice’ of a special birthday surprise.Afterwards we discuss the role of laughter and comedy in our lives and why laug

Oct 12, 2021 • 1:24:57

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Martin Heppell

The Vulnerabilitea House - Martin Heppell

There is no one else in the world quite like our guest this week. For years people kept telling Hugh he needed to bring on a new presenter to meet the demand from schools and workplaces around the country. He said he would only ever do it if he found someone extraordinary. In 2015, Hugh found that extraordinary person - Martin Heppell. In today’s episode, Ryan, Hugh and Josh are both moved and inspired as Martin steps into the Vulnerabilitea and shares a heart breaking story from his childhood.

Sep 28, 2021 • 46:20

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Martin Heppell

The Vulnerabilitea House - Martin Heppell

There is no one else in the world quite like our guest this week. For years people kept telling Hugh he needed to bring on a new presenter to meet the demand from schools and workplaces around the country. He said he would only ever do it if he found someone extraordinary. In 2015, Hugh found that extraordinary person - Martin Heppell. In today’s episode, Ryan, Hugh and Josh are both moved and inspired as Martin steps into the Vulnerabilitea and shares a heart breaking story from his childhood.

Sep 28, 2021 • 48:49

The Academy Of Imperfection - Daniel Ellenberg

The Academy Of Imperfection - Daniel Ellenberg

Ready to learn? Us too.In The Academy of Imperfection this week, imperfect students Hugh, Ryan and Josh speak with American psychologist, leadership coach and specialist in the area of male relationships, Daniel Ellenberg. Daniel shares some very insightful stuff on how men relate to other men - why they do what they do, and why they DON’T do what they don’t do! But by the end of the episode, what was supposed to be a casual “lecture” turns into a men’s workshop of sorts, as Hugh, Ryan and Josh

Sep 14, 2021 • 1:07:53

The Academy Of Imperfection - Daniel Ellenberg

The Academy Of Imperfection - Daniel Ellenberg

Ready to learn? Us too. In The Academy of Imperfection this week, imperfect students Hugh, Ryan and Josh speak with American psychologist, leadership coach and specialist in the area of male relationships, Daniel Ellenberg. Daniel shares some very insightful stuff on how men relate to other men - why they do what they do, and why they DON’T do what they don’t do! But by the end of the episode, what was supposed to be a casual “lecture” turns into a men’s workshop of

Sep 14, 2021 • 1:05:23

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh Van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh Van Cuylenburg

Two episodes in a week, what is going on? Well, it's another Vulnerabilitea House that's what. This week it's Josh's turn. Lockdown rules meant this teahouse was spread across three tea houses but it doesn't detract from the quality of the tea, and the vulnerableness. Josh discusses an issue he's had for a long, long time and Hugh takes some time to delve a little deeper into the concept of vulnerability. What is it? Why is it important? How do we best practise it? Being vulnerable can be scary,

Aug 30, 2021 • 44:16

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh Van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh Van Cuylenburg

Two episodes in a week, what is going on? Well, it's another Vulnerabilitea House that's what. This week it's Josh's turn.Lockdown rules meant this teahouse was spread across three tea houses but it doesn't detract from the quality of the tea, and the vulnerableness. Josh discusses an issue he's had for a long, long time and Hugh takes some time to delve a little deeper into the concept of vulnerability. What is it? Why is it important? How do we best practise it?Being vulnerable can be scary, b

Aug 30, 2021 • 46:46

Just The Three Of Us (a bonus snap podcast because we needed a chat)

Just The Three Of Us (a bonus snap podcast because we needed a chat)

In the beginning, it was novel. A change of pace. A good excuse to bake our own bread and believe that “we’ll always bake our own bread from now on because it’s so nice to wake up to the smell of fresh bread in the morning!”But come on... seriously... we’re not baking bread anymore are we? This whole COVID thing has become a proper bummer. Like, next-level maximum bummer.So, because we’ve all been feeling the pinch recently, Hugh assembled Ryan and Josh for a very unplanned Snap Podcast to talk

Aug 24, 2021 • 43:05

Just The Three Of Us (a bonus snap podcast because we needed a chat)

Just The Three Of Us (a bonus snap podcast because we needed a chat)

