

Bryan Campbell & Jason Matthews

the podcast for the flickr community. we cover current events and discussions from throughout the flickr universe, photos of interest, tips and tricks, and advances in digital photography.

flickrcast - Episode 17

flickrcast - Episode 17

Wow... It's a blast from the past! flickrcast - Episode 17 is now available for your listening pleasure!In this episode:* Flickr’s new design… Good or Bad? Let us know* Arrh Matey! It’s the Pirate Demonstration photoset* The Future of Digital Cameras. Pixels, photos, and Moore* The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Photo Gallery* Check out these useful tips on how to Photograph Sunrises and Sunsets* Taking Photos with a Lens made of Ice?* Chillout with this weeks music "By

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 15

flickrcast - Episode 15

Canon's EOS 30D... Yah or Nah? Find out in this episode.In this episode:* The 100,000,000th picture on Flickr* Canon's EOS 30D confirmed; with specs!* A little info on the Pentax 18 megapixel and 10 megapixel cameras here* Do you use MediaPro? Check out Shayne's tutorial for exporting images from a MediaPro catalog to Flickr here* Check out our Flickr group of the week: moon* You can now print your Flick images in mini book form with QOOP* This weeks music comes from Chance & The Choir... Ch

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 7

flickrcast - Episode 7

Episode 7: the choice of a new generation.we both freely admit to being tired and distracted this episode. lots of pausing and straying off-topic. but hey, that's the beauty of podcasting, ladies and gents: it's real and it's RAW.--links for this episode:* this week's music is i:Scintilla with "Scin." here's their website also.* thread with info on boolean tag search syntax.* thomas hawk's epic ordeal with scammers.* thomas produces the flickrnation podcast.* the "apology" from "ed lopez."* see

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 13

flickrcast - Episode 13

in case i don't see ya: good afternoon, good evening, and Episode an experiment, i'm putting this one out without editing for content. i think it went smoothly enough in the recording that there's nothing that really screams to be cut out, but i'm not going to listen before releasing it. it may sound a little sloppy; somehow, life will go on.--links for this episode:* musics: The Negatones - The Godfather* flickrcast group post following up on the end of minolta.* quick newsbite about fuji

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 11

flickrcast - Episode 11

"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?""... This is Episode 11."it was a three day weekend for us so we took an extra day. yeah, yeah i know: Captain Lazyass and Admiral Slacksalot of the USS Do-Nothing.--links for this episode:* weekly music was The Negatones - Flattened by the Sun, from the podsafe music network.* cyron's example of how to search for a specific camera, and jason's rewording of it.* flickr news post about the new naviga

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 10

flickrcast - Episode 10

touch me i'm sick, it's Episode 10!i think we might have been a little rusty, but what're you gonna do?--links for this episode:* music this week is Winston - Bottom of the World* flickrfling, an interesting idea which is still buggy.* the picture i was laughing at. it looks funnier as a random thumbnail.* flickeur. you might want to mute your audio.* are your pics "interesting?" find out with fd's scout.* phillip greenspun's sensible guide to building a DSLR system.* the film-centric version of

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 4

flickrcast - Episode 4

here's Episode 4 instead of st. peter's, yeah yeah, yeah yeah...this episode flowed a lot easier in the recording. it was more conversational, so hopefully that will come through.--links for this episode:* theme music this week: Chance and the Choir with "Radio Free."* flickr's announcement for commenting on sets is in the 9th November entry here.* join us in the flickrcast group...* ...and let us know where you're located on the frappr flickrcast map.* monaxle asked us about our thoughts on pho

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 1

flickrcast - Episode 1

hey, it's [finally] the first episode!we recorded via google talk so periodically you'll hear the bandwidth issues hit us as bryan's voice crackles and fades a bit. so it goes. we also ran a little longer than planned; we're wanting to be in the 20-30 minute range. sorry.--links for this episode:* the theme music, "I Crush Everything" by Jonathan Coulton, can be found at* want to see what Interestingness is all about?* have fun exploring with Mappr.* Bryan's stream of "this"

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 14

flickrcast - Episode 14

This is my first solo podcast... EVER. Prepare for a bit of turbulence folks.--links for this episode:* Happy birthday Flickr! Flickr turns 2* Check out Darryl Wattenberg's Michigan Cycling Podcast* HD TVs, Speakers, Subs, DVDs, and Popcorn machines - visit the HD Beat group* Like the Flickr logo? Try: flickr logo makr--download Episode 14 here, or subscribe to our feed.

