The Batgirl: Cassandra Cain podcast is a show dedicated to the 3rd Batgirl, Cassandra Cain. Follow us as we discuss Cass fighting her past, making sense of her present, and searching for a better tomorrow.

#147 The Cassandra Cain Podcast

#147 The Cassandra Cain Podcast

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk about issue 5 of the Mother saga.  There's action, trippiness with some familiar faces.  Cassandra Cain's life is turned upside down...will she be able to get her situation and relationship with her mom, Lady Shiva, turned right side up?  Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 13, • 50:37

#245 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 19

#245 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 19

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about the Kelly Thompson banger! Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social Birds of Prey: Issue 19        Released: March 5, 2025  Writer: Kelly Thompson      Art: Juann Cabal      Colors: Adriano Lucas   Lettering: Clayton Cowles    Editor: Jessica Berbey     Group Editor: Rob Levin Title: Divide and Conquer Part 2 At the Lake House, Dinah and Sin’s trap has succeeded and their stalkers attack.

Mar 11, • 47:29

#244 Feathers & Foes: Black Canary 2

#244 Feathers & Foes: Black Canary 2

Feathers and Foes is back to talk Black Canary.  Dinah whips her band into shape, preparing them for hand to hand combat and more for whatever is coming for them .  What do you think of this run so far? Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: @huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 4, • 34:45

Outcasters Episode 61

Outcasters Episode 61

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #18 from 1987, “...Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light”, dieting, Monty Python, and game shows. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Bluesky: @outcasters.bsky.social @HueStone44.bsky.social @timprice17.bsky.social Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Mar 1, • 1:24:05

#129 The Huntress Podcast: Huntress Cry For Blood 2

#129 The Huntress Podcast: Huntress Cry For Blood 2

Contact us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork   Huntress: Cry for Blood 2 Cover Date: July 2000  Writer: Greg Rucka Artists: Rick Burchett Colorist: Tatjana Wood Letterer: Clem Robins Associate Editor: Joseph Illidge Editor: Dennis O’Neil And Now … She Can Not Be Forgiven After paying her respects at her cousin Claudio’s wake, Helena was forced to screech to a halt as The Question was standing in the road. She gets out to confront him. He tells her the story of a

Feb 17, • 48:40

#243 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 18

#243 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 18

The Birds of Prey  are in a new story arc, where a group of evil doers are coming after sin, and we can't have that, now can we?  And Batgirl and Big Barda are on another plot line involving Constatine.  Will Black Canary and Sin be able to survive the ambush in the woods?   Let us know your thoughts about this issue at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: Huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 15, • 59:19

#146 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl issue 4

#146 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl issue 4

Cassandra Cain bumps into some new and old foes.  Her mother, Lady Shiva, communicates to Batgirl that she may not be able to outrun her heritage or...birthright?  This run away train story is filled with action and dialogue which may lead us towards a new turn in the Cassandra mythos.  Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social

Feb 12, • 1:05:23

Outcasters Episode 60

Outcasters Episode 60

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #17 from 1986, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”, stakeouts, Warner Bros cartoons, and Scarface. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Bluesky: @outcasters.bsky.social @HueStone44.bsky.social @timprice17.bsky.social Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Pink Floyd - Eclipse

Jan 26, • 1:29:01

#128 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League: Crises on Infinite Earths part 1, 2 & 3. (Feature Film)

#128 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League: Crises on Infinite Earths part 1, 2 & 3. (Feature Film)

Diane and A.J. talk Justice League: Crises on Infinite Earths.  What did you think about this 3 part story/feature? Let us know at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com dianedarcy.bsky.social

Jan 22, • 1:04:04

#242 Feathers & Foes: Black Canary #1

#242 Feathers & Foes: Black Canary #1

e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork   Black Canary 1 Cover date: August 2015 Writer: Brenden Fletcher Art: Annie Wu Colorist: Lee Loughridge Letterer: Steve Wands Assistant Editor: Dave Wielgosz Editor: Chris Conroy Group Editor: Mark Doyle   Title: The Most Dangerous Band in America Dinah, now calling herself by the initials D.D., has joined a band called Black Canary as their lead singer. The group includes a quasi-manager nam

Jan 21, • 51:23

#127 The Huntress Podcast: Cry For Blood Part 1

#127 The Huntress Podcast: Cry For Blood Part 1

The Huntress Podcast is back in 2025 to talk about Helena Bertinelli in Cry For Blood, written by Greg Rucka and brillantly penciled by Rick Burchett.  Issue one begins with a murder mystery where the mob, The Batman and some "in the know" Gumshoe are pointing their "you're the culprit" finger in Helena Bertinelli's direction.  As we explore Helena's emotional journey, heritage and mystery, please join the conversation by contacting us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com bluesky: mtnflwr1 bluesky: hue

Jan 15, • 48:16

#145 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl #3

#145 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl #3

The Cassandra Cain podcast is here to talk about issue 3 of 6 of Batgirl, where Cassandra Cain and Lady Shiva are on the run on a train.  Cassandra Cain is learning new avenues about her mother as well as her situation with the Undead.  Fast action, good writing and perhaps a new direction for Cassandra Cain as we know her.   Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com @TimPrice17 on most social media. Bluesky: @huestone44.bsky.social

Jan 12, • 1:11:01

#241 Feathers & Foes: #BirdsofPrey 17: (Bird Under Cover Conclusion)

#241 Feathers & Foes: #BirdsofPrey 17: (Bird Under Cover Conclusion)

The Birds of Prey conclude this story by bringing the fight to The Ninth Day Coporation's door step...or Lab!  Back up is on the way to save the Amazons, innocent non meta-human women and Cassandra Cain from going off the deep end with the serum.  Impeccable art, awesome action with great character moments! Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social or mtnflwr1.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jan 5, • 43:18

#240 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 34 & Future's End

#240 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 34 & Future's End

Feathers and Foes conclude the New52 run of Birds of Prey, ending on such a sour note which makes it feels like we would never see the team form again.  Good thing the team reforms in Rebirth and beyound.  May Birds of Prey live on till the end of comics itself.  We would like to hear from you.  What are your thoughts about how Black Canary was treated in this run? Was Condor a good addition?  What about Starling/Mean Guns!  Why did they take her away?  Were we too harsh on the book?  Let us kn

Dec 25, 2024 • 46:31

Outcasters Episode 59

Outcasters Episode 59

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #16 from 1986, “The Firefly's Blaze of Glory”, making assumptions, contractors, and done-in-ones. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17  Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Owl City - Fireflies

Dec 24, 2024 • 1:20:56

#144 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl 1 & 2

#144 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirl 1 & 2

Uninvited guest, Lady Shiva, or Mama, visits her supreme combat daughter, Cassandra Cain, warning her of an upcoming clear and present danger.  This one sided, reluctant duo faces an threat in the streets of Gotham.  After issue two, things look rather bleek for our hero, Batgirl.  Write to us about your opinions of the two blockbuster stories?   What is Shiva up to?  Will their be other guest stars in the 6 issue arc?  What are you expecting next? feathersandfoes@gmail.com Write to us at www.t

Dec 14, 2024 • 1:23:27

#239 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 16 (Bird Under Cover Part 3)

#239 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 16 (Bird Under Cover Part 3)

Birds of Prey: Issue 16 Released: December 4, 2024 Writer: Kelly Thompson Art: Sami Basri Inker: Vicente Cifuentes Colors: Adriano Lucas Lettering: Clayton Cowles Editor: Jessica Berbey Group Editor: Rob Levin Title: Bird Undercover Part 3 Cassandra Cain’s undercover mission into The Ninth Day Corporation has landed her in a secret sub-basement labyrinth facing Bella, a mutated woman who is now a dog like werewolf creature. However, after Cass uses a brick to break Bella’s electronic collar, th

Dec 8, 2024 • 42:18

#126 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 10-12

#126 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 10-12

The Huntress Podcast wraps up Geoff Johns latest run, where the Huntress is spirited away to the future...back to the future, one might say.  Final good-byes, graduations, unexpected reveals and more are all in Justice Society of America 10, 11 and 12. Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or Bluesky: @Huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Dec 7, 2024 • 47:14

#230 The Manhattan Project: The One with Phoebe's Cookies

#230 The Manhattan Project: The One with Phoebe's Cookies

Monica would love to have Phoebe's grandmother's recipe as a wedding gift, reminding Ross that he never received an engagement gift.  Chandler wears glasses now, which lead to some old school meet the inlaws highjinks in the steamroom.  And Rachel is giving Joey lessons at boating!  What do you think about this episode?  Write to us at april5k@gmail.com Bluesky: april5k.bsky.social  Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Nov 28, 2024 • 1:02:19

#238 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 32 & 33

#238 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 32 & 33

Black Canary is trying to reestablish a relationship with her long lost husband, who has lost his memory.  In addition, the Birds of Prey are facing off against Amanda Waller and the Suicide Squad.  Let us know your thoughts about Condor, Black Canary and the story itself.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky @huestone44.bsky.social

Nov 25, 2024 • 47:45

Outcasters Episode 58

Outcasters Episode 58

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #15 from 1986, “Biohazard”, doctor titles, safety procedures, and egg mack muffins(sp). Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast  Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Discord: @timprice17 Closing music: McDonalds Egg McMuffin 1978 TV ad

Nov 15, 2024 • 1:23:58

#237 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 15 All IN!

#237 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 15 All IN!

THE TEAM UNCOVERS THE NINTH DAY CULT'S DEADLY SECRETS! Things have gone sideways in the Birds of Prey's investigation of the Ninth Day cult, and the Birds' undercover operative, Cassandra Cain, has gone deathly silent. The team going in to break her out are heavy hitters of the highest order — Black Canary, Big Barda, Grace Choi, and Onyx — with Oracle at mission control, and Sin frustrated she's been benched. But what they find is so much more than they feared... Write to us at feathersandfoes

Nov 12, 2024 • 50:26

Revisiting with Kelly Thompson about Birds of Prey, Eisner Awards and More!

Revisiting with Kelly Thompson about Birds of Prey, Eisner Awards and More!

Feathers and Foes of the Wright On Network revisit with Eisner Award Winner, Kelly Thompson, to talk about her run on Birds of Prey since we last talked, her other projects with Image Comics, Marvel and G.I. Joe.  We truly appreciate Kelly Thompson taking time out of her schedule to chat with us about things we were truly interested in hearing, which was so delightful.  We hope you enjoy this interview, which we believe was actually informative. Be sure to follow her on Substack 1979semifinalis

Nov 9, 2024 • 44:45

Interview with a Birds of Prey Writer

Interview with a Birds of Prey Writer


Nov 4, 2024 • 42:49

#125 The Huntress Podcast: Whisper of the Moth

#125 The Huntress Podcast: Whisper of the Moth

The Huntress Podcast discuss Helena Bertinelli in the Whisper of the Moth by Tim Seeley from Lazurus Planet: Dark Fate.  Feburary 14, 2023 is when this was released.   We've been waiting for Miss Bertinelli ever since in her own narrative.  Returning to The Tower on her own.  This time not as a patient, but as an agent of Street Justice incarnate.   Thank you for listening to our podcast.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast

Nov 3, 2024 • 36:41

#236 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey issues 30 & 31

#236 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey issues 30 & 31

Birds of Prey 30: As her teammates fall, only Black Canary stands between the utterly helpless Mother Eve and Ra's al Ghul. If she stands aside, her husband will be saved. If she refuses to fold, everybody else will die! What can she possibly do? Birds of Prey 31: In the aftermath of the battle between Mother Eve and Ra's al Ghul, the Birds must decide what path they will take next – and whether they will take it all together. And who exactly are the Children of Eve? Let us know your thoughts a

Oct 30, 2024 • 49:49

Outcasters Episode 57

Outcasters Episode 57

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #14 from 1986, “The Looker Murder Case”, detectives, David Letterman, and fairy tales. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17  Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: They Might Be Giants - Hotel Detective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9-dwPTQjGg

Oct 23, 2024 • 1:26:39

#124 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League of America

#124 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League of America

Thank you for listening to episode 124 of the Huntress Podcast, where we discuss Justice League of America, Justice Society of America and the All-Star Squadron putting a stop to the time travelling fascist, Per Degaton.   We would love to hear your thoughts about this 5 story epic at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Send us a vocie mail if you like to share your experience with the story, especially like when you were first introduced to it.   Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwor

Oct 12, 2024 • 1:14:50

#235 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 14 (ALL IN!)

#235 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 14 (ALL IN!)

Feathers and Foes is back to talk about Birds of Prey 14 written by Kelly Thompson, pencilled by Sami Basri and colored by Adriano Lucas.  Bird Undercover Part 1, where Cassandra Cain goes deep, deep undercover to bust the case wide open on the organization called The 9th Day who are kidnapping Amazons and doing Hera knows what with them.  As the other members wait on Cassandra's signal, they go a little bunkers, which is rather frustrating for Black Canary, who is usually the field agent.  Ony

Oct 6, 2024 • 1:00:09

#234 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey #28 and #29

#234 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey #28 and #29

Feathers & Foes is back to talk about this double header from the New52 Universe.  Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Birds of Prey vol. 3 28 Cover Date:  April 2014   Writer: Christy Marx Penciler: Daniel Sampere and Romano Molenaar Breakdowns: Scott McDaniel Inkers: Jonathan Glapion and Jordi Tarragona Colorist: Chris Sotomayor Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual Assistant Editor: Darren Shan Edito

Oct 1, 2024 • 1:07:28

Outcasters Episode 56

Outcasters Episode 56

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders Annual #1 from 1986, “The Skull … the Serpent … and the Outsiders”, Roanoke, the Corsican Brothers, and drinking wine with sammiches. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17  Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music:  Dire Straits - Walk Of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd9TlGDZGkI

Sep 28, 2024 • 1:23:17

#123 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1057 & 1058

#123 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1057 & 1058

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about the concluding story of The Tower part 11 and 12, where Mariko Tamaki wraps up the Gotham house of horrors rather nicely while still leaving the reader wanting more.  Let us know your thoughts about this suspenseful thriller at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Sep 23, 2024 • 1:02:54

#143 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman and Robin 23 - 26

#143 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman and Robin 23 - 26

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about the final four issues of Batman & Robin Eternal numbers 23 - 26!  All out war across the globe as the Bat Family United show Mother what they are made of.  ROBINS FOREVER!  Let us know your thoughts about how our girl Cassandra Cain was used in the NEW52 universe.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork X @HuntressPodcast Bluesky: Huestone44.bsky.social

Sep 14, 2024 • 1:19:20

#122 The Huntress Podcast: All Star Squadron 15

#122 The Huntress Podcast: All Star Squadron 15

As the JLA/JSA/All-Star Squadron teams defeat the Crime Syndicate on both Earth Prime in 1962, and Earth-2 in 1942, thereby preventing the stolen nuclear missiles from going off on both worlds, Per Degaton still as one more trick up his sleeve-use the last hidden stolen nuclear missile and detonate it in 1942, thereby forcing Earth-2's leaders to surrender to him. Please let us know your thoughts about the story and our coverage at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter: @HuntressPodcast www.thehunt

Sep 11, 2024 • 50:30

#233 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 13 (Worlds without End part 5 of 5)

#233 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 13 (Worlds without End part 5 of 5)

Feathers & Foes are back to talk about Kelly Thompson sticking the landing on Worlds Without End part 5, where the gang may have suffered a push, yet still able to make some gains.  Cassandra displaying emotionally intelligent leadership, other members finding their strengths and amplifying it and lushes/mind bending art by Gavin Guidry and Jordie Bellaire.  Let us know your favorite parts about this story arc at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreo

Sep 8, 2024 • 1:03:51

Outcasters Episode 55.5

Outcasters Episode 55.5

Tim interviews comics idol Chuck Patton, artist of The Outsiders Special #1 (1987), and they discuss Chuck’s career, the Outsiders, and the 3 V’s! Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @ChuckPatton9 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Art of Chuck Patton: https://www.artofchuckpatton.com/ The Epiphany Engine: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adventcomics/the-epiphany-

Aug 28, 2024 • 1:41:13

#232 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 26 & 27

#232 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 26 & 27

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about the new reconstruction of the team, Birds of Prey that is, under...new leadership? Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Aug 28, 2024 • 1:10:35

#121 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1056

#121 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1056

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about Helena Bertinelli in the tower fighting for her life physically and mentally.  Tune in and listen to our take about how the characters were deployed, the heroics of the Batfamily and things we were not too keen about in the story. Peace to you and your family. Contact us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social

Aug 24, 2024 • 56:12

#120 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League of America (The Bomb Blast Heard 'Round the World)

#120 The Huntress Podcast: Justice League of America (The Bomb Blast Heard 'Round the World)

Join the Huntress Podcast as we discuss Helena Wayne along with the Justice Society of America, Justice League of America and the ALL STAR SQUADRON as they battle Per Degaton, Time and potential nuclear fall out.  The creative team does a good job of balancing multiple characters alongside some heavy issues.   Join the conversation at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Aug 18, 2024 • 1:02:48

Outcasters Episode 55

Outcasters Episode 55

It’s a guest host extravaganza as Tim discusses The Outsiders #13 from 1986 with Justin Steiner and Sara Century, “Marooned…” and “... Ten Minutes”. Plus, Tim and Sean Ross discuss Secret Origins #6 starring Halo! Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @justinsteiner @Sean42AZ Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 @justinsteiner.bsky.social @sean42az.bsky.social Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Justin’s subs

Aug 15, 2024 • 2:42:15

#231 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 12 (Worlds w/o End part 4 of 5)

#231 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 12 (Worlds w/o End part 4 of 5)

Feathers and Foes is here to talk about the new Kelly Thompson Birds of Prey issue 12 story!  Worlds without End part 4 with art by Javier Pina, Sophie Campbell and Gavin Guidry bring a nonstop thrill ride, punching the air, stand up and cheer moments for surer.  You should read it.  So much fun!  Old and new friends join the adventure as well.   All here in one issue! Tell us your thoughts at the following locations: feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com Blues

Aug 11, 2024 • 1:02:35

#230 Feathers & Foes: New52Birds of Prey 24 & 25

#230 Feathers & Foes: New52Birds of Prey 24 & 25

Feathers and Foes are here to talk about Birds of Prey 24, where the Birds of Prey are faced with a new enemy that happens to be Condor's old friends?  And in issue 25, we get an origin of new52 Black Canary that reads sort of like a back door pilot.  Birds of Prey 25 - Zero Year.   e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social

Aug 2, 2024 • 1:06:46

#119 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1055

#119 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1055

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about Helena Bertinelli, making her way out of the twists and turns of Shadows of the Bat, a story where the The Huntress finds herself voluntarily stuck in an institution that was promised to be helpful, painless and safe.  After Doctor Wear, a con man playing businessman/enterprenuer wins, over the donor class of Gotham to fund this Tower of Horror, things fall apart.   Will the Bat Family and their inside woman, Helena, be able to put a stop to the Madnes

Jul 29, 2024 • 42:54

Outcasters Episode 54

Outcasters Episode 54

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #12 from 1986, “Nothin Left To Lose”, signs of trust, science of radiation, and fireflies. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music:  Nothing Left to Lose - The Alan Parsons Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LMJyK0lj1U

Jul 24, 2024 • 1:34:02

#142 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 19 -22

#142 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 19 -22

Tim Price & A.J. talk Cassandra Cain in the adventures of Batman & Robin Eternal 19 - 22, where the Robins and other Bat Family members are trying to put an end to the Mother operations without turning on each other.  In these four issues, we get back story, action, disturbing images and pathos, espcially in issues and 21 and 22.   We would like to know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jul 24, 2024 • 1:33:27

#118 The Huntress Podcast: All Star Squadron 14

#118 The Huntress Podcast: All Star Squadron 14

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about the Crises happening on multiple earths, caused by the facscist time traveler, Per Degaton.  A team up match made in the phantom zone, Per Degaton and The Crime Syndicate, comes to an end rather quickly because of course it wouldn't work.  We also get some good story time action with the All-Star Squadron.  We would love to hear from you at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social www.patre

Jul 22, 2024 • 54:57

#229 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 11 Worlds Without End (3 of 5)

#229 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 11 Worlds Without End (3 of 5)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about the ongoning adventrues of the Birds of Prey, who are currently fighting battles in a pocket dimension.  Batgirl is isolated from the group, Constantine, Zealot and Meridian are on the outside looking in and Team A of the Birds of Prey are being Spectacular in the face of danger...and Dinosaurs!   Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Bluesky: huestone44.bsky.social X @HuntressPo

Jul 7, 2024 • 54:45

#141 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin 16 - 18

#141 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin 16 - 18

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is discussing Cassandra Cain in the ongoings of what is happening in the pages of Batman & Robin Eternal 16 - 18.  Things are really turning up to 11 with the Mother character, Batman is absolved of any narrative line crossing and the Bat Family is a little messy yet coming together.  Let us know if you are reading or read any new52 comics.  What do you think about Cassandra Cain in this messy story?  Contact us at the following places:   feathersandfoes@gmail.com X

Jun 27, 2024 • 1:12:49

#228 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey

#228 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey

On this episode of Feathers and Foes we are talking about issues 22 & 23 of Birds of Prey in the New52 world!  Black Canary and Company are dealing with a new Headquarters, some romance? a return of a spouse? and dealing with some new Foes!  Join the conversation at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast Instagram @sogallifrey44 Bluesky: Huestone44.bsky.social www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jun 23, 2024 • 54:10

Outcasters Episode 53

Outcasters Episode 53

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #11 from 1986, “No Escape”, cold war politics, swag bags, and tiny trees. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music:  Seremedy - No Escape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbTAMzgC7uU

Jun 17, 2024 • 1:39:15

#117 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1054

#117 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1054

The Huntress Podcast again is in love with Mariko Tamaki's script for Detective Comics 1054.  The Batfamily are together, under fire, trying to scale the conflict going on in the Tower!  Shadows of the Bat is ramped up and ready to get on with the beginnining of the end.  Tell us your thoughts about this story at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork www.thehuntresspodcast.com Bluesky: Huestone44.bsky.social Instagram: Huestone_44

Jun 13, 2024 • 55:26

#227 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 10

#227 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 10

Feathers and Foes are talking about Volume 5 Birds of Prey, where the Birds are trapped in a bubble universe with someone who may be a Friend or Foe.  Barbara Gordon is separated from the group, Big Barda is attacking the group and the outfits are spectacular. Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Contact Laurel on any social media at MtnFlwr1 Bluesky: @huestone44.bsky.social Instagram: Huestone44

Jun 9, 2024 • 1:01:16

#140 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 14 & 15

#140 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 14 & 15

Tim and A.J. are hear to talk about Cassandra Cain joining a family of Robins or Batfamily, escaping the abuse of her father, Orphan/David Cain, and Mother.  Will she and her chosen family be able to make it out alive?  Listen in and find out as A.J. and Tim give their takes on this 2016 release.  Did you read these stories back in the day or now?  Give us your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Blue Sky: huestone44.bsky.social www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork X @Hu

Jun 6, 2024 • 1:20:21

#116 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 9 & Justice League of America 207

#116 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 9 & Justice League of America 207

The Huntress Podcast is talking about Helena Wayne in Justice Society of America #9 and Justice League of America #207.  Two different eras where The Huntress is working within a team.  In the Justice Society of America Geoff Johns is still setting up his new vision for the characters, collecting new people to the roster and facing a new cosmic threat or potential team mate.  In Justice League of America #207 we are embarking on a huge crossover with The Justice Society of America, Justice Leag

Jun 4, 2024 • 1:15:38

Outcasters Episode 52

Outcasters Episode 52

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #10 from 1986, “The People’s Heroes”, Rocky IV, mustaches, and Papa Smurf. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music:  Living In America - James Brown

May 18, 2024 • 1:27:05

#226 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 9 Volume 5

#226 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 9 Volume 5

Feathers and Foes is back to talk about the Birds of Prey in adventure where they are in a new realm, new costumes and a new kind of enemy, yet they are the same old kick butt characters we have love to follow all these years. Let us know what you think about the run so far.  Contact us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Instagram @sogallifrey_44

