Waiting for Doom
Waiting For Doom
Mike and Paul doomsplain everyones favourite superhero team, the Doom Patrol!
DCOCD 64 - Dark Crisis
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
Every Crisis has been building to this new Crisis, and what’s different about this one? It’s Darker than the others!!!
The Justice League are dead and the Great Darkness is finally making it’s move on the DC Universe through it’s possessed pawn Deathstroke. And what’s up with Pariah? He’s stopped crying and it looks like the worst news for o
DCOCD 63 - Flashpoint Beyond
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
The darkly violent Flashpoint universe is somehow back and no one is more surprised than Thomas Wayne who decides to do everything in his power to wipe out that reality to save his son. But why is Bruce in the main DC Universe staking everything on his failure?
Paul is joined by first-time guest DC DAVE and the always sparkling LAUREL of the
The Gary Show 14
Mike and Paul tackle the all the important topics…
00;30 Dabbling in Magic
08:30 The Blind Madman of Brisbane
11:30 Frogger but with a dog
14:00 Art for your neighbours
16:00 Vamping
17:00 Funerals and weddings
22:00 Heroescon via Philly
29:20 Very Statler & Waldorf
30:30 Batman 89 in 24
33:15 More vamping
34:00 30 years of Waiting for Doom
35:00 Cat medicine
38:30 The Brew Crew explainer
Original broadcast date: 2 September 2024
DCOCD 62 - War For Earth-3
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
Amanda Waller is scheming and plotting all the way to the alternate reality where evil reigns supreme, EARTH-3. Her plan involves manipulating and blackmailing former allies and a daring heist from the Flash Museum. Will it all makes sense in the end? Not exactly.
Paul is joined by his podcasting life-partner MIKE GARVEY and the Sports in Co
DCOCD 61 - Shadow War
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
The assassination of Ra’s al Ghul puts Deathstroke and Talia on a collision course, but are they just pawns in someone else’s game? Yes, yes they are.
Paul is joined by two stalwarts of the Wright On Network podcast channel, AJ WRIGHT and TIM PRICE to discuss, critique, praise and ultimately rate and rank this event.
This event is led by JOS
Episode 193: Proudly Honouring the Past with Joe Corallo!
Mike and Paul return to chat more Doom Patrol (surprise!) as well as catch up with our guest Joe Corallo, about a special upcoming release from DC Comics!
Doom News - 5:30
Doom Clock – 11:52
Doomsplaining - 20:00 - We chat with Joe Corallo about his new story in the upcoming 'DC Pride: A Celebration of Rachel Pollack' release, which honours Rachel's legacy!
Mailbag O Doom - 42:28
If you'd like to support the show, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee page to donate: https://www.buymeacoffee
Dial F for Flanger 26 - JLApril 2024 JLApe Gorilla Warfare part 8 - Martian Manhunter Annual 2
Flanger is joined by Martian Manhunter super-fan Diabolu Frank to conclude #JLApril2024
The boys are looking at Martian Manhunter Annual 2 from 1999 which is part 8. the final chapter of JLAPE GORILLA WARFARE. The issue is by Len Kaminski, Gus Vasquez, Claude St Aubin, Mark Probst, Carla Feeny, Kurt Hathaway, edited by Dan Raspler and an epic cover by Arthur Adams.
Follow along with all the podcasts participating in the JLApril crossover by searching #JLApril2024 on social media,
Please leave an
Dial F For Flanger 25 JLApril 2024 Gorilla Warfare part 5 Aquaman Annual 5
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
Flanger is joined by comic reviewer Martin Gray to continue #JLApril2024
The boys are looking at AQUAMAN Annual 5 from 1999 which is part 5 of JLAPE GORILLA WARFARE. The issue is by John Ostrander, MD Bright, Dick Giordano, Alex Bleyart, Rob Ro, Janice Chiang with edits by Harvey Cho and Kevin Dooley with another aqua-ape-tastic cover by Arthur Adams.
Follow along with all the podcasts participating in the JLApril crossover by searching #JLApril2024 on so
Dial F for Flanger 24 JLApril 2024 Gorilla Warfare part 1 JLA Annual 3
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
Flanger is joined by Big Tim Stiles just in time for the start of #JLApril2024
Firstly, Tim wants everyone to know about his Big Gorilla Giveaway, then the boys get stuck into covering JLA Annual 3 from 1999 which is the first part of JLAPE GORILLA WARFARE by Len Kaminski, Jason Orfalas, Jordi Ensign, Jason Wright, Kurt Hatherway, Dan Raspler with an ape-tastic cover by Arthur Adams.