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 12

flickrcast - Episode 12

hey kids! [finally!] Episode 12!even with the new schedule we're a day late because once again - say it with me, you all know the words - i'm sick.--links for this episode:* music was the soothing tones of Angry Red Planet with "Mixing All the Blues."* original boingboing item about Shine's flickr photobooth, and a direct link to the shenanigans.* for RSS feeds of your sets.* dpreview article about minolta leaving the camera business and spinning off most of their assets to sony.

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 3

flickrcast - Episode 3

Episode 3[rd time's a charm...]we've got our audio situation handled for the most part, but jason's mic was a little loud this episode. there's always next time.--links for this episode:* this week's theme music was Sunset Room with "Smoke."* flickr's faq page about photo replacement.* the photo jason tried to replace. on original it's still the same way it was to begin with.* Richard Giles' flickrbook group and amazon listing.* deleteme uncensored, an alternative to the deleteme group.* dprevie

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 8

flickrcast - Episode 8

but little did they know the Episode 8 that awaited them...there's odd scratchy noises. yes, we know.--links for this episode:* this episode's music selection is "A Touch of Spring" by Purple Motion. old sk00l for the old f00s.* followup: the new york post tries to contact PriceRitePhoto. ed lopez: you're on notice.* neil gorman told us about the comiclife group.* plasq, makers of comiclife.* discussion about non-photos being NIPSA'd.* you want video with your flickr? get thee to YouTube.* ...wh

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 5

flickrcast - Episode 5

tell 'em Episode 5 sent ya!there's foolishness on the loose in this one, along with skylarking, scallawagging, and even an instance of gerrymandering.--links for this episode:* theme music was Greendome Sheck with "Kowalski," from the Podsafe Music Network.* email Miss Anita Ego from Zimbabwe and tell her you're interested in her exciting business opportunity!* here's a flickr thread about the "blog this" changes.* do you live on earth? do you take pictures of things on earth? well then maybe yo

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 6

flickrcast - Episode 6

nothing on top but Episode 6 and a mop and an illustrated book about birds...i [jason] was more hoarse than mr. ed in this episode, so if you hear a lot of drinking noises, that'd be the reason.--links for this episode:* theme music was Greendome Sheck again, this time with a song called "Alone."* the flickrcentral thread about what to shoot when it's dreary.* sam abell's book Seeing Gardens. highly recommended!* a series of excellent video interviews with sam abell, of whom jason is a complete

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 9

flickrcast - Episode 9

if you liked Citizen Kane, you'll LOVE... Episode 9!prepare yourself for World-Famous Show Notes(TM).--links for this episode:* this week's music is Cagey House with "The Shnay Speaks."* hello to anyone who heard about us on Foolish Humans.* flickr's new notification field.* PriceRite Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Chaim.* set of photos from a lost-then-found camera - hopefully not redacted for long.* a little bit about fd's Flickr Toys:-- fd's Magazine Creator and the cover bryan made.-- the c

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

flickrcast - Episode 2

flickrcast - Episode 2

we slaved over a hot mixing board to bring you... Episode 2!if we've been extremely lucky, the audio quality should be much better for this episode. we recorded our separate sides of the google talk conversation then mixed them together. hopefully jason got the syncing right... (i did, but i forgot to do some of the stereo separation and didn't notice until i'd already spent a half hour on editing and didn't feel like redoing all that. so bryan's voice is in the center this time rather than slig

Nov 21, 2008 • 0:00

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