Homebrewed Culture Cast
Lunar Riots
Portland-based writer Christian Piatt, along with Rev. Amy Piatt and Slim Moon (founder of Kill Rock Stars and a Unitarian Universalist seminarian) discuss pop culture and news through the lens of progressive Christian spirituality.
Season of Doubt
With a freshman in high school, Amy and Christian Piatt are getting familiar with a whole new set of doubts. This got them thinking about how much doubt we’re surrounded by every day. But a question keep nagging at them… Is our doubt getting worse? From AI mimicry to feel-good stories gone bad, it seems… Read more about Season of Doubt
Words at War
Words we use – or withhold – shape our culture, opinions and identities. From media and Church to the White House, our words are at war to claim attention more than ever before. We examine Trump’s words (and silence) regarding Sen. McCain’s death, the Vatican’s response to recent abuse allegations, what various media outlets chose… Read more about Words at War
Blood and Soil: One Year After Charlottesville
It’s been a year since the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville took place. What has happened since then? Amy and Christian Piatt reflect on the impact of last year’s events, consider the recent “Unite the Right 2” rally in DC and consider MSNBC’s recent “Breaking Hate” special featuring former Hammerskin Nation leader and… Read more about Blood and Soil: One Year After Charlottesville
The Moral Compromise of Supporting Trump
In this episode, Christian and Amy ask why white Evangelicals support Trump in such big numbers. As much as 77% of white Evangelicals support Trump. Why do they continue to support him? Do progressives share anything with Evangelicals besides the name Christian? They talk about the moral compromise and rationalization of supporting Trump, the perceived… Read more about The Moral Compromise of Supporting Trump
Modern Feminism and the Death Throes of Patriarchy
In this episode of the CultureCast, Amy and Christian talk about Jeff Sessions and Romans 13, Thai cave rescues and babies in cages, and free speech and feminism. You’ll hear about how a political cartoon sparked a debate about the difference between the efforts to rescue the soccer team trapped in a cave in Thailand and… Read more about Modern Feminism and the Death Throes of Patriarchy
Best of the CultureCast
This is our first ever ‘Best Of’ episode, looking back at some of the best interviews from the 6 months… ish. These are just short clips from 7 different interviews, so if you want to listen to the whole thing just click on the links: Carol Howard Merritt talks about overcoming religious trauma Dr. Pamela… Read more about Best of the CultureCast
Autism, God, and Family
In this week’s episode, Christian and Amy talk about autism, families, and ableism in the church. Their son, Mattias, who is on the spectrum, comes on the podcast to talk a little bit about what it’s like being on the spectrum, some of the challenges he faces, the most difficult moments in his life, what… Read more about Autism, God, and Family
The Soul of Hip Hop (CultureCast LIVE in Chicago)
Live from Chicago at Fourth Presbyterian Church for the Associated Church Press Conference. Gregg Brekke is Christian’s co-host with guests J. Kwest and Dr. Daniel White Hodge. Learn a little about the history of the Associated Church Press, and our sponsor Lutheran World Relief. If you go to lwr.org/coffee and use the promo code LWRCOFFEE, you’ll… Read more about The Soul of Hip Hop (CultureCast LIVE in Chicago)
Razing Hell with Ira Glass
In this episode of the CultureCast, Amy gets to share some big news about her new position in Texas, and Christian gets his nerd credentials boosted by Ira Glass. Amy and Christian look at the state of leadership in the church today. what does it take to truly lead the church in the 21st century?… Read more about Razing Hell with Ira Glass
What Does “Church” Mean Today?
In this week’s episode, Christian and Amy are exploring some questions about church and get a little help from some friends. What does the church mean in the 21st century? What of our identity, systems, or traditions should be preserved or continued? What needs to die? How do you think the Christian religion will look… Read more about What Does “Church” Mean Today?
The Very Worst Missionary with Jamie Wright
This week’s theme is wrestling with resurrection, transformation, the ways people are changing the world and when our best intentions go awry. Amy talks about how she was considering leaving the church and Christianity completely, the ways in which she has changed over the past year, and how resurrection has manifested in her life. Christian… Read more about The Very Worst Missionary with Jamie Wright
The Process of Resurrection (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
It’s Holy Week, and the CultureCast is here to help you survive Easter. John 20:1-18 | Amy shares the Easter message she would preach, the calling out of Mary’s name and the importance of the act of naming, the significance of Jesus the gardener, opening ourselves to truth, being broken open by suffering, what we’ve… Read more about The Process of Resurrection (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
Ignorance Parties, Jackie Robinson, and Military Parades (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
This week on the CultureCast: the Triumphal Entry versus the Annunciation. Christian tries to convince Amy and Tripp that they should preach on the Annunciation texts, and not the triumphal entry, by showing how they’re connected. In Isaiah 7:10-14, Christian tells us about the scandal of particularity, and being participants in Easter without making it about us.… Read more about Ignorance Parties, Jackie Robinson, and Military Parades (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
Mandy Moore, Harvey Weinstein and the Democratization of God (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
This week on the CultureCast we continue with highlights from the Surviving the Bible for Lent course. Tripp gives you your Bible-nerd fact of the day, you’ll hear about why David is like the Harvey Weinstein of the Hebrew Bible, what Mandy Moore has to do with the Psalms, and our avoidance of suffering. First… Read more about Mandy Moore, Harvey Weinstein and the Democratization of God (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
Snake on a Stick! (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
This week on the CultureCast, you’ll hear about snakes on a stick (Numbers 21:4-9), Eddie Izzard, and Princess Leia. Christian and Amy are joined once again by Tripp Fuller to talk about some of the problems of reading this passage literally, the role this text plays in the relationship between God and Israel, those wilderness… Read more about Snake on a Stick! (#SurvivingTheBible for Lent)
#SurvivingTheBible for Lent: Cleansing Our Temples
This edition of the CultureCast is from the second live session of Surviving the Bible for Lent, with Tripp Fuller and Christian and Amy. They take a look at the texts for the second Sunday in Lent (Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22). Tripp gives you 3 different sermons you can preach for Lent using this text,… Read more about #SurvivingTheBible for Lent: Cleansing Our Temples
#SurvivingTheBible for Lent: Super-Duper Pooper-Scooper Messiah
We just passed 15% of our monthly goal! Thanks to everyone who helps to support the CultureCast. You can help us reach our goal, support the podcast, and get some sweet perks by donating at patreon.com/culturecast This special edition of the CultureCast is from the first live session of Surviving the Bible for Lent, with Homebrewed… Read more about #SurvivingTheBible for Lent: Super-Duper Pooper-Scooper Messiah
The Christian Obsession with Sex and Fear, with Benjamin Corey
In this episode, all the way from Hawaii, Christian and Amy talk about the Christian obsession with sex and fear. Are we too focused on sex and sexuality too much? Are we sometimes focusing on things like inclusion of LGBTQ to the exclusion of other things like poverty, homelessness, ecology? Is defending one’s identity or… Read more about The Christian Obsession with Sex and Fear, with Benjamin Corey
Surviving the Bible for Lent with Tripp Fuller
Tripp Fuller, from the Homebrewed Christianity podcast, join Amy and Christian to extend a warm invitation to join the Surviving the Bible for Lent community. For a lot of us these texts have been used as weapons, experienced as burdens, so let’s acknowledge that together and discover what it looks like to survive the bible today. If… Read more about Surviving the Bible for Lent with Tripp Fuller
Faith, Ethics and Medical Practice with Dr. Lauren Raimer-Goodman
This episode is all about medicine, medical ethics, and faith. Amy and Christian take a look at two big news stories involving medicine and ethics: the sexual assault case against US Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, and the Trump administration’s initiative to give more freedom for physicians to refuse treatment because of religious belief. We implicitly trust… Read more about Faith, Ethics and Medical Practice with Dr. Lauren Raimer-Goodman
What is an Evangelical Today?