May 12, 2024 • 1:03:36

#139 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal #12 & #13

#139 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal #12 & #13

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about Cassandra Cain revisiting her origin, while moving forward, claiming herself as a member of the Batfamily. Let us know how you feel about Cassandra Cain in the pages of Batman & Robin Eternal numbers 12 and 13.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

May 1, 2024 • 1:10:20

#115 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1053

#115 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1053

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Bertinelli in the ongoing adventures of Detective Comics 1053, where The Huntress is deep undercover inside the Tower, where con-man Dr. Wear is running a scheme that attracts some rather strange bedfellows, especially if his tomfoolery go south.  Will the Batfamily bust this case wide open before everything goes sour?  We would love to hear your opinion about this issue at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon

Apr 30, 2024 • 48:44

#225 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey New52 20 & 21

#225 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey New52 20 & 21

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about Starling's betrayal, a new romance between Black Canary and Condor?, and Strix's fate.  Join us in the discussion of Birds of Prey 20 and 21.  Share your thoughts about some of these new and ongoing developements at feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 27, 2024 • 50:09

#114 The Huntress Podcast: Wonder Woman 291, 292 and 293

#114 The Huntress Podcast: Wonder Woman 291, 292 and 293

The Huntress Podcast are here to talk about Helena Wayne in the huge crisis event on multiple earths.  No, not that one.  We are talking about Helena Wayne in the pages of Wonder Woman 291, 292 and 293, where Roy Thomas writes a wonderful team book of multiple heroes across two earths, Earth One and Earth Two.   This is where The Huntress Comes in along with Power Girl, Phantom Lady, Lois Lane, Super Girl, Teen Titans and so much more.   Let us know what you think about the stories: Judgement i

Apr 22, 2024 • 1:05:29

Outcasters Episode 51

Outcasters Episode 51

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #9 from 1986, “Bentama Means... Betrayal”, quirky sword ladies, strange story choices, and TMNT. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music:  U.S.A. For Africa - We Are the World Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon Intro

Apr 12, 2024 • 1:44:16

#224 Birds of Prey 8: Undercover Animals Part 2

#224 Birds of Prey 8: Undercover Animals Part 2

Feathers and Foes are here to talk about the new issue of Birds of Prey, Undercover Animals part 2, where the Birds strut their stuff on the catwalk while taking on beings from possibly another dimensions while trying to keep Barbara Gordon out of the action, avoiding any possible probability of death.  Let us know what you think about the current issue?  Do you like the current roster?  Who is your favorite right now?  Let us know at feathersandfoes@gmail.com  www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.pa

Apr 7, 2024 • 48:00

JLApril 2024

JLApril 2024

Al and Tim discuss the Angel and the Ape mini-series from 1991, creator Phil Foglio, the Inferior Five, Gorilla Grodd, and lots of monkey business. #JLApril2024 Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @AdamThanosPod @timprice17 Bluesky: @adamthanospod @timprice17 Threads: @timprice17

Apr 1, 2024 • 1:43:55

#138 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batman & Robin Eternal 10 & 11)

#138 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batman & Robin Eternal 10 & 11)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk about Cassandra Cain in the pages of Batman & Robin Eternal numbers 10 & 11.  Painful read and coverage of Cass's back story, becoming a child soldier under David Cain's tutelage.   What are your thoughts about Cassandra Cain in these Batman & Robin Eternal books? Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Mar 29, 2024 • 1:15:12

#223 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey issues 18/19 New52

#223 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey issues 18/19 New52

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about this Birds of Prey team that is dealing with trust issues, Mr. Freeze, wrecking a headquarters and so much more.  Christy Marx is now dealing with the writing duties of our favorite heroes in the new52 world.  What are your thoughts? Share your comments and concerns at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com @HuntressPodcast on X www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 24, 2024 • 50:18

Outcasters Episode 50

Outcasters Episode 50

AJ, Sara, and Tim discuss The Outsiders #8 from 1986, “Ladies Day”, Amethyst, brothers stealing comics, and midsummer dreams.  Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Kool & The Gang - Ladies Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjG7-5kbevo

Mar 21, 2024 • 2:05:39

#222 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 7 (Undercover Animals)

#222 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 7 (Undercover Animals)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about Birds volume 5 issue 7, where writer Kelly Thompson has Barbara Gordon back in the Oracle chair and some new and old friends filling the roster, creating a team can't lose.  Hand to hand combat, mystery, beauiful art and so much more.   Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 10, 2024 • 1:07:48

#113 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1052

#113 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1052

The Huntress Podcast talk Helena, who is still in the tower, working her way out of this mental trap, willing herself to remember the plot that is actually taken place.  Will she be able to escape the mind prison Psycho Pirate has her under?  Will the Batfamily be able to bust this case wide open?  Please tune in and share your written or audio thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 4, 2024 • 50:24

#221 Feathers and Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 16 & 17

#221 Feathers and Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 16 & 17

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about new members, a closing of a run and wondering what is to come next.  Let us know your thoughts about these two issues of Birds of Prey new52, Birds of Prey 16 and 17.  Contact us at the following places: feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 1, 2024 • 53:45

#137 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 8 & 9

#137 Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 8 & 9

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk about Cassandra and the Batfamily on a mission to stop Mother and all of her subordinates. Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 23, 2024 • 1:13:45

#112 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 7 & 8

#112 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 7 & 8

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about Geoff Johns' Justice Society of America number 7, Friends and Enemies & Justice Society of America 8, Black Light.  What are your thoughts about Helena Wayne and the first super hero team ever in this book?  Let us know at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter: @sogallifrey www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 18, 2024 • 1:12:34

#111 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1051

#111 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1051

The Huntress Podcast is discussing Helena Bertinelli in the pages of Detective Comics 1051, where The Huntress is amongst some dangerous patients are beginning to...AWAKE.  Will Helena and Dick Grayson being able to make it out alive and well? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast  feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 16, 2024 • 53:48

#220 Feathers and Foes: Megadeath 6

#220 Feathers and Foes: Megadeath 6

The stunning conclusion to the Birds of Prey Megadeath series is in!  What are your thoughts?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com We enjoyed this introduction to volume 5 of Birds of Prey and over the moon about what's to come in the ongoing adventures of the Birds of Prey!

Feb 11, 2024 • 1:06:12

Outcasters Episode 49

Outcasters Episode 49

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #7 from 1986, “Assault on Station Markovia”, movie homages, 80s relationships, and identity crises. (No, not that series.) Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Mr Roboto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6f_2nPSX8

Feb 11, 2024 • 1:51:04

#110 The Huntress Podcast: By Dusk's Dying Light... and Out of the Darkness

#110 The Huntress Podcast: By Dusk's Dying Light... and Out of the Darkness

The Huntress Podcast is back to sadly close out the Paul Levitz & Joe Staton run on these Wonder Woman back up stories featuring Helena Wayne as THE HUNTRESS.  Time is running out, old friends are in danger, Helena is dealing with physical pain while handing out close up punch out with a dash of Science.  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Feb 4, 2024 • 1:06:00

#136 The Cassandra Cain Podcast:  Batman & Robin Eternal 7

#136 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 7

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk about Cassandra & Company globetrotting, tracking Mother down in order to bust this case wide open.  Skeletons of the past are visiting out Batfamily, increasing the intensity and scope of this story where the Batfamily are trying to stop this human trafficking ring while learning more about their own history.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jan 18, 2024 • 1:13:28

Outcasters Episode 48

Outcasters Episode 48

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #6 from 1986, “...Nothing Can Stop -- the Duke of Oil”, roller skating waitresses, secret passageways, and storm clouds. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Bluesky: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Threads: @wright_on_work @timprice17 Closing music: Duke of Earl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6Uht69h8Is Dallas theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sKX3tWaOew

Jan 14, 2024 • 1:38:44

#219 Feathers & Foes Podcast: Birds of Prey Megadeath 5

#219 Feathers & Foes Podcast: Birds of Prey Megadeath 5

Writer Kelly Thompson and guest artist, Arist Deyn, hit us with a story full of action, wonder, humor and the What the Heckisms.  The Birds are kicking but with style and the character moments are quiet, loud and rich.  What are your thoughts about Birds of Prey: Megadeath part 5?  Do you think the Sin character was given a personality in this one, was the guest art jarring and who was the true Boss Lady in issue 5? Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntre

Jan 7, 2024 • 1:02:30

#109 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1050

#109 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1050

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about the well-being of Helena Bertinelli as she battles the parasitical releated visions she is continuing to receive after registering herself into the Towers, where a shady Dr. Wear is up to no good.  And the person who is perhaps pulling the metaphysical strings, has an experience or two when dealing with a crisis.  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Threads and Blue Sky: Wright On Network www.patreon.com/wri

Dec 30, 2023 • 55:17

#108 The Huntress Podcast: Death Atop Its High Tower Calls!

#108 The Huntress Podcast: Death Atop Its High Tower Calls!

The Huntress Podcast is here to talk about the Helena Wayne story in the Wonder Woman #290 backup pages.  Helena Wayne, the Huntress, is still having a rough go against the Crime Lord, a villain who has a personal vendetta against The Huntress and is now going to take it out on someone close to her.   Will The Huntress be able to defeat her foe, save a loved one and report to work with a limited amount of questions?  Plug into our conversation.  We would love to hear other opinions about the ma

Dec 26, 2023 • 1:10:28

#218 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 15 in the New52

#218 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 15 in the New52

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about Birds of Prey, where we say good bye to an old friend, and a reluctant hello to a new/old face.  Listen to Feathers & Foes as they discuss the finale of this run where the Birds rescue Katanna, bond after a victory and look towards a new future.   Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com Bluesky and Threads @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork X @HuntressPodcast

Dec 24, 2023 • 34:15

#135 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 6

#135 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 6

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk about a story way back in 2015, Never Enough, where the origin story of Orphan, and perhaps orphans around the world are finally getting revealed.  Will the Robins be able to stop Mother, the antagonist who has had the plot rolling since before New52, before it's too late?  Let us know your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast Threads and Bluesky @Huestone44

Dec 18, 2023 • 1:00:09

Outcasters Episode 47

Outcasters Episode 47

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #5 from 1985, “A Christmas Carol -- 1985”, L.A. weather, flute therapy, and the vigilante spectrum. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Other social media: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Closing music: Put a little love in your heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3xNTnONV3k

Dec 13, 2023 • 1:37:38

#217 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 4

#217 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 4

The Feathers and Foes crew are back to talk about Birds of Prey issue 4: Megadeath part 4, where we are getting some plot and a lot of action!  The away team, Birds of Prey, are taking on the Amazons toe to toe.  Leonardo Romero's pencils are smash mouth in your face pop art fun.  Kelly Thompson's writing as far as plot, blocking and character moments are more than commendable.  And Jordie Bellaire's writing is just a perfect complement to the tone of the book as a whole.  The only shortcomin

Dec 11, 2023 • 1:03:33

#107 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1049

#107 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1049

The Huntress Podcast is back with @MtnFlwr1 and AJ. talking about Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress, in the tower, where there is no escape in the physcial or the mental.  Will this Bat-Team led by Batwoman be able to rescuse Helena and get down to the bottom of what ever Dr. Wear has cooking?  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Threads and Bluesky @Huestone44 and @mtnflwr1 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Dec 8, 2023 • 47:06

#The Huntress Podcast: Wall of Stone, Chains of Steel

#The Huntress Podcast: Wall of Stone, Chains of Steel

The Huntress Podcast is back to talk about Helena Wayne in the Wonder Woman 289 backup story, Wall of Stone, Chains of Steel by Paul Levitz and Joe Staton.  We want to give a trigger warning that we will be discussing some serious, sensitive topics in this episode.  If you want to comment on the story, please e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com Bluesky or Threads @Huestone44

Dec 3, 2023 • 1:02:20

#216 Birds of Prey: Birds of Prey New52 Issue 14

#216 Birds of Prey: Birds of Prey New52 Issue 14

Feathers and Foes talk the Birds of Prey back in the New52 world where the Birds are taking prisoners, they are only asking once and this Condor guy is taking over the book, it seems... Let us know your thoughts about the issue at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com  www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork   Bluesky or Threads: Huestone44

Nov 26, 2023 • 39:01

Mephisto vs The Podcasters Year 6(66): Podcasters on Parade

Mephisto vs The Podcasters Year 6(66): Podcasters on Parade

Tim plus Jeff and Rick from Unpacking the Power of Power Pack discuss Justice League of America #103 from 1972, "A Stranger Walks Among Us", great artwork, homemade costumes, and cheesy Batman. Please check out the other podcasts in our 2023 crossover, Mephisto vs the Podcasters take 6(66): MWC Podcast with Jon and Maggie (Avengers #83) Ninjas 'n' Bots (Batman #237) Unpacking the Power of Power Pack (Amazing Adventures #16) Resurrections, the Warlock and Thanos Podcast (Thor #207) Coffee and Co

Nov 23, 2023 • 1:43:30

#134 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 5 & 6/ Batman & Robin Eternal 5

#134 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 5 & 6/ Batman & Robin Eternal 5

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about Cass guest starring in the 6 part mini-series, Spirit World and her appearance in the New52 story Batman and Robin Eternal 5.   Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Threads and Bluesky @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Nov 20, 2023 • 1:17:40

Outcasters Episode 46

Outcasters Episode 46

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #4 from 1985, “Chasing the Dollar”, flying plants, learning Russian, and cringe villains. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Other social media: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Closing music: Dire Straits - Money For Nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTP2RUD_cL0

Nov 18, 2023 • 1:34:23

#215 Feathers & Foes: Megadeath 3

#215 Feathers & Foes: Megadeath 3

Feathers and Foes discuss the Birds breaking into Themiscara, Wonder Woman's homeland, in order to get Black Canary's little sister, Sin.  Amazing art, cool plotting and writing, and some great character moments.  And the action scenes in this one are more than special and extraordinary.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Threads and Bluesky: @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Nov 12, 2023 • 1:15:57

#105 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1048 Shadows of the Bat 2

#105 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1048 Shadows of the Bat 2

The Huntress Podcast talk about Detective Comics 1048, where writer Mariko Tamaki explores the trauma and anguish of characters in Gotham City and how this affects folks throughout time and space of the city's limits.  Systems such as heathcare, law enforcement and the pulse of every day citizens are affected by the efforts and lack thereof in a major metropolitian city.  Will the Bat Family get down to the bottom of what is happening inside Doctor Wear's Tower?  And where the heck is Helena Be

Oct 27, 2023 • 47:58

#214 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 13

#214 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 13

Feathers and Foes are talking Birds of Prey going international, showcasing Katana, plot structure and so much more.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Threads and Bluesky @Huestone44

Oct 24, 2023 • 51:49

#104 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 6

#104 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 6

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne living  in the Big Apple, while trying to start up a new team just like the one she constructed in her fututre.  Is Geoff Johns setting up a spin off of books branching off/from the Justice Society of America?  What are your thoughts about how Helena Wayne is being handled in this book?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Bluesky and Threads @Huestone44 feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Oct 21, 2023 • 1:22:38

Outcasters Episode 45

Outcasters Episode 45

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #3 from 1985, “Breaking the Bank”, cool sunglasses, swimming pools, and the worst of July. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Other social media: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Closing music: Corey Hart - Sunglasses at Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8

Oct 11, 2023 • 1:36:39

#213 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 2 (Megadeath 2)

#213 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 2 (Megadeath 2)

Writer: Kelly Thompson Penciller: Leonardo Romero Colorist: Jordie Bellaire Letters by Clayton Cowles Editor: Ben Abernathy   In Megadeath 2, Black Canary's "ad hoc" team has accepted their mission to go on a hopefully clandestine operation, entering Themyscira, rescuing Black Canary's sister, Sin, and exiting the premises without having a showdown with an Amazon.    If it doesn't sound easy, it isn't.  Even Zealot, a fierce warrior, wants no part in killing Amazons.  Dinah reassures everyone t

Oct 8, 2023 • 1:09:06

#103 #TheHuntress Podcast

#103 #TheHuntress Podcast

The Huntress Podcast talk about the Detective Comics mini-series: Shadows of the Bat.  The opening act of the Batfamily saga where a Doctor believes they have the answer to the societal ails.  Are the patients in Arkham truly cured by these methods?  Is Helena too far deep?  Join us as we discuss Detective Comics 1047.  We would love to hear your take at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast Threads/Bluesky @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Oct 4, 2023 • 45:50

#212 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 0

#212 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 0

Feathers and Foes talk about the New52 O story, where we learn the origin of how this super team got started.  Let us know your thoughts about this issue or any other zero issue of the New52 line where you may have had some thoughts.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com @HuntressPodcast on Twitter Threads and Bluesky @Huestone44

Sep 29, 2023 • 47:58

#133 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 4 and Batman & Robin Eternal 4

#133 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 4 and Batman & Robin Eternal 4

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about Cassandra spending credit in the Spirit World, where her living status is not just about what to fill out on a tax form, but actually surviving flesh blobs and being possessed.  And in this double feature of an episode, we talk about Cassandra's role in the new, forming Bat-Family in the New52 World.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky & Threads @Huestone44

Sep 29, 2023 • 1:29:31

#102 Karnage Doesn't Kill Here Anymore in the Wonder Woman back up #287

#102 Karnage Doesn't Kill Here Anymore in the Wonder Woman back up #287

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne regain her focus and power back.  Karnage doesn't kill here anymore because The Huntress run these Gotham streets.  What do you think about the end of this arc? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast Bluesky or Threads @Huestone44

Sep 17, 2023 • 50:20

Outcasters Episode 44

Outcasters Episode 44

AJ and Tim discuss The Outsiders #2 from 1985, “Family Ties”, classic TV, Mrs Drysdale, and who’s the best villain. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 Other social media: @HueStone44 @timprice17 Closing music: Family Ties intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip1szfz9nZ8

Sep 16, 2023 • 1:28:03

#211 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 1 (Megadeath Part 1)

#211 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 1 (Megadeath Part 1)

Writer Kelly Thompson brings the pain with issue 1 of Birds of Prey: Megadeath Part 1.  Her debut to Birds of Prey and DC Comics all together is spectacular.  Characters are well defined enough to help you understand who they are or make you intrigue enough to make you want to come back.  Artist Leonardo Romero's pencil work breaths life and light to each one of these heroes, displaying the most nuance countenances that can only be described as master class.  Jordie Bellaire's colors add to thi

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:39:33

#102.5 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America #5

#102.5 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America #5

The Huntress Podcast discuss Helena Wayne dealing with her existence, the usuage of Per Degaton and the future of Helena in the JSA. www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com X @HuntressPodcast Threads and BlueSky @Huestone44

Sep 5, 2023 • 1:12:31

#132 The Cassandra Cain Podcast

#132 The Cassandra Cain Podcast

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about DC's Batman and Robin Eternal #3, featuring Cassandra Cain as Orphan.  Listen to the podcast talk about our hero bouncing off the Bat Family.  Let us know which Robin would you like to see Cassandra Cain team up with the most!  www.thehuntresspdocast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Bluesky and Threads @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Sep 2, 2023 • 1:07:12

#210 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 12 New52

#210 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 12 New52

Feathers and Foes try to make sense out of issue 12, where the stakes ramp up with the Birds having to do Poison Ivy's bidding.  Moral codes, ethics and the side of angels are all thrown out the window in this new 52 world.  Please write to us and let us know what we missed as far as the joy in this book.  We want to share all the aspects of this run so far.  All the perspectives from you lot.  Even if this is 10 years down the line, write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPo

Aug 29, 2023 • 47:37

#101 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1042

#101 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1042

The Huntress Podcast talk about the concluding story where the Batman and The Huntress partner up to stop a self - righteous, grieving father from unleashing hell on Batman and the citizens and property of Gotham City.  A.J. and Laurel enjoyed the Mariko Tamaki run quite a bit.  What are your thoughts? e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast Threads @Huestone44 Blue Sky @Huestone44

Aug 17, 2023 • 40:00

Outcasters Episode 43

Outcasters Episode 43

AJ, Tim, and special guest Justin Steiner discuss The Outsiders #1 from 1985, “Beginning with a bang”, hot summers, security systems, and the ol’ oo-la-la. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @justinsteiner Closing music: Cruel Summer by Superchunk  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqHQ85KPC-s

Aug 16, 2023 • 1:52:54

#209 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 11 New52

#209 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 11 New52

The Birds of Prey are in quite a jam this time.  Poison Ivy has coerced the team into helping her in her journey to stop corporation and the world at large from harming in the environment.  How far will Pamela Isley take the Birds on this no way back mission? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky @Huestone44 Threads @Huestone44 X @HuntressPodcast

Aug 13, 2023 • 39:04

Skip the Middle - Show Trailer

Skip the Middle - Show Trailer

Skip the Middle is the brand new podcast from the Wright On Network that asks the question: What would happen if you watched only the Pilot and Finale of a beloved TV series? Would it make sense? Would it be any good? Would you feel the need to watch any other episodes? On each episode, one person has seen every episode, and one person has seen none. Explore a new way to binge watch television with Skip the Middle!

Aug 9, 2023 • 1:31

#100 The Huntress: Wonder Woman #286 back up (Karnage is the Name!)

#100 The Huntress: Wonder Woman #286 back up (Karnage is the Name!)

The Huntress Podcast reached its 100th episode.  We are happy to be here, and we hope you are as well.  Helena Wayne and Helena Bertinelli are celebrated here at the Wright On Network for all seasons!  On this episode we talk about the Wonder Woman back up story, The Huntress: Karnage is the Name.  Writer Paul Levitz and artist Joe Staton make this story enjoyable with the action, writing and cool introspections by our lead character, The Huntress.  Let us know what you think about the villains

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:06:10

Skip the Middle #2 - Succession

Skip the Middle #2 - Succession

On Skip the Middle, we watch a TV Pilot, skip the middle, and watch the Finale. For the second episode, we discuss Succession! This time around, your host, Mark, has never seen a single episode of the series being discussed. His guest AJ from the Wright On Network has seen every episode of the HBO classic! Will the story hold up based on the two bookend episodes alone? Will it make any sense at all? Put on your best power suit and find out along with us as we Skip

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:18:09

#131 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 1-3

#131 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Spirit World 1-3

The Cassandra Cain Podcast discuss our favorite Batgirl in the pages of the first three issues of Spirit World.  Gorgeous art and seamless storytelling really brings the afterlife alive as Cassandra along with rich, colorful characters, old a new thrill us with scares and delight! Please share your thoughts about our coverage and the story at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter/X @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky or Threads @Huestone44

Aug 3, 2023 • 1:31:03

#208 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 10 New52

#208 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 10 New52

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about the Super Team, Birds of Prey, who are globetrotting, not for vacation, but to save the life of one of their teammates.  The intensity increases as the Birds become more of a unit in the pages of Birds of Prey #10 Volume 3, Heat Seekers!  What are some of your favorite moments in the run so far?   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com X @HuntressPodcast Threads: @Huestone44 feathersandfoes@gmail.com Bluesky: Huestone44.bsky.social We love you all!

Jul 31, 2023 • 36:35

Interview with a Birds of Prey writer, Kelly Thompson!

Interview with a Birds of Prey writer, Kelly Thompson!

Here at the Wright On Network we had the privilege of interviewing writer Kelly Thompson on her upcoming run on Birds of Prey.  We talk about her past work, upcoming ideas, and other fun topics!   Follow Kelly Thompson at https://1979semifinalist.substack.com/ @1979semifinalist on other social media platforms. Follow us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Threads @Huestone44 Twitter @HuntressPodcast Thank you for the support!

Jul 29, 2023 • 42:49

#99 The Huntress Podcast: Batman Secret Files #1

#99 The Huntress Podcast: Batman Secret Files #1

The Huntress Podcast is excited to talk about this Batman Secret Files one shot featuring Helena Bertinelli, where she has the ability to see when the next Hugh Vile victim will be attacked.  The Huntress!   She is on the hunt and taking names.  What do you think about the art and story in this one?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com Threads Huestone44

Jul 27, 2023 • 44:22

Outcasters Episode 42

Outcasters Episode 42

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #38 from 1986, “Many Brave Hearts Are Asleep in the Deep” and “Welcome to L.A.”, costume logos, traffic jams, and driving lessons. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

Jul 23, 2023 • 1:37:29

#98 The Huntress Podcast: The Man in the Murder Ward!

