American Revolution Podcast
Michael Troy
American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.
Rev250-001 Leslie's Retreat
I'm trying something new this week. This is a special supplemental episode that takes a look at events that happened 250 year ago this week. In this episode, we discuss the Salem Raid, also called Leslie's Retreat, which took place on February 26, 1775.Let me know if you would like more of these: mtroy.history@gmail.comFor more on this topic, check out Episode 052. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP343 Shays' Rebellion
Massachusetts farmers feel the squeeze caused by excessive taxes to pay down war debt and a shortage of money in circulation. With the laws set up to benefit wealthy eastern merchants, to the detriment of the farmers, the farmers shut down the state government in protest.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as more resources related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Daniel Shays's Honorable Rebellion: An American Story, by Daniel Bulle
ARP342 Paper Money Riot
Years of issuing paper money to finance the Revolutionary War continued in the post war era. By 1786, farmers in debt wanted to continue paper money policies that would make it easier to pay their debts. Merchant creditors opposed these policies. States that failed to address these demands often found themselves facing rioters who wanted to shut down the government.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as more resources related to this week's episode.Book
ARP341 Annapolis Convention
The end of the war brought its own difficulties. The states no longer felt a strong need to remain united, and no one wanted to repay their war debts. In September, 1786, a group of nationalists met quietly at Annapolis, supposedly to discuss trade and commerce issues. They ended up proposing holding another Convention in Philadelphia to discuss a broader range of problems with the Articles of Confederation.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as more res
AR-SP29 Round Table, Gone for a Soldier
- - -Get the book: All Ye That Pass By: Book 1: Gone for a Soldier, by Avellina Balestri More about the author: https://avellinabalestri.comOn Facebook: Receive Notice of future Roundtable Events on Zoom,Signup for the AmRev Podcast Mail List Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP340 The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Thomas Jefferson drafts a bill to prevent Virginia Tax dollars from being used to support the state church, Anglicanism in the colonial era. The church itself rebrands itself as the Episcopal Church, but still hopes for state support. For years, the debate rages. After Jefferson leaves for France, James Madison takes up leadership on the fight, getting the Assembly to pass the bill in 1786.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links relate
ARP339 Hopewell Treaties
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP338 Adams Goes to London
With the war ended, American attention shifts away from Europe while European attention shifts from America. US delegates attempt to establish a foreign policy with free trade, only to fund the major powers uninterested. Instead they struggle to keep American merchant ships from capture by Barbary pirates who enslave their crews.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the We
AR-SP28 Round Table Event: Tea Hysteria & Fort Wm and Mary
Our audio recording from our American Revolution Roundtable for December 2024. We talk about the anti-tea hysteria that swept America following the Boston Tea Party. We also discuss the New Hampshire Militia raid on Fort William and Mary in December of 1774.To receive notices of future Roundtable events, which are held on Zoom, please be sure to add your email address to my mailing list using the link below: Lea
ARP337 Mount Vernon Conference
George Washington began what he thought would be his retirement in 1784. Following a visit from the Marquis de Lafayette that year, Washington put aside retirement to return to his lifelong dream of establishing a trade route to the west that used the Potomac River, that flowed past Mount Vernon. He got Maryland and Virginia to pass laws allowing for this, but found the implementation of such a route much more difficult than he anticipated.Blog includes a c
ARP336 Planning the Northwest Territory
The Continental Congress, eager to begin settling western lands, forces native tribes to sign the treaties of Fort Stanwix (1784), Fort McIntosh (1785) and Fort Finney (1786) to relinquish claims to large portions of land in what is today the state of Ohio. Congress passes the Land Ordinance of 1785 to define exactly how blocks of this land would be transferred to private parties, either through veterans' grants, or through sales.Blog includes a complete tr
ARP335 State of Franklin
Frustrated by the ill treatment of the eastern establishment. Three counties in western North Carolina vote for independence and form a new state named after Benjamin Franklin. They establish a new government, naming John Sevier as governor. North Carolina is not happy.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Lost State of Franklin: America's First Secession, by K
ARP334 Land Ordinance of 1784
Congress focuses on western lands to resolve its money problems.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power, by Jon Meacham.Online Recommendation of the Week: Ohio in the time of the Confederation: American Revolution Podcast on Reddit: your
ARP333 Revolution and Slavery
At the end of the Revolutionary war, people began to deal with the ideals of freedom and equality while maintaining slavery. Northern states mostly put slavery on a slow path to eventual abolition. Sothern States do not. In Massachusetts, several slaves sue under the argument that the Constitutions claims that all men are born free and equal means that they are born free and equal.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related t
AR-SP27 Lord Dunmore's War Round Table
The American Revolution Podcast round table met on Zoom to discuss Lord Dunmore's War on the eve of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Point Pleasant. Author Glenn Williams provided us with a great summary of those events.For more on this topic, get a copy of Dunmore's War: The Last Conflict of America's Colonial Era, by Glenn Williams (available in paper, Kindle, or audio versions).You can also listen to my summary of the war in Episode 44:
ARP332 Society of the Cincinnati
In 1783, General Henry Knox proposes the establishment of a private organization for Continental officers called The Society of the Cincinnati. National leaders see the new group as a threat trying to undermine freedom and self-government.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Society of the Cincinnati: Conspiracy and Distrust in Early America, by Markus Hünemör
ARP331 Washington Goes Home
In November, 1783, Washington takes leave of his officers and the army after the British Depart New York. Washington makes his way to Annapolis to resign. Congress misses the arrival of the Dutch Ambassador and scrambles to get the final peace treaty ratified while accepting Washington's resignation. Finally a civilian, Washington arrives home at Mount Vernon on Christmas Eve, 1783.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related
ARP330 Evacuation of New York
Although parties had established a preliminary peace treaty in 1782, the process of moving the British army and loyalist civilians out of New York took well over a year. General Guy Carleton remained concerned about leaving behind any loyalists who might suffer the wrath of their neighbors for loyalty to the crown.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Guy Carleton:
AR-SP26 Powder Alarm - Round Table Discussion
The Powder Alarm resulted from a British raid in September, 1774 to capture powder from a local storage site. It made clear that the patriots needed better intelligence and a better rapid response system to challenge the British soldiers.Round table events are recorded live. Participants have an opportunity to comment and ask questions. If you would like to join a future event live, please join my mailing list to receive notice:Join the podcast mail list:
ARP329 Signing the Peace Treaty
Although major operations of the war ended in 1781, it took several more years before negotiators could work out a peace treaty. The American Peace Commissioners bickered with one another, and had to navigate French diplomacy and British politics to reach a final deal. On September 3, 1783, all parties signed Peace treaties in Paris, formally agreeing to the terms that would end the war.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links rel
ARP328 Cuddalore - The Last Battle
In June of 1783, British forces (not yet aware of the preliminary peace treaty that had been concluded in late 1782) attacked the Indian town of Cuddalore. The British besiege the city while a French fleet challenges a larger British fleet from control of the waters off the city. The British Commander, General James Stuart, finds himself fighting not only the French and Mysore, but also finds himself at odds with the British Governor who controlled the region for the East India Company.
ARP327 Continental Instability
In the summer of 1783, disgruntled Continental soldiers march on Philadelphia, forcing Congress to flee to Princeton. Washington sends the majority of the Army home, keeping only a few hundred men.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: American Crisis: George Washington and the Dangerous Two Years after Yorktown, 1781-1783, by William H. Fowler, Jr.Online Recommenda
ARP326 Fort Carlos
British agent James Logan Colbert raises a force of western loyalists and Chickasaw Indians to attack a Spanish outpost on the Arkansas River. The Spanish garrison manages to chase off the attackers, but not before the sack the village and take prisoners.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: James Colbert and His Chickasaw Legacy, by Stephen L. Kling Jr.Online Reco
ARP325 Threat of Peace
The Continental Congress struggles in late 1782 and early 1783 to find a way to pay the army and its creditors for the cost of the war. It's inability to levy taxes, or convince the states to pay, results in a financial crisis. Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris, announces his retirement. Word of the Treaty of Paris forces Congress to act.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendat
ARP324 Newburgh Conspiracy
In early 1783, all Americans await the arrival of an expected peace treaty. The Continental Officers, afraid that they will be sent home without any pay and their promised pensions, organize to challenge Congress. General Washington manages to talk down his officers and save the country from a military coup.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Swords in Their Hand
ARP323 Evacuation of Charleston
After a few final skirmishes, the British army evacuates Charleston, SC in December 1782. They take with them thousands of loyalist militia, civilians, and slaves. The Continental Army immediately takes control of the city.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: To the Last Extremity: The Battles for Charleston, 1776-1782, by Mark Maloy.Online Recommendation of the W
ARP322 Long Beach Island Massacre
In 1782 and 1783, as it becomes increasingly apparent that the British have agreed to leave the United States, loyalist officers like John Bacon of New Jersey and the Doan Brothers of Pennsylvania continue to fight. Bacon massacres sailors on Long Beach Island. The Doans rob county treasuries and steal horses. The patriots governments treat t hem as outlaws and hunt them down.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to
ARP321 Blue Licks & Fort Henry
In the summer and fall of 1782, two expeditions of Butler's Rangers, supported by large numbers of Indian warriors attack American outposts in Kentucky and West Virginia. Daniel Boone in Kentucky and Ebenezer Zane in West Virginia fight desperately to fend off these attacks. George Rogers Clark leads a counter offensive into the Ohio territory. He expects support from the Continentals at for Pitt, but that support never arrives.Blog includes a complete tran
ARP320 Treaty of Paris
American and British negotiators work out a final treaty. It gives the Americans most of what they want. France is frustrated that the Americans have worked out a deal before France could also agree to one.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Britain and France at the Birth of America: The European Powers and the Peace Negotiations of 1782-83, by Andrew Stockley.O
ARP319 Gibraltar Threatens Negotiations
John Jay takes a central role in negotiating peace with Britain after he loses trust that France will negotiate with America's interests in mind. France works with its ally Spain to retake Gibraltar, which Spain set as a condition for ending the war. At the same time, France tries to negotiate peace with Britain on its own terms.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week
ARP318 Peace Negotiations
During the Summer of 1782, Both the British and American Delegations fight amongst themselves trying to decide what peace should look like. Arthur Lee tries to recall the American Peace Delegation. Charles James Fox undercuts the British government's efforts to negotiate. John Jay throws Franklin's plans into disarray.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Peace
ARP317 Peace Commissioners
After the fall of Lord North's Government in Britain in early 1782, the new government under Lord Rockingham reaches out to Benjamin Franklin in Paris to discuss terms for a final peace. This began a protracted negotiation on the final terms of a treaty.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Diplomatic History of American Revolution, by Jonathan Dull. Online Reco
ARP316 Skirmishing around Charleston
Through the spring and summer of 1782, British forces in Charleston under Alexander Leslie and Continental forces under Nathanael Greene skirmish with one another. Both sides recognize the end is near, but continue to fight over resources as they await a final end to the war.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Last Man To Die in the American Revolution: The T
AR-SP25 This Fierce People
Author Alan Pell Crawford discusses his new book - This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South. We talk about why the war in the south seems to be less known, and why it was more of a civil war than we see in the north. This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South,by Alan Pell Crawford. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP315 Evacuation of Savannah
Continental General Anthony Wayne struggles to keep an army in the field to challenge the British in Savannah. Finally, in July 1782, Britain abandons Savannah, returning complete control of Georgia to the patriots.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The American Revolution in Georgia, 1763–1789, by Kenneth Coleman. Online Recommendation of the Week: Evacuation o
ARP314 The Great Seal
After years of effort, Congress adopts the Great Seal in the summer of 1782. It also debates what to do about Vermont. French Minister Luzerne throws a huge party in Philadelphia to help with Franco-American relations in light of continuing money problems. George Washington adopts new badges for the army, including the Purple Heart.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the W
ARP313 Crawford Expedition
In the spring of 1782, Colonel William Crawford leads an army of Pennsylvania Militia into Ohio Territory to destroy Indian villages.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Upper Sandusky, 1782, by Eric Sterner.Online Recommendation of the Week: Narratives of a late expedition against the Indians: with an account of the barbarous execution of Col. Crawf
ARP312 Huddy-Asgill Affair
Desperate actions by militia in 1782 regarding the murder of prisoners forces Washington to make a controversial decision.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Charles Asgill Affair: Setting the Record Straight, by Anne Ammundsen.Online Recommendation of the Week: History of Chatham, New Jersey: American Re
ARP311 Battle of the Saintes