What is an Evangelical today? In this episode, Christian, Amy, and friends talk about evangelicals and evangelicalism. White Evangelicals were largely responsible for getting Trump elected. This seems very strange (to some of us), considering he is considered neither a Christian nor a moral person. So considering this, we posed 3 questions to some of our… Read more about What is an Evangelical Today?
Racism in the White House and How to Train an Activist with Michael Poffenberger
White nationalism looks a lot different today than it used to. In this episode Christian and Amy discuss the new face of white nationalism, how Trump is setting that example, and how we can counteract it. Where is the line between presidents as public figures and human beings? Do comments made by the president normalize… Read more about Racism in the White House and How to Train an Activist with Michael Poffenberger
Kids and the Internet, Net Neutrality, and the Big Bad Wolff
Michael Collins is back on the CultureCast to talk about net neutrality and cyber ethics. Who will feel the effects of the repeal of net neutrality the most? Is there an ethical argument against net neutrality? Will the end of net neutrality bring with it the censorship of internet content? Plus, Amy and Christian discuss… Read more about Kids and the Internet, Net Neutrality, and the Big Bad Wolff
Homebrewed SabbathCast
Welcome to Homebrewed SabbathCast! Amy and Christian are not talking about anything serious on this week’s episode. Well, they try not to. Christian talk to Dana Trent, author of For Sabbath’s Sake: Embracing Your Need For Rest, Worship, and Community. Is the Sabbath just something we’re supposed to give to God? Where does personal rest come into… Read more about Homebrewed SabbathCast
Matthew 25’s Acts of Mercy: A National Report Card with John Burnett
Christian and Amy go through the Acts of Mercy (Matt. 25) and give the country a grade for our efforts in food and nutrition, clean water access, affordable housing, homelessness, health care, prison reform, and immigration. How would Jesus say we’re doing? Are we living into the things Jesus calls us to? Plus, a look… Read more about Matthew 25’s Acts of Mercy: A National Report Card with John Burnett
When Doing Good Breaks the Law with John Kiriakou
This week’s theme: when doing good breaks the law. Christian and Amy take a look at civil disobedience and discuss their personal struggles with protest and civil disobedience, Jim Wallis’s recent arrest for civil disobedience in the Senate Office Building, the 6 steps to prepare your community for civil disobedience, the most (and least) effective… Read more about When Doing Good Breaks the Law with John Kiriakou
Proud to be American? with Martha Raddatz
What does it mean when we send a citizen away to fight for their country? Can we still be proud to be an American? Do we make our leaders into saviors? In this episode, Christian and Amy talk about national pride, how it has changed, what it looks like, where the trends are headed, and… Read more about Proud to be American? with Martha Raddatz
Reformation 500 with Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and Rick Steves
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Rick Steves, travel journalist and host of the PBS show Rick Steves’ Europe, and the public radio show Travel with Rick Steves, sat down with Christian and Amy in Washington DC to talk about the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Is the Reformation still… Read more about Reformation 500 with Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and Rick Steves
Homebrewed CultureCast LIVE from Minneapolis
Coming at you LIVE from Surly Brewing in Minneapolis, it’s the Homebrewed CultureCast. Get ready to wade into nerdy theological waters. Right after Christian keynoted at the Voices Conference, he hung out with Dr. Kyle Roberts and Dr. Pamela Ayo Yetunde of the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. Up first, Kyle talks about his work and… Read more about Homebrewed CultureCast LIVE from Minneapolis
Trump, Mueller & Dems Dos-Don’ts in 2018
This is perhaps the nerdiest episode of the CultureCast: an all politics-nerd episode. In it, Christian and Amy talk about the special election in Virginia, the anniversary of the 2016 election, the Mueller investigation, and what the Democrats need to do for 2018. Trump has quietly accomplished more than it appears… so Christian and Amy… Read more about Trump, Mueller & Dems Dos-Don’ts in 2018
When Religion Becomes a Cult with David Trotter
When does religion become a cult? What groups might qualify? And who decides? In this episode of the CultureCast, Christian and Amy talk about the 6 criteria used to determine if a group is in fact a cult, have we as a nation become a cult, and are certain brands of Christianity cult-ish? Christian interviews… Read more about When Religion Becomes a Cult with David Trotter
Redefining Family Values with Amber Cantorna
There’s no question that what the word “family” means today, which means the values of what make for a good family, are changing as well. We’ve all heard that we need to get back to “Biblical family values,” but that does that mean? We break out a list of some models of family and what… Read more about Redefining Family Values with Amber Cantorna
Our Connections Can Save (and Destroy) Us
Will our connections be our salvation? Or our destruction? In this Homebrewed CultureCast episode, Christian and Amy explore: how we are bound together by trauma, silence, and genetics the connection between neutron stars, gravitational waves, and Christian’s wedding ring difference and balance between cultural appropriation and respectful connection Christian talks with AJ Jacobs, author of The… Read more about Our Connections Can Save (and Destroy) Us
This Episode is (Kinda) a Matter of Life and Death
Our nation is founded on the principle of placing central in our value system, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” But sometimes one negatively affects the other. Also, being “pro life” can mean so much more than most people assume. We discuss Diana Butler Bass’ recent claim that maybe church has reached a necessary… Read more about This Episode is (Kinda) a Matter of Life and Death
White Men: Most Dangerous People in America?
Salon Magazine asked a poignant question recently after a spate of domestic mass shootings: why is it always the white guy? While middle class males, in particular, are supposed to have more power and privilege than anyone else on the whole in America, so why are so many of us so filled with rage and… Read more about White Men: Most Dangerous People in America?