In the beginning, it was novel. A change of pace. A good excuse to bake our own bread and believe that “we’ll always bake our own bread from now on because it’s so nice to wake up to the smell of fresh bread in the morning!”But come on... seriously... we’re not baking bread anymore are we? This whole COVID thing has become a proper bummer. Like, next-level maximum bummer.So, because we’ve all been feeling the pinch recently, Hugh assembled Ryan and Josh for a very unplanned Snap Podcast to talk

Aug 24, 2021 • 44:05

Travis Boak - Dealing with trauma

Travis Boak - Dealing with trauma

Travis Boak is one of the best footballers in the country. At age 33, he is showing no signs of slowing down, in fact many believe he is just getting better. His brilliance on the ground is a direct result of the hard work he puts into his game. What many don’t know however, is that he works just as hard on his mental and emotional health. Due to the tragic passing of his father, Travis has, for way too long, carried the baggage and trauma of this tragedy. Join Travis for this heartfelt conversa

Aug 16, 2021 • 1:21:07

Travis Boak - Dealing with trauma

Travis Boak - Dealing with trauma

Travis Boak is one of the best footballers in the country. At age 33, he is showing no signs of slowing down, in fact many believe he is just getting better. His brilliance on the ground is a direct result of the hard work he puts into his game. What many don’t know however, is that he works just as hard on his mental and emotional health. Due to the tragic passing of his father, Travis has, for way too long, carried the baggage and trauma of this tragedy. Join Travis for this heartfelt conversa

Aug 16, 2021 • 1:18:38

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

Thirsty? How about a nice cup of Vulnerabilitea from The Vulnerabilitea House? Join Hugh and Josh as they listen to co-host Ryan Shelton pick a card at random and get vulnerable. Ryan shares some recent discoveries he’s had with his psychologist in regards to how certain aspects of his childhood prepared him... or DIDN’T prepare him for adulthood. N.B. There’s also a quick digression into the nostalgic world of 90s NBL Basketball. Don’t worry, it’s quick. Also, whil

Aug 1, 2021 • 31:48

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

Thirsty? How about a nice cup of Vulnerabilitea from The Vulnerabilitea House? Join Hugh and Josh as they listen to co-host Ryan Shelton pick a card at random and get vulnerable.Ryan shares some recent discoveries he’s had with his psychologist in regards to how certain aspects of his childhood prepared him... or DIDN’T prepare him for adulthood.N.B. There’s also a quick digression into the nostalgic world of 90s NBL Basketball. Don’t worry, it’s quick.Also, while being vulnerable can be scary,

Aug 1, 2021 • 34:17

The Academy of Imperfection - Dr Billy Garvey, Paediatrician

The Academy of Imperfection - Dr Billy Garvey, Paediatrician

Go get your pens and notebooks everyone!In this edition of The Academy of Imperfection, students Hugh, Ryan, Josh sit down with famed paediatrician, Dr Billy Garvey of The Royal Children’s Hospital.Currently, Billy regretfully has a two and a half year waiting list to see him in person, but is keen to reach as many of you as possible NOW. And with all the talk on our podcast about parenting recently, we felt this was a very necessary episode.Billy may not look like one of Australia’s most respec

Jul 19, 2021 • 1:15:32

The Academy of Imperfection - Dr Billy Garvey, Paediatrician

The Academy of Imperfection - Dr Billy Garvey, Paediatrician

Go get your pens and notebooks everyone! In this edition of The Academy of Imperfection, students Hugh, Ryan, Josh sit down with famed paediatrician, Dr Billy Garvey of The Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently, Billy regretfully has a two and a half year waiting list to see him in person, but is keen to reach as many of you as possible NOW. And with all the talk on our podcast about parenting recently, we felt this was a very necessary episode. Billy may not look like one of Australia&rsqu

Jul 19, 2021 • 1:13:03

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg... Round 2

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg... Round 2

Our very own Hugh van Cuylenburg is back in the hotseat for a second round in the Vulnerabilitea House! And guys... wowee. Potentially inspired by the most recent Vulnerabilitea House episode with Missy Higgins, Hugh opens up about how much he is actually struggling right now. In fact, he’s probably as raw and honest and vulnerable as he’s ever been on The Imperfects. The Vulnerabilitea House (and the whole podcast tbh) is all about encouraging vulnerability by sharing our own struggles and impe

Jul 4, 2021 • 35:15

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg... Round 2

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg... Round 2

Our very own Hugh van Cuylenburg is back in the hotseat for a second round in the Vulnerabilitea House! And guys... wowee. Potentially inspired by the most recent Vulnerabilitea House episode with Missy Higgins, Hugh opens up about how much he is actually struggling right now. In fact, he’s probably as raw and honest and vulnerable as he’s ever been on The Imperfects. The Vulnerabilitea House (and the whole podcast tbh) is all about encouraging vulnerability by sharing our own strugg