Big Tim is the comic creator of the multi award-winning comic series GOR
DCOCD 60 - Trial of the Amazons
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
The unification of three Amazonian tribes is disrupted by murder in this 2022 event TRIAL OF THE AMAZONS.
Paul is joined by twin wonder boys of TOM PANARESE and DIABOLU FRANK to discuss, critique, praise and ultimately rate and rank this event.
DCOCD 59 - Fear State
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
The nightmare vision of Gotham City we saw in Future State is coming true in this 2021 event FEAR STATE.
After the destruction of Arkham Asylum and the framing of the Bat-Family, billionaire Simon Saint uses the SCARECROW and MIRACLE MOLLY of the UNSANITY COLLECTIVE to force the Mayor to authorise armoured Peacekeeper and Magistrate forces t
Episode 192 - Done Patrol (At This Stage)
It's just Fred now. Listening parties. Minutes of vomiting. Rock and roll shows on school nights. Avoiding the inevitable. Using your brain, or not. The Character Find Of The Year: Team Religious Man! Butts from The Machine?!? Dwell not in bitterness. It's our most recent episode yet!
Doom News - Nope!
Doom Clock – 8:37
Doomsplaining - 23:17 - We discuss our thoughts, feelings and the general vibe of the final episodes of Season 4 of the Doom Patrol TV show!
Mailbag O Doom - 55:14
If yo
Dial F for Flanger 23 Best of the DC Universe Infinite App
Paul is joined by the Irredeemable Shag to discuss how they're enjoying the DC Universe Infinite comics app. They'll discuss costs, benefits, how they're using it today and a tonne of recommendations:
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight
The Flash by Jeremy Adams
Stargirl: The Lost children
Robin by Joshua Williamson
Future State
Wonder Girl (Yara Flor)
Monkey Prince
Superman: Space Age
Far Sector
Superman's Pal: Jimmy Olsen
Wonder Twins
Batman: The Adventure Continues
Batman: The Detec
Episode 191 - Not Fading Away in 2024
It’s a new year and Mike and Paul return to continue the never ending love for the Doom Patrol. This episode they share their feelings about the passing of KEITH GIFFEN and discuss the lovebomb which is the ROBOTMAN story from the GHOULS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN anthology. Buckle up and jump on the roller coaster as we ride into 2024.
Doom News - 3:10
Doom Clock – 8:00
Doomsplaining - 14:40 - We discuss Robotman in NOT FADE AWAY by Alex Galer, Fábio Vera’s, John Rauch and Ferran Delgado from the
Episode 190: Butcher, Baker...
Mike and Paul return to your ears, discussing the finale of Unstoppable Doom Patrol! Is this the end of the Doom Patrol, or are they momentarily...stopped?! TUNE IN TO FIND OUT, HUGE IF TRUE!
Doom News - 3:06
Doom Clock – 13:28
Doomsplaining- 22:57 - We discuss issue 7 of Unstoppable Doom Patrol!
Mailbag O Doom - 58:06
If you'd like to support the show, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee page to donate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/waitingfor6 - thank you!
Episode 189: Is This Burning?
Mike and Paul return to discuss the Unstoppable Doom Patrol, as a friendly game of capture the flag becomes deadly no thanks to the arrival of the BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL!
Doom News - 4:15
Doom Clock – 9:55
Doomsplaining- 17:39 - We discuss issue 6 Unstoppable Doom Patrol!
Mailbag O Doom - 49:32
If you'd like to support the show, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee page to donate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/waitingfor6 - thank you!
Episode 188: Assault on Main Street!
Mike and Paul return to talk more Unstoppable Doom Patrol goodness, including military funded scientific shenanigans in seemingly normal towns!
Doom News - 14:04
Doom Clock – 26:23
Doomsplaining- 31:26 - We discuss issue 5 of Unstoppable Doom Patrol!
Mailbag O Doom - 52:34
If you'd like to support the show, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee page to donate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/waitingfor6 - thank you!
Dial F for Flanger 22 Women’s World Cup Football & LA Update
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is usually a comic chat show.
But today, Paul jumps into the super-niche world of sport.