Prophets, Priests, Heretics, Nones and Becoming Truly Human
About one in four Americans identify as a “None,” which means, when asked about their religious affiliation, they claim “none of the above.” And yet so many of them claim some form of spirituality, or at least a hunger for exploring the possibility of God. In his new move, “Becoming Truly Human,” Nathan Andrew Jacobs… Read more about Prophets, Priests, Heretics, Nones and Becoming Truly Human
A Theology of Disaster, Osteen’s Sin of Sodom and Welcoming Disruption
Hurricane Harvey was a “1,000-year storm” that will have an impact on the Houston area for years or even decades. But what does such disaster tell us about God? More important, perhaps, is what it tell us about ourselves and how we understand God. Megachurch Pastor and Prosperity Gospel Preacher Joel Osteen commits a “Sin… Read more about A Theology of Disaster, Osteen’s Sin of Sodom and Welcoming Disruption
Wild Goose LIVE: CultureCast and Homebrewed Christianity Double Episode
In a special double episode that combines both a CultureCast and a Homebrewed Christianity episode, we celebrate Tripp Fuller’s 1,000th episode LIVE from the main stage at Wild Goose. On the CultureCast, Christian is joined by Tripp, Kristen Howerton and pastor-cum-rapper JKwest, while Tripp welcomes Christian, Micky ScottBey Jones and Robyn Henderson Espinoza. Tripp “Takes… Read more about Wild Goose LIVE: CultureCast and Homebrewed Christianity Double Episode
Pastoral Burnout, Healing Spiritual Wounds and How To Hack an Election
Anyone who knows a few pastors probably knows someone who has struggled with burnout. Ministry always has been an atypical job with lots of unique demands and stressors, but as reported in a Barna Research Group study discussed in a new article called “Why Pastors Leave the Ministry,” it’s a growing trend. Then author and… Read more about Pastoral Burnout, Healing Spiritual Wounds and How To Hack an Election
God, Gays, Autism and Embodiment
What’s it like raising a child on the autism spectrum? Or being married to an adult on the spectrum? In an extended special segment, Amy and Christian Piatt talk about living with these and other realities, as well as how Church deals (or sometimes doesn’t) with special needs. We look into an online resource for… Read more about God, Gays, Autism and Embodiment
The Left’s Hamburger Problem and Eugene Peterson’s Flip-Flop
Some analysts say the left could gain some momentum, but only if they stop being “so annoying and get over their hamburger problem.” And after we looked into it, they’re right. In this episode of the Homebrewed CultureCast, we consider what’s at the root of progressives’ spate of losses in recent years, followed by a…let’s… Read more about The Left’s Hamburger Problem and Eugene Peterson’s Flip-Flop
Faith, Fame and Identity with Matt Morris
Matthew David Morris (a.k.a. Matt Morris) didn’t have a typical childhood. From playing arena shows with his dad alongside Kenny Rogers to starring on the Mickey Mouse Club with the likes of Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, Matthew David entered the public spotlight when his peers were coloring with finger paints in a… Read more about Faith, Fame and Identity with Matt Morris
Skinheads in America (pt 2 of 2) with Christian Picciolini
Do progressives and skinheads have overlapping agendas in the Pacific Northwest? Is “Alt Right” a synonym for “White Nationalist?” In the second half of our interview with former skinhead leader Christian Picciolini we talk about the larger implications of current political and media environments, how they contribute to racist extremism and what role we all… Read more about Skinheads in America (pt 2 of 2) with Christian Picciolini
Christian Picciolini on Skinheads in America
He was a skinhead in his youth, and now he run an organization (Life After Hate) to get people out of that life. In the first part of this two-episode interview, Christian Picciolini talks with us about what makes a skinhead in America, what the current socio-political climate is doing to mainstream similar views and… Read more about Christian Picciolini on Skinheads in America
Making History with Bishop Karen Olevito
Some people choose to break ground in their careers; others feel called to a ministry that will result in a reckoning of God’s calling with the cultural resistance on all sides. Bishop Karen Olevito is an inspiration in who she is and what she does, and we spent some time with her learning how she… Read more about Making History with Bishop Karen Olevito
GENIUS’ Young Einstein, Johnny Flynn
He’s been a halfwit brother co-parenting his mute younger sibling (Comedy Central’s BROTHERHOOD) to a ladies’ man on with an…umm…awkward medical secret (Netflix’s LOVESICK). He’s the lead singer in the alt-folk group JOHNNY FLYNN AND THE SUSSEX WIT, and now he’s young Einstein along with Geoffrey Rush as his elder counterpart in GENIUS, Brian Grazer… Read more about GENIUS’ Young Einstein, Johnny Flynn
Director, Animator, Author Kelly Asbury
Animated feature films have been around since “Snow White,” but they’ve changed dramatically. How do artists and directors keep up? I talked with Kelly Asbury, veteran Hollywood animator and director of the new movie, Sony Pictures’ “Smurfs: The Lost Village,” as well as “Shrek 2” about the technical and creative process behind the stories that… Read more about Director, Animator, Author Kelly Asbury
Movies, Meaning and the Oscars with Gareth Higgins
Films move our culture in profound ways, but how? Did Hollywood, and particularly, the Oscars, elevate women this year after major fallout last year? How about ethnic minorities? LQBTQ? And what do 2016’s films tell us about ourselves and our world? Gareth Higgins, founder of The Porch Magazine and the Movies and Meaning Festival, joins… Read more about Movies, Meaning and the Oscars with Gareth Higgins
Guns, Narcissists and What Being Human Means
What happens when an Episcopal priest Jeremy Lucas sets out to win an AR-15 in a raffle for a kids’ softball team fundraiser and gets it? What’s more, how do people – particularly Christians – react to his plans for the gun? Oh, and did I mention the the money used to buy the raffle tickets… Read more about Guns, Narcissists and What Being Human Means
CultureCast LIVE in L.A. @ Theology Beer Camp
What happens when Christian and Amy head to a theology camp with three days of open jerks and about a dozen other podcasters? Well let’s find out, shall we? Thanks to Tripp Fuller for having us as part of his first-ever Theology Beer camp at the Hatchery Campus in Redondo Beach, CA recently to do our… Read more about CultureCast LIVE in L.A. @ Theology Beer Camp
Heaven and Hell with Barry Taylor, James Younger
What do other religions say about heaven? How about hell? Do the similarities across so many cultures and faiths point to a universal cosmic truth, or does it reveal more about our basic human nature? After a few pints of heaven at the Homebrewed Theology Beer Camp, I sat down with James Younger, executive producer… Read more about Heaven and Hell with Barry Taylor, James Younger