Jul 4, 2021 • 32:45

Christian O'Connell - Breakfast Radio, panic attacks & starting afresh

Christian O'Connell - Breakfast Radio, panic attacks & starting afresh

At the beginning of 2018, Christian O'Connell was the host of the number one breakfast radio show in England, he averaged over 2 million listeners a day, he'd won basically every award possible in the radio industry, he was seemingly on top of his world.Unbeknownst to almost everyone in his life though, he could barely make it on the air. At the age of 45, Christian had started suffering debilitating panic attacks. And they were becoming an almost daily occurrence.In this episode of The Imperfec

Jun 20, 2021 • 1:25:12

Christian O'Connell - Breakfast Radio, panic attacks & starting afresh

Christian O'Connell - Breakfast Radio, panic attacks & starting afresh

At the beginning of 2018, Christian O'Connell was the host of the number one breakfast radio show in England, he averaged over 2 million listeners a day, he'd won basically every award possible in the radio industry, he was seemingly on top of his world. Unbeknownst to almost everyone in his life though, he could barely make it on the air. At the age of 45, Christian had started suffering debilitating panic attacks. And they were becoming an almost daily occurrence. In this episode of The Imperf

Jun 20, 2021 • 1:22:42

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Missy Higgins

The Vulnerabilitea House - Missy Higgins

Prepare yourself for a very different episode of The Vulnerabilitea House (for a few reasons): We welcome our first guest... MISSY HIGGINS IS BACK ON THE POD! We all live in Melbourne and it was COVID lockdown at the time of recording so we were on Zoom. The whole thing almost didn’t happen at all... and you’ll hear why. For those new to The Vulnerabilitea House, here’s how it works. We get together, we sip tea, someone picks a card from the deck of vulnerability-invoking questions, and then the

Jun 7, 2021 • 33:47

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Missy Higgins

The Vulnerabilitea House - Missy Higgins

Prepare yourself for a very different episode of The Vulnerabilitea House (for a few reasons): We welcome our first guest... MISSY HIGGINS IS BACK ON THE POD! We all live in Melbourne and it was COVID lockdown at the time of recording so we were on Zoom. The whole thing almost didn’t happen at all... and you’ll hear why. For those new to The Vulnerabilitea House, here’s how it works. We get together, we sip tea, someone picks a card from the deck of vulnerability-invoking que

Jun 7, 2021 • 31:17

The Academy of Imperfection - James Victore

The Academy of Imperfection - James Victore

Welcome back to The Academy of Imperfection - a conversational lecture series that features guest lecturers talking with students Hugh, Ryan, Josh and you about different areas of imperfection. Today, designer, author and teacher, James Victore talks about CREATIVITY.Before writing his brilliant 2019 book ‘Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Creativity’, James created commerical work for Moet & Chandon, Time magazine and Yohji Yamamoto and has had his work exhibited in Nwe York’s

May 23, 2021 • 1:06:38

The Academy of Imperfection - James Victore

The Academy of Imperfection - James Victore

Welcome back to The Academy of Imperfection - a conversational lecture series that features guest lecturers talking with students Hugh, Ryan, Josh and you about different areas of imperfection. Today, designer, author and teacher, James Victore talks about CREATIVITY.Before writing his brilliant 2019 book ‘Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Creativity’, James created commerical work for Moet & Chandon, Time magazine and Yohji Yamamoto and has had his work exhibited in Nwe Yo

May 23, 2021 • 1:04:08

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Josh van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh van Cuylenburg

We’re back in The Vulnerabilitea House! This time it’s Josh van Cuylenburg. The proven question-ASKER, becomes a first-time question-ANSWERER as he sips some Vunerabilitea and shares an honest and raw story from his past that not even his brother Hugh knew about - all in the name of vulnerability and connection. Pour yourself a cup of tea everyone... it’s great to see you again.

May 9, 2021 • 21:12

The Vulnerabilitea House  - Josh van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh van Cuylenburg

We’re back in The Vulnerabilitea House! This time it’s Josh van Cuylenburg. The proven question-ASKER, becomes a first-time question-ANSWERER as he sips some Vunerabilitea and shares an honest and raw story from his past that not even his brother Hugh knew about - all in the name of vulnerability and connection. Pour yourself a cup of tea everyone... it’s great to see you again. See for privacy information.