The French recapture St. Eustatius in late 1781, just as the French fleet under Admiral De Grasse returns from Yorktown. With the arrival of the fleet, the French also capture St. Kitts. Admiral Rodney and Admiral Hood join together to defeat the French fleet at the battle of the Saintes. Just as that battle is coming to an end, the Spanish, using American privateers capture the Bahamas.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links rel
ARP310 Gnadenhutten Massacre
In March 1782, American militia destroy a Moravian Christian community of white settlers and Indians living in Ohio.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: David Zeisberger: A Life Among the Indians, by Earl Olmstead (borrow on Online Recommendation of the Week: Zeisberger, David Diary of David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary among the Indians of Ohio
ARP309 North Government Falls
After news of Yorktown reaches London, Lord North's government falls. As new opposition government lead by Lord Rockingham forms despite the King's opposition. The new government focuses on recognizing American Independence and ending the war.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Lord North, by W. Barring Pemberton (borrow on Online Recommendation of
ARP308 McDougall Court Martial
British General Henry Clinton finds himself under increasing pressure from his own officers to resign command. General Washington approves an attempt to kidnap King George III's son in New York. Continental General Alexander McDougall faces a court martial.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: American Revolutionary: A Biography of General Alexander McDougall, by W
ARP307 Congress After Yorktown
The victory at Yorktown leaves the Continental Congress deeper in debt and weaker than ever. States, no longer fearing an imminent British threat, provide little support. Congress appoints secretaries who create a rudimentary executive branch with almost no power. British loyalist attempt to steal embarrassing and confidential records from the State House (Independence Hall).Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this
ARP306 War in India
In 1781 and 1782, Britain battles the Kingdom of Mysore, headed by Hyder Ali in southern India. At the same time, Britain takes colonies from France and the Netherlands. French and British Navies fight multiple battles offshore for control of the subcontinent.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Dutch East India Company and Mysore, 1762-1790, by Jan Van Lohui
ARP305 Siege of Menorca
In 1781, A Spanish fleet, backed by the French Navy, takes the island of Menorca in the Mediterranean. The British garrison on the island holds out at Fort St. Phillip until early 1782.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Freedom: The Enduring Importance of the American Revolution, by Jack D. Warren Jr.Online Recommendation of the Week: Life of General the Hon. Ja
ARP304 Jacksonborough Assembly
At the beginning of 1782, both South Carolina and Georgia reestablish their state legislatures, primarily focused on the loyalists still in their states. General Sumter retires. John Laurens replaces Light Horse Harry Lee as the Continental Army's head of cavalry in South Carolina.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Voices of the American Revolution in the Caroli
ARP303 John's Island
As 1781 comes to an end, South Carolina militia continue their back and fort attacks. General Greene uses the Continentals to for the British to abandon John's Island, just south of Charleston.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Partisan War: The South Carolina Campaign of 1780-1782, by Russell F. Weigley (borrow on Online Recommendation of the
ARP302 Cloud's Creek Massacre
General Alexander Leslie takes Command in Charleston. William "Bloody Bill" Cunningham goes on a rampage across South Carolina. General Nathanael Greene tightens the noose around Charleston.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Loyalism in South Carolina 1764-1785, by Robert. W. Barnwell.Online Recommendation of the Week: "William ‘Bloody Bill’ Cunningham and the B
ARP301 Evacuation of Wilmington
British efforts to hold North Carolina lead to loyalist David Fanning kidnapping the patriot Governor Thomas Burke. New of the British surrender at Yorktown arrives with orders for British Regulars to evacuate to Charleston.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Nothing But Blood and Slaughter: The Revolutionary War in the Carolinas, Vol 3, by Patrick O'KellyOnline
ARP300 Surrender at Yorktown
Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Day The Revolution Ended: 19 October 1781, By William Hallahan.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Campaign in Virginia, 1781: an exact reprint of six rare pamphlets on the Clinton-Cornwallis controversy... American Revolution Podcast on Reddit: https://www.redd
ARP299 Siege of Yorktown
The Continental and French Armies lay siege to the British Army at Yorktown.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Yorktown, 1781: A Reassessment, by John D. Granger.Online Recommendation of the Week: March to Victory: Washington, Rochambeau and the Yorktown Campaign of 1781: American
ARP298 Battle of the Capes
The French Fleet under Admiral De Grasse, and the British Fleet under Admiral Graves battle for control of the waters around Yorktown in September 1781.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: In the Hurricane’s Eye: The Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown, by Nathaniel Philbrick.Online Recommendation of the Week: Battle of Chesapeake Bay: https:/
ARP297 March to Yorktown
ARP297 March to YorktownGeneral Washington and General Rochambeau struggle with logistical problems to get their armies from New York to Virginia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Campaign that Won America, by Burke Davis. (borrow on Online Recommendation of the Week: Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route: https://w3r-us.orgJoin American R
ARP296 Eutaw Springs
General Greene leads the Southern Continental Army against the last British Army in South Carolina, outside of Charleston.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Eutaw Springs: The Final Battle of the American Revolution’s Summer Campaign, by Robert Dunkerly, Robert & Irene Boland Online Recommendation of the Week: The History of South Carolina in the Revolution
ARP295 New London Raid
In September, 1781, Benedict Arnold leads a fleet from New York City to New London, Connecticut. His British forces burn the town and massacre the defenders of Fort Griswold.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Man in the Mirror: A Life of Benedict Arnold, Clare Brandt.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Groton Heights: A Collection of Narratives,
AR-SP24 Washington's Marines with Jason Bohm
I interview Gen. Jason Bohm about his book: Washington’s Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777Go to my blog for a full transcript of this episode: Washington’s Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777, By Jason Bohm (Savas Beatie, 2023). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP294 Dogger Bank
In the summer of 1781, the British and Dutch Navies do battle in the English Channel. Parliament is still confident that it can outlast its enemies. European leaders attempt to get the combatants to negotiate a peace, that may or may not recognize American independence.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy, by Jonat
AR-SP23 American Triumph with Tom Hand
Tom Hand, author of An American Triumph, and host Michael Troy discuss the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Hand, Tom An American Triumph: America's Founding Era Through the Lives of Ben Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams, Americana Corner Press, 2023. Online Recommendation of the Week: www.ame
ARP293 Isaac Hayne
In the summer of 1781, the British in South Carolina seek to make an example of a patriot officer who violated his oath of allegiance to the king.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Martyr of the American Revolution: The Execution of Isaac Hayne, South Carolinian, by C. L. Bragg (borrow on Recommendation of the Week: VIDEO: Author C.L. Bragg,
ARP292 Dog Days Campaign
In late summer 1781, General Greene rests his Continentals after hard months of fighting. General Thomas Sumter, aided by Colonels Francis Marion and Light Horse Harry Lee, attack the British at Quinby's Bridge and Shubrick's Plantation. Marion goes on to another attack near Parker's Ferry. Meanwhile, General Greene advances efforts to reestablish the patriot government in Georgia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related t
ARP291 New Dorlach and Johnstown
Tory raids from Canada into New York continue as the Continentals are unable to spare any soldiers. At Governor Clinton's request, Continental Colonel Marinus Willett takes command of the New York Militia. Over the summer and fall of 1781, he attacks raiding parties at New Dorlach, Johnstown, and elsewhere.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Marinus Willett, Savi
ARP290 Grand Reconnaissance
General Washington and General Rochambeau meet in Wethersfield in May 1781 to discuss campaign goals for the fighting season. Washington insists on taking back New York City. The two armies meet just north of Manhattan in July to evaluate British defenses and see if an attack has any chance of success.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Victory at Yorktown: The C
ARP289 Green Spring
In the summer of 1781, after raiding Virginia, General Cornwallis obeys orders from General Clinton to retreat to the coast. General Lafayette, after getting reinforcements under General Anthony Wayne, attacks the British rear near Green Spring, Virginia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Unlikely General: "Mad" Anthony Wayne and the Battle for America, by Mary
ARP288 Raid on Monticello
After withdrawing from Guilford Courthouse, General Cornwallis moves to Wilmington, NC. Rather than chasing Greene's Continentals back south, the British opt to move north into Virginia. They take Richmond and raid Monticello and Charlottesville.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Flight from Monticello: Thomas Jefferson at War, by Michael Kranish.Online Recommen
ARP287 Fort Ninety-Six
With the main southern British army under General Cornwallis in Virginia, and the next larges outpost at Camden having retreated to Charleston, General Greene targets Fort Ninety-Six in the South Carolina Backcountry.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Francis Rawdon-Hastings Marquess of Hastings: Soldier, Peer of the Realm, Governor-General of India, by Paul Nel
ARP286 Sumter's Law
General Thomas Sumter struggles to rebuild an army that can defeat the British in South Carolina and Georgia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Slavery and Freedom in the American Revolution, by Ira Berlin (ed).Online Recommendation of the Week: Life of Maj. Gen. Henry Lee & Life of Gen. Thomas Sumter, by Cecil Harltey:
ARP286 Sumter’s Law
General Thomas Sumter struggles to rebuild an army that can defeat the British in South Carolina and Georgia.
Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.
Book Recommendation of the Week: Slavery and Freedom in the American Revolution, by Ira Berlin (ed).
Online Recommendation of the Week: Life of Maj. Gen. Henry Lee & Life of Gen. Thomas Sumter, by Cecil Harltey:
ARP285 Hobkirk Hill
In May, 1781, after the British army under General Cornwallis retreats to the coast of North Carolina. General Greene's Continentals, supported by local militia attack British outposts in South Carolina at Fort Watson and Fort Motte, and due battle with the British under Lord Rawdon at Hobkirk Hill.
Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.
Book Recommendation of the Week: William Washington, American Light
ARP285 Hobkirk Hill
In May, 1781, after the British army under General Cornwallis retreats to the coast of North Carolina. General Greene's Continentals, supported by local militia attack British outposts in South Carolina at Fort Watson and Fort Motte, and due battle with the British under Lord Rawdon at Hobkirk Hill.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: William Washington, American
ARP284 Pensacola
In the spring of 1781, the Spanish Army under Bernardo de Gálvez lays siege to the British at Fort George under General John Campbell.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Longest Siege of the American Revolution: Pensacola, by Wesley S OdomOnline Recommendation of the Week: Farmar, Robert, Journal of the siege of Pensacola from the enemy's first appearing: Mar
ARP284 Pensacola
In the spring of 1781, the Spanish Army under Bernardo de Gálvez lays siege to the British at Fort George under General John Campbell.
Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.
Book Recommendation of the Week: The Longest Siege of the American Revolution: Pensacola, by Wesley S Odom
Online Recommendation of the Week: Farmar, Robert, Journal of the siege of Pensacola from the enemy's first appearing: March 9 t
ARP283 Petersburg
In the spring of 1781, the British deploy a larger army under General William Phillips to Virginia. Phillips and Benedict Arnold move on Petersburg with the intent of entering and occupying Richmond.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week:Ward, Harry M. Richmond during the Revolution, 1775-83, by Harry Ward (borrow on Online Recommendation of the Week:
ARP282 Lafayette in Virginia
Following the British raid on Richmond by in early 1781, the Americans target its commander, former American General Benedict Arnold. Washington deploys General Lafayette to check the British in Virginia. Lafayette has trouble getting his army into the state, and gets no help from Governor Jefferson or other leaders in Virginia. After the French lose a naval battle off the Virginia coast, the British position becomes more secure. British General William Phillips brings a larger army int
ARP281 Ratifying the Articles of Confederation
In the spring of 1781, Congress sets up executive departments, run by secretaries, to help manage the government. It also finally convinces Maryland to ratify the Articles of Confederation. The British reveal letters from Silas Deane arguing that Congress should give up on independence.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Articles of Confederation: An Interpre
AR-SP22 John Paul Jones by Shipwrecks and Seadogs
In this special episode we hear from podcaster Rich Napolitano from Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs. He discusses the life of John Paul Jones.For more info on the Shipwrecks and Seadogs Podcast, go to https://www.shipwrecksandseadogs.comThis podcast, along with the American Revolution Podcast, can be found at the "Into History" Podcast Network. For more info, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP280 Guilford Courthouse
In March 1781, General Nathanael Greene returns his Continental Army to North Carolina for a showdown with the British under General Charles Cornwallis. The two armies meet on the battlefield at Guilford Courthouse.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Battle of Guilford Courthouse: A Most Desperate Engagement, by John MaassOnline Recommendation of the Week: The Ba
AR-SP21 France and the Revolution, with Grey History
William Clark of the Grey History Podcast, and Michael Troy of the American Revolution Podcast discuss France's role in the American Revolution, and the American response to the French Revolution.To learn more about the Grey History Podcast, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP279 Race to the Dan
In early 1781, the British army under General Cornwallis chases the Continentals under General Greene across North Carolina toward the Dan River and Virginia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: To the End of the World: Nathanael Greene, Charles Cornwallis, and the Race to the Dan, by Andrew Waters.Online Recommendation of the Week: Peterson, Bruce L. “The Importa
ARP278 Arnold Raids Richmond
In January 1781, now-British General Benedict Arnold sails for Virginia and raids its capital, Richmond.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Invasion of Virginia, 1781, by Michael Cecere. Online Recommendation of the Week: Arnold's invasion of Virginia, 1781, by Francis Lassiter: American Revolution Podcas
AR-SP20 Why didn’t Canada Join the Revolution?