Do Marches and Protests Really Matter?
It was reported that at least 3.2 million people marched in solidarity for women the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. Hundreds of thousands filled the streets and sidewalks of Washington DC, with similar rallies in cities across the nation. There were even concurrent marches for women in countries around the world. The anger, tension and… Read more about Do Marches and Protests Really Matter?
Election Hangover Podcast with Tripp and Christian
This is a post-election podcast. It is very fresh. Christian and I talk about our feelings, thoughts, anger, and hopes after the election. We discuss it in three parts: as a Citizen, as a Husband-Parent, and as a Christian. At the conclusion we decided to have a future (more reflective) episode and invited listeners of… Read more about Election Hangover Podcast with Tripp and Christian
Tom Krattenmaker, Secular Jesus Follower
Can you be a Christian and not believe in God? Tom Krattenmaker thinks so. We talk about his new book, “Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower,” and why he feels like Jesus has a path that makes his life – and those of others, if they’ll be open to it – more rich and meaningful, regardless… Read more about Tom Krattenmaker, Secular Jesus Follower
Finding Hope in the Jordanian Ruins
Christian Piatt’s recent trip to the middle east – specifically the Kingdom of Jordan – was themed “Strong in the Broken Places.” In a region surrounded by such conflict, violence and division, how does Jordan remain a safe haven for citizens, immigrants and pilgrims alike? In the midst of brokenness, from where do they find… Read more about Finding Hope in the Jordanian Ruins
Jake Morrill on the Future of Church
Slim Moon sits down with Jake Morrill, head of the Christian Universalist Church, for the second part of their chat: this time about the future of the institutional church as a whole. Does it have a chance at survival? What will change, and what will remain? Do we need organized religion to pursue an authentic… Read more about Jake Morrill on the Future of Church
Bully Karma and Church as Sanctuary
We had our friend, Rev. Aaron Metcalf, on the CultureCast this week to share his amazing story about his childhood. He went from being a relative pariah and the subject of relentless bullying to being the one who shoved others outside the circle. But it turns out that, at least in this case, karma is real,… Read more about Bully Karma and Church as Sanctuary
Alan Chamber’s Exodus from Religious Slavery
Alan Chambers, former long-time Director of Exodus International, speaks in this episode about his struggle with his own sexual orientation, a love-hate relationship with church and his eventual closure of the once-notorious “Conversion Therapy” organization. Chambers headed the Christian-based conversion group for years, having gone through the program himself. But after much prayerful contemplation and… Read more about Alan Chamber’s Exodus from Religious Slavery
SULLY Screenwriter Todd Komarnicki
In this CultureCast mini-sode, I chat with Todd Komarnicki, screenwriter for the new Clint Eastwood/Tom Hanks flick, SULLY. The movie focuses on Chelsea Sullenberger, captain of the US Air flight that he landed in the middle of the Hudson River after engine failures, saving all 155 people on board. Turns out there was more controversy… Read more about SULLY Screenwriter Todd Komarnicki
Ass-Hattery with Bruce Reyes-Chow
Who’s down with learning how not to be an asshat? I mean if you like being one, might not listen to us, cause we’re on a mission. In this episode, I talk with dad, author and groovy fellow God nerd Bruce Reyes-Chow about his new book, “DON’T BE AN ASSHAT: And Official Handbook for Raising… Read more about Ass-Hattery with Bruce Reyes-Chow
Jake Morrill on the Future of Church
Listen in as Slim breaks down with Jake Morrill, head of the Christian Universalists and Christian Unitarian Universalist Pastor, talk about what they see as the future of institutional church and religion in our culture. Do we need it? Is it worth sustaining? Does our understanding of “Church” inevitably have to evolve? Into what? Coke… Read more about Jake Morrill on the Future of Church
CultureCast LIVE at the Goose with Trey Pearson
For the first time, we did a live show out of town with the whole crew, and where better than at Wild Goose 2016? Trey Pearson, founder and main man in the band Everyday Sunday, was our special guest. he broke down what it’s been like going from a darling of the Contemporary Christian Music… Read more about CultureCast LIVE at the Goose with Trey Pearson
The Biggest Bank Robbery No One Knows About
How did someone pull off an $81 million international bank heist? Better yet, how did they do it without anyone hearing about it? Mike Collins, our resident tech expert, explains. A criminal network who had planned on stealing $1 billion, got away with one of the biggest single hauls in history, leaving no trace of the… Read more about The Biggest Bank Robbery No One Knows About
Orlando, God and the Gay Christian (Matthew Vines)
In this special hour-long interview, I talk with Matthew Vines, author of “God and the Gay Christian,” and Rev. Adam Phillips, pastor of Christ Church, Portland about the tragedy in Orlando. We also discuss both what its like for a gay man like Vines, who is part of a conservative Evangelical community, to come out,… Read more about Orlando, God and the Gay Christian (Matthew Vines)
Sweaty Faces, Parent Shame, Prez Hillary & Rising Above It
Turns out Slim has a sweaty face. But we love him anyway. This leads us to a whole conversation about body images, the privilege of male grossness and if women should embrace their armpit hair. Well, technically I guess that’s impossible but you know… As we all know, some really tough stuff has gone down… Read more about Sweaty Faces, Parent Shame, Prez Hillary & Rising Above It
Prince’s Art Director, Webmaster and Historian, Sam Jennings
Prince was shrouded so much in mystery and mystique that it’s hard to know what he was really like. So we sat down with his friend and former employee, Sam Jennings, to find out. In addition to being his graphic artist and webmaster for upwards of a decade, Sam and his family, hung out at… Read more about Prince’s Art Director, Webmaster and Historian, Sam Jennings
Director/Writer Rodrigo Garcia on “Last Days in the Desert”
In this Homebrewed CultureCast Minisode, I interview Rodrigo Garcia about his latest film, “Last Days in the Desert.” Starring Ewan MacGregor as both Jesus and “the Adversary” that Jesus encounters while on a desert trek, and is shot by Emmanuel Lubezki. Lubeski, known most recently for filming “Birdman” and “The Revenant,” is the first cinematographer… Read more about Director/Writer Rodrigo Garcia on “Last Days in the Desert”
Story of God w/ Morgan Freeman, Prince & Chimp Religion