May 9, 2021 • 18:13

Jamila Rizvi - Living with the effects of a brain tumor

Jamila Rizvi - Living with the effects of a brain tumor

Jamila Rizvi is a writer/author, journalist, commentator, change advocate, feminist and all round wonderful human being.In 2018 Jamila was met with horrible news. She was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour. In the podcast, Jamila tells us of these challenging recent years...the multiple surgeries, the radiotherapy treatment the continuing recovery and the effects all of this has had on her life, her family and her mental health.If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health,

Apr 25, 2021 • 1:37:20

Jamila Rizvi - Living with the effects of a brain tumor

Jamila Rizvi - Living with the effects of a brain tumor

Jamila Rizvi is a writer/author, journalist, commentator, change advocate, feminist and all round wonderful human being.In 2018 Jamila was met with horrible news. She was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour. In the podcast, Jamila tells us of these challenging recent years...the multiple surgeries, the radiotherapy treatment the continuing recovery and the effects all of this has had on her life, her family and her mental health.If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health,

Apr 25, 2021 • 1:39:49

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

This week on the podcast we return to The Vulnerabilitea House, and this time its Ryan Shelton's turn.The Vulnerabilitea House, is a new style of episode from The Imperfects, where we share something honest and a little bit vulnerable, all over a nice cup of tea.See for privacy information.

Apr 11, 2021 • 18:25

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

The Vulnerabilitea House - Ryan Shelton

This week on the podcast we return to The Vulnerabilitea House, and this time its Ryan Shelton's turn.The Vulnerabilitea House, is a new style of episode from The Imperfects, where we share something honest and a little bit vulnerable, all over a nice cup of tea.

Apr 11, 2021 • 20:55

The Academy of Imperfection - Ben Crowe

The Academy of Imperfection - Ben Crowe

Welcome to the very first episode of The Academy of Imperfection! Presented by The Imperfects, this new series of conversational lectures will feature experts talking about different areas of imperfection with students Hugh, Ryan, Josh and you. The inaugural guest lecturer is someone we are extremely excited about. Ben Crowe. Along with Brene Brown, Ben has easily been the most mentioned person on The Imperfects over the last few years. Since working at NIKE for decades, Ben has worked closely w

Mar 28, 2021 • 1:14:49

The Academy of Imperfection - Ben Crowe

The Academy of Imperfection - Ben Crowe

Welcome to the very first episode of The Academy of Imperfection!Presented by The Imperfects, this new series of conversational lectures will feature experts talking about different areas of imperfection with students Hugh, Ryan, Josh and you.The inaugural guest lecturer is someone we are extremely excited about. Ben Crowe. Along with Brene Brown, Ben has easily been the most mentioned person on The Imperfects over the last few years.Since working at NIKE for decades, Ben has worked closely with

Mar 28, 2021 • 1:17:19

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg

The most hyped pun in podcasting, well, sort of... This is a new style of episode from The Imperfects, something a bit shorter than normal, which we’ll scatter between the longer eps. As you’ll see from the title of these episodes (pun revealed in the ep!), they’re designed to encourage vulnerability. First up. it's Hugh's turn to be vulnerable, if all goes well, we'll try and get some more imperfect people sharing something honest and a little bit vulnerable, all shared

Mar 14, 2021 • 20:42

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg

The Vulnerabilitea House - Hugh van Cuylenburg

The most hyped pun in podcasting, well, sort of...This is a new style of episode from The Imperfects, something a bit shorter than normal, which we’ll scatter between the longer eps. As you’ll see from the title of these episodes (pun revealed in the ep!), they’re designed to encourage vulnerability. First up. it's Hugh's turn to be vulnerable, if all goes well, we'll try and get some more imperfect people sharing something honest and a little bit vulnerable, all shared over a nice cup of tea.

Mar 14, 2021 • 23:11

Rick Davies - Living with OCD

Rick Davies - Living with OCD

Best known for his role as ‘Jimmy’ on TV show, Offspring, actor Rick Davies doesn’t remember a time in his life without Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Despite that, this is the first time Rick is speaking publicy about it. Rick selflessly shares a number of uncomfortable (and slightly embarrassing) stories from his life with OCD, and afterwards Hugh chats with Ryan and Josh about some resources for anyone who has OCD or knows someone who does.