This is a sample of the Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast. It looks at why Canada did not join the rest of the British colonies in declaring independence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP277 Battle of Cowpens
British Colonel Banastre Tarleton chases down General Daniel Morgan's force of Continentals and militia. Tarleton traps the Americans who cannot cross the river at Cowpens, South Carolina. The armies clash in a short but decisive battle.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens, by Lawrence Babits. (borrow on O
ARP276 Mutiny in the Continental Army
On January 1, 1781, the Pennsylvania Line of the Continental Army abandons its officers and begins marching from its winter camp in Morristown New Jersey to Philadelphia to demand release from enlistment. Several weeks later, the New Jersey line does the same.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode. Book Recommendation of the Week: Rebellion in the Ranks: Mutinies of the American Revolution, by John
ARP275 The War Goes Dutch
Despite stretching its military resources in an increasingly difficult war, Britain adds a third European enemy to its targets. In December 1780 Britain declares war on the Dutch Republic.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813, by Simon Schama.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Dutch Republic and
ARP274 Greene Takes Command
Major General Nathanael Greene takes command of the southern army in December 1780. General Horatio Gates heads home, leaving a decimated and demoralized army. Greene, supported by Major Generals Von Steuben and Greenwood, along with General Daniel Morgan, divides his forces and prepares to fight a guerilla war in the Carolinas against the British under General Charles Cornwallis. Morgan begins the new phase of the war with a massacre of loyalists near Hammond's Store in South Carolina.
ARP273 Fishdam Ford and Blackstock
General Thomas Sumter escapes an attempt to kill him at Fishdam Ford, and captures the British officer sent to take him. Shortly afterward, Sumter defeats the Notorious Colonel Banastre Tarleton and Blackstock's Plantation. We also cover the Lynch Creek Massacre, and skirmishes at Rugeley's Mill and Halfway Swamp as the Americans keep the fight alive in South Carolina.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's
ARP272 Chasing the Swamp Fox
After the southern Continental Army is wiped out at the battle of Camden in late 1780, local leaders, such as Colonel Francis Marion, keep the war alive in South Carolina with guerilla tactics.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Swamp Fox: The Life and Campaigns of General Francis Marion, by Robert D. Bass.Online Recommendation of the Week: Disney's Swamp Fox: ht
ARP271 Advancing on Detroit
Colonel Augustin Mottin de la Balme attempts to rally French-Canadian settlers in an attempt to take control of Detroit. Along the way, he confronts the Miami Indians, led by Chief Little Turtle.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Life and Times of Little Turtle: First Sagamore of the Wabash, by Harvey L. Carter.Online Recommendation of the Week: Little Turtl
ARP270 Stone Arabia & Klock’s Field
Loyalist forces continue their campaign of destruction across the Mohawk Valley in the fall of 1780. They defeat an American force Under Colonel John Brown at Stone Arabia, then fight another battle with American militia later that same day at Klock's Field. Following the battles, they continue their withdrawal back to Canada.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: T
ARP269 The Ballston Raid
Canada's Governor Frederick Haldimand sends raiding parties into upstate New York in the fall of 1780.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Burning of the Valleys: Daring Raids from Canada Against the New York Frontier in the Fall of 1780, by Gavin K. Watt Online Recommendation of the Week: Sir Frederick Haldimand, by Jean N. Mcilwraith:
AR-SP19John Burgoyne, with Norman Poser
I speak with author Norman Poser about his new book: From the Battlefield to the Stage: The Many Lives of General John Burgoyne. Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode. Join American Revolution Podcast on Reddit: your American Revolution Podcast questions on Quora: https://amrevpod.quora.comJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: https://www.fa
ARP268 King’s Mountain
The Overmountain Men confront loyalists under the command of Major Patrick Ferguson at King's Mountain.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Kings Mountain: Eyewitness Accounts, by Robert DunkerlyOnline Recommendation of the Week: Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain and its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780, and the Even
ARP267 Battle of Charlotte
The British under General Cornwallis find advancing into North Carolina much more difficult than expected. General Alexander Leslie tries to provide a distraction in the Chesapeake. Major Patrick Ferguson takes up a position near King's Mountain.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Loyalists in North Carolina, by Robert DeMond (borrow on Re
AR-SP18 Nathanael Greene with Salina Baker
Author Salina Baker is writing a book called The Line of Splendor, a historically-accurate novel about the life of Major General Nathanael Greene. I spoke with Ms. Baker about the life of Nathanael Greene.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Visit Salina Baker's site at https://salinabbaker.comJoin American Revolution Podcast on Reddit: your American Revol
ARP266 Hanging Major André
After Benedict Arnold's treason is exposed in the fall of 1780, The Continentals must determine the extent of the conspiracy, and deal with the captured British Prisoner, John André, Adjutant General of the British Army.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Life of John André: The Redcoat Who Turned Benedict Arnold, by D.A.B. ArnoldOnline Recommendation of the
ARP265 Arnold’s Treason Revealed
British Adjutant General Major John André meets with Continental Major General Benedict Arnold to discuss turning over West Point in Sept. 1780.André is captured as he returns to British Lines, Arnold learns that the plot is exposed and flees just as an unsuspecting General George Washington is riding to Arnold's headquarters.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: T
ARP264 Arnold Commits Treason
General Benedict Arnold makes plans to take over West Point. His intent was turn over the important military base to the British when he went over to the other side.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Hero and A Spy: The Revolutionary War Correspondence of Benedict Arnold, by Russel LeaOnline Recommendation of the Week: History of West Point and its military im
ARP263 Hartford Conference
General Washington delays his first meeting with French General Rochambeau, as he attempts to raise enough troops to launch a joint offensive. The two men finally meet at Hartford, Connecticut in September, 1780.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Rochambeau: Washington’s Ideal Lieutenant, by Jini Jones Vail.Online Recommendation of the Week: The French in Americ
ARP262 Piqua Raid
Virginians under George Rogers Clark cross the Ohio River in late 1780 to destroy the Indian communities at Chillicothe and Piqua.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The American Revolution in Indian Country: Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities, by Colin G. Calloway.Online Recommendation of the Week: George Rogers Clark and the Shawnee Expedition
ARP261 Augusta Raid
While the British had secured Augusta, Georgia after taking South Carolina, the Americans launch a raid on the two while the British are trying to establish a military alliance with the local native warriors.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Georgia and the Revolution, by Ronald G Killion (read on Online Recommendation of the Week: Recollections o
ARP260 Fishing Creek & Musgrove Mill
British Colonel Banastre Tarleton attacks a larger forcer under General Thomas Sumter at Fishing Creek. The British kill or scatter the surprised militia. At the same time, a force under Colonels Isaac Shelby and Elijah Clarke lead a larger loyalist force into an ambush near Musgrove Mill. The continued fighting leads both sides to engage in increased savagery against the enemy and civilians.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and link
ARP259 Camden
General Cornwallis routes the Americans at Camden, SC, destroying a second southern army and ending the military career of Horatio Gates.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Camden: A Documentary History, by Jim Piecuch.Online Recommendation of the Week: Lynch, Wayne “Unluck or Inept? Gates at Camden” Journal of the American Revolution, May 1, 2014:
ARP258 Gates Takes Command
The Continental Congress appoints General Horatio Gates to command the southern army, hoping he could lead his men to a great victory in South Carolina as he had in New York.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: De Kalb: One of the Revolutionary War's Greatest Generals, by John Beakes.Online Recommendation of the Week: "Gates at Camden" by John Stevens: https://arc
ARP257 French Army in America
The French Army Arrives in Newport, Rhode Island, and prepares to assist the Continental Army, just as soon as everyone got enough resources.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: How the French Saved America: Soldiers, Sailors, Diplomats, Louis XVI, and the Success of a Revolution, by Tom Shachtman. Online Recommendation of the Week: Wright, M. W. E. “What France D
ARP256 Hanging Rock
Over the summer of 1780, the British control of South Carolina is challenged by militia led by Elijah Clarke and Thomas Sumter. Britain also loses an important supply fleet to Spain.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week:From Savannah to Yorktown: the American Revolution in the South, by Henry Lumpkin (or borrow on Online Recommendation of the Week: The
ARP255 Ramsour’s Mill
General Cornwallis struggles to pacify South Carolina. Patriots crush a gathering of loyalist militia at Ramsour's Mill in North Carolina, and manage to ambush an attacking loyalist force at Cedar Springs South Carolina.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week:The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas, by John Buchanan. (borrow on Archiv
AR-SP16 History Daily’s Battle of Princeton
This week a guest podcaster, Lindsey Graham of the History Daily Podcast discusses the Battle of Princeton.For more on the History Daily Podast, go to: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP254 Springfield
After British General Henry Clinton returns from South Carolina in June 1780, he launches a multi-pronged attack into New Jersey with the hope of finishing off the Continental Army. General Nathanael Greene makes use of limited Continental forces and local militia to protect the headquarters at Morristown. The British manage only to burn the village of Springfield before withdrawing back to New York.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures,
ARP253 Connecticut Farms
While awaiting General Clinton's return from Charleston, New York's commanding officer, Hessian General Wilhelm von Knyphausen launches a raid into New Jersey, fighting the Americans at the town of Connecticut Farms. Also, Navy Captain James Nicholson of the Trumbull, tangles with the British Privateer Watt.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battles of Conne
ARP252 Gordon Riots
As the cost of war takes its toll in England, group of voters in Yorkshire create an Association to question the King's role in running the Government. A mob burns London to protest wartime laws allowing granting Catholics additional rights, including that of enlistment in the Army.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: King Mob: The Story of Lord George Gordon and
ARP251 Waxhaws Massacre
Colonel Banastre Tarleton slaughters a group of escaping Continentals at Waxhaw. General Clinton's edict that all colonists must join loyalist militias convinces many paroled men to rally to patriot units commanded by leaders such as Thomas Sumter and Francis Marion. Patriots attack and massacre a loyalist regiment commanded by Christian Huck.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendati
ARP250 Mohawk Valley Raids
New York Loyalists and Iroquois warriors in Canada return to the Mohawk Valley in the Spring of 1780 to attack patriot towns and settlements.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Watt, Gavin K. For Want of His Silver Plate, Sir John Johnson's Raid of May 1780, Dundurn, 1997. (Buy at Fort Plain Bookstore)Online Recommendation of the Week: Swiggett, Howard, War out o
ARP249 St Louis Raid
North Carolina Overmountain Men form a new government for what would become Tennessee.A British inspired raid, primarily by disparate groups of Native warriors attack the Spanish outpost at St. Louis, and the Virginia outpost at Cahokia on May 26, 1780. Both attacks are thwarted.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The American Revolutionary War in the West, by St
ARP248 Charleston Falls
After surrounding Charleston South Carolina, British General Henry Clinton compels the Continental Army under Benjamin Lincoln to surrender. The British deny their opponents the honors of war, taking the entire defending army as prisoners of war. The surrender in May 1780 marks the greatest loss for the Americans during the course of the Revolution.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recomm
ARP247 Siege of Charleston
The British under General Henry Clinton launch a full scale invasion to capture Charleston South Carolina. It takes months to move the army into place. Meanwhile the Americans under General Benjamin Lincoln prepare to meet the attack.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Partisans and Redcoats: The southern conflict that turned the tide of the American Revolution,
ARP246 Mutiny of the Connecticut Line
In the spring of 1780, the Marquis de Lafayette returns to America with the good news that a French army will soon follow. He finds the Continental Army on the verge of collapse, as starving soldiers consider mutiny.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Adopted Son: Washington, Lafayette, and the Friendship that Saved the Revolution, by David A. Clary Online Recomm
