Smorgasbord is a podcast of “one-offs” interesting lectures, conversations, essays, interviews… Things that are not ready for their own podcast (although they may become one over time) but are important and interesting, and should be shared with the larger community.
Kids Sermons Trial Podcast One: Nachshon Ruskay on Toldot
In case you weren’t sure, I love my kids! So, when I had the idea of doing a Kids Sermons Podcast, the first person I went to was Nachshon. I am sure Betzalel will end up doing an episode next, but for now, I thought that he would be a good person to work with. […]
Re-Arranged Episode One: The Sheitel
Welcome to the first episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged that follows three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. In this episode we focus on an issue that the Orthodox Jewish couple are confronting, that of the Sheitel (headcovering), which is something that traditional orthodox […]
JJP Tikkun Radio
The JJP 6th grade-students spent 5 Sundays in 2016 learning about social justice through a Jewish lens, and created this podcast exploring the theme as it plays out in New York City. Students met with and interviewed Jewish leaders in the social justice sphere, and explored the Jewish value of “Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof” (“Justice, Justice […]
Elul Mitzvah Challenge
You’ve seen the #IceBucketChallenge now it’s time for the #ElulMitzvahChallenge. As we enter the month of preparing for the High Holy Days we are aiming to have mitzvot go viral. Listen to find out more about how you can be part of the #ElulMitzvahChallenge and visit the website
The $54,000 Strategy, Step 2- Making Change Happen
Join Sara Shapiro-Plevan of Rimonim Consulting as she leads a conversation entitled “The $54,000 Strategy, Step 2: Making Change Happen.” This conversation was sparked by an article by Mark S. Young entitled The $54,000 Strategy: A Bold Solution to Undervaluing our Jewish Professionals The goals of the conversation was to think forward about effecting change […]
The Art of Doing Good: A Conversation with Charles Bronfman and Jeffrey Solomon
Launching a nonprofit venture is one of the most powerful and fulfilling ways we can make a difference.
So, how can you build a nonprofit that will transform your personal passion for social change - from that first a-ha moment when inspiration strikes, into an impactful, well funded and managed organization? How can you keep your vision alive from your first proudest moments of founding to the gut-wrenching milestone of passing on the reins of leadership at the right time?
These are some of the
Reflections On Visiting The Dead Sea Scrolls
On Thursday, July 26th, JCast Network host Rabbi Michael Knopf who hosts The Tisch, spoke at a program organized by the Interfaith Center ( along with the Reverend Rob McClellan of the Tabernacle United Church ( Both clergy reflected on their thoughts after experiencing the Dead Sea Scrolls, currently on display at the Philadelphia’s Franklin […]
PEJE Presents: Dan Ariely on Jewish Day School and the “Free” Way
This episode of Smorgasbord, was produced by PEJE (The Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education) In this episode, Ken Gordon sat down with author Dan Ariely to discuss Jewish Day School and the “Free” way.
For more context about this conversation, we invite you to visit the PEJE blog where there is a full post.
For more information about Dan Ariely’s books please visit his Authors page on Amazon.
Clogging The Tubes Beta Episode
This episode of Smorgasbord, is the beta-episode of a new show on JCast Network tentatively titled “Clogging The Tubes.” Join hosts Alicia Post and Darone Ruskay as they chat about what they have found interesting on the internet of late. The show is divided into five sections, Websites, Projects, Music, Memes, and Miscellaneous.
We welcome your feedback on this podcast, so please connect with us on Twitter @postalicia or @JCastNetwork or on Facebook at, Faceb
Introducing Smorgasbord
This episode of The JCast Journey, also serves as the first episode of Smorgasbord. In this episode, host Darone Ruskay talks about his experience recently at a lecture and a conversation he had afterwards.
While sitting at the lecture he wondered where a lecture like that one, could fit into JCast Network. And then afterwards, he spoke with someone who wanted to blog on JCast Network, but didn’t feel like he could take on a solo blog, but would prefer a group blog.
After thinking about bo