Mar 1, 2021 • 1:50:16

Rick Davies - Living with OCD

Rick Davies - Living with OCD

Best known for his role as ‘Jimmy’ on TV show, Offspring, actor Rick Davies doesn’t remember a time in his life without Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Despite that, this is the first time Rick is speaking publicy about it. Rick selflessly shares a number of uncomfortable (and slightly embarrassing) stories from his life with OCD, and afterwards Hugh chats with Ryan and Josh about some resources for anyone who has OCD or knows someone who does.See for privacy informa

Mar 1, 2021 • 1:47:47

Trailer - Season 3

Trailer - Season 3

In preparation for what they “promise” will be the biggest year yet for The Imperfects, Hugh, Ryan and Josh catch up for a short warm-up episode. Yes, there’ll of course NEW episodes in Season 3, but also there’ll be new TYPES of episodes, including one that involves an extremely overhyped pun.

Feb 22, 2021 • 5:48

Trailer - Season 3

Trailer - Season 3

In preparation for what they “promise” will be the biggest year yet for The Imperfects, Hugh, Ryan and Josh catch up for a short warm-up episode. Yes, there’ll of course NEW episodes in Season 3, but also there’ll be new TYPES of episodes, including one that involves an extremely overhyped pun.See for privacy information.

Feb 22, 2021 • 5:19

Steph Claire Smith - Body Image, Modelling & Instagram

Steph Claire Smith - Body Image, Modelling & Instagram

Steph Claire Smith is one of Australia's most successful models. She rose to fame as the Instagram 'it girl' and has managed to transform this fame into a highly accomplished international modelling career; and with the help of best friend Laura, a fast growing health & fitness brand, Keep It Cleaner. If anyone's life looks perfect, it's Steph's. However, as she bravely details in this fascinating chat with Hugh, we shouldn't always believe what we see on Instagram. Following the chat, Ryan

Nov 25, 2020 • 1:45:30

Steph Claire Smith - Body Image, Modelling & Instagram

Steph Claire Smith - Body Image, Modelling & Instagram

Steph Claire Smith is one of Australia's most successful models. She rose to fame as the Instagram 'it girl' and has managed to transform this fame into a highly accomplished international modelling career; and with the help of best friend Laura, a fast growing health & fitness brand, Keep It Cleaner.If anyone's life looks perfect, it's Steph's. However, as she bravely details in this fascinating chat with Hugh, we shouldn't always believe what we see on Instagram.Following the chat, Ryan and Hu

Nov 25, 2020 • 1:47:59

Will McMahon - Depression & High School Expectations

Will McMahon - Depression & High School Expectations

In 2019 Will McMahon and Woody Whitelaw (of Will & Woody fame) released the video, "Best Mates Sit Down For A Heart To Heart About Depression". If you haven't seen it, you really must. It's a fantastic example of the power of vulnerability. Will McMahon has enjoyed a phenomenal career in radio, currently co-hosting the drive slot on the KISS network. He's at the top of his game, yet Will has achieved all this whilst enduring the undulations of living with a mental illness. Following the chat

Oct 22, 2020 • 1:29:51

Will McMahon - Depression & High School Expectations

Will McMahon - Depression & High School Expectations

In 2019 Will McMahon and Woody Whitelaw (of Will & Woody fame) released the video, "Best Mates Sit Down For A Heart To Heart About Depression". If you haven't seen it, you really must. It's a fantastic example of the power of vulnerability.Will McMahon has enjoyed a phenomenal career in radio, currently co-hosting the drive slot on the KISS network. He's at the top of his game, yet Will has achieved all this whilst enduring the undulations of living with a mental illness.Following the chat, Ryan

Oct 22, 2020 • 1:32:20

Sam Willoughby - The Tragic Injury That Changed His Life

Sam Willoughby - The Tragic Injury That Changed His Life

On this week’s episode, Hugh chats with Australian BMX racer, world champion, multi-Olympian, Sam Willoughby. In 2016, Sam experienced a life-changing neck injury which left him with tetraplegia. At 29 Sam has lived a remarkable life and is an incredible person who tells his life story with candour and honesty.Following the chat, Ryan and Hugh discuss Sam's journey whilst exploring some of the life lessons we can learn from this incredible person.If this episode has triggered anything for you ar