ARP245 San Juan Expedition
In 1780, Colonel Steven Kemble and Captain Horatio Nelson launch an attack into the heart of New Spain, in hopes of capturing new land for the British Empire.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Sugden, John Nelson: A Dream of Glory, 1758–1797, Holt, 2004 (borrow on Online Recommendation of the Week: Kotlik, George “The British Invade Nicaragua: The S
ARP244 Russia & the League of Armed Neutrality
Russia's Catherine the Great declares the right of neutral countries to continue commerce with combatant nations. Russia is joined by several other European powers, who form the League of Armed Neutrality. Britain refuses to accept the terms of the declaration, further isolating itself from most of the powers of Europe.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Catherin
ARP243 Relieving Gibraltar
In January 1780 Britain send a relief fleet to resupply its garrison at Gibraltar. The Garrison had been under siege for six months by the Spanish Army and Navy.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Gibraltar: The Greatest Siege in British History, by Roy and Lesley Adkins.Online Recommendation of the Week: A History Of The Siege Of Gibraltar (1779-1783), by John D
ARP242 Raids Around New York
The Continental and British Armies make use of the fact that New York Harbor froze over during the winter of 1779-80. Both armies send raiding parties across the ice to attack enemy outposts.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Diary of a common soldier in the American Revolution, 1775-1783 : an annotated edition of the military journal of Jeremiah Greenman, or re
ARP241 Drafting an Army & Freeing Slaves
Increasing difficulties in recruiting soldiers forces Congress to compel states to conscript soldiers for the 1780 campaign, leading to complaints of a standing army. Pennsylvania passes the first state law abolishing slavery over time. While the law begins the process, it would not lead to a single slave being freed under the law until 1808.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendati
ARP240 New Southern Strategy
The British Army in North American must content for resources with the widening global war. General Clinton consolidates his armies in order to send an expedition against Charleston.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Cornwallis and the War of Independence, by Franklin and Mary Wickwire. Online Recommendation of the Week: Marriot Arbutnot (More than Nelson): http
ARP239 Winter at Morristown
Over the winter of 1779-80, the Continental Army endures its most difficult winter of the war at Morristown, New Jersey.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Uncertain Revolution: Washington and the Continental Army at Morristown, by John T. Cunningham Online Recommendation of the Week: Life of Israel Putnam ("Old Put"), Major-General in the Continental Army, b
ARP238 Court Martial of Benedict Arnold
At the request of the prosecution, Arnold must wait for months to defend himself against charges. The court dismisses two of the four charges, but orders General Washington to reprimand Arnold for the other two charges. After receiving the reprimand, Arnold resumes his secret correspondence with the British.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Tragedy of Bened
ARP237 The King’s Speech
London is deeply divided in 1779 over courts martial of top naval officers and Parliamentary hearings with General Howe and Burgoyne over the loss of the army at Saratoga. Irish militia also hold demonstrations over war-related trade restrictions.Politicians in London begin turning toward plans to cut their losses and end the war in America. Only King George III seems to remain rigidly against independence. He uses his influence to keep war hawks in power and encourage continuation of t
ARP236 Diplomatic Offensive
French Minister Conrad Gerard is replaced by Anne-César de La Luzerne. Congress realizes it needs more allies in Europe, as well as access to more cash loans. Congress gives Benjamin Franklin complete control over negotiations with France. It also appoints John Adams to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain, and John Jay as minster to Spain. Congress also appoints Henry Laurens as Minster to the Netherlands. However Laurens is captured en route and sent to the Tower of London.Blog https
ARP235 Fort Wilson
By late 1779, supply chain issues and inflation brought about by the war and Continental dollars creates economic desperation in Philadelphia. Desperate militia members place the blame on greedy merchants of questionable loyalty to the cause. Their outrage culminates in a military assault on the home of James Wilson.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: Arms, Count
ARP234 Siege of Savannah
The Continental Army cooperates with the French Navy to recapture Savannah Georgia from the British in the fall of 1779. A bloody assault on the city ends with the British holding the city, while the Americans and French withdraw.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Siege of Savannah, in 1779, by Charles C. Jones (or read on Recommendation o
ARP233 Bonhomme Richard vs Serapis
John Paul Jones circles around the British Isles, in search of targets to attack. Frustrated by his slow ship and disobedient officers and crew, Jones fears his mission will end in failure. then, he encounters the British warship Serapis.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommendation of the Week: John Paul Jones and the Bonhomme Richard: A Reconstruction of the Ship and an Account of th
ARP232 Jones and the Armada
John Paul Jones spends nearly a year in France, awaiting a new ship. He finally receives a converted merchant ship, which he renames the Bonhomme Richard. The Commodore of a small fleets sets off to bring chaos to Britain while France and Spain prepare for a full-scale invasion of the island.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendation of the
ARP231 Paulus Hook
Major Light Horse Harry Lee leads a 1779 raid on one of the few remaining British outposts in New Jersey.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendation of the Week: 'Light Horse Harry' Lee In the War for Independence, by Jim Piecuch and John BeakesOnline Recommendation of the Week: Schenawolf, Harry “Captain Allen McLane: Death Defying Spymaste
ARP230 Sullivan Campaign
Over the summer and fall of 1779 General John Sullivan and James Clinton lead a campaign of devastation against the hostile tribes of the Iroquois Confederation in upstate New York.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendation of the Week: A Well-Executed Failure: The Sullivan Campaign Against the Iroquois, July-September 1779, by Joseph Fisch
ARP229 Baton Rouge
Spain's control of the Louisiana territory remains tenuous in the years leading up to the Revolution. After Spain intercepts British orders to capture New Orleans, Spain preempts the action by capturing British forts, including Baton Rouge.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendation of the Week: Bernardo de Gálvez: Spanish Hero of the Americ
AR-SP15 Andrew Roberts - The Last King of America
Interview with best selling author Andrew Roberts about his biography of King George III:The Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III, 2021.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list:
ARP228 Penobscot Expedition
The Massachusetts Militia, with assistance from the Continental Navy, attempt to dislodge a Loyalist base being established near modern day Castine, Maine.The American failure led to several courts martial, including that of Lt. Col. Paul Revere.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendation of the Week: The Penobscot Expedition: Commodore Salt
ARP227 Fort Laurens
The Continentals attempt to establish a fort in the Ohio region over the winter of 1778-79. Local tribes are unhappy with the deal and after a brief siege, force the Americans to withdraw back to Fort Pitt.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Fort Laurens, 1778-1779: The Revolutionary War in Ohio, by James B. Gidney &
ARP226 Tryon Raids Connecticut, 1779
British General William Tryon launches a series of coastal raids in Connecticut, attacking New Haven, Fairfield, and Norwalk.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: William Tryon and the Course of Empire: A Life in British Imperial Service, by Paul David Nelson Online Recommendation of the Week: The British Invasion of New
AR-SP14 Joseph Ellis - The Cause
I speak with award winning author Joseph Ellis about his new book, The Cause: the American Revolution and its Discontents 1773-1783.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook: The Cause: the American Revolution and its Discontents 1773-1783.Online: Join the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: https://www.faceb
ARP225 Stony Point
The British in New York capture Stony Point, threatening the Americans as West Point. After careful reconnaissance, General Anthony Wayne leads a surprise night attack to retake the point in July 1779. The Americans then withdraw with prisoners and the fort's contents, and allow the British to reclaim the point.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook R
ARP224 St Vincent & Grenada
When the British Fleet in the West Indies moves to protect a Merchant fleet, the French take advantage of the moment to capture the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean, by Andrew Jackson O'ShaughnessyOnline Recommenda
ARP223 Stono Ferry
As the British withdraw from Charleston back to Savannah in 1779, the Continentals and militia under General Benjamin Lincoln attack the rearguard at Stono Ferry. Royal Governor James Wright returns to Georgia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Revolutionary Surgeons: Patriots and Loyalists on the Cutting Edge, by Per-
Live Special Episode from Liberty & Co. in Quakertown, PA.
The American Revolution Podcast was recorded live onsite in Quakertown at the grand opening of the new Liberty & Co Store.We discuss local history, including the Walking Purchase, smuggling the liberty Bell, the Doan Gang, and Fries Rebellion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ARP222 Congress 1779 - Mo Money, Mo Problems
The Continental Congress uses 1779 to debate the terms of a peace treaty or compensation for the army. They have difficulty reaching any consensus. At the same time, Congress continues to emit paper Continental dollars which no one wants to accept. The ensuing inflation threatens to bring down the economy and the war effort.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRev
AR-SP12 Nathaniel Philbrick - Travels with George
Interview with award winning author Nathaniel Philbrick. We discuss his new book, Travels with George: In Search of Washington and His Legacy.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook: Travels with George: In Search of Washington and His Legacy, by Nathaniel Philbrick.Online: the Facebook group, American
ARP221 Collier-Mathew Raids
Seeking to destroy Continental supplies, the British under Naval Captain George Collier and Army General Edward Mathew attack the Chesapeake Bay area in spring 1779. Shortly after the raids, Thomas Jefferson replaces Patrick Henry as governor of Virginia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Lion of Liberty: Patrick Henry
ARP220 Assault on Charleston
May 1779: After American General Benjamin Lincoln moves from his base in South Carolina to reinforce August, British General Augustine Prevost takes a large foraging party of 2000 regulars into South Carolina. He hopes to collect forage and also to get Lincoln to pull back out of Georgia to protect Charleston.When Lincoln refuses to engage, the British army finds itself at the gates of Charleston, but without the forces to take the city. City leaders, fearing an assault, offer to drop o
ARP219 Turning General Arnold
Over much of 1779 General Arnold struggles to pay his debts, as well as keeping his new trophy wife in style. At the same time, a court martial to settle the charges against him keep being delayed.While Arnold struggles, British agents approach him with offers of money if he would assist in bringing the colonies back under royal authority. Arnold opens up negotiations with Major John André.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other
ARP218 Onondaga Creek
In April, 1779 the Continental Army destroys the villages of the Onondaga Tribe in the initial phase of a larger operation against the Iroquois. Col. Goose Van Schaick leads the raid to remove this neutral tribe as a support system for loyalist raids into upstate New York.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Goose Van Schaick of A
ARP217 Spain Enters the War
Spain signs the Treaty of Aranjuez with France, committing itself to war with Britain. Spain does not ally directly with the United States. It hopes to take advantage of Britain's current difficulties recover territories lost to the British, including Gibraltar, Menorca, and the Floridas.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Spain
ARP216 Chickamauga Creek
When the Chickamauga under Dragging Canoe threaten settlements in Western Virginia and North Carolina, the militia under Colonel Even Shelby raid their villages. The raiders capture tons of supplies provided by British agents and scatter the warrior army.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Heart of the Eagle: Dragging Canoe &
ARP215 The Dunkirk Pirate
Captain Gustavus Conyngham disrupts merchant shipping around Great Britain. His efforts earn him the moniker "The Dunkirk Pirate" from the British. He is captured several times but manages to escape. Upon returning to Philadelphia, the Continental Congress challenges his credentials and confiscates his ship.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations
ARP214 A Proposal to Arm Slaves
The British army threatens South Carolina in 1779. The Continental Congress supports a proposal to raise and army of slaves to defend the state.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: John Laurens and the American Revolution,by Gregory D. Massey Online Recommendation of the Week: Massey, Gregory D. “The Limits of Antislavery Thought
ARP213 Brier Creek
