The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I.
Dunce Cap Productions
Gwen Gween is taking on New York City's strangest cases, all while hunting for her long-lost parents and trying to survive as seemingly the only normal person in the universe.
Chapter Five - Monsters, Murder, & Fun!
The season finale of The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I. Gwen's rag tag team of misfits following the junior P.I.'s trail through the Waggle's long abandoned Labs... well, not completely abandoned.
Featuring: Alice K. Johnson, Cristina Pitter, Sonja O’Hara, Daniel Contreras, Antonio Thompson, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, Aldo Malaspina, Spencer Andrew Taylor, Deb Radloff, and Kevin Laibson
Music by: Andy McCarthy and Lavinia Pavlish
Cover Photo by: Sarah Marie Mayo
Chapter Four - Sex, Lies, & Medical Tape
New York City politics land Gwen in the crossheirs of dangerous dangerous enemies and a mysterious illness. How is her mother's bracelet involved? That's the question our junior P.I. is asking herself in an medicated haze.
Featuring: Alice K. Johnson, Cristina Pitter, Sonja O’Hara, Daniel Contreras, Antonio Thompson, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, Aldo Malaspina, and Spencer Andrew Taylor.
Music by: Andy McCarthy and Lavinia Pavlish
Produced by: Daniel Contreras and Christop
Chapter Three - Until The Moment We Come
Gwen jumps at shadows trying to unravel her latest musical case, all the while trying desperately to find meaning in the mysterious bracelet bearing her mother's initials. *Stay tuned after the episode for a musical surprise.
Featuring: Alice K. Johnson, Cristina Pitter, Daniel Contreras, Antonio Thompson, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, Aldo Malaspina, and Spencer Andrew Taylor
Promise kept, buttrockers. Check out the one and only Nicklestained's latest release! https://nicke
Episode 3 - Fingerin' the Fuzz - Live!
Cops, man! Gwen and Dick navigate a twisted web of corruption, lies, and horse tranquilizers inside the NYPD, all to clear a (mostly) innocent cop's name, and maybe their own.
Recorded live!
This Episode features the stars: Alice K. Johnson, Daniel Contreras, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, and Annie Watkins.
Music by: Andy McCarthy and Lavinia Pavlish
Edited by: Daniel Contreras
Written and Created by: Daniel Contreras and Christopher DeLuca
Story Editor: Daniel Contreras
Chapter Two - Spilt Soup
Gwen begins to untangle a vicious mystery, but it's the dim-witted homme fatale by her side that she needs to keep an eye on.
Featuring: Alice K. Johnson, Cristina Pitter, Daniel Contreras, Antonio Thompson, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, and Spencer Andrew Taylor.
Music by: Andy McCarthy and Lavinia Pavlish
Produced by: Daniel Contreras and Christopher DeLuca
Cover Photo by: Sarah Marie Mayo
Sound Mixing and Edited by: Daniel Contreras
Written by: Daniel Contreras and Chri
Chapter One - Death & Taxies
When Gwen's boss vanishes under mysterious circumstances, it's a race against the clock to find him… & her W2.
Featuring: Alice K. Johnson, Cristina Pitter, Daniel Contreras, Antonio Thompson, Cait Eggers, Sam Fox-Hartin, Christopher DeLuca, Dylan Brennan, and Spencer Andrew Taylor.
Music by: Andy McCarthy & Lavinia Palish
Produced by: Daniel Contreras & Christopher DeLuca
Cover Photo by: Sarah Marie Mayo
Sound Mixing and Editing by: Taylor Roig
Written by: Daniel Contreras & Christopher DeLu
The Pulp Tales Of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I. - Teaser
The Pulp Tales of Gwendolyn Gween, P.I., now on Spotify, Apple iTunes, Stitcher & where ever you listen to podcasts.
Music by: Andy McCarthy
Voice Over by: Christopher DeLuca
Written by: Daniel Contreras & Christopher DeLuca