The GrimCast

The GrimCast


Catfish and Carver Cadaver Discuss anything and everything.

Episode 38: Master-of-Debate

Episode 38: Master-of-Debate

This week on the grimcast: It's been quite sometime since we've said anything. We catch up a bit and discuss life currently. Film Discussion for 9, Halloween II & Inglorious Basterds. Some T.V. Show discussions about what we're been watching and what's worth watching. Finally some music is mentioned including Monsterpiece Theatre and The Blueprint 3. As usual there is plenty of other stuff said and a new song by Catfish. Enjoy!

Sep 11, 2009 • 59:32

Episode 36: six.. six

Episode 36: six.. six

This week on the Grimcast: There was stuff to be said, and we certainly say a lot of stuff. Movie Discussion of X Men Origins: Wolverine & Angels & Demons. We fluff some upcoming releases that we like such as Fanboys & and the new Marilyn Manson record The High End of Low. Lot's of stuff happens and then we lose our minds towards the end. Enjoy.

May 22, 2009 • 1:15:02

Episode 35: We Are In Fact, Still Alive.

Episode 35: We Are In Fact, Still Alive.

This week on the Grimcast we discuss some stuff. Then we don't discuss some stuff. We play some music and then we don't play some music. We entertain you and then we don't entertain you. There may be some stuff hiding in here that you'll like to hear, then again maybe there isn't. Hmmmm?

Apr 19, 2009 • 47:20

Episode 34: Your Mother's A Whore (The Lost Episode)

Episode 34: Your Mother's A Whore (The Lost Episode)

This episode was recorded awhile ago and due to technical difficulties had to be recorded twice. The lost episode was probably better than the one you are going to hear but oh well, it's the grimcast. What do you expect from us anyway? Jerk!

Apr 19, 2009 • 57:57

Episode 33: Skid-Dilly-De-A-Fiddley-Do-Do-Do

Episode 33: Skid-Dilly-De-A-Fiddley-Do-Do-Do

This week on the Grimcast: We talk about stuff, you know the drill by now.

Feb 19, 2009 • 50:33

Episode 32: I Only Have (Bedroom) Eyes For You...

Episode 32: I Only Have (Bedroom) Eyes For You...

This week on the Grimcast: We talk a lotta hum di day di lalla hoochie walla walla... Wait, we do interesting new segments and discuss life. Go through some movies we've watched recently as well as other stuff. Just listen... Ohh and there is a Carved song at the end of the show from the reborn version of The Funeral Parlor.

Jan 15, 2009 • 59:13

Episode 31: The Grim Award 2008 (kinda)

Episode 31: The Grim Award 2008 (kinda)

This week on the Grimcast: We're back and shit. Weather or not that's a good thing is still to be determined. We go through what we're been up to lately and then move into some our favorite and least favorite things from 2008. This episode is... well you'll see. Insanity isn't the right word, but it's the first one that comes to mind.

Jan 4, 2009 • 1:08:08



This week on the GrimCast: Catfish is back from his unannounced hiatus. Party & Bullshit. Movie Discussion on REPO! The Genetic Opera, Sukiyaki Western Django (HAHAHAHA), Fish saw W., Carver saw Madagascar 2. We talk about music among other things. We catch up on listener voice mails and comments. DJ Cutter stops by and joins in for most of the episode as well. call us: 206 666 5620

Nov 18, 2008 • 1:25:44

Episode 29: Political Party & Bull-S***

Episode 29: Political Party & Bull-S***

This week on the GrimCast: as you would expect we get political for the majority of this episode. As proud supporters of the new president elect of the United States we have a lot to say. Movie discussion on Network & Tropic Thunder. Seriously though, if you don't want to hear about politics, skip this one. You've been warned. Love, Grimoire

Nov 6, 2008 • 57:33

Episode 28: The Truth About Bats & Frogs... HALLOWEEN!

Episode 28: The Truth About Bats & Frogs... HALLOWEEN!

This Time on the Grimcast: We dip into our Halloween themed episode for this year. It's not all Halloween themed, but it is all somewhat scary. We dip into a little knowledge about upcoming film REPO! The Genetic Opera. Catfish reviews The Devil's Chair, then we proceed to discuss our favorite Horror movies and movies to watch at Halloween... For awhile actually. Music mentioning of a new record from The Cure. Listener feedback, iTunes reviews... Author Keith Latch mentioned from the Cemetery Po

Oct 30, 2008 • 1:36:56

Episode 27: 16 + 11

Episode 27: 16 + 11

This week on the GrimCast: P & tha B. Grime Technology, Don't Be Scared, Movie discussion of RockNRolla, Wanted, etc. Book review of Richard Dawkins "The GOD Delusion". Listener feedback and responses to the record, etc etc. You know how this shit works by now.

Oct 25, 2008 • 1:05:31

Episode 26: Steamy Twenty Six

Episode 26: Steamy Twenty Six

This week on the GrimCast: It's a short one this week. We talk about Don't Be Scared and how you can get your copy. Brief Party & Bullshit. We argue a bit. Movie Discussion of Religulous & The Happening. Music conclusion of last week albums. Listener feedback and an oldie from King of Somewhere.

Oct 9, 2008 • 47:06

Episode 25: Buried Alive, in stuff that's fun.

Episode 25: Buried Alive, in stuff that's fun.

This week on the GrimCast: Some info on Don't Be Scared, P and the B, Tatouage Du Jour Le Carver. Movie discussion including Choke, Appaloosa, Otis, Torture, Television talks on the new seasons of Pushing Daisies, Big Bang Theory & Dexter. Music Discussion on T.I. - Paper Trail, Murs - Murs For President, InnerPartySystem - s/t. Listener Feedback and Questions. Etc, etc, etc. You know how this ish goes by now.

Oct 4, 2008 • 1:14:19

Episode 24: A Double Dozen

Episode 24: A Double Dozen

This week on the GrimCast: We start to get excited about the Autumnal Equinox and Halloween coming soon. P & B with the G, Movies discussed include Burn After Reading, Ghost Town, Igor, Bangkok Dangerous & a couple other ones fish saw that I can't remember the name of as I type this. Music talk from fish about going to Street Scene San Diego. Talk of our show tonight at the Gypsy Lounge, Listener Feedback and much more. Oh and the song that will be released on Sunday is included for all of our G

Sep 20, 2008 • 55:18

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