#98 The Huntress Podcast: The Man in the Murder Ward!

The Huntress Podcast talk about The Man in the Murder Ward, where the Huntress is trying to balance potential romance, attempted murder in a cramped area and possible futures.  Again, in this Wonder Woman back up, we get an interesting story by Paul Levitz with brillant pencil work by Joe Staton.  Join the discussion about Helena, Dick and Harry at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Threads @Huestone44

Jul 20, 2023 • 36:51

Skip the Middle #1 - The Sopranos

Skip the Middle #1 - The Sopranos

On Skip the Middle, we watch a TV Pilot, skip the middle, and watch the Finale. For the first-ever episode, we discuss The Sopranos! Mark has seen every episode of the HBO classic series. Laura has never seen an episode. Will the story hold up based on the two bookend episodes alone? Will it make any sense at all? Find out along with us as we Skip the Middle! It's a whole new way to binge-watch!   Transcript Available Here! Check out the other shows on the Wright On Network

Jul 10, 2023 • 1:16:00

#207 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey New52 Gang Land Style

#207 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey New52 Gang Land Style

Feathers and Foes talk about the Birds of Prey as they face off with a relentless Talon in the huge Court of Owls: Night of Owls crossover.  Did you read the Court of Owls saga?  Do you like the way Dinah and Company were handled in this event? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jul 8, 2023 • 35:25

#97.5 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 4

#97.5 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America 4

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne in the Justice Society of America #4, where Per Degaton is trying to take out another JSA, but his plans our foiled by the temporal anomaly he did not account for...The Huntress.   Tell us your thoughts about this one at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Instagram @Huestone44 www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jul 7, 2023 • 36:21

#130 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate

#130 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate

The Cassandra Cain podcast talk about the huge appearance in a short story with Batgirl, where she teams up with the sword wielding Xanthe Zhou.  Catch us on the other side...of the spirit world, that is.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jul 3, 2023 • 59:49

#97 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1039

#97 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1039

The Huntress Podcast talk about Detective Comics 1039 where The Huntress & Batman deal with mystery, mayhem and horror in Gotham City!  Let us know...do you like the way The Huntress has been written and portrayed during the Mariko Tamaki run?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com   www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jul 1, 2023 • 42:29

#96 The Huntress Podcast:

#96 The Huntress Podcast:

The Huntress Podcast talk about the dynamic duo, The Huntress & Robin, delving into detective work, covert operation and growing up.  Join the discussion on this back up story by writing us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jun 30, 2023 • 48:48

#206 Feathers and Foes: New52's Birds of Prey 8

#206 Feathers and Foes: New52's Birds of Prey 8

Feathers and Foes talk reveals, murder and mayhem in this issue of Birds of Prey. Share some of your favorite/interesting moments of Birds of Prey with us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jun 25, 2023 • 43:29

#129 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 19)

#129 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 19)

A.J. and Tim talk about the Batgirls' finale, From Hell's Heart.  Written by the dynamic duo Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad.  Dazzling us with the art  are Robbie Rodriguez and Rico Renzi.  Keeping the story moving without getting clunky is letterer Becca Carey.  And keeping everything coherent are Jessica Berbey, Jessica Chen, Ben Abernathy and Marie Javins.   The Batgirls must keep the residents of the Hill, a neighborhood in Gotham, safe from two potential shooters.  Grace O'Hallaran, a

Jun 23, 2023 • 1:19:36

Outcasters Episode 41

Outcasters Episode 41

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #37 from 1986, “Won't You Let Me Take You on a Sea Cruise?”, friendly competition, ship activities, and costume choices. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 The gofundme for Chris Honeywell, any amount helps: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-chris-and-trudy-after-a-fire

Jun 22, 2023 • 1:21:03

The Wright On Network Father's Day Special!

The Wright On Network Father's Day Special!

April5K and A.J. talk about Star Trek's The City at the Edge of Forever & Doctor Who's Father's Day.  Both stories deal with fix point fates that can't be avoided at any costs.  With April being new to Doctor Who and A.J. to Star Trek, the discussion leads towards some interesting takes and turns.   To all the Father's out there, who are listening to this podcast at any time, Happy Father's Day.  Share your thoughts with us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@

Jun 18, 2023 • 54:41

#128 Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 18)

#128 Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 18)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about the penultimate episode of the Batgirls run, issue 18.  An active shooter is still...active and on the loose.  The Batgirls may have to take the blame to save the day.  Will the dwellers of the Hill stay safe?  Can the Batgirls put down the potential killers and maintain their good reputation?  Give us a listen and share your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  Share some of your favorite Batgirl covers with us.   www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jun 9, 2023 • 1:06:07

#205 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 7

#205 Feathers & Foes: New52 Birds of Prey 7

The storyline is starting to settle in as the Birds of Prey zero in on the main villain, Choke, who is playing ultimate mind games with our heroes.  With a team full of characters who are not afraid to get their hands dirty, will they be able to choke out the answers of the main bad guy before more innocent people are killed?  Join our discussion at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jun 4, 2023 • 52:12

#95 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1038

#95 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1038

The Huntress Podcast continue to rant and rave about the Batman detective story, the Neighborhood, where both Bruce Wayne and Batman are accused of being involved in the murder of one of the socicialites in Gotham City.

May 25, 2023 • 49:48

#94 The Huntress Podcast

#94 The Huntress Podcast

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne dealing with her father's ultimate foe while being reunited with an old friend.  Tell us your thoughts about this earth 2 story with the Huntress with www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 20, 2023 • 46:13

#204 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 6 New52

#204 Feathers & Foes: Birds of Prey 6 New52

Feathers and Foes are trying to wrap their minds around the missing parts of the story, the mystery villain, Choke, and just the flow and pace of the Birds of Prey in the new52.  We would love to hear what you think about this formation of the team and how it's going.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 17, 2023 • 43:09

JLMAY Brave & the Bold #33 by the WRIGHT ON NETWORK!

JLMAY Brave & the Bold #33 by the WRIGHT ON NETWORK!

Tim, Laurel and A.J. talk about this poignant celebration of a story with three of the richest characters in the DC Universe.  The Brave & the Bold #33 displays a range of emotion, storytelling and scope of 3 characters with so much history, prestige and ability to be heroic and still in the face of Triumph and Tragedy.  I won't if ask, "If that makes sense?"  Press play on the podcast to make it make sense to you.

May 13, 2023 • 1:24:58

Outcasters Episode 40

Outcasters Episode 40

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #36from 1986, “Agents of Change”, starting over, Lois Lane, and enjoying downtime. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

May 9, 2023 • 1:35:32

#203 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey New52 issue 5

#203 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey New52 issue 5

Feathers and Foes are still wrapping their heads around this mystery of what is exactly going on?  Who is the enemy?  Choke?  The Cleaners?  What/Who are these invisible foes?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 5, 2023 • 50:01

JL MAY! Brave and the Bold 7 #JLMAY

JL MAY! Brave and the Bold 7 #JLMAY

The Huntress Podcast band together to talk about the Brave, Wonder Woman, and Power Girl, the Bold, as their characterization in this issue were a big part of this conversation during our JL MAY discussion.  Let us know what you think by e-mailing us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 1, 2023 • 1:08:09

#93 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1037

#93 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1037

The Huntress Podcast enjoyed another Mariko Tamaki story where our girl the Huntress shines bright as she partners up with the Batman to solve only murders in the neighborhood.  Did you read this Detective run?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com We would love to hear from you.

Apr 30, 2023 • 33:32

#127 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin  Eternal 2

#127 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batman & Robin Eternal 2

The Cassandra Cain talks about trauma, history and the ongoing adventures of the extended

Apr 29, 2023 • 1:13:06

#126 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirls 17

#126 The Cassandra Cain Podcast: Batgirls 17

The Cassandra Cain podcast talk about the Batgirls dealing with an unknown urban Sniper in the Hill Neighborhood.  This close to home conflict is a danger where our Batgirls understand not only the immediate danger and consequences, but the psychological paranoia this can cause with the dwellers of the neighborhood.  Who is the unknown shooter(s)?  Write to us about what you think about this issue at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/w

Apr 25, 2023 • 1:35:01

Outcasters Episode 39

Outcasters Episode 39

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #35 from 1986, “Sympathy for the Fuhrer”, emotional management, lethal force, and brazilian accents. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

Apr 23, 2023 • 1:26:12

#202 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 4 in the New52

#202 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 4 in the New52

Feathers and Foes are talking Batgirl, invisbile enemies, cliffhangers vs. writing to trade and so much more.  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 16, 2023 • 43:24

#92 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America #3

#92 The Huntress Podcast: Justice Society of America #3

The Huntress Podcast talk about the 3rd installment of this new Justice Society of America run, where writer Geoff Johns places the protagonist, Helena Wayne, time traveling forwards and backwards, bumping into past and future members of the JSA.  Will Helena be able to save the JSA before Per Degaton kills them all?   Join our discussion at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 13, 2023 • 42:19

#201 Feathers & Foes (New52 Birds of Prey 3)

#201 Feathers & Foes (New52 Birds of Prey 3)

Feathers and Foes continue to talk about the new look of the Birds of Prey in the New52 world, where we don't have Oracle, new members are joining and everything is quite unsettling with this Invisible Enemy at hand.  What are your thoughts about the run so far? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Apr 3, 2023 • 43:14

Outcasters Episode 38

Outcasters Episode 38

Sean and Tim discuss the Squadron Supreme Graphic Novel from 1989, “Death of a Universe”, the writing of Gruenwald, trademark confusion, and space babies. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @Sean42AZ @timprice17

Apr 1, 2023 • 1:43:45

#91 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1036 The Neighborhood Part 3

#91 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1036 The Neighborhood Part 3

The Huntress Podcast talk about Batman and the Huntress dovetailing into the same mystery becoming partners in the Neighborhood.  Script by Mariko Tamiki and pencils by Dan Mora are a can't lose combination in this spiraling detective story.  Join the discussion about the Neighborhood part 3 by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 26, 2023 • 45:37

#125 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 16)

#125 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Batgirls 16)

The Cassandra Cain podcast talk about the Batgirls facing off with the Mad Hatter...and his henchman of sorts.  Listen to us as we talk about the power of friendship, the Batgirls being awesome, the marvelous art and the writing team really bringing a villain to life.  Let us know your throughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Mar 18, 2023 • 1:10:30

Outcasters Episode 37

Outcasters Episode 37

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #34 from 1986, “Against All Odds”, superhero learning curve, border crossing, and whip appeal. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:33:37

#90 The Huntress Podcast (Justice Society of America 2)

#90 The Huntress Podcast (Justice Society of America 2)

The Huntress Podcast talk about the Helena Wayne driven Justice Society of America story, where the Huntress is tachyon tailspinning through time, trying to make sense out of the destruction Per Degaton has wrought to her family and the JSA.  What are your thoughts about this one?  Do you like the whiplash nature of the story telling?  What do you think about the characters, writing and art?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Mar 16, 2023 • 1:06:04

#200 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 2 (Trouble in Mind)

#200 Feathers and Foes: Birds of Prey 2 (Trouble in Mind)

Feathers and Foes talk about the second installment of the New52 series, Birds of Prey, where Ev and Dinah flee the scene at the airport, where minds were blown, leaving more questions than answers.  Katana and Poison Ivy join the team as well, but is that enough to take on the invisible soldiers?  Yep, invisible foot soldiers are at large.   Share your thoughts about the new take on the Birds of Prey.  Are you missing Oracle like us?  Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.wrightonnet

Mar 12, 2023 • 45:37

#124 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Dead Wrong)

#124 The Cassandra Cain Podcast (Dead Wrong)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast are here to talk about Batgirl displaying her detective skills, fighting and tenderness towards a dear friend.  This is the pairing of the DC universe that deserve a series on the big screen.  Let us know your thoughts about Batgirls 15 at www.thehuntresspodcast.com   Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Feb 27, 2023 • 1:21:37

#199 Feathers and Foes (Let us Prey)

#199 Feathers and Foes (Let us Prey)

Feathers and Foes are back...in the new52, where we will see some familiar faces, new characters and plotlines alike.  Did you follow Birds of Prey new52?  We hope you will go on this journey....we're going to need your help navigating these situational changed waters.  Let Us Prey, indeed.     feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Feb 26, 2023 • 48:43

Outcasters Episode 36

Outcasters Episode 36

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #33 from 1986, “A Tiny Deadly War”, royal aircraft, health clubs, and new beginnings. Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

Feb 25, 2023 • 1:41:21

Outcasters Episode 35.5

Outcasters Episode 35.5

Tim talks with filmmaker Roger Priebe about his video interview of Outsiders creator, writer, and editor Mike W Barr. Check out Roger’s Kickstarter for the DVD, running until March 9, 2023. Off The Record: Mike W Barr https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66450436/off-the-record-with-mike-w-barr Roger’s other sites: http://rogerpriebe.com/ http://offtherecorddvd.com/ Website: https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email: BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter: @BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @

Feb 16, 2023 • 42:25

The Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 123: Batman & Robin Eternal

The Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 123: Batman & Robin Eternal

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is venturing into the land of the New52, where Cassandra is coming at us as the character, The Orphan.  Have you read these adventures with Cassandra Cain?  Share your thoughts with us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter at @HuntressPodcast Want to be a Patreon?  Hit us up at www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 15, 2023 • 54:55

#89 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1036 Back Up Story:  The Ex-Boyfriend 2 The Huntress and the Hunted from the back

#89 The Huntress Podcast: Detective Comics 1036 Back Up Story: The Ex-Boyfriend 2 The Huntress and the Hunted from the back

The Huntress Podcast discuss the Detective Comics back up where the Vegeance, wrapped in black, gray, white and violet, goes into the detective and Huntress mode to bring justice for her friend, Mary Knox.  Writer Mariko Tamaki really captures Helena's voice in the short but action packed story.  Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Feb 14, 2023 • 38:37

#198  Feathers and Foes Showcase 96 #3 (Birds of a Feather)

#198 Feathers and Foes Showcase 96 #3 (Birds of a Feather)

Black Canary and Lois Lane dovetail into working the same case, breaking up a dark, underground sweatshop.  With the assist of the Oracle, this unlikely, but obviously wonder duo fight and inspire a revolution.  Tell us what you think of this story and what we may have missed at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Feb 5, 2023 • 45:33

#88 The Huntress Podcast: Mary Knox Part 1 in the Detective Comics 1035 Backup

#88 The Huntress Podcast: Mary Knox Part 1 in the Detective Comics 1035 Backup

The Huntress learns how to be a friend when it is not strictly on her terms.  Learning how to play nice isn't something she subscribed to when being a teammate...will she start now?  Mary Knox, a woman who walks her cat, takes no mess and knows her boundaries, gives Helena Bertinelli a whole new aim in unfortunate circumstances.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.pateron.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 3, 2023 • 38:14

Cassandra Cain Podcast 122: The Batgirls 14 (The Rest is Silence)

Cassandra Cain Podcast 122: The Batgirls 14 (The Rest is Silence)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast discuss Batgirls 14, where Batgirl is on a mission to find Stephanie Brown.  This Silent Knight brings the ruckus to assassins and the night, running for the title as World's Greatest Detective to find her friend.  What are your thoughts about the Rest is Silence? www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jan 29, 2023 • 1:00:21

The Huntress Podcast 87: Justice Society of America

The Huntress Podcast 87: Justice Society of America

The Huntress Podcast discuss Hyper Time, The Huntress characterization, the choice in Justice Society of America members and the wonderful art.  What are your thoughts about this run of JSA by Geoff Johns?  We would love to hear from you at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jan 26, 2023 • 1:26:28

Feathers and Foes 197: Black Canary/Batgirl

Feathers and Foes 197: Black Canary/Batgirl

Feathers and Foes cover a trippy, spellbinding tale where Barbara thinks back to when she was Batgirl, before her life as Oracle.  This story reminds us of the power of Barbara Gordon and what she means to the DC Universe at large.  Batgirl Forever! www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com   Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jan 23, 2023 • 43:36

Outcasters Episode 35

Outcasters Episode 35

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #32 from 1986, “A New War’s Winning” and “Looker’s Body: An Owner’s Manual”, healthy relationships, good friendships, and moving on. NOTE: Apologies for some of Tim's audio. Those darn Kobra agents sabotaged me. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/wrightonnetwork/Ep35-BatO32.mp3 https://wrightonnetwork.libsyn.co

Jan 13, 2023 • 1:50:26

Feathers and Foes 196: Wolves

Feathers and Foes 196: Wolves

Feathers and Foes are back to talk Wolves by Chuck Dixon, pencilled by Dick Giordano.  Inked by Wayne Faucher with Gloria Vasquez on colors.  Edited by Jordan B. Gorfinkel.  We would love to hear from you at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jan 9, 2023 • 1:01:51

From Feathers and Foes to you, Happy New Year!

From Feathers and Foes to you, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Y'all!  John and A.J. are here to talk Birds of Prey and Holiday Cheer!  Take care!

Dec 31, 2022 • 20:52

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 30

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 30

John Koos and A.J. talk Birds of Prey, comic books and Power Girl. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Reach John @JohnKoos on Twitter.

Dec 30, 2022 • 25:44

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 29

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 29

LetsTalkLadyShiva and A.J. talked Shiva, Barbara Gorden, a little New52, while sliding into the new year.  Follow @TalkinLadyShiva on Twitter and write to us @HuntressPodcast or feathersandfoes@gmail.com Thank you all for the support.

Dec 29, 2022 • 20:22

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 28 w/  @TalkinLadyShiva

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 28 w/ @TalkinLadyShiva

TalkinLadyShiva and A.J. talk about Birds of Prey, Lady Shiva and sliding into the new year.

Dec 28, 2022 • 26:36

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 27

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 27

Feathers and Foes are reading from the Letters' Column, Words of Prey.  Less than five days till the new year.

Dec 27, 2022 • 4:06

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 26

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 26

Feathers and Foes reads a post from the letters' column, Words of Prey, giving our own responses to the topic of the day.  Listener, did you have a response to this particular America Online Post?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or prydonian.post@gmail.com

Dec 26, 2022 • 12:41

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 25

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 25

Merry Christmas everyone.  Feathers and Foes are here to talk about Birds of Prey in the letters column, Words of Prey

Dec 25, 2022 • 10:29

Outcasters Episode 34

Outcasters Episode 34

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #31 from 1985, “Pawn of the World Below”, sibling rivalry, self-esteem issues, and Katana catharsis. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Dec 25, 2022 • 1:37:52

Countdown to the New Year day 23

Countdown to the New Year day 23

December 23rd!

Dec 25, 2022 • 7:54

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 24

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 24

Hello!  Mark and A.J. are here on Christmas Eve to talk some Birds of Prey!

Dec 24, 2022 • 9:16

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 22

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 22

Laurel and A.J. are reading letters from the letter's column: Words of Prey!

Dec 22, 2022 • 4:56

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year Day 20

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year Day 20


Dec 21, 2022 • 5:55

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 20

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 20

Feathers and Foes are counting down to the new year!

Dec 21, 2022 • 9:02

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 19

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 19

Hell everyone!  Day 19 of the Countdown, which means we have about 12 days left in the year.  Join us as we talk Words of Prey.  Question.  What are your thoughts about the way in which The Oracle bankrolls her operation?   feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 19, 2022 • 6:00

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 18

Feathers and Foes Countdown to the New Year: Day 18

Mark, Laurel and A.J. read a letter from the Words of Prey column from the 1990s and talk about it.  What are your thoughts about this particular entry or our response?  Write to us at www.wrightonnetwork.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 18, 2022 • 8:16

The Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 121: The Batgirls 13

The Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 121: The Batgirls 13

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk magic, Lady Shiva, body swap hi-jinks and so much more.  What are your thoughts about issue 13?  Let us know at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 18, 2022 • 1:26:22

Feathers and Foes December 17th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 17th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes are sliding down the month into the new year, dare I say with style?  Join us in the conversation at feathersandfoes@gmail.com We are reading the comment section of Words of Prey, letters to the editor!

Dec 17, 2022 • 12:11

Feathers and Foes December 16th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 16th Countdown to the New Year!

All of you who are reading and listening to us...you rock!  What do you think about the letters column?  Do you miss them?

Dec 16, 2022 • 8:40

Feathers and Foes December 15th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 15th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes read a letter Words of Prey, a letter column. We would love to have your feedback at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 15, 2022 • 10:42

Feathers and Foes December 14th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 14th Countdown to the New Year!

Mark, Laurel and A.J. talk body types on heroes and other musings from the Letters Column from Birds of Prey.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Dec 14, 2022 • 10:54

Feathers and Foes December 13th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 13th Countdown to the New Year!

Mark, Laurel and A.J. talk Words of Prey!  Write to us at www.wrightonnetwork.com

Dec 13, 2022 • 6:40

The Manhattan Project Advent Calendar Day 12

The Manhattan Project Advent Calendar Day 12


Dec 12, 2022 • 10:07

Feathers and Foes December 11th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 11th Countdown to the New Year!

Laurel brings in the 11th of December with a letter from the Words of Prey column!

Dec 11, 2022 • 7:35

Feathers and Foes December 10th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 10th Countdown to the New Year!

Happy Saturday Nite!

Dec 11, 2022 • 6:43

Outcasters Episode 33

Outcasters Episode 33

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #30 from 1985, “This Envious Race”, brick houses, Halley’s comet, underground fashion, and family haircuts. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Dec 10, 2022 • 1:25:28

Feathers & Foes episode 195: Manhunt 1-4

Feathers & Foes episode 195: Manhunt 1-4

Feathers and Foes talk the four part story that brought the super team we didn't know we needed until writer Chuck Dixon and Birds of Prey co-creator and editor, Jordan B. Gorfinkel gave it to us with some stellar art work by Gary Frank & Matt Haley.  Black Canary, Oracle, the Huntress and Catwoman for an adhoc alliance that leads us to wanting more.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 10, 2022 • 1:06:03

Feathers and Foes December 9th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 9th Countdown to the New Year!

Words of Prey.  A.J. and Laurel read feed back from the 90s written to the editor Jordan B. Gorfinkel.  Countdown to the new year, yall!  Ask us anything at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 9, 2022 • 8:45

Feathers and Foes December 8th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 8th Countdown to the New Year!

Laurel and A.J. read a letter from the Words of Prey column discussing the work relationship between Oracle and Black Canary. Contact us here at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 8, 2022 • 9:54

Feathers and Foes December 7th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 7th Countdown to the New Year!

Laurel and A.J. read a letter from Words of Prey!

Dec 7, 2022 • 44:59

Feathers and Foes December 6th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 6th Countdown to the New Year!

Contract us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 6, 2022 • 4:21

Feathers and Foes December 5th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 5th Countdown to the New Year!

Laurel and A.J. talk Countdown to the new year...December 5th.  Words of Prey!

Dec 5, 2022 • 8:07

Feathers and Foes December 4th Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 4th Countdown to the New Year!

December 4th  Countdown to the New Year!

Dec 4, 2022 • 6:52

Interview with Voice Actress Melanie Kohn!

Interview with Voice Actress Melanie Kohn!

Voice actress Melanie Kohn of the Peanuts gang fame, playing Lucy van Pelt from 1974 -1977, sat down with the Wright On Network for an interview we all think you will enjoy.  Let us know what you think at www.thehuntresspodcast.com.  If you are a fan of the Peanuts cartoons, and Melanie comes to your town for a Convention, we highly recommend you check out her booth.

Dec 4, 2022 • 34:24

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 120: Batgirls Annul 2022

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 120: Batgirls Annul 2022

The Cassandra Cain Podcast is back to talk the Batgirls Annual of 2022, where body swapping high jinks are a foot, Barbara Gordon moving on and Batman giving out mentor like advice are all provided by writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad.  The narrative flow is told well by penciller Robbi Rodriguez, and the Hill sky color palette is displayed well by colorist Rico Renzi.  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 4, 2022 • 1:18:55

Feathers and Foes December 3rd Countdown to the New Year!

Feathers and Foes December 3rd Countdown to the New Year!