American forces led primarily by South Carolina militia, move into Georgia with the intent of restricting the movement of British forces within the colony. The British attack and disperse the rebel militia at Brier Creek.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Winning Independence, by John Ferling.Online Recommendation of the Week: A
ARP212 Port Royal & Kettle Creek
A British force from Augusta launches an attack on Port Royal, SC but is repelled by the South Carolina militia. A group of British loyalists raised in the Carolinas marches to Augusta but is decimated and largely dispersed at the battle of Kettle Creek. Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Land and Allegiance in Revolutionary Geo
ARP211 Winter At Middlebrook
British General William Tryon leads a raid on Horseneck Landing in Connecticut. Continental General Israel Putnam mounts a defense, then makes a daring escape. Following the raid, both armies settle into winter quarters: the British in New York City, and the Continentals in Watchung Mountains of New Jersey.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations
ARP210 Fort Vincennes
Over 1778-79, British Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton attempts to secure the Illinois Territory for Britain and encourages Indian attacks on Virginia settlers in Kentucky. In early 1779, Virginia Colonel George Rogers Clark captures the key forts in the region and takes Governor Hamilton as a prisoner.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the We
ARP209 Arnold and the Radicals
Pennsylvania's new President Joseph Reed targets the military governor in Philadelphia, Benedict Arnold, for corruption and for siding with the city's Tories.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Benedict Arnold in Philadelphia, by Ray Thompson.Online Recommendation of the Week: Betsy Dublois: The Girl Who Got Away from Benedict Ar
ARP208 Fort Morris & Augusta
With Savannah already secured by the end of 1778, the British under General Augustine Prévost capture Fort Morris just south of Savannah. They then move inland to occupy Augusta, while keeping the Continental Army under General Benjamin Lincoln across the border in South Carolina.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: Savannah, 1779
AR-SP11 Independence Day Live
I discuss the events leading up to independence, how the colonies made that dangerous leap to fight for independence.I also speak with Jason Mandresh of "Founder of the Day" or and Lee Wright from History Camp or mentioned, interesting Revolutionary War-themed tours
Culper Tri-Spy Tours
Kyle Jenks - Join Kyle and Dana as James and Dolley Madison for this leisurely s
ARP207 British Opposition & French Distraction
The North Ministry faces increase opposition in 1779 as more members of Parliament favor American independence. Meanwhile, France must put a stop to the War of Bavarian Succession so that in could focus on the war with Britain.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastBook Recommendations of the Week: The Long Fuse: How England Lost the American Colonies, 1760-1785, by
AR-SP10 Lindsay Chervinsky - The Cabinet
Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky, author of The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution, discusses the first Administration and how President Washington came to use his Cabinet.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list: ht
ARP206 George Washington in Philadelphia
The Commander of the Continental Army leaves for Philadelphia in December 1778 to confer with Congress. His plans to stay for only a few days drags into well over a month as events keep him occupied in the city.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Washington, the Indispensable Man, by James FlexnerOnline Recommendation of the Week: Itinerary of George Washington, from June 15, 1775, to De
ARP205 Congress Enters 1779
A frustrated President Henry Laurens resigns. Congress elects John Jay to run Congress. It also investigates General William Thompson for allegedly bad mouthing Congress. The session is also filled with efforts to deal with the growing debt and related inflation of the Continental Dollar.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: John Jay: Founding Father, by Walter Stahr.Online Recommendation
ARP204 British Capture Savannah
Britain sends a force under Colonel Archibald Campbell to take Savannah, Georgia. A small defensive force under General Robert Howe attempts a defense but is easily outmaneuvered.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Southern Strategy: Britain’s Conquest of South Carolina and Georgia 1775-1780, By David K WilsonOnline Recommendation of the Week: Sir Archibald Campbell of Inverneill; so
ARP203 St Lucia and Dominica
Late in 1778, Both France and Britain look for vulnerable islands in the West Indies. France captures the British Island of Dominica Britain captures St. Lucia before a the French fleet arrives from America.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The American Revolution and the West Indies, by Charles W. Toth (ed) (or borrow the book for free on Recommendation of the Wee
ARP202 Cherry Valley Massacre
In the fall of 1778, Americans attack Indian villages at Unadilla and Onaquaga in upstate New York. In response, Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant and Major Walter Butler of Butler's Rangers attack the Americans at Cherry Valley, NY. They slaughter men, women, and children.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Iroquois in the American Revolution, by Barbara Graymont (or borrow the book for fre
ARP201 Treason in Philadelphia
General Benedict Arnold struggles as military governor of Philadelphia. Radicals attack him for profiting from his office and for consorting with loyalists. Radicals execute collaborators while Arnold attempts to bring the city back together.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Tom Paine and Revolutionary America, by Eric Foner.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Edward Shippen Family:
AR-SP09 Valcour, with Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly, author of Valcour: The 1776 Campaign that Saved the Cause of Liberty, discusses the topic of his new book.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list:
ARP200 Culper Spy Ring
General Washington develops a spy ring in British-occupied New York to provide the Continental Army with intelligence on the enemy.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring, by Alex RoseOnline Recommendation of the Week: Based on a True Story Podcast, Ep. 139 How does the show Turn! compare with actual events? https://www.basedonatruest
ARP199 Little Egg Harbor & Pulaski's Legion
As Admiral Richard Howe prepares to return to London, General Henry Clinton deploys a small fleet under Captain Patrick Ferguson to wipe out a "nest of pirates" at Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey.General Casimir Pulaski, who has assembled his legion, marches to Little Egg Harbor to defend against the raid.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Casimir Pulaski: Cavalry Commander of the America
ARP198 Raid on Old Tappan
1778: The British Army in New York City launches raids against the Continentals and into New Jersey before much of the army must leave for other parts of the British Empire.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Grand Forage 1778, The Battleground Around New York City, by Todd Braisted.Online Recommendation of the Week: Muh-he-ka-ne-ok, a History of the Stockbridge Nation, by J.N. Davidson.
ARP197 Cobleskill & German Flatts
British Canada gets a new military commander. Native warriors and loyalist militia step up their raids into northern New York in an attempt to reclaim the area for the King.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Joseph Brant, 1743-1807, Man of Two Worlds, by Isabel Thompson Kelsay.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Story of Butler's Rangers and the Settlement of Niagara, by Earnest A. C
ARP196 Rhode Island Campaign
The Continental Army, backed by New England militia, attempts to capture the British garrison at Newport. The French Navy agrees to secure the waters around the island and contribute to the assault.After a storm damages the French fleet and a British relief fleet is sighted, the French sail for Boston. The Americans must retreat from the island before they are surrounded.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommen
ARP195 Courts Martial of Lee St Clair and Schuyler
In the late summer and fall of 1778, the Continental army holds inquiries into the leadership abilities of three of its top major generals: Charles Lee, Arthur St. Clair, and Phillip Schuyler. A fourth General, Thomas Mifflin, resigns.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: George Washington's Nemesis: The Outrageous Treason and Unfair Court-Martial of Major General Charles Lee during the Re
ARP194 Battle of Ushant
British Admiral Augustus Keppel and French Admiral Louis Guillouet, the comte d'Orvilliers lead fleets into the Atlantic. Each hope to destroy the other's fleet.After a relatively inconclusive battle at sea both battered fleets return to port. Disputes between top officers end careers on both sides. British Admirals Keppel and Palliser create a rift that divides naval officers and political leaders for a generation.Visit my site at for more text, pictures,
ARP193 Silas Deane Hearings
After receiving a vague letter from Congress recalling him in spring 1778, Silas Deane returned to Philadelphia. He sailed aboard the French fleet and having successfully finalized the Treaties of Amity and Commerce. Upon his arrival, the Continental Congress kept him waiting for months while circulating rumors about accusations against him. After months of waiting and not being allowed to leave Philadelphia, Deane published an angry article in the newspapers. This only resulted in a me
AR-SP08 David Stewart: George Washington
Interview with author David O. Steward about his new book: George Washington: The Political Rise of America's Founding Father. We discuss George Washington the politician, and how his political skills grew over his life.Visit my blog at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the
ARP192 The Wyoming Valley Massacre
Colonel John Butler leads Butler's Rangers, along with various Iroquois warriors to the Wyoming Valley in what is today northeastern Pennsylvania. At the time, the land was disputed between Connecticut Yankees who supported the patriots and Pennsylvania Pennamites who backed the loyalists.With local Pennamite support, Colonel John Butler captures a Patriot fort. An opposing patriot force led by Colonel Zebulon Butler (no relation) attacks the invaders. The attacking patriots are quickly
ARP191 Alligator Bridge
General Robert Howe struggles his own subordinates Continental officers, State leaders, and militia, in addition to the enemy as he attempts to secure Georgia and fend off threats from British-held Florida. His command leads to a duel with South Carolina Lt. Gov. Christopher Gadsden.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The King's Ranger: Thomas Brown and the American Revolution on the Sou
ARP190 French Arrive in America
In July 1778, the first French fleet sails into Delaware Bay. It drops off the new French Minister, Conrad Alexandre Gerard, as well as returning diplomat Silas Deane. Congress receives the French delegation in the newly recaptured capital of Philadelphia. Admiral d'Estaing sails to New York Harbor to confront the British Navy.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Minister from France:
ARP189 Battle of Monmouth
In late June 1778, the British Army halts its retreat from Philadelphia to New York to confront the pursuing Continentals. General Charles Lee begins a retreat in the face of the British assault. General Washington arrives on the field to turn around the army and force the British from the field.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Fatal Sunday: George Washington, the Monmouth Campaign, a
AR-SP07 Larry Kidder - Revolutionary Princeton
William "Larry" Kidder, author of the book Revolutionary Princeton 1774-1783, talks about life in Princeton, New Jersey during the American Revolution.Visit my site at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list:
ARP188 Pursuit Across New Jersey
After the British evacuation of Philadelphia in the summer of 1778, the Continental Army crosses into New Jersey to confront the British before they can reach New York City. Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Handsome Flogging: The Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, by William R. GriffithOnline Recommendation of the Week: https://EmergingRevolutionaryWar.comFollow the podcast on Twitt
ARP187 Evacuation of Philadelphia
The British Army evacuates Philadelphia on June 18, 1778, abandoning many loyalist residents, and a city devastated by nearly nine months of occupation.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Revolutionary Princeton 1774-1783, by William L. KidderOnline Recommendation of the Week: Assessment of Damages Done by the British Troops during the Occupation of Philadelphia, 1777-1778
ARP186 Carlisle Peace Commission
The loss at Saratoga and France's entry into the war prompts British leaders to repeal all offensive laws and send a new peace commission to America, ready to concede anything, short of full independence.By this time, however, the Americans are unwilling to accept anything less than independence. Despites months of attempted negotiation, the Commission fails to end the war.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recomm
ARP185 Mount Hope Bay Raids
British General Robert Pigot, in command of the British garrison at Newport, deploys several raiding parties in the region to destroy American efforts to launch an attack on Newport. The British raid Warren and Bristol, Rhode Island, as well as Freetown, Massachusetts.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Dependent People: Newport, Rhode Island, in the Revolutionary Era, By Elaine F. Cra
AR-SP06 David Price John Haslet's World
Interview with author David Price about his new book: John Haslet's WorldVisit my site at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list: this podcast on Patreon or via PayPal.Find m
ARP184 Mischianza and Barren Hill