Paul talks to Steffen Moebus (Moby) to talk about his recent adventures following the Women’s World Cup Football tournament in Australia.
(30:50) Then Paul has an L.A. entertainment update from L.A. Dude Ryan (L.A. Dude) Haley
Check out all Ryan’s shows at POPFILTER
Please leave any comments right here or email Waitingfordoom@gmail.com
Flanger out!
Episode 187: Why2K???
Mike and Paul talk supermarket collectables, Saga and Sideways before getting to the main Vertigo event!
Doom News - 9:12
Doom Clock – 12:54
Doomsplaining- 21:07 - We discuss the Vertigo V2K Special TOTEMS, brought to us by Tom Peyer, Duncan Fegredo, Richard Case, Dean Ormston, Ellie De Ville and Alex Sinclair!
Mailbag O Doom - 37:14
Original Broadcast Date: 1 September 2023
The Gary Show 13
Mike and Paul tackle the big issues: lawn mowing, Heroescon, moving, pet misadventures, deathprep (again) and social media migration.
Thanks for listening.
Closing music by the Mike Garvey Uno
Original broadcast date: 4 August 2023
Episode 186: Breakthrough Breakdowns!
Mike and Paul talk trips overseas (GOSH, WONDER WHERE), comics, pets, A.I. (not the type you think), good wording, death prep, bad financial advice AND unsurprisingly, Doom Patrol!
Doom News - 8:37
Doom Clock – 12:14
Doomsplaining- 17:54 - We discuss issue 3 of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL, brought to us by Dennis Culver, David LaFuente, Chris Burnham, Brian Reber, Pat Brosseau and Ben Abernathy!
Mailbag O Doom - 35:52
Original Broadcast Date: 26 July 2023
Dial F For Flanger 21 VOID RIVALS Speculation
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
VOID RIVALS 1 speculation discussion.
Paul talks to Ryan Daly about the brand new Skybound series By Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Filici and Matheus Lopes. As this was the stealth launch for the new Hasbro comics universe we speculate about the future possibilities with Transformers, G.I. Joe, Rom Spaceknight, M.A.S.K. and Micronauts.
Please leave any comments, corrections or thoughts at waitingfordoom.com or email Waitingfordoom@gmail.com
Flanger out!
Episode 185: The Fast and The Nebulous!
Mike and Paul return to discuss all things DOOM PATROL including all-new THIRD ISSUE of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL! Spoiler warnings for those who are yet to read the issue!
Doom News - 8:31
Doom Clock – 16:53 - Warning! All new format! (gasp)
Doomsplaining- 25:58 - We discuss issue 3 of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL, brought to us by Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham, Brian Reber, Pat Brosseau and Ben Abernathy!
Mailbag O Doom - 45:12
Original Broadcast Date: 17 June 2023
Episode 184 - JLMay 2023 Chapters 34 and 35!
Another year, another JLMay! And just like that song says, the podcasting collective went and saved the best for last. Sort of. ANYWAY, Mike and Paul are joined by Ryan Daly of the Fire & Water Network to discuss the final issues of the 2007 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD series!
Doom News - nah
Doom Clock – 7:57
Doomsplaining- 16:46 - As part of JLMay 2023, we discuss issues 34 and 35 of THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, brought to us by J. Michael Straczynski, Jesus Saiz, Rob Leigh, Tom Chu, Chris Conroy a
Dial F for Flanger - JLMay chapter 17 & 18
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
JLMay 2023 part 17 & 18 covering the 2007 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD series.
Next in our JLMay coverage is a 2-parter starring Supergirl and Raven by MARV WOLFMAN and PHIL WINSLADE. So that means Paul is back with the pre-eminent Supergirl scholar of our time DR ANJ of the stellar https://comicboxcommentary.blogspot.com/
It’s daddy issues all round in this titanic teen team-up tackle telekinetic tantrums and a touch of Triumph.
Check out all part 16 of JLMay
Dial F for Flanger - JLMay chapter 2
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
JLMay 2023 part 2 covering the 2007 series THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD
Issue 2 of the series sees Supergirl teamed up with Hal Jordan as they track the stolen Book of Destiny to a casino planet. The comic is by MARK WAID and GEORGE PEREZ and Paul discusses the fun with Supergirl-megafan Dr Anj from https://comicboxcommentary.blogspot.com/
Check out all part 1 of JLMay at Overlooked Dark Knight and continue into part 3 at The Bat-Pod
Please leave any comments r
Episode 183: Worm’s Eye View!