Dec 4, 2022 • 7:56

Feathers and Foes: Advent Calendar Day 3

Feathers and Foes: Advent Calendar Day 3

Tim joins Feathers and Foes to talk about some Birds of Prey!

Dec 3, 2022 • 5:14

Feathers and Foes: Countdown to the New Year December 2nd

Feathers and Foes: Countdown to the New Year December 2nd


Dec 2, 2022 • 5:01

Feathers and Foes Advent Calendar: Day 1

Feathers and Foes Advent Calendar: Day 1


Dec 1, 2022 • 2:50

The Huntress Podcast 86: The New Golden Age 1

The Huntress Podcast 86: The New Golden Age 1

The Huntress Podcast talk about the new, inspired Golden Age by writer Geoff Johns.  Helena Wayne is back in what could be a possible future?  Twists and turns and a lot of moving pieces in this opening story.  Are you excited about a potential return of the Justice Society of America?  Are you into this interperatation of Helena Wayne?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Nov 23, 2022 • 1:11:20

Outcasters Episode 32

Outcasters Episode 32

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #29 from 1985, “The People of the Abyss”, underground fashion, powerful women, and coffee preferences. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Nov 21, 2022 • 1:46:54

Feathers & Foes 194: Revolution

Feathers & Foes 194: Revolution

Feathers and Foes discuss Black Canary and Oracle, taking the fight to Santa Prisca in order to stop human trafficking and other crimes against humanity.  Great art, fun story of substance and nostalgia hitting us all in the so-called Feels. www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Nov 17, 2022 • 1:02:33

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 119 (Batgirls 12)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 119 (Batgirls 12)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about the conclusion to the Batgirl Summer, Batgirls 12.  We truly enjoyed this one.  Let us know who your favorite Batgirl villain is and if you would like for the Batgirls to face off against them. feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 13, 2022 • 59:36

The Huntress Podcast 85: Nightwing 26 - 29

The Huntress Podcast 85: Nightwing 26 - 29

The Huntress Podcast follows Helena Bertinelli in the ongoing tales of Nightwing, where street crimes, bad dudes and realizations are brought to the forefront.  Will the Huntress be able to find her target while warding off the Bat Family's favorite son?   Writer Chuck Dixon and Penciller Scott McDaniel had a heck of a run on Nightwing?  How do you think this creative team handled The Huntress?  What do you think about these books over all? Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @Hun

Nov 2, 2022 • 54:57

Halloween Roundtable  promo

Halloween Roundtable promo

Download the show from Jeff and Rick Present: Halloween Round Table Featuring: Jeff and Rick Presents Unpacking the Power of Power Pack MWC Podcasts Resurrections: an Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2022 • 1:25

Feathers & Foes 193: Black Canary & Oracle are Birds of Prey! (One Man's Hell)

Feathers & Foes 193: Black Canary & Oracle are Birds of Prey! (One Man's Hell)

Feathers and Foes are revisiting an issue that started it all.  One Man's Hell by writer Chuck Dixon and penciller Gary Frank features are two favorites, Oracle and Black Canary.  We discussed this story back in January of 2016, but after finishing volume 2 of Birds of Prey, A.J. thought it would be a grand idea to revisit this story with Mark and Laurel. We at Feathers and Foes would love to hear you thoughts about the episode!  Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @FeathersandFo

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:14:13

The Huntress Podcast 84: Wonder Woman Back Up 282 (First Laugh)

The Huntress Podcast 84: Wonder Woman Back Up 282 (First Laugh)

The Joker's wild and on the loose.  Helena is on the hunt, searching for clues that will lead her to her father's number one nemesis.  As she deals with the present and revisits her past, will The Huntress be able to handle all of this plus the return of Batman?   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Oct 28, 2022 • 54:16

Cassandra Cain Podcast 118: Batgirls 11

Cassandra Cain Podcast 118: Batgirls 11

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about the Batgirls comic welcoming Kyle and Maps from the Gotham Academy fame, an appearance from the Riddler, Cassandra being a detective and an all around cool character and Stephanie having her priorities intact.  Events in the Hill are quite intense with the murders of the so-called Hill Ripper.   Broadcast Journalist turned podcaster is gaining listeners/followers, which is encouraging Grace to be a little upfront with confronting the Hill Killer, which caus

Oct 18, 2022 • 1:13:10

Feathers & Foes 192: Birds of Prey 15 (Volume 2)

Feathers & Foes 192: Birds of Prey 15 (Volume 2)

Feathers and Foes talk about the last issue of Volume 2, where the Birds of Prey deal with the past, a new unpromised future and the end of an era with a guest writer, artist and characters.  Share your thoughts of volume 2 with us at www.wrightonnetwork.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Oct 16, 2022 • 39:55

Outcasters Episode 31

Outcasters Episode 31

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #28 from 1985, “Abduction from Below”, the appeal of yachts, Tatsu being a friend, and Saturday morning cartoon lineup.

Oct 13, 2022 • 1:36:53

Feathers & Foes 191: Birds of Prey 14 Volume 2

Feathers & Foes 191: Birds of Prey 14 Volume 2

Feathers and Foes talk about history and legacy in the DC universe, specificially pertaining to the Birds of Prey.  These final two issues to end this run have us battlling old foes from the past, Hitler Youth with Guns and dinner plans being interrupted.  We would love to hear from you.  Please e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or write to us @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 2, 2022 • 52:35

The Huntress Podcast 83: Nightwing/Huntress 3 & 4

The Huntress Podcast 83: Nightwing/Huntress 3 & 4

This street tale, mafia story comes to a bloody end as Huntress and Nightwing place a stop to their romance as they continue to solve the murder of an undercover cop, protect the innocent and bring criminals and potential crime to Justice.

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:00:51

Feathers and Foes 190: Birds of Prey 13 Volume 2

Feathers and Foes 190: Birds of Prey 13 Volume 2

Feathers and Foes are back to conclude this saga of the office drama/rag doll slasher/Kick Butt Huntress and The Question story.

Sep 23, 2022 • 52:51

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 117 (Batgirls 10)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast 117 (Batgirls 10)

The Cassandra Cain Podcast are talking the Batgirls doing true blue detective work, trying to solve the murder of Mr. Greene, Stephanie Brown with a potential love interest and Cass being such a delight.   Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast  https://www.sickkidsgetloud.ca/fundraisers/allenwright/getloud

Sep 22, 2022 • 1:34:41

Outcasters Episode 30

Outcasters Episode 30

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #27 from 1985, “War Stars”, the cuteness of Halo and Katana, disguises, and Batman’s JLA “friends”. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Sep 18, 2022 • 1:49:44

The Huntress Podcast 82: Always Leave 'Em Laughing

The Huntress Podcast 82: Always Leave 'Em Laughing

The Huntress vs. The Joker.  People close to Helena Wayne are being "jokerized" if you will, and Helena is at her wits' end trying to stop the Clown Prince Culprit.  Will Helena have to go dark to bring the Joker to the light of Justice? e-mail your thoughts at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com  We would love to hear from you.

Sep 8, 2022 • 55:39

Feathers & Foes 189: Birds of Prey 12 Volume 2

Feathers & Foes 189: Birds of Prey 12 Volume 2

Feathers and Foes talk about the Birds of Prey as they attempt an industry takeover...well, not really, but some fascinating and/or interesting events take place in this issue.  We will warn you that distrubing images and description take place in this book.  On the brighter side, we get a Huntress/Renee Montoya team up!   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast Become a Patreon at www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Aug 28, 2022 • 1:05:07

The Huntress Podcast 81: Nightwing/Huntress 2

The Huntress Podcast 81: Nightwing/Huntress 2

The Huntress Podcast talk the mob, Gotham City, The Huntress, Nightwing and so much more.  Comics in the 90s!  Fun stuff, right?  Let us know your thoughts about this murder/mob mystery.  Will Nightwing and the Huntress solve the murder of an undercover officer who was brutally murdered in a hotel room?  Also, what do you think of the romancing between Helena & D. Grayson?   Hey...what about Helena playing bad cop in the pizzeria?  Man, I love this issue!!   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @

Aug 26, 2022 • 59:19

The Huntress Podcast 80:  Lion at Bay

The Huntress Podcast 80: Lion at Bay

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne facing off against Lion Mane, a former Catwoman henchmen, during a prision break/riot.  Can Helena avenge her mother, carry on her legacy, and keep District Attorny, Harry, at bay?  Tune in and listen to our discussion.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Aug 24, 2022 • 54:13

Outcasters Episode 29

Outcasters Episode 29

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #26 from 1985, Serpent In The Sky, Kobra’s onboarding process, SDI, and Bruce Wayne’s hair. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Aug 20, 2022 • 1:27:21

Cassandra Cain Podcast 116 (Batgirls 9)

Cassandra Cain Podcast 116 (Batgirls 9)

The Cassandra Cain podcast is back to talk about Cassandra and Friends battling the heat, KGBeast, serial killers and Poe.  In this issue we get some true detective work, an action packed fight scene, and a revelation that floors Stephanie.  We would love to hear your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast..com  Twitter @sogallifrey feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Aug 19, 2022 • 1:09:54

Feathers & Foes 188 (Birds of Prey 11 Volume 2)

Feathers & Foes 188 (Birds of Prey 11 Volume 2)

Feathers and Foes discuss intersting choices in Helena's personal life.  Gail Simone displays an excellent showcase in the journey and growth of Helena Bertinelli.  Catman is in town, but instead of seeing all hearts, it is all birdies, stars, and pain!  Join in on the conversation where A.J. talks Helena pros and Mark points out some of the plot holes in the character motivation of Catman.  Laurel, our excellent moderator keeps everything straight at another thrilling epiosde of Feathers & Foe

Aug 15, 2022 • 52:35

Cassandra Cain Podcast 115: Bad Reputation Part 2 of 2

Cassandra Cain Podcast 115: Bad Reputation Part 2 of 2

The Batgirls dilemma with Seer and The Saints is coming to an epic conclusion at the Ice Berg Lounge.  Dick Grayson's guest appearance continues in this story where the Batgirls reputations are still at large, but their frindship is tighter and tougher than leather.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast e-mail feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jul 31, 2022 • 1:08:40

Feathers & Foes 187: Birds of Prey 10

Feathers & Foes 187: Birds of Prey 10

Are we totally done with the Calculator on Feathers and Foes?  Time will tell.  Yep, Oracle wants to go small, back to her roots, by giving off the impression that Oracle is no more.  What does that mean for the super hero community?  What does it mean for the Bat - Family?  Listen to our new episode with gues Tim the Podcrasher. www.wrightonnetwork.com Twitter @feathersandfoes Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jul 30, 2022 • 1:05:12

Outcasters Episode 28

Outcasters Episode 28

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #25 from 1985, A Serpent in Eden, bridal shop names, fashion, widow’s peak hair, and cultssss. Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Jul 26, 2022 • 1:50:07

The Huntress Podcast 79: Nightwing/The Huntress 1

The Huntress Podcast 79: Nightwing/The Huntress 1

The Huntress Podcast are excited to talk about this street level saga where the HUNTRESS and Nightwing dovetail into solving a murder mystery gone awry.  Will Helena and Dick be able to put their differences aside in order to find the true culprit?   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jul 25, 2022 • 43:40

Feathers & Foes #186 (Death of Oracle Part 3)

Feathers & Foes #186 (Death of Oracle Part 3)

Feathers and Foes discuss the regrets and strengths of Black Canary in issue 9 of Birds of Prey. Crispin Glover, the original Canary, Hawk's and Dove's powers, problematic bad guys, Uncle Batman, all are discussed in this episode. And Oracle enters the fray personally, for the first and last time?!

Jul 17, 2022 • 59:50

The Huntress Podcast: Lion Hunt

The Huntress Podcast: Lion Hunt

The Huntress Podcast is back to discuss a prison break, tranquilizing a lover, a taking on a More Than Human like foe.  In Wonder Woman back up 279, Helena Wayne is taking prisoners...before they take her.  Tune in, please.    www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 10, 2022 • 39:15

Cassandra Cain Podcast 114: Gates of Gotham 5

Cassandra Cain Podcast 114: Gates of Gotham 5

In this concluding Gotham historical thriller, the Bat-Team, Batman, Black Bat, Robin and Robin are working well as a unit to put a stop to the Architect, who is trying to cause mad hysteria all throughout the land of Gotham.  Dick Grayson leads the fight, and Cassandra swift problem solving skills made Team Bat and can't lose Squad.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  We would love to hear from you.  Did you read Gates of Gotham?  Do you think it is essential Batman reading? www.patreo

Jul 4, 2022 • 59:48

Feathers & Foes #185 (Death of Oracle Part 2)

Feathers & Foes #185 (Death of Oracle Part 2)

Feathers and Foes discuss the dangers and character work in issue 8 of Birds of Prey.  Hawk is separated from the team, Penguin has resurfaced and the Birds are trying to work their way around Mammoth, H.I.V.E. and a bit more.  And, Batman is cooperating with Oracle's directives...but is Barabara playing into Calculator's hands???

Jul 2, 2022 • 54:19

Feathers & Foes 184 (Death of Oracle part 1)

Feathers & Foes 184 (Death of Oracle part 1)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk the Birds have a girls' night out, the return of the Calculator, the trustworthiness of Creote and Savant and Batman needing a hug.   We would love to hear from you at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast  e-mail: feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jun 27, 2022 • 56:52

Outcasters Episode 27

Outcasters Episode 27

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders Annual #2 from 1985, the wedding of Metamorpho and Sapphire Stagg. Robots both human and insect, people who look like their mom, Java still thinking he has a chance with Sapphire, and matrimony.  Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Jun 26, 2022 • 1:50:30

Outcasters Promo 2022

Outcasters Promo 2022

Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Jun 25, 2022 • 1:04

The Huntress Podcast 77 (Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma)

The Huntress Podcast 77 (Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma)

The Huntress Podcast talk about the team up we wish we could see on a regular basis: Huntress/Spoiler.  During the Cataclysm fiasco, this rollicking story brings these two hereos together in a believeable way.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jun 21, 2022 • 38:13

Cassandra Cain Podcast 113 (Batgirls 7 Bad Reputation part 1)

Cassandra Cain Podcast 113 (Batgirls 7 Bad Reputation part 1)

The Cassandra Cain podcast is back to talk about Batgirls 7.  With a new look by guest art team, Robbi Rodriguez and Rico Renzi, the layers of the characters, storytelling and tone really come together well as we have some returning faces, a star studded guest, and a party on...ICE?  Yep, writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad give another fun romp with our favorite Batgirls.   Twitter @HuntressPodcast  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jun 19, 2022 • 1:22:36

The Huntress Podcast 76: The Lion Roars at Midnight

The Huntress Podcast 76: The Lion Roars at Midnight

The Huntress Podcast talk Helena Wayne balancing a prison break, a kinda break up to a pseudo relationship and so much more.  Please give us a listen.  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspdocast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jun 12, 2022 • 57:06

Feathers and Foes 183: Birds of Prey 6 volume 2

Feathers and Foes 183: Birds of Prey 6 volume 2

Feathers and Foes discuss the final showdown in Bangkok, The Huntress stepping up and stealing the show and the continued legend and fame of the Black Canary. Tell us your thoughts about these first six issues, Brightest Day tie-in with the Birds of Prey. www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jun 4, 2022 • 1:01:20

Cassandra Cain Podcast (Episode 112): Gates of Gotham 3 &4

Cassandra Cain Podcast (Episode 112): Gates of Gotham 3 &4

Tim and A.J. of the Cassandra Cain podcast talk past and present of Gotham City and the players, great and small, within it.  As Black Bat, Cassandra Cain is exceeding her keep as she aids Batman in solving the person or people destroying buidlings in Gotham. Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

May 29, 2022 • 1:33:37

The Huntress Podcast 75 (World War 3)

The Huntress Podcast 75 (World War 3)

The Huntress Podcast talk Helena getting fired by the Batman, which leads to her exit out of the Justice League.  Tell us your thoughts and memories of The Huntress being apart of this Grant Morrison JLA run.  We would love to hear from you.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 26, 2022 • 37:46

Feathers & Foes 182 Aftershock Part 1

Feathers & Foes 182 Aftershock Part 1

Mark and Tim the Podcrasher talk about the Birds still being in quite the pickle with questionable teammates, double crossing, side switching and globetrotting.  Join the conversation by e-mailing us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

May 25, 2022 • 1:20:38

Outcasters Episode 26

Outcasters Episode 26

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #24 from 1985, I Went to the Animal Fair. Sketchy guys with a van, juggling elephants, tire swings, and Batman smiling, this issue has it all! Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

May 22, 2022 • 1:39:38

The Huntress Podcast 74: Secrets, Secrets Everywhere

The Huntress Podcast 74: Secrets, Secrets Everywhere

The Huntress Podcast discuss the possible outcomes of district attorney and love interest, Harry, with the information he is holding about Helena Wayne being the viagalante known as The Huntress!  Also, a co-worker is trying to out run and outmanuever a blackmail situation from an abusive spouse.  Will Helena be able to assist in this domestic despute? Join the conversation by reading the back up in Wonder Woman 277.

May 22, 2022 • 1:07:42

Cassandra Cain Podcast: One Way or Another 6

Cassandra Cain Podcast: One Way or Another 6

One Way or Another 6 is the conclusion to this dazzling run of the Batgirls, written by Becky Cloonan & Michael W. Conrad.  Pencils by Jorge Corona and colors by Sarah Stern. Assistant Editor Jessica Berbey  Editor Jessica Chen Ben Abernathy Editor Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

May 15, 2022 • 1:12:45

Feathers & Foes End Run Part 4 (Impact Fracture)

Feathers & Foes End Run Part 4 (Impact Fracture)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about the reveal of the White Canary, the treachery of the Penguin and the peril both Black Canary and The Oracle are in this time.  We understand that our favorite Birds usually are OK in this situations, but this feels really different.   Join the conversation at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork Twitter @FeathersandFoes

May 15, 2022 • 1:00:06

The Huntress Podcast 73 (JLA Secret Origins 2)

The Huntress Podcast 73 (JLA Secret Origins 2)

The Huntress Podcast tackles Helena Bertinelli's introduction to the Justice League of America, where she is quite unsure about joining, but ends up a member based on some sound advice, which wasn't from the Batman. Join the conversation by writing us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

May 11, 2022 • 50:16

Episode 110: Gates of Gotham 1 & 2

Episode 110: Gates of Gotham 1 & 2

The Cassandra Cain podcast talk Gotham's history.  The Architecht.  The Foundation.  The Sins of the Father visiting the Children.  Will the Batfamily be able to protect the structure of Gotham, which will hopefully save the citizens?   Have you read Gates of Gotham? Let us know on Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com  www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

May 1, 2022 • 1:09:51

Episode 180: Birds of Prey 3 Brightest Day

Episode 180: Birds of Prey 3 Brightest Day

Feathers and Foes are at a crossroads as far as covering this issue.  And really, covering issues 1 - 3, Mark, A.J. and Laurel are excited about talking about our favorite heroes again, but some of the choices narrative wise has been a challenged.  One thing we all agreed on, sort of, is the intense nature of the threat in the story.   Identities outed, framing, kidnapping, mental games, betrayel. What do you think of End Run thus far?  E-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPod

Apr 24, 2022 • 1:03:22

Episode 72: The Huntress Podcast (Wonder Woman 276 Back Up)

Episode 72: The Huntress Podcast (Wonder Woman 276 Back Up)

The Huntress Podcast talk about Helena Wayne as she navigates the revelation of Harry, the district attorney and love interest, knowing her secret identity, which was a skill-set she was trying to drill into Power Girl's head.  Keep your secret identity a secret.   Writer: Paul Levitz Pencils: Joe Staton Colorist: Adrienne Roy Letterer: John Constanza Editor: Len Wein

Apr 20, 2022 • 56:15

Episode 109: The Batgirls #5

Episode 109: The Batgirls #5

A.J. and Tim discuss One Way or Another part 5, where the plot and subplots are aligning for the finale!  Barbara Gordon is out in the field as Batgirl!  So rad.  You gotta check it out.  Cassandra and Stephanie are up to their Bat Ears with keeping the Hill safe.  Facing off the Saints, Tutor, Spellbinder, and false narratives are not only spinnging the Batgirls' plates, but making this a nail bitter of an arc. Fido-5 goes East   www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.patreon.c

Apr 18, 2022 • 1:07:44

Outcasters Episode 25

Outcasters Episode 25

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #23 from 1985, The Truth about Halo part 4. Evil energy beach balls, the Outsiders’ negotiation techniques, and sad endings abound. Two years of issues have culminated into this culmination of culminiscosity! Website:https://www.thehuntresspodcast.com/ Email:BatOutcasters@gmail.com Twitter:@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17 @saracentury

Apr 16, 2022 • 1:20:48

Feathers & Foes 179: Birds of Prey 2 (The Rage of the White Canary)

Feathers & Foes 179: Birds of Prey 2 (The Rage of the White Canary)

Feathers and Foes crew discuss the Birds in peril, facing the so-called White Canary...who has our heroes number.  Even with an extra assist from the Hawk and the Dove, things are rough all over, including with The Oracle, who is facing a war on so many fronts.  Will the Birds have to depend on the Penguin to get them out of this one?   Writer Gail Simone Pencils: Ed Benes & Adriana Melo INKS: Mariah Benes & Ed Benes Cover by Nei Ruffino & Ed Benes Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.p

Apr 10, 2022 • 1:01:28

Outcasters Episode 24

Outcasters Episode 24

AJ, Sara, Tim and special guest Jon Wilson discuss DC Comics Presents #83 from 1985 “Shadow of the Outsider”, purple trunks, pre-Crisis Superman, and how great Halo and Katana are, because they are pretty great.  For more of Alfred’s appearances as the Outsider: https://www.cosmicteams.com/jsa/profiles/alfred-the-butler.html For Jon’s episode of Superman In Crisis covering this issue: https://jonreadscomics.com/2022/04/04/sic-11-real-a-time-to-die-04041985/

Apr 5, 2022 • 1:21:49

Outcasters Episode 23

Outcasters Episode 23

AJ, Sara and Tim discuss Batman and the Outsiders #22 from 1985, The Truth about Halo part 3. Alan Davis artwork, clever lettering, psychedelic coloring, all come together for a mind-blowing origin story.

Apr 3, 2022 • 1:22:15

Batgirl Episode 108: Red Robin 25

Batgirl Episode 108: Red Robin 25

Tim and A.J. talk Cassandra Cain in the pages of Red Robin.  Black Bat is the moniker she's sporting now at this point.  Faking a murder, quipping and modern day swashbuckling.   Let us know your favorite super hero name change.  e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Mar 30, 2022 • 59:01

Feathers & Foes 178: Birds of Prey Volume 2 issue 1

Feathers & Foes 178: Birds of Prey Volume 2 issue 1

The Birds are Back in Town!  Out of the era of Blackest Night and in the offshoot pages of Brightest Day, Barbara Gordon, Dinah Lance and Helena Bertinelli...with Zinda Blake are bringing the band back together to stop and oncoming threat.   Writer: Gail Simone  Pencils/Inkers: Ed Benes Colorist: Nei Ruffino Letterer: Steve Wands Editors: Janelle Asselin www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 26, 2022 • 1:03:57

The Huntress Podcast 71: JLA 32 (Inside Job)

The Huntress Podcast 71: JLA 32 (Inside Job)

Laurel and A.J. talk Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress, drifting away from the JLA, and graviting towards her city, which has been declared a No Man's Land.  The Huntress rediscovers her strengnth and learns that she is not alone.

Mar 20, 2022 • 57:40

Episode 177: Batman 619 The End

Episode 177: Batman 619 The End

The Feathers and Foes crew are at the end of the Batman: Hush journey.  Batman's ghosts, friends and foes all visit the ultimate caped crusader.  Let us know your thoughts.  Batman 619 ends Hush but not the conversation.   Contact us at: www.wrightonnetwork.com  Twitter @FeathersandFoes

Mar 13, 2022 • 1:08:31

Episode 107: The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast (One Way or Another 4)

Episode 107: The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast (One Way or Another 4)

Tim and A.J. talk Cassandra Cain in the 4th installment of One Way or Another, where the Bat Trio, Cass, Babs and Steph are spinning plates as they take on Seer, the Saints, the Hill Ripper, Tutor and Spellbounder!  These villains don't stand a chance!   Creative team, Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, Jorge Corona, Sarah Stern and Becca Carey knock it out the park.  Please e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast.  We would be more than happy to hear from you.