Lafayette leaps ahead of other generals to take a division command in the spring of 1778. The British throw a massive party for the departing General Howe in Philadelphia. Following the party, the British learn that Lafayette has crossed the Schuylkill near Philadelphia. They mobilize the regulars and Hessians to capture the young general, but Lafayette eludes capture.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendat
ARP183 Doan Brothers & Crooked Billet
During the winter when the Continental Army regrouped at Valley Forge and the British occupied Philadelphia, Pennsylvania militia attempted to control the area in between the two armies.At the same time, various loyalist groups attempted to assert control, or at least take advantage of weaknesses in patriot defenses. One such group was the Doan Gang, which spied for the British and embarked on a crime wave throughout Bucks County.Late in the winter, regulars and loyalists under John Gra
ARP182 British Occupation of Philadelphia
The British Army occupies Philadelphia over the winter of 1777-78. They discover that the capture of America's leading city is more trouble than it is worth.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Sullivan, Aaron The Disaffected: Britain's Occupation of Philadelphia During the American Revolution, Univ. of Penn. Press, 2019Online Recommendation of the Week: Sullivan, Aaron “In but not of the
ARP181 West Point Chain
The Americans construct a chain across the Hudson River to prevent further British incursions up into the Hudson Valley. To protect the chain, they build a series of forts, one in an island in the river and more on the western side of the river.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Peasant Prince: Thaddeus Kosciuszko and the Age of Revolution, by Alex Storozynski Online Recommendation
ARP180 John Paul Jones Raids Whitehaven
Escaping from the law, Captain John Paul finds his way to America, changes his name to Jones, and after the Revolution begins, joins the Continental Navy. He overcomes many frustrations to bring a naval ship to France. From there, his ship raids the English shore and captures the Drake.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: John Paul Jones: Sailor, Hero, Father of the American Navy, by Evan
AR-SP05 Christian McBurney - George Washington's Nemesis
Interview with author Christian McBurney about his new book: George Washington's Nemesis: The Outrageous Treason and Unfair Court-Martial of Major General Charles Lee during the Revolutionary War.Visit my site at for a complete transcript as well as links to other works by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: our raffle by joining the
ARP179 Prisoner Exchanges
Over the winter of 1777-78. General Washington and General Howe try to come to an agreement to exchange prisoners of War. While an agreed cartel proves elusive, their efforts see the return of General Charles Lee and Colonel Ethan Allen.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Captives of Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance in the American Revolution, 2019 by T. Cole Jones
ARP178 Hancock's Bridge Massacre
Americans under General Anthony Wayne and Navel Captain John Barry engage in a series of raids along southern New Jersey. Wayne's mission to seize cattle to bring back to the starving soldiers at Valley Forge. Barry helps Wayne get his force across the Delaware River, then tries to distract the British. He ends up capturing and scuttling several British vessels.In response, the British in Philadelphia deploy a force of several thousand soldiers to New Jersey. They are unable to capture
ARP177 Republic of Vermont
In the midst of war, the people living in the disputed land between New York and New Hampshire declare themselves to be the independent Republic of Vermont. The new radical constitution is the first to abolish slavery, grant universal suffrage for all men, and guarantee public education for children.The other colonies refuse to recognize Vermont Independence, which must struggle for more than a decade to get recognition.Visit my site at for more text, pictu
ARP176 Sinking the Randolph
The Continental Navy struggles to find a useful role in the war effort. Congress cahiers the navy's commander Esek Hopkins, and does not replace him. The navy carries John Adams to France to begin his diplomatic career. Captain Nicolas Biddle of the Randolph does battle with the British warship, Yarmouth. Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Captain Dauntless: The Story of Nicholas Biddle
AR-SP04 Michael Harris on Germantown
Author Michael C. Harris discusses the battle of Germantown and his new book about the battle.Germantown a Military History of the Battle for Philadelphia, October 4th, 1777. Savas Beatie, 2020. Visit my site at for a full text transcript, pictures, maps, and more books by the author.Follow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast: the podcast mail list: http
ARP175 Von Steuben at Valley Forge
A down on his luck Prussian officer makes his way to America. There he obtains appointment as the army's Inspector General and trains the soldiers in formal military drill.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the Making of the American Army, by Paul Lockhart.Online Recommendation of the Week: Regulations for the order and disciplin
ARP174 Britain and France go to War
By the end of 1777, British leaders in London express serious doubts about winning the war in America. After hearing news of Burgoyne's surrender and the French Alliance with America, Britain must make drastic changes. It declares war on France, then redeploys much of its army and navy to other parts of the Empire. The new North American Commander, Sir Henry Clinton must hold his forces in a defensive posture.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps,
ARP173 Treaties with France
In 1778, the American Commissioners in Paris convince French King Louis XVI to sign a treaty of alliance and a treaty of amity and commerce, recognizing the US as an independent nation. The revelation of this alliance forces Britain to declare war on France.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Ten Key Campaigns of the American Revolution, Mark Edward Lender, ed.Online Recommendation o
ARP172 Winter at Valley Forge
Washington's Continentals suffer a lack of food, clothing and shelter as it struggles to get through the winter at Valley Forge. At the same time, it must contest a British move into Darby in search of forage. Captain "light horse Harry" Lee distinguishes himself during this time. Americans also capture a British ship on the Delaware river. Washington fights with Congress to get what he needs to maintain and train his army.Visit my site at for more text, pi
AR-SP03 James Kirby Martin on the Saratoga Campaign
An interview with author James Kirby Martin who recently wrote about the Saratoga Campaign in the new book The 10 Key Campaigns of the America Revolution. Visit my site at for a transcript of our discussion, as well as pictures, maps, and links to more books by James Kirby Martin.Contact me via email at mtroy.history@gmail.comFollow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast:
ARP171 Conway Cabal
Following the victory at Saratoga, political leaders consider the idea of replacing General George Washington with General Horatio Gates as Commander in Chief. Several ambitious officers within the Continental Army support the move.Congress appoints Gates to head the Board of War, where he can make strategy and give orders to Washington. Very quickly other top officers in the army make clear that these changes are unacceptable. Gates also fails to impress by organizing a new invasion of
ARP170 Whitemarsh
In the weeks following the battle of Germantown, the Continentals camp at Whitemarsh, only a few miles from the British lines. There, they set up defenses and prepare for another battle. Washington deploys Alexander Hamilton to see Horatio Gates in NY, in an attempt to get Gates to send reinforcements. The army also tries and cashiers Gen. Adam Stephen following accusations from Germantown. Congress orders the Continental Navy to sink several ships on the Delaware river to prevent their
ARP169 Articles of Confederation
With the British Army in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress moves to Lancaster, Pa, and then to York. There, they have to fight off defeatism while many delegates, including President John Hancock, return home. The Congress does finally finish its proposed Articles of Confederation, which it sends to the state for ratification. News of the victory at Saratoga help raise everyone's spirits.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on t
ARP168 Forts Mercer and Mifflin
The Hessians under Col. von Donop fail to capture Fort Mercer following an aggressive attack. The British focus on Fort Mifflin, subjecting the garrison to a massive artillery barrage for days. Eventually the surviving defenders make a nighttime escape to Fort Mercer.Following the loss of Fort Mifflin and expecting a second assault on Fort Mercer, the garrison there abandons the fort and moves to rejoin the main Continental Army. Any remaining American naval vessels on the river are bur
AR-SP02 Author Kurt Avard on his book "First, Do No Harm"
An interview with author Kurt Avard, about his new novel First, Do No Harm.In 17th Century Vienna, a local watchman discovers a dead body outside of Stephansdom Cathedral. He soon realizes that the black plague is sweeping across the city. He must determine: Is there a medical cure that will stop this illness from devastating the population? or is the plague the result of other-worldly beings bringing God’s wrath to a sinful people? Author Kurt Avard takes readers on a journey through a
ARP167 Defending the Delaware
After capturing Philadelphia in 1777, the British spend weeks trying to open the Delaware River so that the navy can supply the occupying army. The Americans spent years installing barriers and forts to make the approach difficult and dangerous.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Pennsylvania Navy: Defending the Delaware 1775-1781, by John W. Jackson.Online Recommendation of the Week
ARP166 Surrender at Saratoga
After failing to push through the American Lines, British General Burgoyne holds out for a relief force from New York City. Although the British attack Kingston, NY as a distraction, the Continental Army keeps its focus on Burgoyne's army. Finally, with no options left, General Burgoyne agrees to a surrender. General Gates agrees to generous terms, promising to send Burgoyne's army back to England. However, the Continental Congress refuses to comply with those terms and keeps the army p
ARP165 Bemis Heights (2nd Saratoga)
The British under General Johnny Burgoyne make a desperate push against the Americans under the command of General Horatio Gates on Bemis Heights, in upstate New York.General Benedict Arnold defies Gates' orders to stay away. Instead, he leads the Americans to victory before being shot down near the end of the day. The British are forced to withdraw and remain trapped. Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommenda
ARP164 Forts Clinton and Montgomery
British General Sir Henry Clinton makes a desperate attempt to distract the Continental Army facing General Burgoyne in the upper Hudson Valley. Clinton captures Forts Clinton and Montgomery but fails to cause any of the Continentals under Horatio Gates to turn focus away from Burgoyne.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Logusz, Michael O. With Musket & Tomahawk: The West Point-Hudso
AR-SP01 Dr. Ronald Gibbs on Medical Care and the Revolution
Special Episode: Discussion with Dr. Ronald S. Gibbs on Medicine and the American RevolutionVisit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Dr. Gibbs' Novel: The Long Shot: The Secret History of 1776 (2020).Dr. Gibbs' Website Contact me via email at mtroy.history@gmail.comFollow the podcast on Twitter @AmRevPodcastJoin the Facebook group, American Revolution Podcast:
ARP163 Germantown
On October 4, 1777 the Continental Army attacks the main British Army at Germantown, several days after the British occupied Philadelphia.General Washington attempts a complex four pronged assault on the British camp. The attack falls part as units get lost in the heavy fog and the attackers turn their focus on taking a stone house on the edge of the battlefield.This gives British forces time to rally and chase the Americans from the field.Visit my site at
ARP162 Raid on Fort Ticonderoga
As General Burgoyne's British army faces off against General Gates' Continentals near Saratoga, Colonel John Brown leads an attack on the British rear at Fort Ticonderoga. The Continentals fail to capture the fort, but take 300 prisoners and thrown the British supply lines into disarray.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Don Troiani's Campaign to Saratoga - 1777: The Turning Point of th
ARP161 Freeman's Farm (First Saratoga)
The British army under General Burgoyne finds itself increasingly isolated. On the American side, General Gates replaces General Schuyler as commander of the northern army. Gate's picks a fight with General Arnold while setting up defenses to take on the British.The British assault at Freeman's Farm forces the Americans to pull back to their defensive lines in heights, but also leaves the British army weaker and unsure of its ability to break the American lines.Visit my site at https://
ARP160 Paoli Massacre & Fall of Philadelphia
As the British Army plans its final assault on Philadelphia, the continentals leave an army in the British rear to harass them. This army, led by General Anthony Wayne, took a position near Paoli Tavern. A British force led by General Charles Grey attacked the continentals at night, using bayonets to dispatch the enemy silently. Most of the Continentals fled into the dark woods. Following the destruction of the army in their rear, the British crossed the Schuylkill river and took poss
ARP159 Battle of the Clouds
Following the American loss at Brandywine, Congress reevaluates its officers. At the same time, Gen. Washington prepares to rally for the next confrontation. The Continentals and British advance on each other near White Horse Tavern. As they prepare for a major battle, a terrible rain storm floods the field and damages most of the gunpowder. General Washington uses the opportunity to pull back across the Schuylkill river for a final defense of Philadelphia.Visit my site at https://blog.