I got to chat with the producer of National Geographic Channel’s “Story of God with Morgan Freeman,” James Younger about his new interfaith series about religion, faith and who/what we understand God to be. Having worked on various science TV series and worked with such “Hard News” outlets as the Associated Press, “Story of God… Read more about Story of God w/ Morgan Freeman, Prince & Chimp Religion
Tripp Fuller Hatching Awesome Jesuses. Jesii? Jesusii?
Tripp Fuller, the “Podfather” of the Homebrewed podcast network, is a busy little bee. When he’s not curating a ten-book series or hosting one of five or so regular podcasts, he works with this kind of revolutionary new theological education program out on Redondo Beach called The Hatchery? What is this communal think-tank-cum-seminary a few… Read more about Tripp Fuller Hatching Awesome Jesuses. Jesii? Jesusii?
(FIXED) From “None” to Activist Minister & Tales of Gastric Horror
(First version of this episode was corrupt. Please download and listen to this one instead.) WARNING: The second half of this show, though sophomoric and childish, has quite a bit of potentially kind-unfriendly language. When a child is captivated by TV evangelists but you’re not exactly a religious family, what do you do? In Elizabeth… Read more about (FIXED) From “None” to Activist Minister & Tales of Gastric Horror
Trump v Anonymous and Killing Jesus (Again)
Happy Good Friday! Umm, I mean…. Of course the day marking Jesus’ crucifixion ain’t exactly as fun as flowers, Easter hams and egg hunts, but it’s a necessary path to it. After all, there’s no resurrection – however you understand that – without it. In that light, we’re sharing an interview we first did last Easter… Read more about Trump v Anonymous and Killing Jesus (Again)
Apple vs FBI, Trans Sisters and President Romney
It’s the age-old “security-versus-freedom” debate that we’ve had i the U.S. since Jefferson, but everything changes when we introduce technology. Is it fair for the government to apply a 225-plus-year-old law to information on an iPhone? Do search warrants apply not only to getting access to the phone, but requiring the manufacturer break into it?… Read more about Apple vs FBI, Trans Sisters and President Romney
Talking Sex with Invisibilia’s Hanna Rosin
I’ve wanted to interview Hanna Rosin, host of NPR’s Invisibilia Podcast, contributor to/former editor of The Atlantic, writer for Slate and author of “The End of Men,” for a couple of years and I’m geeked out to get to share this conversation we had about and power. She, much like Malcolm Gladwell (another of my favorite… Read more about Talking Sex with Invisibilia’s Hanna Rosin
THE FINEST HOURS’ Producer Jim Whitaker, Star Wars Fails & Political Geekery
When the cohosts are away, Christian will play. Slim and Amy were out this week, so I decided to go solo. The main course of this week’s episode is my talk with co-producer of the new film, “The Finest Hours,” Jim Whitaker. He worked on “8 Mile,” “Thank You for Smoking” and many others, but… Read more about THE FINEST HOURS’ Producer Jim Whitaker, Star Wars Fails & Political Geekery
The Burns, Oregon Occupation with Public Radio’s John Sepulvado
After the tragic death of one of the occupiers at the nature preserve in Burns, Oregon and the arrest of several others, this interview I did with Oregon Public Broadcasting/National Public Radio’s John Sepulvado is particularly prescient. As he states in this interview, there seemed to be no way the Masher Preserve occupation wouldn’t end… Read more about The Burns, Oregon Occupation with Public Radio’s John Sepulvado
Cyber-Ethics, Star Wars-ing and the Trump Factor
I know, I know. Cyber-ethics may not sound that riveting on first blush, but from Wikileaks and Anonymous to your kids on Youtube and every time you swipe a credit card, cyber security is everywhere. And with that incredible power comes both the potential to use and abuse it. Kinda like chainsaws. Or Bibles. Anyway…… Read more about Cyber-Ethics, Star Wars-ing and the Trump Factor
No More Far-Aways and Bellybutton Death
This is a different show this week. First of all, apologies for the delay in release, as Amy and I (Christian) had to make an emergency trip to be with Papa Russ while he died. You’ll hear more about it in the show, actually. It’s a somewhat shorter and differently structured episode this week. For… Read more about No More Far-Aways and Bellybutton Death
Leroy Barber on Why Gentrification Sucks (Plus Paris and Pastafarians)
Most cities in the U.S. are experiencing a wave of re-urbanization. From high-rise condos to boutique groceries, it’s everywhere. What was old is becoming new. So why is that a bad thing? It ain’t necessarily, author, pastor and activist Leroy Barber explains this week. But the way we do it, he says, needs a major… Read more about Leroy Barber on Why Gentrification Sucks (Plus Paris and Pastafarians)
Kill rock Star’s Portia Sabin on How the Music Biz Ticks
If you listened last week, we talked it up with Hell’s Kitchen’s own Portia Sabin, daughter of an actor and casting director who set out on her own to, oh, I dunno…get a PhD in cultural anthropology from Columbia, start a management company, tour the country with her own band and then take over Kill… Read more about Kill rock Star’s Portia Sabin on How the Music Biz Ticks
Kill Rock Stars’ Portia Sabin, Social Capital and Election Day Haps
Christian sat down with Portia Sabin, head of Kill Rock Stars’ Records in their main office to hear her pretty amazing personal story. From growing up in Hell’s Kitchen to touring in her own band, doing post-doc work at Columbia and finally running a label, she has a life as exotic as her name. Plus… Read more about Kill Rock Stars’ Portia Sabin, Social Capital and Election Day Haps
Teenage Presidents, Comic Book Geekery and Man-spreading
We’re stoked to have our first creator and author of a comic book series as our guest this week. Mark Russell has joined us on an earlier show a long time ago to talk about his book, “God Is Disappointed In You,” illustrated by New Yorker cartoonist Shannon Wheeler. But now he’s the mastermind behind… Read more about Teenage Presidents, Comic Book Geekery and Man-spreading
Bestseller Emma Donoghue, ROOM the Movie and Hillary’s Back
I was really excited to get to interview author Emma Donoghue this week, author of the international bestseller and multiple award winning book, ROOM. She also worked with Director Lenny Abrahamsson (Frank, What Richard Did) to write the screenplay and tell such a gripping, moving story in just 90 minutes. The film, which also has… Read more about Bestseller Emma Donoghue, ROOM the Movie and Hillary’s Back
Religious Haters, Stunned Red-Staters and Pop Culture Raters
It took a few weeks for her to feel ready, but Amy finally opened up about the group of protesters that showed up outside our church a while back. They brought all the requisite “burn in hell” signs, disrupted worship, and even prayed for God to kill her and to send our kids to hell.… Read more about Religious Haters, Stunned Red-Staters and Pop Culture Raters
Eric Elnes, Spiritual Wellness and Free Stuff…Hell Yes!!!