Mar 12, 2022 • 1:09:33

The Huntress Podcast 70: A Friend in Need (Wonder Woman 275 Back Up)

The Huntress Podcast 70: A Friend in Need (Wonder Woman 275 Back Up)

The Huntress Podcast talks the Huntress story in the Wonder Woman 275 back up.  Harry, the District Attorney, also Helena Wayne's love interest, has made a deal with the Thinker, which has led Harry into thinking it was a good idea to place a ban on Capes.   Both The Huntress and Power Girl are up to their shoulders in a crime wave orchestrated by the Thinker.  The World's Finest will take care of this Thinker character...we just know it.   Please e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or Twitte

Mar 11, 2022 • 54:59

Episode 106: Red Robin 17

Episode 106: Red Robin 17

Tim and A.J. talk the where abouts and appearances of Cassandra Cain in the Red Robin 17.  Tim makes an effort to elicit Cassandra in becoming one of the Bat Family again....she entertains the idea, not completely ruling it out, but she is still on the quest to finding herself...getting in where she fits in.

Feb 24, 2022 • 56:57

Episode 176: Batman 618

Episode 176: Batman 618

In Batman 618, the penultimate issue, things are getting murky, personal and demented.  Literary imagery throughout, old foes, mystery and betrayal aboot.  Batman is quite at his wit's end.

Feb 21, 2022 • 57:03

Outcasters Episode 22

Outcasters Episode 22

Tim, AJ, and Sara discuss Batman and the Outsiders #21 from 1985, a very special issue featuring 3 solo stories for Katana, Geo-Force, and Black Lightning. Each one-and-done story was written by Mike W Barr, colored by Adrienne Roy, and with a different art team for each story, notably Jerome K Moore, Trevor Von Eeden, and Ron Randall. There's a lot of fun things to say about these short stories!

Feb 19, 2022 • 1:25:17

Huntress Podcast  Episode 69: JLA 26

Huntress Podcast Episode 69: JLA 26

Laurel and AJ talk Helena Bertinelli as a member of the JLA.  Tell us your thoughts about this era of Justice League.  Give us your favorite JLA roster.  We would love to hear it.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Feb 16, 2022 • 39:20

Episode 105: Batgirls #3

Episode 105: Batgirls #3

Tim & Ashford talk the Batgirls trio taking on a battle on several fronts, including the privacy invader Seer, the assasins known as Saints, their reputations and  the fear gas enhancer/graffiti artist, Tutor. Barbara Gordon leads Cassandra and Stephanie through these murky developments for a chance at victory.  Batgirls of The Hill forever.  Do you have a favorite new villain?  Let us know at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast or the website www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Feb 13, 2022 • 1:26:16

Episode 104: Detective Comics 790

Episode 104: Detective Comics 790

Tim and A.J. talk Cassandra Cain confronting Batman about his treatment of Stephanie Brown.  Unbeknownst to Batgirl, Batman is on a tear trying to stop the designer drug trade, but in actuality, he is dealing with the lost of Jason Todd, who would have been 18 years old.   Is Batman scared that what happened to Jason could be Stephanie Brown's fate? We would like to know your favorite Jason Todd story, trait, memory etc. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or e-mai

Feb 5, 2022 • 1:06:49

Episode 175 of Feathers & Foes  Batman 617

Episode 175 of Feathers & Foes Batman 617

Mark, Laurel and A.J. talk creepy nursery rhymes, manipulating lovers, and morbid returns in Batman 617.  Feathers and Foes are still harping over the wonderful Jim Lee art with Scott Williams' inks.  F&F are just not happy with the way Batman handled the Catwoman situation.

Jan 30, 2022 • 57:51

Huntress Podcast 68: The Speaker in the Shadows

Huntress Podcast 68: The Speaker in the Shadows

In the Wonder Woman issue 274 backup, there is the Huntress story where Helena Wayne has to juggle her friendship, dating life, day job, and heroics...how does she do it?  With style.  Not only do we get a cool appearance from Power Girl, but we also have an old school villain, Thinker, who will test not only the plot of the story, but perhaps the strength of Helena and Harry's relationship.   Write to us on Twitter @HuntressPodcast or www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jan 27, 2022 • 57:56

Episode 21 of the Outcasters

Episode 21 of the Outcasters

The Truth About Halo continues to unravel, yet  tied up ever so...not neatly...kinda deadly.  The Outsiders come to Halo's rescue in her discovery of herself, past and future.  Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo gives us another stellar story that leaves new readers in shock even after all these years. Syonide's panel stealing moments makes this a must read as well.

Jan 23, 2022 • 1:31:52

Huntress Podcast 67: JLA 16&17

Huntress Podcast 67: JLA 16&17

Laurel and A.J. talk about an adventure in orbit, where Helena Bertinelli is a full-fledged member of the Justice League.  We would like to know what is your favorite era of Justice League.  Leave a comment at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or e-mail huntresspodcast@gmail.com

Jan 22, 2022 • 55:31

Episode 103: One Way or Another!

Episode 103: One Way or Another!

Because we all demanded it, we are continuing the ongoing adventures of Babs, Cass, and Steph...The Batgirls.  This is issue 2 brought to us by Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad.  Kinetic pencils presented by Jorge Corona.  Colorist = Sarah Stern.  Letters by Becca Carey. Issue 2 has danger, bonding, Bondo, mystery, and a cool urban setting.  The Wright On Network totally endorses this book.   Please tell us your favorite Batgirl story.  Any Batgirl.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  T

Jan 19, 2022 • 1:07:12

Episode 66: Justice League of America 185 (Huntress Podcast)

Episode 66: Justice League of America 185 (Huntress Podcast)

Laurel, Diane and A.J. talk The Huntress teaming up with characters from Earth 1 and 2 alike to stop the treachery of Darkseid.  Write to us. We would like to know who your favorite Justice League Member is?  Write to us on Twitter@HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Jan 17, 2022 • 39:55

Feathers and Foes: Episode 174 (Batman 616: Hush The Assassins)

Feathers and Foes: Episode 174 (Batman 616: Hush The Assassins)

Feathers and Foes are back just in time to discuss Batman 616, where our Caped Crusader plays globe trotter to get answers from the Demon.  Will Batman's cunning detective skills cut through Ra's al Ghul's long games?  Tune in and listen to Mark and A.J. talk Catwoman, President Luther, Alfred Pennyworth, Lady Shiva and so much more! Please, tell us who is your favorite Birds of Prey member.

Jan 15, 2022 • 1:06:34

Episode 102: The Batgirl Podcast (DC 1st Batgirl Joker)

Episode 102: The Batgirl Podcast (DC 1st Batgirl Joker)

Tim & A.J. talk Cassandra Cain walking into her mentor's footsteps.  Will Cass be able to fit into Barbara's footsteps or does the crimson haired caped crusader cast a long shadow?   Write to us your thoughts about this issue at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter@HuntressPodcast

Jan 3, 2022 • 1:16:21

W.O.N. New Year's Eve with April & A.J.

W.O.N. New Year's Eve with April & A.J.

Thank you for listening to the Wright ON Network! countdown to the New Year.  We appreciate you all.  W.O.N. wishes the best for you and yours.  Please write to us about any feedback that can help the show.  Love. www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter@HuntressPodcast wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 31, 2021 • 53:48

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Talking Gaming w/ DJ Merc

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Talking Gaming w/ DJ Merc

A.J. talks to DJ Merc about video games, video game origins, and a little more.  Do you play video games?  Are you into any board games?  Let us know.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com wrightonnetwork@gmail.com Twitter@HuntressPodcast

Dec 30, 2021 • 51:40



Tim and A.J. talk 2021 superlatives.

Dec 29, 2021 • 57:49

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Countdown to the New Year

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Countdown to the New Year

A.J. talks to Siskoid of Siskoid's Blog of Geekery and many podcasts over at the Fire and Water Podcast Network about his Doctor Who Flux bingo board and a little about Canadian television.   Twitter @wrightonnetwork wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 28, 2021 • 14:31



Diane and A.J. talk television/pop culture going into 2022.  Write to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com.  We would love to hear from you.  Have fun out there.

Dec 27, 2021 • 14:26

Countdown to the New Year!

Countdown to the New Year!

Diane and A.J. talk pop culture in 2022, maybe.  Hopefully, Diane's predictions will see fruition.  Wouldn't be nice to...well check out the episode.

Dec 26, 2021 • 11:08

Merry Christmas!  Bingo to 2022 w/ @Reading_Hix

Merry Christmas! Bingo to 2022 w/ @Reading_Hix

Paul from DCOCD Podcast and Waiting For Doom stopped by to talk to A.J. about pop culture predictions in 2022.  Merry Christmas everyone.  Thank you for listening.

Dec 25, 2021 • 19:24



Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!  If you're reading this after the fact, I hope this message catches you in the highest of spirits.  May this and future holiday be kind to you.  Paul of the Waiting For Doom Podcast was nice enough to join the bingo board countdown to 2022.  Please give us a listen.  Also, check out his Dial F for Flanger Podcast.

Dec 24, 2021 • 15:00

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2021

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2021

Laurel and A.J. talk pop culture 2022 predictions.  Let us know what you're looking for the bring you joy in 2022.

Dec 23, 2021 • 13:11

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

Laurel and A.J. talk pop culture predictions for the year 2022.  May you all have a bless day.  Thank you for stopping by.  We really enjoy doing this.   Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 22, 2021 • 8:22

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Countdown to 2021 December 21 w/ Laurel

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Countdown to 2021 December 21 w/ Laurel

A.J. and Laurel talk Green Lanterns and wrapping Christmas presents.  If you would like to hear Laurel talk more Green Lantern, write to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 21, 2021 • 8:45

Episode 65: Batman and Robin Adventures 19

Episode 65: Batman and Robin Adventures 19

Laurel and A.J. talk about Helena Bertinelli in the Batman and Robin Adventures.  For a one shot story, the writer captured the spirit of the Huntress quite well.

Dec 21, 2021 • 39:19

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 20th

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 20th

Mark and A.J. talk cosplay, sports predictions, and all around merriment.  Have a wonderful week, yall!

Dec 20, 2021 • 11:45

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2021 December 19th

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2021 December 19th

Mark and A.J. talk trying new things in the new year that ends up becoming permanent.  Well, you'll see what we mean once you take a listen.

Dec 19, 2021 • 6:16

The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 101: One Thing Or Another

The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast Episode 101: One Thing Or Another

Laurel, Tim and A.J. talk Batgirls!  Starring Babs, Cass, and Steph!  Join on this issue #1 as we explore this new team, neighborhood and potential peril.  Did you read issue 1?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast e-mail wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 18, 2021 • 1:30:37

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 18th

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 18th

Mark and A.J. talk Academy Awards.  What are some of your predictions?

Dec 18, 2021 • 7:14

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! BINGO to 2022 December 17th

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! BINGO to 2022 December 17th

At the Wright On Network! we hope you are enjoying the countdown to 2022.  We love you all!

Dec 17, 2021 • 7:28

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

Mark and A.J. talk sports predictions in 2022.  And gift giving.

Dec 16, 2021 • 5:32

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 15

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 15

A.J. listens to Sara's take on pop culture predictions in 2022.

Dec 15, 2021 • 8:05

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 14th

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022 December 14th

A.J. and Sara Century talk 2022 pop culture predictions.

Dec 14, 2021 • 6:18

Episode 64: Justice League of America 184

Episode 64: Justice League of America 184

We recorded this before hearing the news about George Perez.  What a pioneer and a trailblazer.  Our prayers are with him at the Wright On Network!  Thank you for the all the joy.  About a month ago A.J. gushed over the issue.  George Perez played a huge role in that.   Write to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 14, 2021 • 54:58

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

Sara Century and A.J. talk The Batman movie.  Check us out!  e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 13, 2021 • 6:04

Bingo to 2022 December 12th

Bingo to 2022 December 12th

Sara Century and A.J. talk pop culture predictions for 2022. Write to us about somethings you are looking forward to in the new year at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 12, 2021 • 3:42

The Outcasters Episode 20: Who's Afraid of the Big Red S?

The Outcasters Episode 20: Who's Afraid of the Big Red S?

Tim and @robkellycreative discuss Alfred's baking, Bruce Wayne's fashion, the artistry of Jim Aparo, and what Superman considers fun.   Share your thoughts with us at batoutcasters@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 12, 2021 • 1:07:52

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

Sara and A.J. talk pop culture 2022 predictions.

Dec 11, 2021 • 8:31

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

April and A.J. talk Wrestling Perspectives for 2022.  Let us know what you think by e-mailing us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast. Again, thank you for listening to us.

Dec 10, 2021 • 11:13

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

April and A.J talk pop culture predictions.   What do you think we should talk next?   www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 9, 2021 • 7:13

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

Star Trek fans, we need your help on this one.  A.J. and April talk pop culture predictions in the year 2022. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 8, 2021 • 4:25

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! December 7th Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! December 7th Bingo to 2022

April5K and A.J. talk 2022 predictions in the world of Pop Culture.  What are you looking forward to exactly?  Share your thoughts with us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast We appreciate your support.

Dec 7, 2021 • 5:08

December 6 BINGO to 2022

December 6 BINGO to 2022

April5k and A.J. talk 2022 predictions Share your predictions for the new year at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 6, 2021 • 3:30

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK! Bingo to 2022

December 5, 2021.  Tim and A.J. talk predictions for the new year.   Share your predictions with us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Dec 5, 2021 • 17:10

December 4th Bingo to 2022 w/ Tim Price

December 4th Bingo to 2022 w/ Tim Price

A.J. and Tim talk 2022 predictions in popular culture and placing said predictions on the bingo board.  Join in on the conversation. www.thehuntresspodcast.com batoutcasters@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 4, 2021 • 6:38

Bingo to 2022 Prediction! December 3rd

Bingo to 2022 Prediction! December 3rd

The Podcrasher Tim Price and A.J. talk 2022 predictions!  www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.batoutcasters@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Dec 3, 2021 • 4:48

WRIGHT ON NETWORK: December 2nd Bingo to 2022

WRIGHT ON NETWORK: December 2nd Bingo to 2022

Tim and A.J. are back to add another piece/prediction to the bingo board.  What will happen in 2022?  Tune in to hear Tim's thoughts. www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @TheHuntressPodcast

Dec 2, 2021 • 4:50



Welcome to the Wright On Network! Bingo to 2022.  Members of the WRIGHT ON NETWORK! will contribute a number of predictions that will be added to a bingo card, free space included of course! Do you think we will get a bingo in 2022?  I think so.

Dec 1, 2021 • 6:09

WRIGHT ON NETWORK presents: Jim Calafiore Interview

WRIGHT ON NETWORK presents: Jim Calafiore Interview

Jim Calafiore is an American comic book creator and professional illustrator. He began his career in the comic book industry in 1989 working for Caliber Press on the title Progeny. Later on he worked for small publishers like Valiant Comics. His first published work for DC Comics was in 1995 in the title Aquaman. The same year he was hired by Marvel Comics and debuted on the title Force Works and he would keep working simultaneously for both companies on some of their most iconic titles. https:

Nov 27, 2021 • 53:16

Episode 100: Batgirls Can't Hardly Wait & The Network

Episode 100: Batgirls Can't Hardly Wait & The Network

The Batgirls Podcast talk The Network, A Battle of the Cowl tie-in, and Batgirls part 3 of 3, Can't Hardly Wait by writers Becky Cloonan & Michael W. Conrad.  Art by Jorge Corona with colors by Sarah Stern.   The Batgirl Podcast is proud to reach 100 episodes, but more importantly, we are celebrating the fact that Cassandra Cain is still in discussion when it comes to current comics.  Please continue the ride with us as we continue to explore her past and celebrate her present/future.   www.

Nov 23, 2021 • 1:15:20

Episode 63: Catwoman 51 & 52

Episode 63: Catwoman 51 & 52

The Huntress Podcast are visiting the world of Bertinelli as she teams up with Selena Kyle, better known as, Catwoman.  The Huntress wants to...apprehend a bundle of money from some bad guys to fund a program helping people in need of healthcare and refuge.  Catwoman, she wants to lift the money for...let us say, less altruistic reasons.   Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Nov 23, 2021 • 45:46

Episode 173: Batman 615 Hush (The Dead)

Episode 173: Batman 615 Hush (The Dead)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk Batman Hush!  We begin at a funeral for Dr. Tommy Elliot and end with Batman revealing to Catwoman that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one in the same.  We get appearances from Nightwing, The Riddler and Harvey Dent as Hush?  What did you think about these reveals upon your first read if you remember? Let us know.  Write to us on twitter @HuntressPodcast or www.thehuntresspodcast.com We would love to hear from you.  We miss Laurel.

Nov 22, 2021 • 1:07:47

Episode 62: Justice League of America #183

Episode 62: Justice League of America #183

The Huntress Podcast discuss Helena Wayne as she goes off world to face a Crises on New Genesis.  New Gods, Apocalypse, Darkseid, and so much more! Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Nov 16, 2021 • 44:14

Episode 99: Batgirls 2 of 3 (SET IT OFF)

Episode 99: Batgirls 2 of 3 (SET IT OFF)

Join the Cassandra Cain podcast as they talk about Cassandra Cain in her new adventures, Batgirls.  The Batgirl Cassandra Cain podcast begged for more Cassandra and Stephanie, and now we have it!  Set It Off is the second part of a 3 part back up story.   Have you been reading the back up stories of the Cassandra Cain appearances where she and Stephanie have popped up from time to time before these back up stories began?  Let us know.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  or Twitter @Hunt

Nov 14, 2021 • 58:51

Episode 19: Who Wears the Crown of Ra?

Episode 19: Who Wears the Crown of Ra?

The Outcasters are talking...not like an Egyptian, but more like some comic book lovers who are enjoying each other's company, virtually, yet still being critical about the art and story put upon us. Please share your thoughts with us at batoutcasters@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com Time Travel.  Halo's origins?  Egypt.  A marriage proposal.  All here.

Nov 11, 2021 • 1:27:59

Episode 172: Batman Hush 614 (The Joke)

Episode 172: Batman Hush 614 (The Joke)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about a punchline that we didn't see coming...or perhaps we did.  Stop me if you've heard this one before...the Joker didn't do it.  Listen to the episode as Feathers and Foes discuss Batman crossing a line, the horrors of Joker's past actions, and an alley.   Write to us @FeathersandFoes on Twitter or www.thehuntresspodcast.com Thank you for listening to our show.  We so appreciate the support.

Nov 6, 2021 • 42:02

Episode 98: Clueless Part 1 of 3

Episode 98: Clueless Part 1 of 3

Tim and Ashford talk about the 1st official story Batgirls story called Clueless part 1.  Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, and Cassandra Cain are the Batgirls!  Let us know your thoughts about this upcoming trio's adventures at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Nov 1, 2021 • 50:18

Outcasters Presents: Transformers My Little Pony Friendships In Disguise #4

Outcasters Presents: Transformers My Little Pony Friendships In Disguise #4

Outcasters presents: Transformers My Little Pony Friendship in Disguise #4. Is Jeff or Rick of @JeffRickPresent the bigger Transfan? Is @timprice17 a Brony or Phony? Find out in the podcast crossover conclusion of  Mephisto vs the Podcasters 4.

Oct 31, 2021 • 1:32:03

Episode 171: The Opera

Episode 171: The Opera

Feathers and Foes are back at the Opera, sort of speak.  Listen to us talk about this wonderful single issue with Harley Quinn, a night out with Bruce and Selena, Dr. Leslie Thompkins and a Murder. Help us continue this discussion by writing into us @HuntressPodcast or @FeathersandFoes on Twitter.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com or wrightonnetwork@gmail.com  We appreciate you for listening to us.  www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Oct 23, 2021 • 1:02:07

Episode 97: Batgirl 6

Episode 97: Batgirl 6

The Batgirl Podcast talk about the conclusion of this 6 part mini-series where Batgirl finds peace and family, but she has to face a big bad before reaching her destination.  A.J., Tim and Laurel talk about some of the triumphs of the book, such as the pencils by J. Calafiore and an appearance of Misfit.  The fight scene is well-paced and drawn.  What were some of your thoughts on this six issue mini-series?  Let us know your thoughts. www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast wrighto

Oct 20, 2021 • 1:02:41

Episode 170: The Battle

Episode 170: The Battle

Feathers and Foes are back to talk about not only the Battle, but the faith Batman has in Superman, the chemistry between the caped crusader and Cat Woman, Crypto and so much more. Please e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Oct 15, 2021 • 1:03:33

Episode 18: "We Are Dying Egypt--Dying!"

Episode 18: "We Are Dying Egypt--Dying!"

The Outcasters travel back in time in the river of the Nile...in Egypt.  In addition, we take a look at the Secret Life of Halo...on the wild side???  Cigarettes?  Leather Jackets?  Denim Jeans?  Here we go.  Let us know your thoughts and e-mail us at batoutcasters@gmail.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast.  We would love, love to hear from you.

Oct 15, 2021 • 1:28:30

Episode 96: As My Father Made Me

Episode 96: As My Father Made Me

Cassandra Cain is on a mission, and she doesn't have time to play a young lady with an overbearing father and two brothers, so watch Batgirl best Batman, Robin and Nightwing.  They are only trying to help, but Batgirl keeps her agency and headed on a one way ticket to stopping David Cain.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com We would love to hear from you.

Oct 8, 2021 • 1:04:19

Episode 61: Huntress 3 & 4: The Hard Place and Maelstrom

Episode 61: Huntress 3 & 4: The Hard Place and Maelstrom

The Huntress Podcast talk Helena Bertinelli battling foes, inner struggle and her personal future/legacy.  Let us know your thoughts by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Oct 5, 2021 • 41:41

Episode 60: The Girl in the Gilded Cage

Episode 60: The Girl in the Gilded Cage

The Huntress Podcast is back, discussing Helena breaking away from Solomon Grundy, a slimy district attorney and The Huntress being a leading lady in her own story.  Let us know what you thing on Twitter @HuntressPodcast or write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or wrightonnetwork@gmail.com We truly appreciate your listenership.  Thank you so much for your support.  We hope to bring you joy upon your listens.

Sep 29, 2021 • 53:47

Episode 169: The City

Episode 169: The City

The Feathers and Foes gang are here to talk about a kiss, Metropolis, Green Lantern (Yes, that Green Lantern) a young Damian Wayne and so much more.  Tell us your thoughts about this issue of Hush, The City!  Write to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @feathersandfoes   We love you all.  Thanks for listening.  We appreciate your time, thoughts and comments. -Wright On Network!

Sep 25, 2021 • 53:00

Episode 95: Redemption Road (Daddy Issues)

Episode 95: Redemption Road (Daddy Issues)

The Outcasters, Tim and Ashford, talk Batgirl and company.  And yes, things are getting pretty down to the wire.  Cain and Slade are still at large and completely dangerous.  Will Batgirl be able to stop the mad villainy and stay alive?  Tune in.  Write to us at batoutcasters@gmail.com

Sep 21, 2021 • 1:04:56

Episode 17: The Truth About Halo Part 1

Episode 17: The Truth About Halo Part 1

The Outcasters are back to discuss...the Origins of Halo?  Is this really good bye?  Give us a listen as we break this story down bit by bit.  Write to us at www.huntresspodcast.com or on Twitter at @HuntressPodcast  e-mail us at batoutcasters@gmail.com Thank you for listening to our podcast.  We really appreciate you.

