This is a bi-weekly program where I will be spotlighting different role-playing games, from the latest OGL product to classic games from 20 years ago! Each episode will spotlight one game. You can also expect interviews from up-and-coming game designers and publishers as well as answers to common problems for both GMs and players. Be sure to tune in for each episode so that you may be enlightened, entertained, and inspired. Your next campaign may be hidden right beneath your nose.
A teeny tiny turkey delay...
I'm not at the computer! Listen in for a special message.Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm thankful for you and our wonderful hobby.
Episode 6: Special Edition - Adventure Creation 101
Click to Download.Today, we're doing a special show for beginning GMs: adventure creation. Few games tell you how to write a good adventure that will draw in your players and make a story worth remembering. Well, all you need to get started now is this episode, complete with a sample adventure outline.Here are the links for today's show: The Xen Show - correction: Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set at RPG Now Building Stories on the Fly (Fudge Factor Magazine) Band:
Episode V: Halloween Horror
Welcome to the Witching Hour! Be prepared to SCREAM in delight!We're back again with the newest edition, and this time, we get scary. Yes, this is the Halloween episode and all the scariest is out to play - including us! Hide under your sheets if you must, but listen closely, for this episode reviews the new World of Darkness, and we have a special tutorial for running a good and messy horror game. Grab your dice and prepare to scream.Here are the links for today's show:Intro: The Xen Show
Episode IV: Dungeons & Dragons and Anime, Oh My!
Greetings, Gamers. After too many mishaps, we finally have Episode IV: A New Hope that I'll get this show uploaded in time.Today's show details the second Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God, the new anime RPG OVA: Open Versatile Anime, and a nice little tip on something to add to your campaigns.Here are the links for today's show: Politically Incorrect Games Wise Turtle Publishing Next episode will feature a tip for you players, so keep coming back.Character Example for OVA:Daniel
Episode III: Kevin & Kell Part 2
Here is the character I wrote up for the Kevin & Kell RPG:Bob SakamoriSpecies: FoxHeight: 5'8"Weight: 130 poundsFur: Red with white stripes, black hands and feetOccupation: EntrpreneurAttributes: STR 4 REF 5 HLT 3 INT 3 WIL 4 PRE 5Derived Attributes: DEF 15 INI 4 DAM 4 MOV 6Traits & Defects:-Divine Relationship (Bob constantly tithes his money)-Food Chain Leveling +4 (Small Game Predator)-Global Contacts-Natural Weapons (Claws and Bite)-Wealthy Lvl 4-Domestication-Famous, Internationa
Episode III: Kevin & Kell Part 1
Greetings, all ye dice hounds.Here is the podcast for his week. We got past all the problems and conquered them. After much dice rolling,we finally whittled them down and took the last hit point off. Enjoy!LinksNewsPolitically Incorrect GamesShadowrun 4th EditionInterviewsKevin and Kell WebcomicComstar GamesThe WotchVenus Envy
Bargain Bin Part I
Howdy, all,Today's show has a lot of happenings. I'm amazed I was able to put so much into one half hour. Dueto current events, the news dominates a lot of the podcast, but make no mistake, we have your RPG content. In fact, we have not one but two games up for review. This episode features: State of the gaming industry, featuring commentary by Dave Arneson News on charity works by many game companies - Hurricane Katrina has brought out the best in our publishers Two games from the past -
Episode I: Fudge et al
Hello to all my readers, listeners and gamers!Do I have a fully-packed podcast for you! In fact, there was so much information that it took me until now to be able to release this podcast for your enjoyment! Please feel free to comment on what you hear, check out the great links provided, and I hope you'll leave a comment! Also, feel free to send me feedback at off, Jude Thaddaeus of Crochet For Men's podcast did all
Man Behind the GM Screen - Introduction
Hello and welcome back to all of my listeners, and to all of my new ones as well.Here is the podcast I promised earlier. The next podcast will be published 8/30/05.
New Home - Teaser
Greetings, Gamers! I've decided on a new format and a new place to host the podcast. Here again is my teaser.NOTE: This podcast was earlier heard with the tag at the end "Rizzn Dot Net." Please understand that I did not know that this was going to be added to my podcast, and I have now moved my podcast to a much better host! Please feel free to listen once again!~Mike~