We welcomed a good friend and colleague to Portland for a recent live CultureCast. Eric Elnes came to the Lucky Lab for a pint and to talk with us about his new book, “Gifts of the Dark Wood.” It’s a spiritual guidebook for what he calls “Soulful Skeptics.” I’m not sure, but I think it’s… Read more about Eric Elnes, Spiritual Wellness and Free Stuff…Hell Yes!!!
Christian Panders, Fundies for Sanders, Bible Slanders (cultureCast)
The CultureCast crew took a few minutes away from enjoying their waning days of Portland sunlight to drop some tracks this week, straight from their mouth-parts to your ear-pieces. Why did that sound gross? As if Christian doesn’t get enough time on the show, this week he took over the interview slot as well. Actually,… Read more about Christian Panders, Fundies for Sanders, Bible Slanders (cultureCast)
Romal Tune, Kim Davis Swoons and Slim Moons
To be clear, cohost Slim Moon totally didn’t take his pants off and show his butt on air; it just worked for the title. But since it’s a podcast we could also be lying. On the anniversary of 9/11 the CultureCastaways reflect on fourteen years since the attack on the Twin Towers and what it’s… Read more about Romal Tune, Kim Davis Swoons and Slim Moons
Outhouse Terrors, Fear Sharers, Soul Bearers (CultureCast LIVE pt 2 of 2)
In this second half of our live Homebrewed CultureCast from Marmoset Music in Portland, Oregon, we go from fears to laughs to group karaoke so fast it’ll make your ears spin. I mean, usually we’d say it makes your head spin, but you’re not watching it, just listening. So yaknow, it’s just the ears… What… Read more about Outhouse Terrors, Fear Sharers, Soul Bearers (CultureCast LIVE pt 2 of 2)
Wm. Paul Young, Del Phoena & Group Mad Libs (CultureCast LIVE, pt 1 of 2)
With live shows all along the east coast this summer, it was nice to head back to the left coast to wrap up our live summer series. And hey, while we’re at it, why not have on one of the bestselling authors of all time, Wm. Paul Young (THE SHACK) as our featured guest? Paul… Read more about Wm. Paul Young, Del Phoena & Group Mad Libs (CultureCast LIVE, pt 1 of 2)
Sex, Satire and Subversion (Homebrewed CultureCast)
Screw rhyming titles this week; we’re going full-on alliteration! That’s how nerdy we are (mic drop…picks up mic to keep talking in type form, awkwardly apologizing for feedback from prior mic drop). Anyhoo… We’ll take you to the mountains and valleys in this episode, friends. For starters, we have one of our co-producers, Adam Phillips,… Read more about Sex, Satire and Subversion (Homebrewed CultureCast)
The Iran Nuclear Debate (Homebrewed CultureCast Special Episode)
Usually we’re content to talk pop culture, a little news and some theology sprinkled with anatomical humor and the like, but this one goes out to all the geeks in the podcast tribe who like digging down into sticky topics and really think them out. This special episode is entirely dedicated to a debate facilitated… Read more about The Iran Nuclear Debate (Homebrewed CultureCast Special Episode)
The DOC gets Scattered, Smothered & Covered LIVE
  This is second sold out live show from the Disciples of Christ General Assembly in Columbus Ohio. It was a spectacular evening and some it was recorded. What wasn’t recorded was taking our guest Andy on his first trip to Waffle House. In this episode you will get… * Adam Phillips & Andy Goebel shall be in the… Read more about The DOC gets Scattered, Smothered & Covered LIVE
A Live Podcast Explosion from Columbus Ohio
Come see Wm. Paul Young LIVE as part of the upcoming Homebrewed CultureCast show at Marmoset Music in Portland, OR August 13th. Get your tickets HERE while they’re still available. Prepare yourself for an audiological explosion of monumental proportions. This is the first night of HBC\CultureCast excitement at the Disciples of Christ General Assembly in… Read more about A Live Podcast Explosion from Columbus Ohio
Wild Goose Squawks, Gungor Rocks, Bald Brothers Talk (CultureCast LIVE)
Live shows are always a blast, but the LIVE CultureCast at Wild Goose festival was a new kinda awesome. First, we chatted with Lisa Gungor about everything from their new three-album project to being judged by fundie fans and the challenge that was 2014 (hint: album one in the three-album set, “This Wild Life,” was… Read more about Wild Goose Squawks, Gungor Rocks, Bald Brothers Talk (CultureCast LIVE)
Racist Flags, Greece Sags, Jurassic Drags (CultureCast)
Hey, wait a minute. This podcast has always been a low-rent, seat-of-the-pants kinda thing. And now it’s getting all fancy and crap. Guess all the monumental fame and fortune of podcasting (ahem) is going to their heads. Actually, it’s just what happens when you bring on someone like John, a former podcast producer for CNN… Read more about Racist Flags, Greece Sags, Jurassic Drags (CultureCast)
Hacker’s Survival Guide, Charleston’s Hopeful Side, Obama’s Speech Divides (CultureCast)
CultureCast cohost Christian Piatt is a geek when it comes to tech stuff. From gadgets to all things virtual, he’ll talk himself some ones and zeroes until the Minecraft cows come home. This week, our guest is professional hacker Mike Collins, who explains everything from Cyberterrorism to Silk Road, the Dark Web and why your… Read more about Hacker’s Survival Guide, Charleston’s Hopeful Side, Obama’s Speech Divides (CultureCast)
Tony Jones, Republican Drones and Santorum Versus Rome (Homebrewed CultureCast)
Could it be? Are the CultureCasters back on the horse after a two-part live extravaganza, more more miles than a presidential primary candidate and more excuses than, um, well…a presidential primary candidate? Yessir/ma’am. We’re back and on track, for tha reelz. For the first episode after the live gig, we’ve got Tony Jones talking about… Read more about Tony Jones, Republican Drones and Santorum Versus Rome (Homebrewed CultureCast)
Something to Like, Believe…and FEAR (CultureCast LIVE Pt. 2 of 2)
Be afraid…be very afraid… No, wait. Don’t do that. That’s Amy Piatt’s job. How about just checking out part two of the awesome LIVE Homebrewed CultureCast instead? We dispensed with all the serious stuff in the first half (if you didn’t check that out yet, CLICK HERE), so now it’s time for a new segment,… Read more about Something to Like, Believe…and FEAR (CultureCast LIVE Pt. 2 of 2)
CultureCast LIVE (pt. 1 of 2): Chalke, Pagitt, Horse Feathers, Heatherlyn…and Beer
Are you sitting down? Good, cause this show is pretty sure to rock your shorts clean off. And if you’re at a coffeeshop, goofing off at work or the like that could be a little awkward. But Christian, you ask, pray tell why this show would rock me out of my clothes more so than… Read more about CultureCast LIVE (pt. 1 of 2): Chalke, Pagitt, Horse Feathers, Heatherlyn…and Beer
Worship How-Tos, Franklin Graham Blues and New Tattoos (CultureCast)
I tell ya, one week without our cohost Slim Moon around and it all turns to chaos. Well, not really, but we missed him this week. Sitting in for him is our buddy, Rev. Adam Phillips, pastor of the much-publicized Christ Church Portland, who got kicked out of the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination for being too… Read more about Worship How-Tos, Franklin Graham Blues and New Tattoos (CultureCast)
“The Shack’s” Wm. Paul Young: Where’s God When…
It’s official; the Piatt household has been declared a biohazard zone. With three of the four of the Piatt clan beaten down by a spring sickness, cohost Slim Moon wisely opted to keep his distance. But dammit, we have an interview just too good to wait, so Amy and Christian muscled through, tissue and drugs… Read more about “The Shack’s” Wm. Paul Young: Where’s God When…
Interviewing Haaz Sleiman: Muslim Star of “Killing Jesus”
Lots of people know about the new movie, “Killing Jesus,” premiering on Nat Geo Channel on Palm Sunday. Most everyone who has heard about it has strong feelings about it, given that it’s based – at least sort of – on the book of the same name by Bill O’Reilly. Some folks are abuzz about… Read more about Interviewing Haaz Sleiman: Muslim Star of “Killing Jesus”
Philip Clayton interview CultureCast with Christian, Amy, and Slim
Amy, Christian, and Slim are up to their hijinks again. Most importantly, they decide once and for all – Which is cooler, Star Trek or Star Wars? Is it a good thing that J.J. Abrams is directing Star Wars VII? Christian has a timely interview of Philip Clayton to discuss his new books The Predicament of… Read more about Philip Clayton interview CultureCast with Christian, Amy, and Slim
Sara Miles CultureCast
Back in the saddle, getting back to a weekly schedule, many important questions are answered. For instance: Does Amy really eat human poop powder? Does repentance mean you have to feel like shit? What words with baggage can be reclaimed? Christian announces the CultureCast’s first live event at 6pm April 28th at Marmoset in Portland,… Read more about Sara Miles CultureCast
Broken Covenants, Killing Rock Stars and Cask-Strength Fears
Well kids, we’ve got good news and bad news… On a sad note, we bid a fond farewell to Andy Campbell, who is taking leave to focus on his family and his awesome new gig as a professor at George Fox. He has been a great partner and friend of the show, and he has… Read more about Broken Covenants, Killing Rock Stars and Cask-Strength Fears
HBC21 Live Event
The Culture-Cast and TNT team up for a rowdy LIVE 3D event at C21 in Phoenix, AZ We want to thank everyone who came out and made this evening so memorable. Philips Theological Seminary was our sponsor this evening – and rocked the swag! The episode starts on a negative note but has a trajectory… Read more about HBC21 Live Event
Charlie Hebdo, NAACP Bombing, SELMA, and…Naked Yoga?
New year, new office(s)… The HBCultureCast crew occupy a new recording space, Amy talks about a big change she recently made, yet other things haven’t changed. 2015 is off to a rough start with the massacre of a dozen people at the French satire magazine “Charlie Hebdo” and a bombing at the NAACP office in Colorado Springs.… Read more about Charlie Hebdo, NAACP Bombing, SELMA, and…Naked Yoga?
A.J. Jacobs, Sony, Summer Camps, & Semi-Nude Skyping
After a, um, hiatus of sorts Christian, Amy, and Andy are back to talk about all things important… like summer camp for asthmatics, Beer and Hymns protests, and semi-nude Skype conversations. This episode’s interview is with A.J. Jacobs – author, journalist, lecturer and human guinea pig. He has written four New York Times bestsellers, including The Year… Read more about A.J. Jacobs, Sony, Summer Camps, & Semi-Nude Skyping
Beer, Hymns, Protesters and PostChristian in Tulsa? Oh yeah.
On Christian’s recent “postChristian” book tour stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he caused quite a stir. No, folks weren’t distressed by his claims of the decline of Christian empire, or his challenges to the religious powers that be… They were up in arms about serving 3.2 percent beer in (GASP!) church. The weekend culminated in a… Read more about Beer, Hymns, Protesters and PostChristian in Tulsa? Oh yeah.
PostChristian Piatt Fun!
Christian Piatt of the Homebrewed CultureCast was recently in SoCal to hang with Tripp Fuller and talk about his new book PostChristian: What’s left? Can we fix? Do we care? They were joined by Bart Campolo, Peter Rollins and Benjamin Cory to talk about the implications of moving on. Imagine this as an a living room… Read more about PostChristian Piatt Fun!