Sep 14, 2021 • 1:40:21

Episode 168: Hush part 3 (The Beast)

Episode 168: Hush part 3 (The Beast)

Feathers and Foes are back to talk some Hush!  The Beast!  Again, we can't stop gushing about the art, the story is swift and sweet, and the mystery is expanding like the universe.  Please join us in the discussion by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com, Twitter @feathersandfoes @huntresspodcast or e-mail wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Sep 11, 2021 • 1:03:47

Episode 94: Family Secrets

Episode 94: Family Secrets

Cassandra Cain isn't flying solo in this issue.  Oh no!  Marque and Rose are coming along to put an end to Slade Wilson and David Cain.  Will the Prodigal Daughters show their fathers who really knows best?  Join the discussion by e-mailing us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or write to us at the website www.thehuntresspdocast.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Sep 9, 2021 • 1:09:26

Episode 59: Darker Still

Episode 59: Darker Still

Diane, Laurel and Ashford talk Darker Still and Breaking Cover, the first 2 stories of a four part mini-series, staring one of our favorite DC heroes, the Huntress!  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast You can also reach us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Sep 6, 2021 • 49:14

Episode 167: Hush 2 (The Friend)

Episode 167: Hush 2 (The Friend)

Feathers and Foes are back to discuss this dynamic book, where we get a nice sample of Helena Bertinelli's Huntress, beautiful artwork and the introduction of a new character, yet old friend.  Join us as we revisit the early 2000's...HUSH! Let us know your thoughts at @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com or e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com HUSH

Aug 28, 2021 • 1:04:57

Episode 93: Trust is a Ghost

Episode 93: Trust is a Ghost

The Outcasters talk Batgirl vs. Marque? Again, Cassandra is not taking any mess from no one, yet she believes no one needs to be killed on the way to killing the men who drugged her, Slade Wilson and David Cain.  e-mail us your thoughts at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or write to us on the website at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Aug 26, 2021 • 1:04:27

Episode 58: The Monster and the Masterpiece

Episode 58: The Monster and the Masterpiece

The Huntrio, Diane, Laurel and Ashford talk Solomon Grundy, loving art, The Huntress as a solo hero and so much more!  Thank you for listening.  Please e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Aug 22, 2021 • 55:30

Episode 16: Going for the Gold!

Episode 16: Going for the Gold!

The Outcasters are back to discuss the conclusion of this 2 part story at the Olympics to put a stop to the malice of one Maxi Zeus and his so-called Olympians.  What did you think of Batman's detective skills in this one?  Who was your Outsider?  And, do you remember the 1984 Olympics?  Let us know at batoutcasters@gmail.com

Aug 17, 2021 • 1:21:44

Batman: Hush (1)

Batman: Hush (1)

Feathers and Foes is back!  We just finished our epic run of covering volume 1 of Birds of Prey and before starting up volume 2, we are sidetracking for a bit, covering the amazing Batman Hush storyline!  Please go on this ride with us as we cover this story from the early aughts.  Does anyone use that term?  Feathers and Foes new home at the www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Aug 14, 2021 • 42:11

Episode 92: Square 1

Episode 92: Square 1

Batgirl is back in her own series, and you better believe we have something to say about it.  Writer Adam Beechen goes through great lengths, info dumping, to get any new readers up to speed, and reminders to those who have followed along. Nightwing isn't a happy camper because of Cassandra's past acts, Batman is supportive, yet distant, and Batgirl is a woman on a mission for some righteous justice.   Let us know your thoughts at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com or @Huntres

Aug 9, 2021 • 51:11

Episode 57: The Huntress (Showcase 94)

Episode 57: The Huntress (Showcase 94)

The Huntrio talk the conclusion of the story Benedictions by writer Chuck Dixon.  The Huntress is determined to end the mayhem tonight.  Accompanied by the Robin, the dynamic duo are teamed up for this gritty, 90's street tale.

Aug 7, 2021 • 25:30

Episode 15: Inside the Olympics 1984

Episode 15: Inside the Olympics 1984

The Outcasters are at the Olympics...1984 to be more exact.  We're talking Ronald Reagan, character moments with the Outsiders, and the appearance of Maxi-Zeus and the New Olympians.  Tell us your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or batoutcasters@gmail.com

Aug 5, 2021 • 1:05:43

Episode 91: Batman & The Outsiders 13&14

Episode 91: Batman & The Outsiders 13&14

The Batgirl Podcast tackles Batman and the Outsiders issues 13 and 14.  Cassandra is putting a new band together, but an antagonist, Nightwing, is trying to stop her from blurring the lines in order to save Gotham.  What's next for Cassandra post Outsiders?  Tune in.  We won't leave you hanging. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast. E-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Jul 27, 2021 • 1:14:33

Episode 56: Into the Darkness Once More

Episode 56: Into the Darkness Once More

The Huntress Podcast talks about the new story arc/ongoing adventures of Helena Wayne who is The Huntress, Lawyer, Socialite, and all around leading character!  Let us know what you think about this Wonder Woman back up story at www.thehuntresspodcast.com on Twitter @HuntressPodcast or e-mail at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Jul 26, 2021 • 51:05

Episode 14: Annual #1

Episode 14: Annual #1

The Outcasters are back to talk about this timeless tale of misguided nationalism, Geo Force's new costume, stealth and clumsy racism and so much more!  Mike W. Barr had something to say!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 20, 2021 • 1:30:13

Episode 90: Batman and the Outsiders #11 & #12

Episode 90: Batman and the Outsiders #11 & #12

The Cass Crew at the Batgirl Podcast are here to talk perhaps Batgirl and the Outsiders??  Yep, R.I.P. Batman???  What will the Outsiders do?  Follow Green Arrow?  Disband?  Spiral out of control?  You will just have to listen to the Cass Crew break these two issues down to the bone gristle, as it were.    Write to us at the www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 14, 2021 • 1:11:19

Episode 13: Batman & The Outsiders

Episode 13: Batman & The Outsiders

The Outcasters podcast talk Joe Chill, trippy art and ideas, revealing secrets and a new beginning! Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 11, 2021 • 1:12:17

Episode 13: Batman & The Outsiders

Episode 13: Batman & The Outsiders

The Outcasters discuss the end of Season 1 of Batman and the Outsiders.  Batman is recovering, the Outsiders become closer as a unit and we have some of the best listeners around in podcast land.  Please contact us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jul 10, 2021 • 1:12:17

Episode 55: Robin 6

Episode 55: Robin 6

The Huntrio talk the continuing adventures of Huntress and Robin.  Old friends and foes spear head this street level tale for another cracker of a comic.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jun 29, 2021 • 39:38

Episode 89: Batman and the Outsiders 10 and 11

Episode 89: Batman and the Outsiders 10 and 11

The Batgirl Podcast talk a possible ascension of Cassandra Cain and the Outsiders due to a possible Batman death?  The return of Looker, designer, mutating drugs, and the sketchy comeback of Metamorpho to the group.  Let us know your thoughts about these two issues at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter at @HuntressPodcast .  Mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Jun 28, 2021 • 1:00:25

Episode 12: The Origins of Katana part 2

Episode 12: The Origins of Katana part 2

Tim Price, Sarah Century, and Ashford talk Katana and her origin story.  Tragedy, over triumph, over tragedy.  If she or the reader didn't know this by now, you don't have to go it alone.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jun 24, 2021 • 1:15:39

Episode 88: Batman & the Outsiders 7 and 8

Episode 88: Batman & the Outsiders 7 and 8

The Batgirl Podcast has a little more to chew on with Cassandra Cain having a plan to save her new ad hoc team, The Outsiders.  Let us know your thoughts: e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com and Twitter @huntresspodcast

Jun 14, 2021 • 1:05:36

Episode 11: Batman and the Outsiders!

Episode 11: Batman and the Outsiders!

The Outcasters talk secret origins, the true meaning of a team, and the ascension of a fairly new character for the time, Katana.  Keep your comments coming by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jun 9, 2021 • 1:35:10

Episode 54: The Defeat of the Justice Society

Episode 54: The Defeat of the Justice Society

The Huntrio talk the Defeat of the Justice Society?  The youth of the Justice Society, Helena Wayne and Karen Starr, talk a little Justice Society history.  For over a decade, the Justice Society disbanded.  Via the oral history of her father, Bruce Wayne, Helena, AKA, the Huntress, relays the story of the JSA's history.   Write to us your thoughts.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com and wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Jun 8, 2021 • 59:16

Interview w/ Joseph Illidge about Cassandra Cain & More

Interview w/ Joseph Illidge about Cassandra Cain & More

Front and center with editor/writer Joseph Illidge about Batgirl's Cassandra Cain.  Celebrate this character with us by sharing your thoughts about the past, present and future of the character by giving us a listen and writing to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jun 5, 2021 • 1:00:36

Episode 53: Showcase 94 Number 5

Episode 53: Showcase 94 Number 5

In this showcase, we get a little back story of Helena's upbringing, the present place where she resides, and her apparent team up in the next adventure.  This is an urban, gritty street tale.  It may not be easy, but I'm betting on Bertinelli.   What are your thoughts?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Jun 1, 2021 • 49:00

Episode 87: Batman and the Outsiders(Volume 2) 5 & 6

Episode 87: Batman and the Outsiders(Volume 2) 5 & 6

The Cassandra Cain Podcast talk about Cass's adventures and contributions in these two issues, where the mission is intense, members are slowly joining the team, and Cass is a young woman with few words written by Chuck Dixon.  Let us know what think by writing to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or on the website www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast

May 31, 2021 • 1:05:57

Episode 10: Batman and the Outsiders vs. The Masters of Disaster

Episode 10: Batman and the Outsiders vs. The Masters of Disaster

The Outcasters discuss heroics, New Wave, good art, good leadership or not, and so much more.  10 issues in and we are only at the beginning of this rich team of characters.  What do you think of the Masters of Disaster?  Who's your favorite member of The Outsiders?  Let us know at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast We appreciate you for listening to us.

May 27, 2021 • 1:21:06

Episode 86: Batman and the Outsiders 3 & 4

Episode 86: Batman and the Outsiders 3 & 4

Cassandra Cain is...featured in both Batman & the Outsiders Volume 2.  Sara Century, Tim Price, and Ashford talk new and old teammates, getting sidelined, and trust issues. Please e-mail us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com Write to us on the website www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 20, 2021 • 1:12:35

Episode 52: Justice League of America 172

Episode 52: Justice League of America 172

The Huntress Podcast would like to welcome you to the conclusion of this two part story, where the Justice League and Justice Society of America squads are teamed up to solve this cosmic Agatha Christie Whodunnit type story.  Spoiler...it is not Alfred.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

May 16, 2021 • 48:32

Episode 9: The Masters of Disaster!

Episode 9: The Masters of Disaster!

The Outcasters talk about a new villain gang, the Masters of Disaster.  Roll over Beethoven!  New Wave and the gang are invading Gotham...and they are playing for keeps!  Batman and the Outsiders, we are rooting for you all the way.

May 10, 2021 • 1:30:07

Episode 85: Batman and the Outsiders 1 and 2

Episode 85: Batman and the Outsiders 1 and 2

The Batgirl Podcast discuss the next venture for Cassandra Cain...another team book?   Her appearance leaves the reader wanting more...from her, but Tim, Sara, and Ashford talk about the operations and atmosphere which she will operate in...

May 5, 2021 • 1:24:23

Episode 51: Showcase 93 issue 10

Episode 51: Showcase 93 issue 10

The second and final installment of the Huntress saga, where some brutal event go down, as it were, and our hero, the Huntress, refuses to be a bystander.  Listen to our podcast as discuss the Huntress living up to her name to stop a senseless, brutal killer.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

May 2, 2021 • 36:41

Episode 8: Where are the Children?

Episode 8: Where are the Children?

The Outcasters talk attacking toddlers, the melancholy Christmas Blues, and Batman being a pushy leader, surprise-surprise.  But a surprise even bigger than that sarcastic one is a visit by The Phantom Stranger, who only seems to visit Batman.  Let us know what you think by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Apr 28, 2021 • 1:35:09

Episode 50: Justice League of America 171

Episode 50: Justice League of America 171

50 episodes in and the Huntrio finds itself talking about the JLA and JSA on the Watchtower, where a mysterious murder has taken place.  We are talking a whodunnit?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Apr 12, 2021 • 45:57

Episode 84: Teen Titans 45 and 46

Episode 84: Teen Titans 45 and 46

Tim, Sara, and Ashford talk Cassandra Cain, Teen Titans, and a what the heck is wrong with Deathstroke and his M.O.  Write to us at wrightonnetwork@gmail.com or www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 21, 2021 • 53:22

Episode 49: Showcase 93 (Part 1)

Episode 49: Showcase 93 (Part 1)

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford talk 90s, Helena Bertinelli, and a wonderful creative team, pushing the narrative forward as far as our post crises Huntress is concerned. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or wrightonnetwork@gmail.com

Mar 15, 2021 • 49:17

Episode 7: Cold Hand, Cold Heart

Episode 7: Cold Hand, Cold Heart

Tim, Ashford, and Sara discuss this chilling conclusion of the Outsiders vs. The Cryonic Man.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 9, 2021 • 1:24:32

Episode 83: Teen Titans 43 &44 Supergirl 14

Episode 83: Teen Titans 43 &44 Supergirl 14

The Batgirl discuss how difficult to read these three books where Cassandra has no voice, agency, or stand up and cheer moments.  Bare with us as we work our way through these three issues.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 6, 2021 • 1:08:00

Episode 48: Adventure Comics 465

Episode 48: Adventure Comics 465

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford come together to talk about Helena Wayne, her leadership in the Justice Society of America, and street level stories.  Let us know what you think by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 3, 2021 • 50:08

Episode 82: Robin 150

Episode 82: Robin 150

Cassandra Cain, like we've never seen before...and hope to never see again, but we will, has taken a new turn...and if Tim Drake doesn't get with her program, it's lights out. Let us know what you think at www.thehuntresspodcast.com www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Feb 24, 2021 • 53:55

Episode 47: Black Canary 11

Episode 47: Black Canary 11

Feb 22, 2021 • 55:59

Episode 6: Death Warmed Over

Episode 6: Death Warmed Over

Tim, Sara, and Ashford get the chills about this new villain, who Batman names the Cryonic Man.  Will The Outsiders be able to balanced crime fighting and a brand new start at civilian life?  Write to us at www.wrightonnetwork.com

Feb 11, 2021 • 1:42:19

Episode 46: Adventure Comics 464

Episode 46: Adventure Comics 464

The Huntrio are talking about the passing of the torch and the ever growing leading lady, Helena Wayne, and she takes a little down time from her moonlighting and starts to engage in a night life with some of the younger members of the JSA.  Talk with us by leaving a message at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Feb 6, 2021 • 28:44

Episode 81: Robin 148/149 One Year Later

Episode 81: Robin 148/149 One Year Later

Tim, Sarah, and Ashford come together, not necessarily a year later, to talk about Robin, One Year Later.  Don't worry.  We talk plenty Cassandra Cain.  Please follow us as we follow Cassandra Cain's Batgirl through the rest of the aughts.   www.wrightonnetwork.com

Feb 4, 2021 • 1:07:53

Episode 80: World War 3

Episode 80: World War 3

Tim, Sarah, and Ashford talk about Cassandra's brief moments in World War 3 from the pages of 52.  After reviewing Batgirl volume 1, we now know the DC world out Batgirl will be navigating in the aughts.

Jan 21, 2021 • 59:13

Episode 45: Black Canary Issue 10

Episode 45: Black Canary Issue 10

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford talk Huntress taking on Human Trafficking. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jan 18, 2021 • 50:47

Batgirl Volume Overview with Sara Century!

Batgirl Volume Overview with Sara Century!

The Batgirl Podcast invites Sara Century to reflect back on the first volume of  the legendary Batgirl run.  What were some of your favorite moments of Batgirl 1-73?  And yes, Ashford says Batman: No Man's Land is on the table.

Jan 11, 2021 • 1:01:06

Episode 44: Adventure Comics 463

Episode 44: Adventure Comics 463

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford talk about the afterwards for the Justice Society of America after the Death of Bruce Wayne/Batman.  Let us know your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jan 9, 2021 • 46:00

Episode 5: Batman and the Outsiders/The New Teen Titans Crossover

Episode 5: Batman and the Outsiders/The New Teen Titans Crossover

Happy New Year to you all.  The Outcasters are ringing in the new year with this epic crossover between Batman & The Outsiders and The New Teen Titans!  Tim, Ashford, and guest podcaster, Sean, of the Secret Wars and Beyond Podcast, join in on the discussion.  Let us know what you think of this joint venture.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jan 3, 2021 • 1:52:00

New Year's Eve!  Wright On Network (41 Minute Run Time with a Countdown included)

New Year's Eve! Wright On Network (41 Minute Run Time with a Countdown included)

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford are counting you down to the New Year.  2021, everyone!  The trio put together their Justice Society of America Dream Team! A World On Fire promo about the All Star Squadron is included as well.

Dec 31, 2020 • 41:00

December 30: Wright On Network Countdown to 2021

December 30: Wright On Network Countdown to 2021

Tim and Ashford create their own Batman and the Outsider line ups.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com We would like to know your Batman and the Outsiders line up.

Dec 30, 2020 • 7:59

December 29: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 29: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Laurel and Ashford talk going to their first convention.

Dec 29, 2020 • 3:02

December 28: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 28: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

April and AJ talk HBO's the Wire and Impact Wrestling.  Recommendations for you in the new year!

Dec 28, 2020 • 9:58

December 27: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 27: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Mark and Ashford are trying to convince you to watch the new, charming and funny Saved by the Bell. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 27, 2020 • 10:43

December 26: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 26: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Laurel and Ashford discuss their comic book origins.  How did you get started into comics?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 26, 2020 • 5:17

Merry Christmas! Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Merry Christmas! Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Diane and Ashford talk Helena Wayne and Helena Bertinelli, answer questions from the Twitter-Verse!

Dec 25, 2020 • 14:19

Happy Christmas EVE! Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021 w/ @timprice17 & Ashford

Happy Christmas EVE! Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021 w/ @timprice17 & Ashford

Ashford and Tim discuss Batman stories.  What is your favorite Batman story?

Dec 24, 2020 • 6:58

Episode 43: Enter the Huntress

Episode 43: Enter the Huntress

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford discuss this dynamic team up, Black Canary and Huntress, pre Birds of Prey, where they are dishing out street level justice to those who prey on the defenseless.

Dec 24, 2020 • 47:39

Christmas Eve: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Christmas Eve: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

April and AJ are recommending you stuff to get you through 2020.   Recommend some stuff to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 24, 2020 • 10:26

December 23: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 23: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Diane and Ashford talk about dream team ups for Helena Bertinelli and Helena Wayne, respectively. Who would you like to team The Huntress with, fellow listeners?  Please give us your thoughts at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 23, 2020 • 4:35

December 22: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 22: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Diane and Ashford make The Huntress reading recommendations.  What's your favorite Huntress story?  Let us know.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 22, 2020 • 6:13

December 21st: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 21st: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Laurel and Ashford would like to know your favorite Batman movie(s).

Dec 21, 2020 • 4:20

December 20th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 20th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Tim and Ashford discuss Batman in other media.

Dec 20, 2020 • 11:14

December 19: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 19: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford went solo on December 19th.  He forgot to schedule a podcast...that is why.  On this countdown segment he discusses Saturday Morning Cartoon Intros.

Dec 19, 2020 • 10:03

December 18: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 18: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Diane and Ashford talk Helena Wayne and who she would hang out with if she were on Earth 1.

Dec 18, 2020 • 3:11

December 17th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 17th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Helena Bertinelli is a post crises Huntress.  Listen to Diane's thoughts about keeping Helena Wayne and Helena Bertinelli two separate characters.

Dec 17, 2020 • 8:00

December 16th Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 16th Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

April and AJ make some suggestions for you to get you through 2020.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 16, 2020 • 6:53

December 15th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 15th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford and Laurel make some quick podcast recommendations.  Please write into us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com to tell us your recommendations.

Dec 15, 2020 • 4:10

December 14th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 14th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford and Tim discuss their dream team creators for a Batman and the Outsiders line up!  Write to us.  Who would you like to write and illustrate Batman and the Outsiders??? www.thehuntresspodcast.com or batoutcasters@gmail.com

Dec 14, 2020 • 6:10

Episode 79: Batgirl's End?

Episode 79: Batgirl's End?

Ashford and Tim discuss the end of Batgirl Volume 1.  On the quest to discover the truth of who her biological mother truly is, Cassandra discovers so much more.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 13, 2020 • 1:16:38

December 13: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 13: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Diane and Ashford answer Helena Wayne Questions.

Dec 13, 2020 • 5:27

December 12th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 12th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

April and AJ are happy to recommend some pop culture goodness to help you get to the new year! Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 12, 2020 • 6:39

December 11Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 11Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Who's your favorite Robin?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 11, 2020 • 5:33

December 10: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 10: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Laurel and Ashford discuss that although the Wright On Network only have DC centric podcasts, we love Marvel as well.

Dec 10, 2020 • 15:51

December 9th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 9th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford and Diane discuss Helena Wayne's reaction to the Crises.

Dec 9, 2020 • 4:02

December 8: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 8: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

April5K and A.J. discuss topics to get you to the New Year!

Dec 8, 2020 • 7:12

December 7th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 7th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford and Diane discuss the Helena Wayne Huntress, helping you get to 2021.

Dec 7, 2020 • 6:11

Episode 42: Adventures Comics 462

Episode 42: Adventures Comics 462

Ashford, Laurel, and Diane discuss the tragic end to Earth 2's Batman.  Although a legend dies, the legacy of the Bat lives on, forging new and untold paths and stories.  Write to us at www.wrightonnetwork.com and on Twitter @HuntressPodcast Thank you for listening.

Dec 7, 2020 • 58:21

Batman and the Outsiders: One Man Meltdown

Batman and the Outsiders: One Man Meltdown

Tim and Ashford discuss the manifestation of a One Man Meltdown, character moments amongst teammates, and the expression "do it up brown".   Write to us at Batoutcasters@gmail.com Visit our website www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 6, 2020 • 1:21:00

December 6: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 6: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Ashford drew a blank at the time, but he says now he wish he would have mentioned V for Vendetta or MAUS.  Tell us your favorite Graphic Novel, or your favorite collected volume.

Dec 6, 2020 • 2:16

December 5th: Wright On Network countdown to 2021

December 5th: Wright On Network countdown to 2021

Ashford and Tim dish out their thoughts about the Batman Belfry team.  Write to us at the www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 5, 2020 • 5:00

December 4th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 4th: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

One title.  Two Women.  When will the DC Universe understand that these two distinctive ladies can co-exist?   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 4, 2020 • 6:21

Wright On Network: Countdown to 2021

Wright On Network: Countdown to 2021

April and AJ (Ashford) discuss pop culture recommendations to get you to the new year.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Dec 3, 2020 • 10:43

December 2nd: Countdown to 2021

December 2nd: Countdown to 2021

December 2nd!  Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021.  Ashford and Laurel discuss favorite comic book Characters.

Dec 2, 2020 • 3:27

December 1st: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

December 1st: Wright On Network's Countdown to 2021

Wright On Network's Day 1 of the Countdown to 2021.

Dec 1, 2020 • 4:50

Episode 78: The Resurrection and the Life & Blood Matters Part 1

Episode 78: The Resurrection and the Life & Blood Matters Part 1

Tim and Ashford discuss Batgirl as she is searching for answers, but we knew it wouldn't come easy or neat.  With the Resurrection of Nora, the mad villainy of Nyssa, and the distant nature of Lady Shiva, leaving the reader in suspense is putting it rather mildly.

Nov 29, 2020 • 1:00:16

Episode 77: Mother Lode and Labor's Love

Episode 77: Mother Lode and Labor's Love

Tim and Ashford discuss Batgirl 68 and 69.  Cassandra Cain wants answers.  Will she get them?  Or will she have a different perspective?

Nov 24, 2020 • 1:04:47

Wright On Network Presents: D-Day for Degaton

Wright On Network Presents: D-Day for Degaton

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss the final installment of America vs. The Justice Society.  And what a conclusion it is.  Please be so kind to provide us feedback at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on twitter @HuntressPodcast.  We would love to know how we can improve the show and your thoughts about the books we're covering.