Mike and Paul return to discuss all things DOOM PATROL including all-new SECOND ISSUE of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL! Spoiler warnings for those who are yet to read the issue!
Doom News - 11:22
Doom Clock – 24:02
Doomsplaining- 34:41 - We discuss issue 2 of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL, brought to us by Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham, Brian Reber, Pat Brosseau and Ben Abernathy!
Mailbag O Doom - 01:01:52
Original Broadcast Date: 28 April 2023
Mike and Paul take their laser-like focus and accuracy, and apply it to discussing the all-new FIRST ISSUE of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL! LOTSA spoiler warning for those who are yet to read the issue (butseriouslygoreaditNOW)!
Doom News - 16:31
Doom Clock – 28:53
Doomsplaining- 43:14 - We discuss issue 1 of UNSTOPPABLE DOOM PATROL, brought to us by Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham, Brian Reber, Pat Brosseau and Ben Abernathy. Do we like it?? Hint: it wouldn't be this long an episode if we didn't.
Episode 181: Dark Fates? Dang Fun!
Mike and Paul are back with an all new Waiting For Doom, discussing more things Doom Patrol-related! It's almost like they're...unstoppable...! Eh? Eh??
Doom News - 7:57
Doom Clock – 15:17
Doomsplaining- 22:37 - We discuss the first appearance of the 'Unstoppable' era team, as we take a look at their appearance in the Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate one shot!
Mailbag O Doom - 39:08
Original Broadcast Date: 23 March 2023
Episode 180 - A Quick Culversation & last chance to order UDP 1
In this quick episode Paul get's straight into a new chat with comic writer Dennis Culver!
Yes, the writer of the upcoming new Unstoppable Doom Patrol series drops by again to discuss recent shares of art and story for the new series. Plus he emphasises that you only have A FEW DAYS to help your local comic shop PRE-ORDER the first issue!
What a time to be alive, humans!
Original Broadcast Date: 2 March 2023
Episode 179: Casey, Young and (full of) Hope
Welcome back to Waiting For Doom, a rollercoaster of emotions as Mike and Paul discuss the ups and downs of all things Doom Patrol-related! And coffee.
Doom News - 7:46
Doom Clock – 12:49
Doomsplaining- 23:06 - SPOILER WARNING! We discuss episodes 4, 5 and 6 of Season 4 of the Doom Patrol TV show! Do we learn anything more about who or what Immortus is, and why they (or it) are rising? Does anyone pout? What the yee-haw f**k!
Mailbag O Doom - 50:22
Original Broadcast Date: 22 February
Dial F for Flanger Episode 18 - The State of Comicbook Television with LA Dude Ryan Haley
DIAL F FOR FLANGER is a comic chat show.
The State of Comicbook TV
Paul talks to Ryan Haley from the Superhero Show Show about comic properties on the small and big screen. In a brilliant bit of foresight, this was recorded PRIOR to the big announcements about what’s coming from the Gunn/Saffran announcement.
Check out all Ryan’s shows at POPFILTER
Please leave any comments right here, at waitingfordoom.com or email Waitingfordoom@gmail.com
Flanger out!
Opening closing theme - Flatland - The Roy
Episode 178: Getting Deep In Culversation with Dennis Culver!
This episode we forgo the Doom News, Doom Clock, the Mailbag O Doom and get straight into a special kind of Doomsplaining as we chat with the one, the only, the UNSTOPPABLE Dennis Culver!
Yes, the writer of the upcoming new Doom Patrol series joins Mike and Paul to discuss his thoughts, feelings and plans for the Doom Patrol as the events of the Lazarus Planet crossover see them return to the DCU proper! It's the beginning of the CBDC era of dP! What a time to be alive, humans!
DCOCD 58 - DC Event Tournament Bracket
DCOCD is the DC Comics events podcast, where we look at every DC event in chronological order from Crisis on Infinite Earths to... we're not quite sure yet.
Our current season of DCOCD comes to an end with the biggest episode we’ve ever done. We put 32 DC events up against each other to work out which one reigns supreme. Paul and Doctor Herf are joined by an expert panel which includes SEAN ROSS, LAUREL PHILLIPS, SISKOID and THE IRREDEEMABLE SHAG. This one gets rowdy and what happens along the w