Sep 28, 2020 • 1:42:52

Sam Willoughby - The Tragic Injury That Changed His Life

Sam Willoughby - The Tragic Injury That Changed His Life

On this week’s episode, Hugh chats with Australian BMX racer, world champion, multi-Olympian, Sam Willoughby. In 2016, Sam experienced a life-changing neck injury which left him with tetraplegia. At 29 Sam has lived a remarkable life and is an incredible person who tells his life story with candour and honesty.Following the chat, Ryan and Hugh discuss Sam's journey whilst exploring some of the life lessons we can learn from this incredible person.If this episode has triggered anything for you ar

Sep 28, 2020 • 1:45:22

Steen Raskopoulos - Comedy & Depression

Steen Raskopoulos - Comedy & Depression

This week we talk to the wonderful Australian comedian, actor and improviser Steen Raskopoulos. Over the past 8 years Steen Raskopoulos has enjoyed a remarkable career with acclaimed stand up shows, starring roles on tv shows, working with his comedic idols, copious awards...the works. In this episode Steen talks candidly of the mental health struggles going on behind the scenes during this meteoric rise.Following this, Ryan and Hugh discuss some of the valuable lessons we can learn from Steen's

Sep 13, 2020 • 1:27:31

Steen Raskopoulos - Comedy & Depression

Steen Raskopoulos - Comedy & Depression

This week we talk to the wonderful Australian comedian, actor and improviser Steen Raskopoulos. Over the past 8 years Steen Raskopoulos has enjoyed a remarkable career with acclaimed stand up shows, starring roles on tv shows, working with his comedic idols, copious awards...the works. In this episode Steen talks candidly of the mental health struggles going on behind the scenes during this meteoric rise.Following this, Ryan and Hugh discuss some of the valuable lessons we can learn from Steen's

Sep 13, 2020 • 1:32:01

Catriona Bisset - Exercise, Anxiety & Female Empowerment

Catriona Bisset - Exercise, Anxiety & Female Empowerment

This week we talk to Australian athlete, the incredible Catriona Bisset. Catriona talks candidly of her unconventional...almost unintentional journey of becoming the fastest woman in Australian history over 800m.Following this, Ryan and Hugh discuss some of the valuable lessons we can learn from Catriona's fascinating journey.If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14.The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project.

Aug 31, 2020 • 1:28:31

Catriona Bisset - Exercise, Anxiety & Female Empowerment

Catriona Bisset - Exercise, Anxiety & Female Empowerment

This week we talk to Australian athlete, the incredible Catriona Bisset. Catriona talks candidly of her unconventional...almost unintentional journey of becoming the fastest woman in Australian history over 800m.Following this, Ryan and Hugh discuss some of the valuable lessons we can learn from Catriona's fascinating journey.If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14.The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project.

Aug 31, 2020 • 1:24:01

Johann Hari - The Importance of Connection

Johann Hari - The Importance of Connection

In the first episode of season two, Hugh chats with international best-selling author, Johann Hari.For those of you who listened to season one, you will have heard us mention Johann Hari, and his book Lost Connections, ALOT. We’re big fans.In fact, he’s had a huge influence on not just us, but some of our previous guests (see Missy Higgins Ep. 1). So, even though it’s a bit of a different episode than what we’d usually do, we couldn’t be more excited to be starting the season with Johann as our

Aug 17, 2020 • 1:34:39

Johann Hari - The Importance of Connection

Johann Hari - The Importance of Connection

In the first episode of season two, Hugh chats with international best-selling author, Johann Hari. For those of you who listened to season one, you will have heard us mention Johann Hari, and his book Lost Connections, ALOT. We’re big fans. In fact, he’s had a huge influence on not just us, but some of our previous guests (see Missy Higgins Ep. 1). So, even though it’s a bit of a different episode than what we’d usually do, we couldn’t be more excite

Aug 17, 2020 • 1:30:10

Trailer - Season 2

Trailer - Season 2

Hugh and Ryan take a quick look at season two of The Imperfects. With guests like Johann Hari, Steen Raskopolous and Catriona Bisset (plus many more), there's a lot to look forward to. Hugh and Ryan also discuss some exciting changes for The Imperfects in 2020. As always thanks to No Mono (Pie Eater) for allowing us to use Keep On as the theme to this podcast.See for privacy information.

Aug 12, 2020 • 8:45

 Penny Moodie - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Penny Moodie - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - It's often quoted yet misunderstood. In this special bonus ep, Hugh talks to Penny Moodie about what living with OCD anxiety is really like. Penny, amongst other things, is also Hugh’s wife, so we get to know what living with Hugh is really like! If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14.See for privacy information.

