Zoom Dweebie Productions
Zoom Dweebie Productions
We love all things geek and love to talk fan theories, movies, tv shows, books, video games and D&D/Pathfinder.
Read more at http://zoomdweebie.net
Eating E.T.
The Knights of Sarcastica Episode 9 – Eating E.T. Our Knights debate which would be worse, Zombie Hulk or Zombie Flash. Chaos and creative theories ensue. Then we pose the question, “Who played it best?” We run down a list of actors who have played current superheroes (and a couple of supervillains) to find a consensus on who played their character best (meaning most accurate portrayal/closest to comic book character). We discuss upcoming Superhero TV shows we are looking forward to. Then we tur
A Turtle Joins the Party!
Knights of Sarcastica
Episode 8
– A Turtle Joins the Party!
We have a new
member of our little round table discussions. Galapagas, or who we
like to call Turtle Beard, Redbeard the Turtle, and sometimes
Yertle the Turtle hermit.
In this episode
we discuss what personal favorite fandoms. We contemplate the many
uses for tactile holograms. And spoiler alert – we talk about the
awesomeness that is Deadpool. Also, Kynzie gives a rundown of what
to look forward to with Chase Con Expo.
We're Back!
The Knights of
Episode 7 – We’re
Yes! That’s right. After a long holiday break,
we are back and going strong. If you could play a video game where
you are totally immersed in it but if you die in game you die in
real life would you take the chance and play it? If you had to be
stuck in a T.V. show for a month which one would you choose? Join
us for this fun-filled show!
Who are the KoS?
We love all things geek and love to talk fan
theories, movies, tv shows, books, video games a
The Knights of
Episode 6 – BECAUSE STAR
This week the Knights of Sarcastica start out
with a quickie discussion regarding the watching order of the Star
Wars saga. Do you prefer release order, chronological order or
machete order? Then we leap into the deep, dark hole that is Star
Wars fan theories. Does Han have force powers? Is Leia the more
powerful of the twins? Was Yoda dead the entire time Luke was
training with him? And the mother of all fan theories…Darth Jar
Jar? Join u
Stronger, faster, more…disobedient?
The Knights of
Episode 5 – Stronger, faster,
This week the Knights of Sarcastica talk bionic
hands and contact lenses. We also take a little journey, once
again, into the world of A.I. Are robots that are programmed
to decline orders a good idea? Are we heading down a road that
leads to “I Robot” or is the ability to decline a human order in
order to save one’s self something every robot should have? And
somehow our conversation meandered into a bit of Star Wars tow
Trailer Talk!
The Knights of
Episode 4 – Trailer
This week The Knights of Sarcastica face off
over the upcoming movies Warcraft, Legends of Tomorrow, Captain
America: Civil War and the PG-13 rating of Suicide Squad. Then we
discuss a new virtual reality program created by AltspaceVR in
conjunction with Wizards of the Coast especially for the Dungeons
and Dragons crowd. Then finally, Kynzie gives her Con Report where
she discusses her experiences at Infinity Con at Lake George,
Who are the
Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons
Episode 2 – Hokey Religions and Ancient
In this episode Tim, The PhilosoGeek delves
into the Jedi way of life. Can it be called a religion or is it
more a way of life? Are there times when Jedi don’t behave like
Jedi? Do others beside the trained Sith and Jedi have Force powers?
Was Han just lucky or did he have a touch of The
Intro music - The Geek Shall Inherit the
Outro music – Portable Magic
Both of these musical pieces were kindly
Let's Roll!
Game On!
Episode 1 – Let’s
Welcome to our first episode of Game On! Today
we are discussing two games. The first is Armored Warfare by
Obsidian Entertainment. The second is Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
released by ArenaNet. Tune in to hear what we think of these two
Where to find us on
the net:
Zoom Dweebie Productions on FB
Subscribe using iTunes - http://zoomdweebie.net/rss
Intro music – Chiptune Does Dubstep by
All things Super!
The Knights of Sarcastica
Episode 3 – Part 2 – All things Super!
This week we have a SUPER special treat for you all. Two episodes of The Knights of Sarcastica.
In this second episode we talk all things super. The Supergirl premier. Did you watch it? We did and talk about what we think. From there our conversation meanders into, how can a simple pair of glasses hide the identity of Superman…and what about Supergirl? On our journey, we then stop at, why didn’t they build the pod big enough for
Memories and Microchips
The Knights of Sarcastica
Episode 3 – Part 1 – Memories and Microchips
This week we have a super special treat for you all. Two episodes of The Knights of Sarcastica. In this first episode we delve into the darkest recesses of the mind where all memories are stored. If there were a microchip that could store your memories, would you want it implanted in your brain? Also, our first ever Con Report! Kynzie will give a rundown of Chase Con Expo and shout outs to wonderful peeps we met there.
Bats about Cosplay!
Interview with The Cosplayer
Episode 1 – Bats about Cosplay!
In this premier episode of IwTC your host, Kynzie Wolff (Badass Cosplay Diva) interviews Abe Danz, 15+ year veteran of cosplaying and designing/fabricating his different versions of Batman.
What to expect from Interview with The Cosplayer:
Each episode Kynzie will explore the world of cosplay. She will have guest interviews, tips and tricks, and shine a spotlight on hard working cosplaying individuals.
Where to find us on the net:
Once more into the fray!
The Knights of Sarcastica
Episode 2 – Once more into the fray!
In this episode, our knights take on four more interesting topics. First, zombies, do they have a hierarchy? Second, Hollywood is in the crosshairs as we discuss those little things in movies that pull us out of the moment and challenged our ability to suspend disbelief. Third is a fun discussion of “is time linear”? And last but certainly not least, we discuss an upcoming VR “theme park” type destination called The Void. You’re no
Fear of the A.I.
Philosophically Geeking
Episode 1 – Fear of the A.I.
In this episode Tim the PhilosoGeek takes on the topic of A.I. – do they have a soul and why do we fear them?
Intro music - The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth
Outro music – Portable Magic
Both of these musical pieces were kindly created especially for us by Daniel Ward! Check him out on Soundcloud!
Our Host - Tim, The PhilosoGeek
Featuring - Neo, the Intergalactic Overlord
Links Mentioned in This Podcast:
Steven Hawkings AM
And So It Begins!
The Knights of Sarcastica
Episode 1 - And So It Begins!
Our sarcastic knights take on superhero tv shows, use the battle cry of SPOOON while discussing The Tick, then contemplate the epicness of District Hogwarts entering The Hunger Games, and finally face perma-permadeath.
Who are the KoS?
We love all things geek and love to talk fan theories, movies, tv shows, books, video games and D&D/Pathfinder.
Where to find us on the net:
Tweet @zoomdweebiegeek
Zoom Dweebie Productions on FB