Lederach’s Peace Train…And Coloring with Satan! (CultureCast)
This week on the CultureCast, we welcome special guest John Paul Lederach, international peace activist and negotiator, and author of the popular nonviolence book, “Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians” this book, just reissued with a new foreword from Bill and Lynne Hybels, tells amazing stories, like when rebels groups in central America threatened to… Read more about Lederach’s Peace Train…And Coloring with Satan! (CultureCast)
Ray Rice, Driscoll on Ice and ISIS’ Rise
It seems this episode is dedicated to all the bad boys out there. Not that we planned it, but between talking about the Ray Rice abuse scandal, Mark Driscoll being on the outs with Mars Hill (and every woman on the planet) and our interview with photojournalist Gregg Brekke, who just got back from Northern… Read more about Ray Rice, Driscoll on Ice and ISIS’ Rise
Stupid Quizzes, CCM Missives and Homebrewed Blisses
Yeah, the title’s a stretch. So what? This week’s episode is all Everyday Sunday, all the time. We hung out with Trey and Carter from the uber-popstar band both at Wild Goose (yes, there’s more you haven’t heard yet) and in the garage at Amy and Christian’s place while they were in Oregon for a… Read more about Stupid Quizzes, CCM Missives and Homebrewed Blisses
postChristian, Puberty, and Putin
This week’s show runs a bit long, but it’s chock full of such good stuff! Like, why do you get sunburned when you go skiing? Amy knows the answer, and it might surprise you… What’s a “keezer” and why are Andy and Christian so geeked out about it? Hear Christian and Amy pile on Andy for… Read more about postChristian, Puberty, and Putin
Homebrewed Wet & Wild at the Goose
Micky Getting Animated Wild Goose 2014 was a seriously wet podcast. Despite the rain we had a blast thanks to Phillips Theological Seminary who sponsored the beer steins for brews & John Vest who smoked some yummy BBQ pork. This is just a 55 minute sample of the 2 hours of excitement. Tripp, Amy, Micky,… Read more about Homebrewed Wet & Wild at the Goose
Jonathan Merritt, Bagel Thins, and Social Media No-Nos
Well, the crew is back together in sunny Oregon after various trips to the east coast. They pick up right where they left off. Christian complains about Bagel Thins (“They’re really just less convenient bread…) and the ridiculous economics of eggs. Andy shares the ethics of his becoming a vegetarian. Amy brags about her and… Read more about Jonathan Merritt, Bagel Thins, and Social Media No-Nos
Frank Schaeffer on Art, Music, Irony, and Satire
The HBCC crew is back down to three as Jess the Intern and Philip the Page are movin’ on up. Christian, Amy, and Andy hold down the fort, though. Today’s show features an interview with artist, author, film director, theologian, and all-around badass, Frank Schaeffer. He has a new book out, Why I am an Atheist… Read more about Frank Schaeffer on Art, Music, Irony, and Satire
F-Bombs, Baptized by Palin, Sad ‘Ole Sterling
Amy starts the show off by talking about F-Bombs left and right. In the echo chamber, the crew discusses Sarah Palin’s recent statement at an NRA rally that waterboarding is how Americans would “baptize” terrorists, were she in charge. This leads into a discussion on the death of Christian hegemony and whether or not labels… Read more about F-Bombs, Baptized by Palin, Sad ‘Ole Sterling
Exploding Whales, Quiverfull Scandals and Scary Russians (CultureCast)
Yes, we’re late on getting this post-Easter show out. Whaddaya want, your money back? As we try to recover from our collective post-Easter hangovers, the topics range from stomach-turning in the gross sense to stomach turning in the scary sense. Nothing like variety! Andy quizzes the CultureCast team on the best way to remove a… Read more about Exploding Whales, Quiverfull Scandals and Scary Russians (CultureCast)
Heartbleed, Holy Chickens, and Hancocks (CultureCast)
Amy shows off her yodeling and confesses that she and Christian *might* have a problem with Candy Crush. In the echo chamber, the Andy talks about the Heartbleed internet security flaw and why maybe you should hold off on changing all your passwords. The crew talks about how Chick-Fil-A may be getting back into their… Read more about Heartbleed, Holy Chickens, and Hancocks (CultureCast)
Lobster Hands, World Vision and Raising Babies (CultureCast)
Jess the Intern and Philip the Page show off their costuming skills for Zoe’s play, Christian talks about his new job with Crowd Scribed, and Amy can’t remember her Fear of the Week… again. I guess the world just isn’t nearly as scary as it used to be? In the echo chamber, the crew discusses… Read more about Lobster Hands, World Vision and Raising Babies (CultureCast)
Sneaky Televangelists, Fred Phelps is Dead, and a Glut of God Flicks
This week we are honored to have NPR Religion Correspondent John Burnett return to the show to talk about his nvestigative series on televangelists and fiscal transparency: Can a Television Network be a Church? The IRS Says Yes. You may remember that John first appeared on the Culture Cast last year when he was in Portland… Read more about Sneaky Televangelists, Fred Phelps is Dead, and a Glut of God Flicks
Malaysia, Marriage and Measles! (CultureCast)
We continue our time-tested tradition on the Homebrewed Christianity CultureCast about taking completely unrelated topics, digging into them, making a smart-ass joke and then pretty much leaving a bunch of loose ends when we’re all done. And you listen to this because… We talk this week about the Malaysian airliner that’s been missing for some… Read more about Malaysia, Marriage and Measles! (CultureCast)
Cool Weed, Cold Wars, Smokin’ Apps and Hot Messes
Sometimes we just talk so damn much, there’s no time for an interview. This happens to be one of those weeks… With Sanjay Gupta re-upping his stance on Medical Marijuana, Vladimir Putin slignin’ his weight around in Ukraine, Millennials smashin cultural trends, Lent in full swing, tons of apps and shows to recommend and a… Read more about Cool Weed, Cold Wars, Smokin’ Apps and Hot Messes
Education’s Broken, Walmart Needs Welfare, but Somehow Everything is Awesome: Culture Cast
This week Amy looks to Entertainment Weekly’s “Bulls Eye” for culture and then outs Philip’s deprived, candy-less upbringing. Andy Campbell sits in for Jordan and talks about pasta makers, bottling homebrew, and growing up with diabetic brothers. In the Echo Chamber, Christian offers his thoughts on reforming high school education and whether or not industry-specific… Read more about Education’s Broken, Walmart Needs Welfare, but Somehow Everything is Awesome: Culture Cast
Corporate Shills, Sex Sells and Someone’s Week Sucks
The episode starts off with Christian recounting what could well be his worst week ever since entering into adulthood. It’s actually so crappy, it would be funny…that is, if Christian wasn’t the one writing this. Laugh it up, fun boys. We check in on the progress of the homebrew that Andy Campbell and Christian started… Read more about Corporate Shills, Sex Sells and Someone’s Week Sucks
V-Day Bourbon Corner (CultureCast Mini-Sode)
What goes better with Valentine’s Day than a nice glass of bourbon? Forget the chocolates and frilly cards; join us for a glass of your favorite whiskey and catch up bourbon value buys, bourbon tasting and a bit of bourbon culture and history. Christian Piatt and Patrick DonVito break it down this week over a… Read more about V-Day Bourbon Corner (CultureCast Mini-Sode)
Homebrew, Ham (Ken, that is) and Haim (CultureCast)
After weeks of planning, we finally sat down with brewmaster-slash-theologian Andy Campbell to homebrew a batch of beer. He takes us step-by-step through the process and helps Christian brew his first-ever batch of pale ale. Now, pretty much all Christian does is sit in his office and watch the yeast make bubbles. One…two…three… Jordan’s also… Read more about Homebrew, Ham (Ken, that is) and Haim (CultureCast)
God is Disappointed in You! (CultureCast)
This week, we welcome Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler, author and illustrator, respectively, of the book, “God is Disappointed in You.” If you’ve ever found it tedious to plow through all 66 books of the Bible, this humorously irreverent digest is a great starting point. It’s worth it, if for nothing other than the circumcision… Read more about God is Disappointed in You! (CultureCast)
Art > Religion? Plus Biometrics, Super Bowl and Bieber (CultureCast)
We’re packing in the content this week. Our first guest is a musical duo, Bettman and Halpin, from out of Denver. They did a gig recently with Christian on his trip to Colorado and the three of them hit it off. Check out clips from their new album, “Diamond,” and hear their thoughts on how… Read more about Art > Religion? Plus Biometrics, Super Bowl and Bieber (CultureCast)
We’re BAAAAaaaack (Homebrewed CultureCast)
It’s been a while, but the CultureCast crew is back in action. Jordan, Christian, Amy and Jess the Intern set up and knock down all the stuff that’s been going down in our lives and in the cultural landscape in our absence. Or at least a few things we found compelling enough to distract us… Read more about We’re BAAAAaaaack (Homebrewed CultureCast)