Nov 23, 2020 • 1:10:41

Episode 76: High Flying w/ the Birds of Prey

Episode 76: High Flying w/ the Birds of Prey

The Birds of Prey podcast are excited to have Ryan Daly of the Cheers Cast/Power of Fishnets podcast guest star with us as we not only discuss Cassandra and Barbara Gordon, but also the electric Black Canary.  Yep, after the row between Batgirl and Oracle, Batgirl swallows her pride to seek help from Barbara in her quest to find Lady Shiva!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 16, 2020 • 57:41

Episode 41: Adventure Comics 461

Episode 41: Adventure Comics 461

Laurel, Diane and Ashford discuss Helena Wayne's Huntress as she navigates her way as a newer member of the Justice Society of America while also dealing with being Batman's daughter. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast  email us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Nov 8, 2020 • 46:53

Episode 75: Route 66 - Hitting the Pavement

Episode 75: Route 66 - Hitting the Pavement

Hitting Pavement is a young woman's journey from Bludhaven to Detroit with some lumps along the way.  Road Warrior, Cassandra Cain is on the search to discover if Lady Shiva is indeed her mom.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Nov 8, 2020 • 1:14:46

Episode 3: Bitter Orange

Episode 3: Bitter Orange

Tim and Ashford team up to discuss Bitter Orange, the 3rd installment of Batman and the Outsiders.  Will weapons of mass destruction be unleashed upon Gotham?  Tune in and join the discussion by writing to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 1, 2020 • 1:16:31

America vs. The Justice Society Book 3

America vs. The Justice Society Book 3

The Huntress Podcast discuss book 3 of the saga: America vs. The Justice Society.  The plot thickens as we get more history of the first super hero team ever, wild courtroom scenes, and the grand revel of the one who's been pulling the strings behind the scenes.   Write to us at the www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 27, 2020 • 58:15

Episode 74: A Mother of a Father's Day

Episode 74: A Mother of a Father's Day

Ashford and Tim discuss a brutal Father's Day issue where Cassandra Cain wants answers.  Who is her mother?  Contact us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 26, 2020 • 1:17:05

Episode 73: Gone, Daddy, Gone

Episode 73: Gone, Daddy, Gone

You don't want to miss this thrilling story of parenting gone wrong...a theme that pops up too often in Cassandra Cain books. Cassandra not only have to face Death Stroke, but also his offspring, Ravager!  You don't want to miss the discussion.  Ashford and Tim also discuss the penultimate issue of Justice League Elite #11. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 21, 2020 • 1:00:21

Episode 40: Justice League of America 160

Episode 40: Justice League of America 160

Our favorite, The Huntress is not only teamed up with the Justice Society of America, but she is in full hi-jinx with the Justice League of America as well.  A ruthless Time Lord's, not that one, super computer has gone mad haywire, and only these two supergroups can stop a intergalactic/interstellar calamity.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Oct 15, 2020 • 30:17

Episode 72: Could've Been Part 1(Nowadays)

Episode 72: Could've Been Part 1(Nowadays)

A new story arc, new neighborhood to protect, but the same young Cassandra, navigating her life at Batgirl and Scenester?   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 11, 2020 • 1:07:45

Episode 2: Batman & The Outsiders 2

Episode 2: Batman & The Outsiders 2

Ashford and Tim discuss the action packed second issue of Batman and the Outsiders, which includes war scenes, the formation of a new team, and a bright punned future.  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 4, 2020 • 1:04:55

Wright On Network Presents: America vs. The Justice Society part 2...Trial by Congress

Wright On Network Presents: America vs. The Justice Society part 2...Trial by Congress

Will the JSA be able to prove their innocence?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on twitter @HuntressPodcast

Oct 1, 2020 • 1:08:52

Episode 71: Dead Weight

Episode 71: Dead Weight

Ashford and Tim cover two books with a May 2005 cover date.  In Batgirl 62, Cass's life flashes before her eyes.  But don't worry, for Cassandra Cain rises to the occasion, cementing herself as a definitive Batgirl Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Sep 28, 2020 • 1:13:06

Episode 39: Justice League of America 159

Episode 39: Justice League of America 159

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford discuss our Helena Wayne, teaming up with the Justice League of America as well as Justice Society of America in a multiple earth, multiple time zone saga.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Sep 20, 2020 • 42:16

Episode 70: The Hood

Episode 70: The Hood

The Batgirl podcast discuss Cassandra Cain, leading her new life in a new city and neighborhood.  Bright days in the city leads to hard nights as Batgirl takes on The Brotherhood of Evil!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on twitter @huntresspodcast

Sep 13, 2020 • 1:04:37

Episode 1: Batman and the Outsiders

Episode 1: Batman and the Outsiders

Ashford & Tim discuss issue 1 of Batman and the Outsiders, where Batman takes his walking boots and papers, for Papa's got a brand new bag...The Outsiders.  The Outcasters, Tim and Ashford discuss Batman's attitude towards the Justice League, members of the Outsiders, and Baron Bedlam!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Sep 7, 2020 • 1:15:00

Wright On Network Presents: Witness for the Persecution

Wright On Network Presents: Witness for the Persecution

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss America vs. the Justice Society Book 1, chapter 2. Starting with Batman's former partner, Robin, verbally sparing with The Huntress on the what the  truth is.  Is Batman's Diary, posthumously released, the truth?  Give us a listen.  This episode story deserves a first and second glance.  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Aug 30, 2020 • 1:07:12

Episode 69: Deep Digs

Episode 69: Deep Digs

Tim and Ashford the new adventures of Cassandra Cain in Bludhaven.  Making her way in a new town, she acquires an informant/snitch, a villain to pursue, a local hang out, and of course, cool digs!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com to join the conversation.

Aug 30, 2020 • 1:05:07

Episode 68: Fresh Blood Part 3&4

Episode 68: Fresh Blood Part 3&4

Tim and Ashford discuss the conclusion to the Batgirl/Robin 4 part crossover, Fresh Blood.  Batgirl vs. Robin.  The Batgirl Podcast is also covering Justice League Elite #6.  You don't want to miss why.   Contact us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Aug 24, 2020 • 1:15:24

Episode 38: Huntress in Batman Family 20

Episode 38: Huntress in Batman Family 20

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss the final saga in the Huntress story, which was packed in the Batman Family book.  This is from Batman Family #20.  Helena Wayne not only saves herself, but solves the case, which has a tragic conclusion made good.

Aug 19, 2020 • 54:27

Episode 67: Fresh Blood 2

Episode 67: Fresh Blood 2

Tim and Ashford discuss Justice League Elite #5, Robin 132, and Batgirl 58.  Batgirl moves to Bludhaven.  A Brand New Start.

Aug 16, 2020 • 56:53

Episode 0: Brave and the Bold 200

Episode 0: Brave and the Bold 200

The Wright On Network has a brand new podcast, The Outcasters, hosted by Tim and Ashford.  We give you episode 0, which covers The Brave and the Bold 200, which features a story working as a back door pilot to this legendary run by Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo.

Aug 10, 2020 • 37:46

Episode 66: Batgirl War Games (Tie-In)& JLE 3 and 4

Episode 66: Batgirl War Games (Tie-In)& JLE 3 and 4

Ashford, Tim and Laurel discuss Batgirl 57, which is about the tail end of the Batman: War Games Saga.  But before we do that, Tim and Ashford discuss Justice League Elite, where Ashford has a much better attitude than he did about JLE 1 and 2.

Aug 1, 2020 • 1:13:44

Episode 65: Collateral Damage & Justice League Elite 1 & 2

Episode 65: Collateral Damage & Justice League Elite 1 & 2

Ashford and Tim discuss Batgirl navigating War Games and a secret Dark Ops group.  She's growing up fast and in front of our eyes.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 25, 2020 • 1:04:15

Wright On Network Presents: America vs the Justice Society

Wright On Network Presents: America vs the Justice Society

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss the spectacular America vs. the Justice Society.  Posthumously, Batman's Diary accuses the JSA of Treason for their treacherous role during World War 2.  Did the JSA betray America?  There must be some misunderstanding for sure.  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 22, 2020 • 1:11:27

Episode 64: Total War (War Games Tie-In)

Episode 64: Total War (War Games Tie-In)

Tim and Ashford discuss Batgirl in two stories where events are not focused on her, yet her impact is massive.  We will look at Batgirll 55, a War Games tie-in and Nightwing 81.

Jul 19, 2020 • 54:25

Episode 37: Cry of the Huntress 6

Episode 37: Cry of the Huntress 6

We discuss the final chapter of the Cry of the Huntress saga.  Will Robin and the Huntress be able to stop this organize crime outfit from printing false Euros?  Will Robin be able to save the Girl?  We would love to hear your comments about this 6 part mini-series.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 15, 2020 • 30:13

Episode 63: Cooking the Books

Episode 63: Cooking the Books

Cassandra Cain is confronted with her illiteracy status once again when the answer is just one word in a book, yet our hero does not have the ability to read.  The stakes are high, and the emotions and regrets are even higher.  Will Cassandra and Babes' relationship survive the fall after the events of War Games.  Stick with Tim and Ashford to find out. Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 12, 2020 • 1:04:49

Episode 36: Batfamily 19

Episode 36: Batfamily 19

Batfamily #19  blazes into the story with Helena not only having to figure out who is the arsonist burning a certain section in Gotham, but she is also battling if she is wasting her time, day lighting as a lawyer.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jul 8, 2020 • 33:15

Episode 62: Sisterhood

Episode 62: Sisterhood

Stephanie Brown is Robin!  That's right!  Two exclamation points consecutively.  Batgirl and Robin team up to take on the Penguin in this street level issue where things get real.  Please leave feedback at www.thehuntresspodcast.com     We are all covering Harley Quinn, volume 1 issue 10.

Jul 5, 2020 • 50:07

Episode 61: The City is a Jungle

Episode 61: The City is a Jungle

Poison Ivy is taking over Gotham with her Garden Variety.  May all seem fun in theory, but people's agency is taken away, so it is time for The Batgirl to confront out Botanist foe.   Tell us what you think at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Jun 27, 2020 • 50:33

Episode 35: Cry of the Huntress part 5

Episode 35: Cry of the Huntress part 5

The Huntress is guest starring again alongside Tim Drake.  The unlikely duo come together to save the girl, put an end to a criminal network, and to play "can you top this" with the quips going back and forth.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com We would love to read your feedback.

Jun 25, 2020 • 46:26

Episode 60: The City is a Garden

Episode 60: The City is a Garden

Tim and Ashford discuss a new arc for this Batgirl podcast, where she lives in her own flat, she is mingling as a socialite, and she is a wonderful Batgirl.

Jun 21, 2020 • 47:17

Episode 59: Batgirl Secret Origins and Files

Episode 59: Batgirl Secret Origins and Files

The Origins of Cassandra Cain's Batgirl issue is the topic of discussion for episode 59!  We learn more about the the myth, the legend of one of the most celebrated DC hand to hand fighters ever!

Jun 15, 2020 • 49:45

Episode 34: Batman Family 18

Episode 34: Batman Family 18

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford came together to discuss Helena Wayne, as she balances being a lawyer and vigilante.  We would love for you to give us a listen with feedback.  What did we miss.  Thank you.

Jun 10, 2020 • 46:48

Episode 58: Ghost/Batgirl 4

Episode 58: Ghost/Batgirl 4

Tim and Ashford discuss part 4 of 4 of the unlikely duo, Ghost and Batgirl, taken down baddies for the greater good.  Ashford struggles to come up with talking points for this lack lust 4 part story.  Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com to explain where Ashford got it wrong or miss.

Jun 8, 2020 • 36:00

Episode 57: Ghost/Batgirl 3

Episode 57: Ghost/Batgirl 3

Things are getting creepier and creepier with the 3rd installment of this Dark Horse/DC Comics crossover.  Not much of Cassandra, and a lot more of the Bad Guys dominate most of this book.  Tim and Ashford navigate through the muddled mess, and try to make sense of such a dark, sadistic story.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 30, 2020 • 33:35

Episode 33: Robin IV Cry of the Huntress

Episode 33: Robin IV Cry of the Huntress

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss saga #4 of Cry of the Huntress.  Tim and Helena's partnership is solidifying rather nicely as they try to bring justice to the Russian Mafia in Gotham.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Become a patreon by donating a dollar a month at www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

May 27, 2020 • 43:01

Episode 56: Ghost/Batgirl Issue 2

Episode 56: Ghost/Batgirl Issue 2

The saga continues as Ghost, Batgirl, and Oracle take on a mystery which can stop the violence and protect the innocence.  Tim and Ashford discuss this Dark Horse/DC Comics crossover from the year 2000. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 24, 2020 • 45:32

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 55: Batgirl/Ghost #1

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 55: Batgirl/Ghost #1

Tim and Ashford go back to the year 2000 and visit the DC/Dark Horse comic, Ghost Batgirl.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 16, 2020 • 35:41

Huntress episode 32: All Star Comics 74

Huntress episode 32: All Star Comics 74

The Huntress Podcast discuss issue 74 of All Star Comics: Justice Society of America, where we get a showcase of Huntress quite cemented into her new team, kicking butt and making good, on the fly decisions in battle. Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Become a patreon by going to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

May 13, 2020 • 43:29

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 54: Tough Love

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 54: Tough Love

50 issues of Cassandra Cain!  Wow!  Ashford and Tim are joined by Zecks of www.comicspit.com to celebrated this monumental milestone.  See you on the other side.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

May 6, 2020 • 50:07

The Huntress Podcast Episode 31: Robin III Issue 3

The Huntress Podcast Episode 31: Robin III Issue 3

The Huntress and Robin are teaming up to stop some many bad guys in the streets of Gotham during the 90s.  Will Helena and Tim be able to stop exchanging cheap shots at each other to save Drake's friend?  Will Tim be able to convince his counselor that the bruises on his face isn't from the neighbor, Bruce Wayne?  Being a kid is rough, especially when you're a Robin.   www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Apr 29, 2020 • 38:40

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 53: Down Among the Dead Men

The Batgirl Podcast Episode 53: Down Among the Dead Men

Tim and Ashford discuss The End of Everything...not quite.  As long as we are able, this podcast will live on.  Batgirl may have been placed on leave by the Batman, but our hero will not be contained.  Cassandra Cain is not giving into Batman's manipulative tactics.  She's not Batgirl because she has to be...she's Batgirl because she chooses to be...The Batgirl. Please write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter at @HuntressPodcast.

Apr 22, 2020 • 39:32

The Huntress Podcast Episode 30: All Star Comics: JSA 73

The Huntress Podcast Episode 30: All Star Comics: JSA 73

Trap House battle between Helena Wayne and Paula Brooks for the name The Huntress.  Diane, Laurel, and Ashford discuss not only our favorite, dynamic, hero, but the Justice Society of America as well.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com on Twitter @HuntressPodcast and www.pateron.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 15, 2020 • 45:15

Episode 52: Human Resources

Episode 52: Human Resources

Batgirl tries to put a stop to human trafficking in Gotham, but when her plans slip through her fingers, Batman is there to criticize her drive and focus, removing the Batgirl title from her.  Tim and Ashford discuss the merits of all of this in episode 52 of the Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast.  Become a patreon by going to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 8, 2020 • 33:34

Episode 29: Robin III Part 2

Episode 29: Robin III Part 2

Diane, Laurel, and Ashford discuss the second saga in the Robin III mini-series.  Huntress swoops in with true hero fashion, saving Young Tim Drake from a true butt-kicking.  Are you a fan of this mini-series?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast  You can also be a Patreon by going to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Apr 2, 2020 • 41:18

Episode 51: The Doll's House

Episode 51: The Doll's House

Cassandra Cain is a young adult, and the stories are beginning to lean that way in mood and tone.  Artist Rick Leonardi and Writer Dylan Horrocks create a suspense/thriller with issue 47, taking the reader to uncomfortable places, where not only does Batgirl have to solve the case, but also find her sense of self and origin.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast  If you would like to support the show, go to www.pateron.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 25, 2020 • 37:43

Episode 28: All Star Comics 72

Episode 28: All Star Comics 72

Helena Wayne, daughter of Batman and Cat Woman, is now a member of the Justice Society of America!  In this one issue we see Helena triumphant, distressed, and side-lined.  And Helena may have to fight to keep her namesake.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on twitter at @HuntressPodcast.  You can support the show by donating a dollar a month to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Mar 18, 2020 • 39:23

Episode 50: The Lost Girls

Episode 50: The Lost Girls

The creative team is deconstructing Cassandra Cain once again in issue 46 of Batgirl volume 1.  The Batgirl is on a mission to putting a full stop to the designer drug trade in Gotham, but when she confronts a street level, meta-powered Girl Gang, we begin to pry into the inner soul of Batgirl's subconscious.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Mar 11, 2020 • 38:08

Episode 27: Robin III Part 1

Episode 27: Robin III Part 1

Helena Bertinelli is in Gotham, trying to solve a case with some mobsters.  What will happen once The Huntress meet the dynamic duo?  Give us a listen, please.  And we would love it if you wrote to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  or on Twitter at @HuntressPodcast

Mar 6, 2020 • 30:48

Episode 49: Soul

Episode 49: Soul

Nostalgia, Legacy, and Coming of Age, are all in the story, Soul, by Dylan Horrocks and Rick Leonardi.  Again, Cassandra is having metacognition, soul searching, and a hope for tomorrow in this wonderful story.

Feb 27, 2020 • 57:33

Episode 26: Bat Family 17

Episode 26: Bat Family 17

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss two stories, featuring Helena Wayne, who has engaged in some reality bending traveling, landing herself in the middle of Earth One.  Yep, The Huntress is teaming up with Bat-Woman and Batgirl to stop an axis of up to no good.  Could this be the early signs of Birds of Prey?  Tell us your thoughts by leaving us a message at www.thehuntresspodcast.com Twitter @HuntressPodcast or featherandfoes@gmail.com

Feb 21, 2020 • 41:21

Birds of Prey Movie Review!

Birds of Prey Movie Review!

Diane of the www.helenawaynehuntress.com site, Laurel, moderator for the Feathers and Foes and The Huntress Podcast, and Ashford, a podcastor for the Wright On Network, banded together to discuss the Birds of Prey movie!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com  We would love to hear what you thought about the movie.  Good, ugly, or neutral.

Feb 17, 2020 • 1:50:39

Episode 25: Detective Comics 653

Episode 25: Detective Comics 653

Helena Bertinelli, daughter of a mafia Don, is now living in Gotham as a teacher, while being pulled back into one of her former jobs as The Huntress.  She joins forces with Batman to take down some bad guys while making a tough decision that upsets Batman.  But of course, we love Helena for her detective skills, fierceness, and determination to do what is right.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @HuntressPodcast

Feb 16, 2020 • 50:20

Episode 24 Huntress Podcast

Episode 24 Huntress Podcast

The Origins of Helena Wayne is a simple one, yet tragic.  Daughter of Batman and Catwoman of Earth 2, Helena dawns the cape and cowl to bring justice for the voiceless who will not be forgotten.

Feb 9, 2020 • 43:00

Episode 48: The Batgirl Podcast

Episode 48: The Batgirl Podcast

Tim and Ashford discuss the finale to the Black Wind saga, as Cassandra Cain not only grows into a wonderful young hero, but also a spectacular human being!  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.

Jan 29, 2020 • 39:14

Episode 47: Death in a Bottle

Episode 47: Death in a Bottle

Ashford and Tim discuss issue 43 of Batgirl volume 1, where Cassandra goes off to a foreign land to see how the other half lives, while trying to stop the trade and trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Jan 22, 2020 • 43:19

Episode 23: Detective Comics 652

Episode 23: Detective Comics 652

The Huntress and the Batman team up again, somewhat reluctantly, to fight for what is right.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.

Jan 15, 2020 • 30:16

Episode 46: The Batgirl Podcast (Death in a Bottle)

Episode 46: The Batgirl Podcast (Death in a Bottle)

Batgirl is not only trying to stop Doctor Death from causing mass destruction, she is also battling feelings for another, romantically, while Batman is being the worst overprotective Bat-Dad Ever.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.  We want to know what you think.

Jan 7, 2020 • 35:11

Episode 22: All Star Comics 69, 70, & 71

Episode 22: All Star Comics 69, 70, & 71

The Wright On Network discuss All Star Comics 69, 70, and 71, where Helena Wayne is being introduced to not on the Justice Society of America, but to the comic book readers as well.  The Huntress Podcast explores the beginnings of the Batman's daughter.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on twitter @HuntressPodcast.  You can be a patreon by going to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Jan 1, 2020 • 1:09:40

Episode 45: Batgirl Podcast (Body Language)

Episode 45: Batgirl Podcast (Body Language)

Raise to read body language to predict moves in fighting, Cassandra Cain in the early 2000's became one of the deadliest, if not THE deadliest fighters in all of DC Comics.  Now, as Cass is growing into a young lady, she is beginning to read the Body Language of Romance...and we don't mean Latin.

Dec 24, 2019 • 33:06

Episode 44: Little Bat

Episode 44: Little Bat

Batman's deceits come to a halt, as Batgirl figures out she is just a pawn in Batman's war, but that is not the only thing Cassandra Cain has figured out.  Cass is now a young woman, exploring her inner and outer strengths.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.  You can also become a Patreon by going to www.patreon.com/wrightonnetwork

Dec 17, 2019 • 38:16

Episode 43 Batgirl (Black Wind)

Episode 43 Batgirl (Black Wind)

A new run of volume 1 of the Batgirl with an all new writer and artist/penciller.  And the first place we are taking the Batgirl, is on vacation so she can get in touch with her lack of secret identity.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 25, 2019 • 31:45

Episode 42 The Batgirl Podcast (Testline

Episode 42 The Batgirl Podcast (Testline

Our favorite Dynamic Duo, Batgirl and Spoiler, team up again, against Batman's wishes, for fun, shared histories, and a night on the town.  Although Cassandra Cain spent time with her friend, Stephanie Brown, the partnership was rather conditional.  Can Spoiler continue to hang out with Batgirl when she doesn't feel fully respected or trusted by her peer?  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 7, 2019 • 29:53

The Huntress Podcast #21 (Justice League International Special #2

The Huntress Podcast #21 (Justice League International Special #2

At the end of Season 1 of the Huntress Podcast, we are covering Justice League International Special #2: The Huntress, where some of the loose ends to Helena Bertinelli's story is tied up.  Don't worry, the podcast is taking a short break, and we will be back in season 2 of the Huntress podcast January 1st 2020.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Nov 3, 2019 • 1:05:54

Episode 41: Batgirl (Girl, Interrupted)

Episode 41: Batgirl (Girl, Interrupted)

We say an unexpected farewell to artist Damian Scott and writer Kelley Puckett.  Well, not that unexpected...it is 2019, the book came out in 2003, but because we don't read ahead, and the memory cheats, this shocking end to this beautiful marriage of a creative team is...interrupted.  Cass has to make some hard decisions, father daughter issues, and wonderful art are all in this book.   Write to us at www.feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Oct 31, 2019 • 41:05

Batgirl Podcast Episode 40 (Point Blank)

Batgirl Podcast Episode 40 (Point Blank)

Keanu Reaves as John Wick has nothing on Alpha, a potential foe of Cassandra Cain and all of Gotham.  Will out favorite detective, Batgirl be able to save the citizens of Gotham?  Listen to Ashford and Tim discuss volume 1 issue 36.  www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Oct 16, 2019 • 37:37

The #Batgirl  Batgirl Podcast episode 39 Clean Slate

The #Batgirl Batgirl Podcast episode 39 Clean Slate

Who is Alpha?  Batgirl is trying to find out, which she is taking great pride in, being a new detective and all.  Batman and Oracle sends Cassandra Cain out to stop a shipment into Gotham, which Batgirl believes is sending her away from the direction of the case, but is actually directing her straight towards the bull's eye!  The only problem...the Bull has amnesia.  Let the spy/gangster/on the run story begin.

Oct 6, 2019 • 39:50

#TheHuntress Podcast #20 Justice League America 30 & 31

#TheHuntress Podcast #20 Justice League America 30 & 31

Justice League America...without the "of".  Yes, that lot.  The Huntress appeared in two of the issues, 30 and 31.  Join us in discussing Huntress's tales with other DC heroes.