ARP158 Battle of Brandywine
General Washington sets his defenses along Brandywine Creek, hoping to prevent General Howe's advance on Philadelphia. Howe sent his Hessians under General von Knyphausen against the Continental lines. At the same time Howe marched his regulars further north where he crossed the creek and marched against the Continental right flank.The Continentals put up a good fight against the British assault before being forced to retreat. A rearguard action by Nathanael Green allowed the Continent
ARP157 British Landing and Cooch's Bridge
The British Fleet deploys an army of over 15,000 British and Hessian soldiers at Head of Elk, Maryland. It takes the army several days to unload and to recover from the long journey. The Americans move to Wilmington Delaware as they scouted out the enemy. The armies clash several days later at Cooch's Bridge before the British move into Pennsylvania.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Th
ARP156 The Siege of Fort Henry
Over the summer of 1777, native tribes along the western frontier attack American settlements. In August, they attack Fort Henry in Virginia. After a sustained attack, the garrison receives reinforcements and forces the attackers to abandon the siege.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Year of the Hangman: George Washington's Campaign Against the Iroquois, by Glenn WilliamsOnline Recomme
Episode 155 The Battle of Bennington
German troops under Col. Friedrich Baum are defeated by the militia raised by General John Stark near Bennington. Later that same day, Stark's forces defeat a relief column under the command of Col. Von Breymann.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Bennington: Soldiers & Civilians, by Michael P. Gabriel.Online Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Bennington, by Hen
Episode 154 John Stark Raises an Army
With a demoralized and shrinking Continental Army facing General Burgoyne's invasion of upstate New York, New Englanders turn to a disaffected former Continental colonel, John Stark, to form a militia army.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Stark; The Life and Wars of John Stark, French and Indian War Ranger, Revolutionary War General, by Richard & John Polhemus Online Recommendatio
Episode 153 Staten Island and Setauket
On August 22, 1777, the Americans launch two independent raids on British defenses around New York City. General Sullivan leads an attack on Staten Island, while General Putnam orders a raid on Setauket, Long Island.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Lost British Forts of Long Island, by David M GriffinOnline Recommendation of the Week: The Military Services and Public Life of Major-Ge
Episode 152 Fort Stanwix and Oriskany
General Nicholas Herkimer leads a militia relief force to save Fort Stanwix. A native an militia force form St. Leger's Army ambushes the relief force in the bloody battle of Oriskany. The relief force retreats and the siege continues.Days later, General Benedict Arnold leads a relief force to the fort. After the enemy believes exaggerated numbers of Arnold's army, the force under St. Leger flees back to Lake Ontario. Arnold lifts the siege and keeps the fort in American hands.Visit my
Episode 151 The St. Leger Expedition
As General Burgoyne Launches his Campaign from Canada into upstate New York, General Barry St. Leger leads a second army made up primarily of Native Americans and Loyalists through Western New York's Mohawk Valley. St. Leger planned to capture Fort Stanwix, then link up with Burgoyne's army at Albany.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: With Musket and Tomahawk. Volume II: The Mohawk Vall
Episode 150 Howe Leaves New York
General William Howe gets a late start to the 1777 fighting campaign, not leaving New York City until the end of July. He opts to sail all they way to Virginia and then up the Chesapeake Bay to land in Maryland, with Philadelphia as his goal.Weeks of the British Army at sea leave the Continentals perplexed and guessing at what the ultimate goal would be.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week
Episode 149 Lafayette Comes to America
The Marquis de Lafayette, a young french noble with dreams of fighting for liberty travels to America to become a major general in the Continental Army. In doing so, he must overcome skepticism and resistance from both sides of the Atlantic.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Marquis: Lafayette Reconsidered, by Laura AuricchioOnline Recommendation of the Week: ebook, The Life of Gene
Episode 148 Murder of Jane McCrea
General Burgoyne's army reaches the Hudson river after slogging through the wilderness for most of August 1777. Burgoyne relied on his Indian allies to keep the enemy from setting up ambushes or otherwise interfering with progress.After an Indian returned with the scalp of Jane McCrea, the fiancé of one of his officers, Burgoyne had to put restrictions on the Indians. Most warriors responded by leaving the army and returning home. The story of Jane McCrea became a rallying point for Ame
Episode 147 Kidnapping General Prescott
After the British occupy Newport, Rhode Islanders kidnap the British commander, General Richard Prescott in hopes of exchanging him for General Charles Lee.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Kidnapping the Enemy, by Christian McBurneyOnline Recommendation of the Week: Video, Christian McBurney discusses his book: Learn more about y
Episode 146 Battle of Hubbardton
As the Fort Ticonderoga garrison escapes the attacking British under General Burgoyne, American General Arthur St. Clair leaves a rearguard at Hubbardton to prevent the British from advancing on the retreating army.Colonel Seth Warner commands the American rearguard, which is still at Hubbardton when the British advance guard, under the command of General Simon Fraser, catches up to them. A brutal wilderness battle rages for hours in the wooded mountains. Finally German reinforcements u
Episode 145 Retreat from Ticonderoga
The American garrison at Fort Ticonderoga make a confused nighttime escape from Fort Ticonderoga, just in time to avoid capture. The bulk of the army marches off into the woods while the sick, wounded and supplies are loaded aboard ships. The next morning, the British fleet chases after the ships, catching up with them at Skenesborough. The American fleet is captured or destroyed. A few soldiers escape to Fort Anne. The British pursue with a small advance force. The Americans counter at
Episode 144 Defense of Fort Ticonderoga
After the British fail to take the Fort Ticonderoga in 1776, the Continentals squander the winter fighting among themselves. When General Burgoyne's British army moves to surround and assault the fort in the summer of 1777, General St. Clair realizes his Continental garrison is a sitting duck.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Saratoga: Turning Point of America's Revolutionary War, by R
Episode 143 Burgoyne's Northern Army
General Burgoyne assembles his army in Canada. His army of thousands, led by Simon Fraser, William Phillips, Baron von Rediesel assembles in the early summer of 1777 to march on Fort Ticonderoga, then down the Hudson valley to cut of New England and reestablish British authority.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Where a Man Can Go: Major General William Phillips, British Royal Artiller
Episode 142 Disease and the Revolution
Throughout the Revolution, disease was a far greater killer of soldiers than the enemy. This week, we discuss how people suffered from disease during the Revolutionary War, how it impacted the course of the war, and what they did to fight back.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Medicine and the American Revolution: How Diseases and Their Treatments Affected the Colonial Army, by Oscar R
Episode 141 Congress Returns to Philadelphia
Congress returns from its removal to Baltimore after the fear of British occupation of Philadelphia passes. The new session approves a new American flag on June 14, 1777. Congress also promotes new generals. It must deal with an influx of French officer applicants that it does not want, but also does not want to offend France. Finally, after several months, Congress once again leaves Philadelphia after the British threaten another occupation.Visit my site at
Episode 140 Battle of Short Hills
The British attempt to lure the Continental Army out of the Watchung mountains by marching back into New Jersey. General Washington refuses to engage. After the British withdraw, the Americans move down out of the mountains. General Howe moves his army back to cut off Washington's path back into the mountains. A fierce defense led by General Lord Stirling slows the British advance long enough for the Americans to move back into the mountains. Unwilling to engage them there, the British
Episode 139 Meigs Raid on Sag Harbor
A patriot force under the command of Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs raids British occupied Long Island from Connecticut. The Americans capture loyalist prisoners and destroy British supplies before returning back to Connecticut. The patriots considered the raid a great success. The British gave up attempting to maintain a permanent outpost on the eastern part of Long Island.
Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.
Book R
Episode 138 Battle of Thomas Creek
Patriots invade East Florida in hopes of capturing the colony and eliminating the British threat from St. Augustine. The small and divided force is massacred at Thomas Creek as they retreat back to Georgia. Meanwhile the fighting between Georgia's political leader, Button Gwinnett and Continental General Lachlan McIntosh leads to a duel.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Lachlan McIntos
Episode 137 Lambert Wickes
Continental Navy Captain Lambert Wickes delivers Benjamin Franklin to France, then attacks British shipping in British waters, nearly provoking a war between Britain and France.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Lambert Wickes Sea Raider and Diplomat: The Story of a Navel Captain of the Revolution, by William Bell Clark, and The Golden Voyage: The Life and Times of William Bingham, 1752
Episode 136 Franklin in Paris
Benjamin Franklin travels to France to join the American Delegation. He arrives in December 1776 and immediately gains pop star status with the French people. Getting the French government to go along would take longer.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America, by Stacy Schiff, 2005. Online Recommendation of the Week: Sybil Ludi
Episode 135 The Danbury Raid
An army of regulars led by New York Governor and General William Tryon, raid an American supply depot at Danbury, Connecticut. American resistance led by General David Wooster and Benedict Arnold resulted it the battle of Ridgefield and many British casualties.General Wooster died in the fighting, while General Arnold's performance finally led to his promotion to major general.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Re
Episode 134 The Battle of Bound Brook
A large British force attacks General Lincoln at Bound Brook New Jersey. Lord Cornwallis hopes to capture the relatively isolated Continental force that is posted to defend Washington's southern flank. The British scatter the surprised Americans who mostly flee the scene. Washington sends a column under General Greene to retake Bound Brook and harass the British column as it returns to its base that same day.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, a
Episode 133 The Peekskill Raid
The British in New York City send a raiding party up the Hudson River to attack an American supply depot. After two days of fighting, the Americans drive off the British and take back the town.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Chaining the Hudson: Fight for the River in the American Revolution, by Lincoln Diamant Online Recommendation of the Week: History that Doesn't Suck Podcast: htt
Episode 132 Britain Adjusts its War Plans
Over the fall and winter of 1776-1777, General Howe proposes his strategic plans to officials in London. Those officials deny most of Howe's requests for reinforcements, thus causing him to reduce his plans. At the same time, officials in London meet with General Burgoyne and agree to have him lead an invasion of upstate New York from Canada, thus angering several more senior generals who wanted that command. No one bothers to tell the North American Commander, Howe, that he must suppor
Episode 131 Congress - Baltimore Edition
Fearing an imminent British invasion of Philadelphia, the Continental Congress adjourns in December 1776 with a resolution to meet a week later in Baltimore, Maryland. Congress holds session in Baltimore for three months. The delegates vote to print more money, promote more generals and generally continue the work of government. At the end of February 1777, with the danger passed, they return to Philadelphia.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, a
Episode 130 Fort McIntosh, Georgia
Loyalists in Florida with the aide of Seminole Warriors, raid the Georgia borders in an attempt to roll back patriot control. Meanwhile Button Gwinnett becomes President of Georgia and uses the opportunity to attack his political opponents.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Georgia-Florida Contest in the American Revolution, 1776-1778, by Martha SearcyOnline Recommendation of the We
Episode 129 Prisoners of War
Thousands of American Prisoners suffer and die in New York City prisons and prison ships during the Revolutionary War.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Forgotten Patriots: The Untold Story of American Prisoners During the Revolutionary War, by Edwin G. Burrows.Online Recommendation of the Week: List of prisoners from the Jersey: Learn more about your ad
Episode 128 Fort Independence
Continental forces under General Heath attempt to recapture Fort Independence, just north of New York City in January 1777. The Hessian Garrison forces the Continentals to withdrawal.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Benjamin Lincoln and the American Revolution, by David MatternOnline Recommendation of the Week: Memoirs of William Heath:
Episode 127 The Forage War
Following the Battle of Princeton, New Jersey militia keep the British Army hunkered down in a couple of North Jersey cities near New York. Their efforts keep patriot control of New Jersey as Washington's Continental Army rests and rebuilds for the spring campaign.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Unknown American Revolution, by Garry NashOnline Recommendation of the Week: Document
Episode 126 The Battle of Princeton
The Continentals surprise the British by pulling out of Trenton on the night of January 2, 1777 and marching up a back road to attack the British rear at Princeton the next morning.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Second to No Man but the Commander in Chief, Hugh Mercer: American Patriot by Michael Cecere Online Recommendation of the Week: The Life of General Hugh Mercer, by John Gool
Episode 125 Second Battle of Trenton
General Cornwallis is tasked to deal with the Americans who captured the Hessian outpost at Trenton. Cornwallis assembles and marches his army directly to Trenton in a matter of days. As his army moves from Princeton to Trenton, American delaying tactics prevent him from arriving until nearly the evening of July 2, 1777. After capturing the town, Cornwallis opts to wait until morning to attack the main American force on the other side of Assunpink Creek.Visit my site at https://blog.AmR
Episode 124 Back Across the Delaware
After its victory at Trenton, the Continental Army retreats with its prisoners and equipment back to Pennsylvania. After discovering that the Pennsylvania militia had crossed into New Jersey, Washington opts to cross back again and reoccupy Trenton. There he will await General Cornwallis and the British Army.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Winter Soldiers, by Richard KetchumOnlin
Episode 123 First Battle of Trenton
The Continental Army led by General Washington attacks the Hessian outpost at Trenton on December 26, 1776.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Ten Crucial Days: Washington's Vision for Victory Unfolds, by William L. Kidder (2019)Online Recommendation of the Week: Ten Crucial Days Website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 122 Crossing the Delaware
December 25, 1776: Washington assembles enough troops to attempt an attack on the British, days before the enlistments of most of his remaining soldiers expire.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Washington's Crossing, by David Hackett FischerOnline Recommendation of the Week: Washington's Crossing State Park: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 121 Battle of Iron Works Hill
In late December 1776, General Washington sends a small force into New Jersey to harass the Hessian garrisons. The force under Colonel Samuel Griffin engages the Hessians under Colonel Carl Von Donop. The fighting on Iron Works Hill causes Von Donop to redeploy his Hessians to Mount Holly New Jersey. This leaves the smaller Hessian garrison at Trenton isolated over Christmas.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Reco
Episode 120 The American Crisis
As the Continental Army struggle to keep itself alive at the end of 1776, Thomas Paine writes The American Crisis to rally Americans to fight the British and Hessians.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Thomas Paine: Collected Writings: Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters, by Eric Foner (ed)Online Recommendation of the Week: Project Gu
Episode 119 Fort Cumberland Nova Scotia and Newport Rhode Island
Over the winter of 1776-77, Patriots attempt to capture Fort Cumberland and bring Nova Scotia into the rebellion. Also, the British capture Newport Rhode Island to use as a winter port for the navy. Generals Clinton and Percy return to Britain.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Siege of Fort Cumberland, 1776: An Episode in the American Revolution, by Ernest Clarke Online Recommendat
Episode 118 British Capture Stockton and Lee
As the British Army sweeps across New Jersey, it captures Signer Richard Stockton and General Charles Lee.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Charles Lee: Self Before Country, by Dominick MazzagettiOnline Recommendation of the Week: Facebook Group American History Fanatics: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 117 Retreat Across New Jersey