CultureCast: Movies, the Week in Whiteness & Doug Pagitt
The CultureCast crew is on hiatus for a while so the HomeBrewed crew decided to change it up and put out a culture cast as an early Christmas present! First up is Callid and Bo talking about 5 movies coming out this holiday season: American Hustle Anchor Man 2 The Wolf of Wallstreet The Secret… Read more about CultureCast: Movies, the Week in Whiteness & Doug Pagitt
Richard Cizik, Christian Hegemony and Yogurt’s Feelings
We’re stoked to finally have Richard Cizik, co-founder of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good and former Vice President at the National Evangelical Association, on the show. He spent nearly three decades at the NAE until he became a wee bit too tolerant of the gays and concerned about the earth. Cizik talks about… Read more about Richard Cizik, Christian Hegemony and Yogurt’s Feelings
Creepy Sexy Babies, Doing Death Right, and Fresh Hop Beer
First, we want to welcome the inimitable Andy Campbell, who is sitting in for Jordan Green while he attends to family matters. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Green family during this difficult time. We cover a lot of ground in this edition of the culture cast. In the echo chamber, we let Amy… Read more about Creepy Sexy Babies, Doing Death Right, and Fresh Hop Beer
Bad Government, Good Food and Fall TV-Palooza (Commando CultureCast #3)
Our guest for this week unexpectedly fell through, so you get a full dose of Christian, Amy and Jordan this time. We start out by taking it to our esteemed legislators in D.C. for their inability to get along with others as well as we expect by four-year-old daughter to behave. And after a fairly… Read more about Bad Government, Good Food and Fall TV-Palooza (Commando CultureCast #3)
Amanda Bast on Appreciating the Present, the Fear of Terrorism vs. Spiders, and Two Books You Should Read Immediately
This episode has been in the hopper for a bit, so don’t be mad at us for talking about 9/11 and flooding in Colorado. We start things off strong with a discussion of which gender and sexual orientation is best to get compliments from, an appearance from the famous Mattias Piatt, who provides some advice… Read more about Amanda Bast on Appreciating the Present, the Fear of Terrorism vs. Spiders, and Two Books You Should Read Immediately
Snake Handlers, NPR Geek-Outs and White Power (CultureCast)
We’re honored and more than a little geeked out of our skin this week to have John Burnett, Religion Correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR in the biz, yo) as our guest. John was in Portland doing a story on our Beer and Hymns and about singer/songwriter Josh Garrels, so I roped him into sitting… Read more about Snake Handlers, NPR Geek-Outs and White Power (CultureCast)
Tony Kriz, Killer Bees and Women in Prison
This week, Christian sits down with Tony Kriz (AKA, Tony the Beat Poet from Blue Like Jazz) to talk about his new book, Neighbors and Wise Men. They also break down a brief history of the Acts 29 network, and Tony Explains how and when Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill and Imago Dei went in very… Read more about Tony Kriz, Killer Bees and Women in Prison
Everyday Sunday, Breaking Bad and Hot Toddlers
This week, we’re featuring an interview that Christian did with Trey Pearson, front man for the band, Everyday Sunday. Trey and Christian chatted it up at the recent Wild Goose Festival, talking mainly about why a guy who has sold hundreds of thousands of records and landed scads of number-one songs within the Contemporary Christian… Read more about Everyday Sunday, Breaking Bad and Hot Toddlers
Zimmerman, Women in Prison and POOL SHARKS!!!
This week the CultureCast crew welcomes Micky Jones, the analogy correspondent for the Homebrewed family’s Theology Nerd Throwdown show. She helps us break down the George Zimmerman verdict and brings some actual thought to an otherwise sophomoric lollapalooza. Speaking of sophomoric, Christian lets off a little steam – quite literally – right in the middle… Read more about Zimmerman, Women in Prison and POOL SHARKS!!!
Exodus International’s Alan Chambers, Edward Snowden and Pussy Riot
This week the CultureCast Crew Gets both timely and topical when they welcome Alan Chambers, director of the organization Exodus International has been making headlines past few weeks. Chambers talks through his public apology Christian, explains why he says he is still proud of the work the organization has done, talks about the planned closure… Read more about Exodus International’s Alan Chambers, Edward Snowden and Pussy Riot
The NSA, the End of DOMA, Filibusters, and Don Draper
We have all sorts of stuff to discuss this week, and with Amy sidelined due to carousing, Christian and I tackled it all alone. Okay, not entirely alone. We bring back Mike Collins, the hacker extraordinaire who explained Bitcoin a few months ago, to discuss Edward Snowden, the intelligence analyst who’s currently hiding out from… Read more about The NSA, the End of DOMA, Filibusters, and Don Draper
Jay Bakker, Exodus International, and Twitter Wars Between Patton Oswalt and a Youth Pastor
We don’t usually drink while recording the podcast since it’s usually morning. But this was late afternoon this time, so we all sipped some Great Divide Oak-Aged Yeti and some Fire Mountain Summer IPA. Things…get a little sloppy. I won’t give too much away, but some violence ensued, and it’s all captured on tape. You… Read more about Jay Bakker, Exodus International, and Twitter Wars Between Patton Oswalt and a Youth Pastor
Non-Asian Asians, Obama’s Bobbles and the NSA
This week, as the rest of the country swelters, the CultureCast crew complain about the cool, overcast weather in Portland. Hey, everybody has to gripe about something, right? Our guest for the episode is Bruce Reyes-Chow, returning to the show for another go-round. This time he discusses his new book, “But I Don’t See You… Read more about Non-Asian Asians, Obama’s Bobbles and the NSA
Frank Schaeffer, Arrested Development, and the Red Wedding
This week we welcome the great Frank Schaeffer to discuss modern art, the fight against human trafficking, and why we aren’t outraged about tech companies Frank compares to “modern day slave ships”. It’s an illuminating discussion, and it goes long because everything Frank was saying was awesome. Later, Amy is afraid of drowning, so none… Read more about Frank Schaeffer, Arrested Development, and the Red Wedding
Convergence Christianity, Dental Phobias and Gay Cakes (CultureCast)
Okay, who spiked the CultureCast punch with Aderall? These guys are all over the map today…hey look, shiny! This week we dig around in the gray matter of Eric Elnes, pastor of the online faith community Darkwood Brew, author of the Phoenix Affirmations (and many other books), and most recently, prophet and advocate for what… Read more about Convergence Christianity, Dental Phobias and Gay Cakes (CultureCast)
Patheos CEO Leo Brunnick, Dental Drama & Playing Doctor (CultureCast)
This week we settle in with Patheos co-founder and CEO, Leo Brunnick to talk about how one goes about taking an idea sketched on a cocktail napkin to being one of the biggest interfaith websites in the world. Sadly, we got no leads on magic words or fairy dust; just lots of hard work and… Read more about Patheos CEO Leo Brunnick, Dental Drama & Playing Doctor (CultureCast)
Stephanie Drury, Overly Religious Bakers, Portland is Evil, and Cheerleaders
After a two week recording hiatus, the gang is back together, and Amy starts everything off with a harrowing story of survival and triumph of the human spirit at a female pastor’s retreat. Our guest this week is the very funny Stephanie Drury who blogs at Stuff Christian Culture Likes and also runs @FakeDriscoll on Twitter.… Read more about Stephanie Drury, Overly Religious Bakers, Portland is Evil, and Cheerleaders
CultureCast: Game Church, Jason Collins and Driscoll
Our guest this week is Drew Dixon, the editor-in-chief of GameChurch.com. Drew talks to us about video games, and their value within faith and culture. Later, in the Echo Chamber, the gang discusses Jason Collins, the first NBA player to come out of the closet. Then we talk about Mark Driscoll, and his latest controversy,… Read more about CultureCast: Game Church, Jason Collins and Driscoll
Bitcoin, Doritos Locos Tacos, and the Best Strip Club Review You’ll Ever Hear
Is Bitcoin the one-world currency mentioned in the Book of Revelation? Are vegan strip clubs as good as advertised? Are Doritos Locos Tacos delicious? Is Amy Piatt having a bad week? Find out, on this week’s episode of the CultureCast! This is a different show than we’ve ever done. For one, we recorded outside. For… Read more about Bitcoin, Doritos Locos Tacos, and the Best Strip Club Review You’ll Ever Hear
Jim Wallis Returns and the Worst Week in America
Not to get all braggy here, but this episode is pretty great. First, we have our first return guest, and it’s one of our best: Jim Wallis. Christian moderated a discussion with Jim at Powell’s Books last week. I swear, Jim Wallis is incapable of saying uninteresting things. What an honor to have him back… Read more about Jim Wallis Returns and the Worst Week in America