Podcast Archives - Call Upon The Lord
Podcast Archives - Call Upon The Lord
With Bible Teacher: Cory Wiggington
The Great Story – Week 21: The Wall Rebuilt
When Ezra returned to Jerusalem, he found the people there had once again turned away from God. They had taken foreign wives and were worshipping their gods. This was the same offense that caused the original exile to Babylon. Seeing their sin, Ezra called upon the leaders of Jews to repent. In accordance with the Will and Law of God, they did.
Nehemiah was a cup-bearer for the king of Persia when he asked permission to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. The King agreed and gave him the authorit
The Great Story – Week 20: Esther
God had a plan for Esther. His Providence is on display throughout the book bearing her name. Esther replaced Vashti as queen of Persia after the latter refused to obey the command of King Xerxes. Even in this pagan kingdom, … Continue reading →
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The Great Story – Week 19: The Return
After 70 years of captivity, the punishment of the Israelites had come to an end. As Isaiah had prophesied, King Cyrus was the instrument of God and commanded that the Jews return to their homeland. The Jews were to return back to Judah, back to Jerusalem, and rebuild the Temple of God.
Even with this decree, not all of the Jews left Israel. After 70 years, it had become the home to the few survivors who remembered Judah and it had always been home to a majority of the Jewish population. When Ze
The Great Story – Week 18: The Exile and Daniel
Daniel was a loyal and humble servant of the Lord. In all that he did, he followed the Law of God first, then the law of men. Ezekiel even named him alongside Noah and Job in speaking of the most righteous men in Hebrew history. God blessed Daniel in all that he did.
Daniel was deported to Babylon when he was only 15 years old. God blessed him along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. This was due, at least in part, to the fact they alone kept the dietary restrictions to which the Israelites we
The Great Story – Week 17: Judah Destroyed
Judah was just as idolatrous and evil as Israel. Even though King Hezekiah destroyed the altars dedicated to foreign gods and turned Judah back to the worship of the one, true God, the nation would soon turn away again. Under … Continue reading →
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The Great Story – Week 16: The Fall And A Good King
The Northern Kingdom never had a good ruler. Starting with their first king, Jeroboam, Israel had embraced idols and the worship of false gods. Their actions violated the covenant that their fathers had made with God. When Hoshea came to power, the end had arrived. The hedge of protection had been removed from Israel.
Hoshea began his reign by becoming a vassal to the Assyrian King and promising to pay tribute. However, when he achieved a military alliance with Egypt, Hoshea stopped paying tribu
The Great Story – Week 15: Elijah and Elisha
The Kingdoms were split. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was on a path toward destruction. Each new king was more evil than the one before him. They had forgotten the Lord their God. When King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, came to power, they officially sanctioned the worship of Baal by building an altar to him in Samaria. The end would come soon, but not before God would show His mercy and give His people another chance.
Elijah was a great man of God. The Lord allowed Elijah to work great miracles
The Great Story – Week 14: The Two Kingdoms (1 Kings 11-14)
The Kingdom was to be torn apart. Because of the sin of Solomon, God had promised that the Kingdom would be ripped away from the son of Solomon. Only the tribe of Judah would remain to the house of David.
Jeroboam was selected by God to be the king of the northern ten tribes of Israel. The Lord promised him that if he would just follow the Commandments and Statutes of God then his house would be built just as David’s house was. When Rehoboam ignored the pleas of the people and swore to make thei
The Great Story – Week 13: Ruth (Ruth 01-04)
Elimelech and Naomi traveled to Moab from Israel to avoid a famine in the land. They along with their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion would be in Moab for 10 years. During that time, their sons married, Mahlon to Ruth and Chilion to Orpah. Unfortunately, Elimelech, Mahlon, and Chilion all died, leaving their wives widowed.
Naomi implored Ruth and Orpah to return to their homeland and their gods as she would not be able to offer them new husbands. While Orpah went away, Ruth stayed saying, “…your pe
The Great Story – Week 12: King Solomon (1 Kings 01-11)
Solomon was greatly blessed by God. Living in David’s legacy, he began his rule by following the commandments and statues of God. For this reason, God gave him wisdom, honor, and riches.
Solomon ruled during the most prosperous time in the history of Israel. David had expanded the kingdom during his reign through warfare, and Solomon extended his influence further through treaties. Israel was a center for trade and they had peace along all their borders. The riches of Solomon outshone every othe