Oct 4, 2019 • 38:32

#TheBatgirl Episode 38 (Lesson One)

#TheBatgirl Episode 38 (Lesson One)

Ashford and Tim discuss Lesson One, a story where Batgirl learns even more about the dark world of crime fighting, which is being the detective to solve these mysteries.  Cass is a true pro.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Sep 30, 2019 • 33:55

Episode 19: The #Huntress Podcast

Episode 19: The #Huntress Podcast

Final issue of Volume 1 of the Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, but by no means is this the end.  Please e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or Twitter @HuntressPodcast  Visit our website and leave a message at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Sep 17, 2019 • 46:33

Episode 37: Father's Day

Episode 37: Father's Day

Father's Day has never hit this hard.  Batgirl 33 deals with a new menace on the streets, and David Cain has the answers, but is Cassandra willing to listen.  Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or @HuntressPodcast on Twitter.

Sep 13, 2019 • 37:43

The #Batgirl Podcast Episode 36 (Morituri)

The #Batgirl Podcast Episode 36 (Morituri)

The Fab Four, Batgirl, Spoiler, Tim Drake, and Green Arrow, crashes the pseudo 9th Legion's party to save Eddie Fiers from being Crucified, and we don't mean that figuratively.  Check out the stunning conclusion of this three part story arc by guest writer Chuck Dixon.

Sep 4, 2019 • 40:15

Episode 18: #TheHuntress (Rage Under Pressure)

Episode 18: #TheHuntress (Rage Under Pressure)

The Huntress Podcast discuss the second saga of this abrupt Batman appearance.  We have a triangle going in "Rage Under Pressure".  Batman, Huntress, and James, each have suffered the brutal loss of a parent.  These three unlikely characters come together in the penultimate story...sort of, of volume 1 of the Huntress.

Aug 31, 2019 • 53:42

#TheHuntress Episode 17: Days of Rage

#TheHuntress Episode 17: Days of Rage

The Huntress is trying to stop, or quell an all out turf world in her New York territory, so she might have to rough up the Batman in order to maintain the peace in her neighborhood, no matter if she has to allow strange bed fellows in her orbit or not.

Aug 16, 2019 • 36:53

#Batgirl Episode 35: Catafracts

#Batgirl Episode 35: Catafracts

Batgirl and Conner Hawke, the Green Arrow, put down the fists and pick up the team-up to take on the threat that is attacking Gotham's elite.  And if this pairing wasn't enough for you, writer Chuck Dixon throws in one of the most endearing pairings of all of DC Comics, Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake, which is awesome, for now we can get more Stephanie/Cass time!  Visit our website at www.thehuntresspodcast.com

Aug 4, 2019 • 34:58

Episode 16: #Huntress 16 :Welcome to the Wrecking Ball

Episode 16: #Huntress 16 :Welcome to the Wrecking Ball

Again, the Huntress is fighting a war on multiple fronts, some internally, and a number of them are externally.  She has been through many trails; however, that doesn't stop the fire.  Things are heating up and simmering in issue 16 of The Huntress.

Aug 3, 2019 • 44:40

Episode 15: Out There In TV Land

Episode 15: Out There In TV Land

A new vigilante is in the neighborhood, and Helena doesn't know whether she should take this as an inspiring compliment, or a sign of disrespect.  This new guy, The Waterfront Warrior, is hogging all the spotlight.  And although The Huntress likes to move in the dark, she can't help but be a little ticked off that her work is not getting recognized.

Jul 23, 2019 • 52:50

Episode 34: Batgirl issue 30

Episode 34: Batgirl issue 30

Wealthy, influential elites around Gotham are fatally taken out by a mystery assassin...in broad daylight!  Batman is not in town, for Bruce Wayne was jailed for murder, and now he is a fugitive!  Never fear, Gotham is still protected by...The Green Arrow??? Connner Hawke edition.

Jul 23, 2019 • 32:40

Batgirl Episode 33: Bruce Fugitive Part 13

Batgirl Episode 33: Bruce Fugitive Part 13

The Dynamic Duo, Batwing and Robin...I mean Nightwing team up to solve the case: Who murdered Vesper Fairchild?

Jul 13, 2019 • 40:50

Episode 14: Crossfire

Episode 14: Crossfire

Helena Bertinelli moves into a new rent controlled apartment in an at risk part of town, keeping her low profile while trying to figure out who she, Helena Bertinelli, really is.  Meanwhile, we have an early 90's shock talk show host, a mobster with ambitions of exploitation of the masses, and a potential all out gang/race war.

Jul 7, 2019 • 42:37

The Huntress Special #1

The Huntress Special #1

Sean Ross of the Squadron Supreme Podcast joined Ashford to discuss his discovery of the The Huntress back in 1989.   Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com and on Twitter @HuntressPodcast  Check out his podcast on iTunes.  Catch him on Twitter @sean42AZ and pulp2pixel.blogspot.com

Jun 30, 2019 • 38:46

Bat irl Episode 32: Die Batgirl, Die!

Bat irl Episode 32: Die Batgirl, Die!

Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown make such a good pairing.  Unfortunately, the two must part ways for personal reasons.  Also, some mystery man is keeping tabs on Batgirl, which is not looking good for our hero going forward.   Please write to us at our website www.thehuntresspodcast.com.  We would love to know what you think.

Jun 26, 2019 • 20:26

Episode 13: Huntress Podcast - The Talking Cure

Episode 13: Huntress Podcast - The Talking Cure

After 12 issues of the Huntress, the Baker's dozen story works like an epilogue; however, the narrative isn't just frolicking around.  Helena is faced with the demons of her past, being a hero in the present, and having to bring dark justice to those in the future.  Helena Bertinelli is the Huntress, a character DC must recognize as quite valuable.

Jun 21, 2019 • 43:14

Episode 31: Batgirl (Bruce Wayne Fugitive)

Episode 31: Batgirl (Bruce Wayne Fugitive)

In Batgirl #27, our hero Cassandra Cain is back in top form fashion, solving cases and fracturing faces.  In this fun book about a dark topic, we get guest appearances from Robin, Nightwing, Oracle, and the Spoiler.  Although this is apart of a huge crossover event, the Wright On Network is proud that Cass is apart of it, for this story actually plays a pivotal role in restoring faith in Batman to the Bat-Family.  Write to us at www.thehuntresspodcast.com or on Twitter @thehuntresspodcast

Jun 9, 2019 • 28:07

The Huntress Podcast Episode 12: Party at Ground Zero

The Huntress Podcast Episode 12: Party at Ground Zero

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss issue 12 of the Huntress, where story lines continue to wrap up as our hero emerges from the light, shining justice on those who commit crimes in the darkness.   Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jun 6, 2019 • 45:18

Huntress Episode 11: Mad Scientists

Huntress Episode 11: Mad Scientists

Laurel, Diane, and Ashford discuss the story that brings the Book Worm story arc to a conclusion, while the Crack Dealers thread is still unraveling.  Will Helena be able to tie up the loose ends before they tie her?   Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

May 26, 2019 • 54:49

Huntress Podcast Episode 10: Nuclear Crack Down

Huntress Podcast Episode 10: Nuclear Crack Down

Laurel and Ashford discuss the 10th issue of Volume 1, The Huntress.  Our hero, Helena Bertinelli, aka, the Huntress, is trying to stop the so-called Book Worm, a creepy-creep with the mind of a genius, who has a deep resentment against woman and who is seeking to ruin the lives of people to gain power.  High plotting and drama are beginning to form in the second story arc in Helena Bertinelli history.

May 9, 2019 • 48:45

Batgirl Episode 30 issue 26

Batgirl Episode 30 issue 26

Batgirl is recovering from her fatal/unfatal battle with Lady Shiva.  Now Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler, must fight a battle in Cassandra Cain's stead.  Has Spoiler bitten off more than she can chew.  Check out episode 30 of the Cassandra Cain podcast. Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

May 6, 2019 • 28:49

Huntress Podcast 9: Solitary Confinement

Huntress Podcast 9: Solitary Confinement

Such a chilling cover, displaying the height of the crack epidemic, destroying the fabric of a lot of major American cities in the late 80s to early 90s.  The creative team depicts these stories quite well in the pages of this DC book.  Ashford and Laurel recommend pick this book up, for Joey Cavaleri really delivers as far as the narrative is concerned.  And for the art, capturing the grittiness of the era and city, yet, without glorifying nor being nostalgic in a misguided way, Joe Staton's a

Apr 24, 2019 • 50:35

Huntress Issue 8: Bad Seed

Huntress Issue 8: Bad Seed

Laurel and Ashford discuss an up and coming foe in the early run of the Huntress.  Both Ashford and Laurel believe that this issue is a must read.  We may have a formidable foe on our hands.   Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Apr 16, 2019 • 36:33

Episode 29: Batgirl Issue 25

Episode 29: Batgirl Issue 25

Finally, Laurel and Ashford discuss the conclusion between the inevitable showdown between Cassandra Cain and Lady Shiva, top flight assassin.  Someone has to die, and spoiler, someone did.  Give us a listen and write to us on Twitter @FeathersandFoes or e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com please.

Apr 7, 2019 • 40:28

Episode 7 Where the Bodies are Buried

Episode 7 Where the Bodies are Buried

Huntress, swinging out of her first story arc, is thinking about retiring the cape and cowl, living the square life in the big city.  Unfortunately, because of the gritty violence in the Big Apple, Helena Bertinelli, once a victim herself, refuses to be the prey of anyone.  And she definitely loathes any predators preying on those who can not defend themselves.  Give episode 7 a listen with Ashford and Laurel.

Mar 29, 2019 • 33:29

The Batgirl Episode 28: Issue 24

The Batgirl Episode 28: Issue 24

Crossover time!  This story is about the big event in the Bat Universe: Bruce Wayne Murderer?  Cassandra Cain is a field agent for the Oracle, and you will not believe what she discovers! Laurel gives her analysis of this cool, stylistic issue.

Mar 21, 2019 • 14:28

Episode 6: The Silence is Broken

Episode 6: The Silence is Broken

Laurel and Ashford discuss The Silence is Broken, which is the final issue of this six part story arc.  After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Huntress is born.  And she is not crawling; Helena is indeed soaring as if she was fired out of a cannon into the sky, where we all can look up to her like the Star that she is.

Mar 15, 2019 • 40:31

Episode 5: Everything Changes

Episode 5: Everything Changes

The penultimate issue to the first Helena Bertinelli story arc ever!  Everything changes?

Mar 4, 2019 • 35:11

Episode 27

Episode 27

Laurel discusses Batgirl #23 where she discusses the dread surrounding Cassandra Cain, for she will eventually have to face LADY SHIVA!

Mar 2, 2019 • 11:14

Episode 4: Million to One Shot

Episode 4: Million to One Shot

Laurel and Ashford discuss issue 4 of the The Huntress, where rival street gangs spare off with The Huntress and civilians caught in the middle.  Although this book displays our hero in great fashion, there are a lot of disturbing themes and imagery in the book, so please keep this in mind when reading the material.

Feb 26, 2019 • 38:51

Episode 3: The Plaster Saints

Episode 3: The Plaster Saints

Laurel and Ashford discuss issue 3 of the Huntress.  This story is called Plaster Saints.  You want to hear this episode.  A lot of creepiness, suspense, kick-butting, and of course, the Huntress.

Feb 4, 2019 • 49:11

Episode 2: Justice League America 26 and Huntress Issue 2 Uneasy Lies the Head

Episode 2: Justice League America 26 and Huntress Issue 2 Uneasy Lies the Head

Laurel and Ashford discuss Justice League America 26 and The Huntress issue 2.  Justice League America 26, Huntress's second official appearance, was fun to talk about, but Huntress #2 is filled with violence, drama, and action.  Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com for feedback.

Jan 19, 2019 • 57:29

Episode 26: Crunch Time

Episode 26: Crunch Time

Batgirl is dealing with a battle on two fronts, her Batgirl duties and her problematic father.  Being a teenager in the Batman Family army can take a toll.

Jan 4, 2019 • 19:00

Episode 1: The Code of Silence

Episode 1: The Code of Silence

Laurel, Sarah, and Ashford discuss the 1st issue of Helena Bertinelli's Huntress!  Released back in February 1989, this comic pulls no punches, crosses the line several times, and has a lot of exposition and action packed in one issue.  Tell us what you think.

Jan 1, 2019 • 59:51

The Huntress Podcast Promo

The Huntress Podcast Promo

New Huntress Podcast coming to you in 2019!  Laurel, Sarah, and Ashford are your hosts.  Join us as we take it back to 1989!  This promo is a sample of what you will hear in the Helena Bertinelli journey.

Dec 31, 2018 • 1:23

Episode 25: Joker's Tie-In

Episode 25: Joker's Tie-In

Cassandra Cain is caught in a Joker's Tie-In story, where the Joker has created chaos, releasing criminals from prison while injecting them with Joker "stuff".  Batgirl takes on one of the escape inmates, the Shadow Thief.  Will she be able to withstand his intangibility and Thanagarian Tech?  With the help of the Spoiler and The Orace, you betcha!

Nov 27, 2018 • 16:09

Episode 24: Spoiled

Episode 24: Spoiled

It is quite difficult not to write in all caps: Team Up, but I so want to do this.  Ashford and Diane discuss issue 20 of Batgirl, where Spoiler helps the Dark Crusader in a not memorable crime story, but the scenes between Spoiler and The Batgirl are pricesless.  Guest writer Chuck Dixon joins us for this episode.

Aug 27, 2018 • 47:32

Episode 23: Nobody Dies Tonight

Episode 23: Nobody Dies Tonight

Haunted by her past, Cassandra Cain tries to bust a dude out of a gas chamber from a federal prison, for she believes people can change and redeem themselves.  Even if that is true, Cass learns a hard truth that forgiveness and redemption doesn't mean forgetting.  Write to us at feathesandfoes@gmail.com

Aug 7, 2018 • 21:07

Episode 22: Batgirl Issue 18

Episode 22: Batgirl Issue 18

Batgirl and Robin team up to take down a common foe.  Robin is somewhat apprehensive about teaming up with a former trained assassin, but she is Bat-Family!  Also, we learn more about Cassandra's character as far as a combat weakness for her, but would actual be normal for us.   Kelly Puckett and Damion Scott pack so much punch is this single issue story like always.  Ashford and Laurel discuss this fantastic issue.  Original theme song by Mya Briones.  Check her out under the same name on the

Jul 20, 2018 • 23:26

Episode 21: Batgirl 17

Episode 21: Batgirl 17

Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella provide another good single issue comic.  Ashford and Laurel discuss issue 17, where Batgirl is encouraged by Barbara Gordon the need to retrieve her facial identity back, so she can have a personal life.   Write to us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Jul 16, 2018 • 16:20

Episode 20: Help My Daddy, Batgirl

Episode 20: Help My Daddy, Batgirl

Cassandra Cain comes to the rescue like she does; however, the damage is something that is a problem that happened long before this moment as well as after.  Tim, a young child who is asking for Batgirl's help, is the son of a really bad dude.  Kelly Puckett, Damian Scott, and Mike Campanella gives us a perfect story with a sad ending.  Pick up this book to see some bone crushing action sequences, coupled with poignant expressions on most of the cast of characters.     Write to us at feathersan

Jul 10, 2018 • 14:54

Episode 19: Joker Cover

Episode 19: Joker Cover

Issue 15 is beautifully illustrated, but just so chilling.  Batgirl is put to the test once again.  Can nurture out program nature?  This is not a quick fix.  This will take time.  Batgirl will struggle with this as she is faced with an inner battle while trying to save victims in Gotham.

Jun 13, 2018 • 15:02

Episode 18: The Batgirl: A Knight Alone

Episode 18: The Batgirl: A Knight Alone

Cassandra Cain reached out to help a good man in a shady profession, for he displayed an act of kindness to a child whom was in harm's way.  Cass recognized this and wanted to save the man from sudden death by spiriting him away from his governmental captors with no Bat suit, leaving her identity exposed.  Good thing for Cassandra, she doesn't have an identity; however, facial recognition is still on the table, which leads Batman in rewarding Cass by giving the Daughter of Cain her own place to

Jun 12, 2018 • 17:19

Episode 17: Issue 13

Episode 17: Issue 13

Issue 13 of Batgirl not only starts off with a BANG, much like the cover, but it also has heart, hope, and heroism.  Cassandra Cain doesn't even don the Bat suit in this issue, but don't worry.  Cass is as awesome as ever.  And let us talk about Damion Scott's pencils.  Yes, Puckett captures Cass's voice, and yes, she is speaking now, but Damion Scott really gives life to this character and the landscape around her.  The story moves so fast because it is action packed, but not in a cheat type w

Jun 10, 2018 • 13:45

Episode 16: Double Holiday Special

Episode 16: Double Holiday Special

This podcast episode was uploaded on December 25, 2017.  This is a double feature.  Issue 11 and 12 are being discussed on this episode of The Batgirl: Cassandra Cain Podcast. If you are reading this, we want to thank you for listening.  We love Cass, and we want to do right by this character.  Please give us feedback at @TheBatgirlCass on Twitter, feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.wrightonnetwork.com or our Facebook page: The Batgirl Podcast.

Dec 25, 2017 • 1:03:07

Wright On Network Presents: An Interview with Cosplayers

Wright On Network Presents: An Interview with Cosplayers

The Wright On Network Presents: An Interview among cosplayers from Houston, Texas.  Ashford, fellow cosplayer ceci.cici91 on Instagram, and bermudez_maira on Instagram, who are awesome cosplayers.  Follow them.  They do amazing work with costumes.   We just have an open discussion about Cosplay, Justice League, and other interests.   Give us feedback at feathersandfoes@gmail.com or @feathersandfoes on Twitter or @TheBatgirlCass on Twitter. Thank you Maira and Cecelia for your time and interview

Nov 25, 2017 • 31:50

Episode 15: Batgirl 10

Episode 15: Batgirl 10

Ripped out of today's headlines, Diane and Ashford discuss the major issue going on in this book and in the world today, violence against women.  When a man is fired from his job, he feels rejected and powerless.  To regain control, he tried to gain his power back.  Once he feels like this is not a reality for him, he proceeds on ignoring boundaries by stalking his boss and shooting her.   Cassandra blames herself for not being faster, stronger, quicker.  There is no time to mourn.  The Batgirl

Nov 23, 2017 • 31:55

Episode 14: Chapter 9

Episode 14: Chapter 9

Batgirl is back in the cape and cowl, yet donning the Batgirl costume isn't enough.  She doesn't just want to be good enough, she wants to be the best, which leads her to making a deal with the Lady Shiva. Diane of the Helena Wayne Blog and Ashford discuss Batgirl number 9 volume 1. Contact us on Twitter @feathersandfoes  E-mail us at www.feathersandfoes@gmail.com Like our Facebook page: The Batgirl Podcast

Nov 9, 2017 • 35:56

Episode 13: Batgirl Issue 8 Volume 1

Episode 13: Batgirl Issue 8 Volume 1

Cassandra has met her match, or perhaps her betters, once she bumps into the one and only Lady Shiva, a highly skilled martial artist and master strategist.   There is a mystery going on between the two, Cain and Shiva.  The art work by Damian Scott are out of this world.  According to Ashford, he ranks this as his favorite story thus far.  Kelly Puckett is really breathing life into the character with the narration and attitude. e-mail us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com

Oct 25, 2017 • 38:52

Episode 12: Batgirl Issue 7

Episode 12: Batgirl Issue 7

Batgirl 7 is cool, calm, and busting through the seams at the end.  Wow!  Where is this series going next?  Well, I understand that we are doing a retroactive look at the book, and I could read ahead, but going issue by issue is quite fun.  Again, Damion Scott's art is really grabbing me.   Batman feels like Cassandra is not ready to return to the field, but of course, Cass is too driven to not go out and stop wrong doing.  And you will never guess who she bumps into in the end?  Well, you migh

Oct 1, 2017 • 36:50

Episode 11: Batgirl Issue 6

Episode 11: Batgirl Issue 6

In issue 6, which is untitled, we finally have a young Cassandra Cain narrating the book, and it is quite refreshing.  In this issue we learn Cass has the ability to stop and start hearts, she knows her guns and bullets, and that instinct is just something you can't shut off.  Can Batman truly trust this new Batgirl in the field while sporting the brand?  He better.

Aug 26, 2017 • 45:55

Episode 10: The Batgirl Annual 1

Episode 10: The Batgirl Annual 1

This annual doesn't have much of our Cassandra Cain Batgirl, but this story really relates to our character as far as being born and bred to do something, unlearning the brainwashing, and working towards the greater good.  If you are a The Batgirl fan, I recommend this one.   Twitter: @TheBatgirlCass feathersandfoes@gmail.com www.wrightonnetwork.com

Aug 3, 2017 • 28:59

Episode 9: Batgirl Issue 5

Episode 9: Batgirl Issue 5

Cassandra Cain is dealing with her new ability to have inner dialogue and understanding others.  This is a progression of the character for sure.  However, this new power has limited her almost flawless combat skills: Predicting moves of the opponents before the opponent even flinches. Batman, still distraught that Cass may have killed when she was a child is just something he can't let go, so he travels across the globe to do his own autopsy on how the gentlemen who is now dead, actually die

Jul 8, 2017 • 33:40

Episode 8: Batgirl Issue 4

Episode 8: Batgirl Issue 4

Batgirl issue number 4 really upped the ante on this one.  A total change of direction will take place from now one when it comes to the narrative because of a key event that happens to Cassandra.  Also, Batman is rather disturbed by the video he saw of a young Cassandra Cain ripping a guy's throat out.  Batman refuses to believe his eyes...and the film.  He is now ready to journey across the globe to prove that Cass is no killer.

Jun 29, 2017 • 36:01

Episode 7: The Batgirl Untitled

Episode 7: The Batgirl Untitled

Plot by Scott Peterson. Kelley Puckett with the script.  Pencils by Damion Scott.   Batgirl vs. her first metahuman.  And Batman makes a discovery that may change things forever. Please contact us on the www.wrightonnetwork.com Twitter: @TheBatgirlCass Facebook: The Batgirl

Jun 10, 2017 • 40:04

The Batgirl

The Batgirl

www.wrightonnetwork.com presents The Batgirl Cassandra Cain podcast is back with another episode.  We have started the proper run of this character.  Issue 2, Plot by Scott Peterson, written by Kelley Puckett, and pencils by Damion Scott.

Jun 3, 2017 • 42:45

Episode 5: I Cover the Water Front

Episode 5: I Cover the Water Front

I Cover the Water Front is the Daughter of Cain's first solo mission as The Batgirl!  The artwork is beautiful, the story is serving, and the mantle is not only upheld, but lifted.

May 27, 2017 • 1:00:53

Episode 4: Assembly

Episode 4: Assembly

This is the issue where Cassandra Cain is giving the blessing to be Batgirl.  Unfortunately, at Huntress's expense, the Batman has manipulated the situation to his liking, being a Grade A Jerk!

May 7, 2017 • 51:45

Episode 3: Mark of Cain 2

Episode 3: Mark of Cain 2

Batman, Cain, Cassandra, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, and Two Face are some of the main features of this issue.  Still in No Man's Land, The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast explores the development of Cass's History before the launch of her Batgirl Run. Original music for the show by Mya Briones  The Song is entitled Burned.   facebook.com/myabrionesmusic.com twitter: @meekmya instagram: myabmusic

Apr 16, 2017 • 40:34

Episode 2: Mark of Cain

Episode 2: Mark of Cain

In this issue we get to learn a little more about this runner who has been working for the Oracle, delivering messages and such.  Her origins are not only dangerous, but shocking.  Although her past may be quite dangerous, saving the life of Jim Gordon goes a long way with The Batman and The Oracle.  Humble beginnings. Kelley Pluckett is the writer. Damian Scott is on pencils.

Apr 11, 2017 • 51:19

The Batgirl: Episode Zero

The Batgirl: Episode Zero

Yes, we at the Batgirl podcast understand that although we are covering Cass, this episode centers around the Huntress, Helena; however, because the outfit that Cassandra Cain will soon inherit is so iconic, we had to start at its origin, Ground Zero.   Contact us at feathersandfoes@gmail.com to have your comments read on the show, or you may contact us on Twitter @feathersandfoes for now.

Apr 2, 2017 • 1:03:38

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