Apr 30, 2020 • 1:13:32

Coronavirus & our mental health

Coronavirus & our mental health

A different episode for very different times. In this special episode, Ryan & Hugh take a break from our standard format to discuss some tools & strategies we can implement to increase our resilience and improve our mental health during these unprecedented times. This episode was recorded prior to the increased quarantine measures implemented but the Australian Government. All necessary precautions and procedures were taken to adhere to appropriate social distancing at the time of record

Apr 2, 2020 • 52:33

Ryan Shelton - Shame, Jealousy & Purpose

Ryan Shelton - Shame, Jealousy & Purpose

This special, end-of-season episode sees co-host Ryan Shelton step into the interviewee's chair. Ryan talks about his bold career ambitions, and the complex feelings of jealousy and shame when he didn't feel like he was successful enough and how uncovering his purpose has freed him from the vicious cycle of feeling inadequate. To watch the Ted talk on purpose, click here If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14.

Dec 20, 2019 • 1:09:58

Clare Bowditch - Music, Panic Attacks & Body Image

Clare Bowditch - Music, Panic Attacks & Body Image

This week, Hugh has an incredibly moving chat with the wonderful Clare Bowditch. If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14. The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project. Produced by Ryan Shelton, Hugh & Josh van Cuylenburg. Thank you also to 'No Mono' for generously allowing us to use 'Keep On' as the theme song for this podcast. See for privacy information.

Nov 21, 2019 • 1:28:05

Georgie Gardner - Parenting & Living in the Spotlight

Georgie Gardner - Parenting & Living in the Spotlight

Hugh sits down for a fascinating chat with Georgie Gardner, host of The Today Show. If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we strongly recommend lifeline on 13 11 14. The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project. Produced by Ryan Shelton, Hugh & Josh van Cuylenburg. Thank you also to 'No Mono' for generously allowing us to use 'Keep On' as the theme song for this podcast. See for privacy information.

Oct 14, 2019 • 1:21:12

Erin Deering - How Money Doesn't Always Make You Happy

Erin Deering - How Money Doesn't Always Make You Happy

In this episode of The Imperfects, Hugh sits down with Erin Deering. Erin is the co-founder of Australian swimwear company Triangl. If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we recommend lifeline, 13 11 14. The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project. Produced by Ryan Shelton, Hugh & Josh van Cuylenburg. A very special thanks to 'No Mono' for generously allowing us to use 'Keep On' as the theme song for this podcast.See for pr

Sep 26, 2019 • 1:18:18

Jack Watts - Anxiety, Pressure in Football and Mistakes

Jack Watts - Anxiety, Pressure in Football and Mistakes

In this episode of The Imperfects, Hugh sits down with Australian rules Footballer Jack Watts, who talks openly of his biggest mistakes and the pressures of professional sport. If this episode has triggered anything for you around mental health, we recommend lifeline, 13 11 14. The Imperfects is brought to you by The Resilience Project. Produced by Ryan Shelton, Hugh & Josh van Cuylenburg. A very special thanks to 'No Mono' for generously allowing us to use 'Keep On' as the theme song f

Sep 11, 2019 • 1:11:02

Missy Higgins - Quitting Music, Depression & Connection

Missy Higgins - Quitting Music, Depression & Connection

In this first episode of The Imperfects, Hugh chats with Australian singer-songwriter Missy Higgins, who makes herself vulnerable in a way she never has before publicly. In sharing her battles with her own mental ill-health and how it drove her to temporarily quit music, Missy explains why ‘connection’ was ultimately her saviour. Following the interview, Ryan quizzes Hugh on what we can learn from Missy’s story, and how these lessons can be applied to our own imperfect lives. &

Aug 27, 2019 • 1:20:57

An introduction

An introduction

The Resilience Project's Hugh van Cuylenburg chats to a variety of interesting people, sharing their struggles and imperfections. Hugh and Ryan Shelton then discuss some valuable take aways we can all apply to our own imperfect lives. Guests include, Missy Higgins, Jack Watts, Georgie Gardner, Erin Deering and Ryan Shelton. If this episode has triggered anything for you, we strongly recommend lifeline 13 11 14. A 'The Resilience Project Pocast'. . Music - No Mono - Keep on. See omnystudio.

Aug 14, 2019 • 15:45

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