Washington completes his retreat to Pennsylvania by early December 1776. The British slowly force the march but do not attempt to capture the Continentals. Washington's subordinate generals fail to come to his assistance. He discovers his own personal aid has lost faith in his leadership.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Long Retreat: The Calamitous Defense of New Jersey, 1776 by A
Episode 116 American Terrorist in Britain
James Aitken, a petty criminal in Britain, schemes to burn down all of the Naval portyards in England to cripple the British Navy. He hopes to become a hero of the American cause.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: John the Painter: Terrorist of the American Revolution, by Jessica WarnerOnline Recommendation of the Week: The Life of James Aitken Commonly Called John the Painter, by John
Episode 115 Congress and French Diplomacy
The Continental Congress makes no real progress approving Articles of Confederation and has trouble supporting its own army. It sends a delegation to France to get an alliance with France. Congress sends Benjamin Franklin to join Arthur Lee and Silas Deane in France, with all three receiving official commissions. Before the commissions arrive, Deane has great difficulty getting any French aid to America. Lee's interference even raises doubts in the French government about whether Deane
Episode 114 Escape from Fort Lee
A British and Hessian force led by Lord Cornwallis storms Fort Lee in New Jersey, forcing the Continental Army led by George Washington to flee further south. The two armies spend days moving through cold rain and muddy roads. The Continentals continue to retreat back toward Philadelphia as the British take Newark.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Day is Ours by William DwyerOnline
Episode 113 The Fall of Fort Washington
General Washington ignores British General Howe's repeated hints that he needs to evacuate Fort Washington. Instead, he leaves the decision up to General Nathanael Greene. The British capture the Fort along with 3000 officers and men, the Continental Army's greatest loss in the first part of the war.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Washington's General: Nathanael Greene and the Triump
Episode 112 The Battle of White Plains
The British under General Howe continue to push back the Continentals under General Washington, slowly nudging them off Manhattan island, but refusing to surround them or force a major battle. Eventually the Continentals are forced to retreat to New Jersey.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Narrative of a Revolutionary War Soldier, by Joseph Plumb MartinOnline Recommendation of the Week
Episode 111 Retreat from Lake Champlain
Benedict Arnold avoids almost certain capture near Valcour Island with a daring night move. The British fleet catches up with him, but Arnold is able to ground most of his ships and escape overland back to Fort Ticonderoga. The British, after reaching Crown Point, decide it is too late to begin a siege of Ticonderoga. Instead, they return to Canada with plans to return in the spring.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.B
Episode 110 The Battle of Valcour Island
General Benedict Arnold forces the British fleet to attack him at the location of his choosing, near Valcour Island. His smaller and less experience force performs well during the battle, but then finds itself trapped by the British.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The Battle of Valcour Island: The Participants and Vessels of Benedict Arnold's 1776 Defense of Lake Champlain, by Stephe
Episode 109 Great Fire of NY & Hanging Nathan Hale
After the Continental Army evacuates and the British occupy New York City, a night fire burns a quarter of the town. The British capture Captain Nathan Hale and hang him as a spy. The Americans court martial a deserter.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: The British Are Coming, by Rick AtkinsonOnline Recommendation of the Week: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit m
Episode 108 The French Connection
France makes plans for covert aid to America. Silas Deane arrives to encourage such aid. French foreign minister puts him in contact with a playwright and part-time arms dealer name Beaumarchais. The British spy network immediately infiltrate all of this to thwart their plans. Also, others from America and in France attempt to block the attempt for personal reasons.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation
Episode 107 Kip's Bay and Harlem Heights
The British land at Kip's Bay on Manhattan, scattering the patriot defenders. A few days later, British advance forces run into more effective resistance at Harlem Heights. While the British capture the island, they allow the Continental army to escape to the north.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Revolution on the Hudson, by George C. DaughanOnline Recommendation of the Week: https:/
Episode 106 Arms Race on Lake Champlain
The British spend months putting together a fleet to crush the Americans on Lake Champlain and retake Fort Ticonderoga. Generals Carleton and Burgoyne do not get along and create a divided command. Those divisions, however, are nothing compared the divisions on the American site where Generals Schuyler and Gates fight to control the northern Continental Army. General Arnold also fights with a court martial, which tries to hold him in contempt.Visit my site at https://blog.AmRevPodcast.c
Episode 105 Staten Island Peace Conference
After capturing Brooklyn and Long Island General Howe and Admiral Howe halt their military offensive for two weeks. During that time, they invite three members of the Continental Congress to discuss the possibility of a negotiated peace.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Stop the Revolution: America in the Summer of Independence and the Conference for Peace, by Thomas J. McGuire Online
Episode 104 Submarine Warfare
The Continental Army attempts to blow up the HMS Eagle in New York Harbor in September 1776. Using the work of David Bushnell and a small team, attempts to attach an underwater mine after reaching the ship using a one man submarine. The explosive fails to attach and the mission is a failure.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Turtle: David Bushnell's Revolutionary Vessel, by Roy R. Manst
Episode 103 The Battle of Brooklyn
The British land 20,000 men on Long Island. Using a flanking maneuver, they easily kill, capture, and scatter the inexperienced Americans. Just as the regulars and Hessians appear to inflict the final death blow, British general Howe calls a halt to the assault. He fears sending his troops against the dug in Continentals along the East River. Instead, he opts for a slow advance of digging entrenchments. The British delay, along with the luck of weather, allows the Americans to escape ba
Episode 102 Cherokee War in the South
British Indian Agents encourage the Cherokee to attack the colonies in rebellion. Cherokee tribes along the western frontiers of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia coordinate their attacks for about the same time the British attack the Carolina coast. After the British attack founders at Fort Sullivan and they abandon the south, the Americans are able to focus on the Cherokee and the Tories fighting with them.Fighting is brutal on both sides. Civilians are murdered. Men, women, and ch
Episode 101 The British Land at Staten Island
The British get off to a late start, not assembling their massive invasion force at New York until August 1776. When they disembark on Staten Island, the Continentals see the largest overseas military force Britain had ever assembled.The British fleet sails past ineffective Continental defenses. Admiral Howe attempts to begin peace talks without any luck.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Wee
Episode 100 The Declaration of Independence
We review the Declaration line by line and explain what it means.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence, by Pauline Maier Online Recommendation of the Week: Revolutions Podcast, by Mike Duncan Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 099 Drafting the Declaration
The Continental Congress appoints a committee headed by Thomas Jefferson to draft a declaration while debate over independence continues. After Congress approves the Declaration with modifications, it is distributed to the world, then later signed.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendations of the Week: What Did the Declaration Declare, by Joseph Ellis (ed) &The Fourth of July and the Founding of Americ
Episode 098 Voting for Independence
In the spring of 1776, the Second Continental Congress struggles to reach a unanimous vote on independence.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week: Signing Their Lives Away, by by Denise Kiernan and Joseph D'AgneseOnline Recommendation of the week: Online Liberty Library Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 097 A Coup in Philadelphia
Radicals in Philadelphia overthrow the conservative colonial government. They install radicals just in time to get Pennsylvania to support independence.For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Recommendation of the Week: The Revolution Is Now Begun: The Radical Committees of Philadelphia, 1765-1776, by Richard Alan Ryerson Online Recommendation of the Week Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 096 The Battle for Sullivan's Island
General Henry Clinton and Commodore Peter Parker attempt to capture Fort Sullivan in the harbor of Charleston South Carolina. Although Continental General Charles Lee attempts to abandon the fort, the fort commander Colonel William Moultrie refuses. The British fail take the fort and must retreat back to New York without any military success.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Book Recommendation of the Week Crescent Mo
Episode 095 The Battle of Trois-Rivières (Three Rivers)
General Sullivan takes command in Canada, only to be overwhelmed by the British reinforcements commanded by Generals Carleton and Burgoyne. The Continentals attack the British at Three Rivers, only to be repelled. Even more devastating is smallpox still ravaging the army. With General Arnold's assistance the Army successfully retreats back to New York largely intact.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about
Episode 094 War at Sea, Battle of Turtle Gut Inlet
Elements of the Continental Navy as well as a hoard of privateers harass and battle with the British Navy up and down the East coast. Naval Commodore John Barry emerges and an early naval hero.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 093 The Dave Mathews Band Breaks Up
General Washington struggles to set up defenses in New York despite Tories all around him. The Continental army riots with NY Prostitutes after they murder two soldiers. The Army discovers and shuts down a plot to murder Washington ahead of the British invasion. One soldier is hanged and mayor David Mathews is taken into custody.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 092 State Constitutions, Part 2
Following the Declaration of Independence, most of the remaining States adopt new Constitutions. We examine why Massachusetts took so long and why Connecticut and Rhode Island did not even bother with one.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 091 State Constitutions, Part 1
In 1775 and 1776, even before officially declaring independence, the colonies begin adopting constitutions. We see many of the principles later found in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution showing up in these first attempts at self-government.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 090 Battle of the Cedars
General John Thomas takes command of Continental forces around Quebec. Despite his efforts, the Continentals must withdraw as the British relief fleet arrives in spring 1776. An American force surrenders to an inferior force at an outpost known as the Cedars, leading to scandal and courts martial.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 089: Washington Moves to New York
In the months between the time the British evacuate Boston and land in New York, Washington had plenty of time to work with his army to build up defenses around New York City and to confer with leaders in Philadelphia. Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 088 British War Plans 1776
The North Ministry settles on a plan to send an overwhelming force. They will shock and awe the colonists into submission. General Howe will command an army of 32,000 regulars and Hessians supported by his brother Admiral Howe commanding over 10,000 sailors and Marines. A secondary force of 8000 under General Burgoyne will go to Quebec and fall under the command of General Carleton.The Howe brothers will capture and occupy New York City, then expand out from there. They also will serve
Episode 087 Canada Spring 1776
Following the failed attempt to take Quebec City, the Continentals keep a token force around the city. General Benedict Arnold recovers from his wounds while he fights with his fellow officers over what to do next. General David Wooster pulls rank and takes command of Quebec, forcing Arnold to leave.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 086 The Evacuation of Boston
After the Continentals capture Dorchester Heights, the British Army and Navy must leave Boston right away. Loyalists crowd onto ships and escape to Halifax. Gen. Howe spares the city in exchange for the Continentals not firing on the city or the fleet during the evacuation.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 085 Dorchester Heights
The Continental Army occupies Dorchester Heights overnight, surprising the British and forcing them to evacuate Boston.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 084 The Continental Navy Raids the Bahamas
The Continental Congress builds a small fleet to take on the British Navy. The new commander of the Continental Navy begins his command by disobeying orders to confront the British Navy directly. Instead, he launches a raid on the Bahamas to collect needed arms and ammunition.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 083 Continental Congress Winter 1776
Delegates to the Continental Congress, including conservatives, begin to consider independence as a realistic option. Lord Drummond sails to Philadelphia in a well intentioned but poorly conceived attempt to broker a peace deal. Congress blames General Schuyler for the failures in Canada and moves around some of its generals. It sends Silas Deane to France to open up diplomatic negotiations with the new King Louis XVI of France.Visit for more text, pictures
Episode 082 The Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
General Henry Clinton leaves Boston to secure the southern colonies. His plan is to meet up with a fleet of regulars coming from Britain under the commend of General Cornwallis. These regulars will serve as a rally point for loyalists to enlist and reclaim the colonies for the King.The British send two recruiting officers to western North Carolina, where they raise several thousand recruits. The Patriots learn of the organization of loyalist regiments. They send Continentals under Col.
Episode 081 Common Sense
Thomas Paine arrived in America in 1774 with a head full of radical ideas: abolition, women's rights, republicanism, and independence. This British immigrant was more radical than most Americans. His publication of Common Sense in January 1776 is widely credited with pushing public opinion in favor of independence.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 080 The Knox Expedition
General Washington appoints Henry Knox Commander of Artillery. His first mission is to find some artillery to command. Knox hauls 59 artillery pieces from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston. These will prove instrumental in ending the Siege of Boston.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 079 The Battle of Quebec
General Montgomery and Colonel Arnold make a desperate attempt to take Quebec City before their soldiers' enlistments expire at the end of 1775. Despite a brave attack, the attack fails, leaving the Continental Army in Canada in tatters.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 078 Advancing on Quebec
General Arnold demands the surrender of Quebec, but the last minute arrival of local defenders gives them the courage to hold out. Arnold pulls back and links up with General Montgomery so that the combined force can assault the city together.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 077: The Dunmore Proclamation and the Southern War
Virginia Governor Lord Dunmore proclaims that slaves who abandon their rebel masters and join the British army can earn their freedom. Dunmore attempts to recruit a loyalist army of both black and white Virginians. He fights a pitched battle at Kemp's Landing and Great Bridge. Unable to hold land, his forces retreat to ships offshore. At the end of 1775, the British also burn and abandon Norfolk.In South Carolina, patriots attack and scatter loyalist militia around Ninty-Six i the weste
Episode 076 Arnold's March to Quebec
Benedict Arnold leads a force across the New England wilderness to attack Quebec from an unexpected direction. More than half of his force does not make it through the deadly march.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 075 Continental Congress Autumn 1775
Congress accepts that it is in for a long term fight. It creates a Navy and Marine Corps and a southern army. It explores diplomacy with France and sends a diplomat to work with the Iroquois. It also recommends that the colonies create forms of government based on the will of the people. To pay for all this, it prints lots more paper money.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaph
Episode 074 Occupied Boston 1775
The British in Boston suffer through a miserable winter. The Continental Army keeps them stuck in the city. New England privateers make it extremely difficult to receive food and supplies from the sea. Hundreds die of disease as everyone suffers greatly. The British navy does little to provide assistance. Its destruction of the village of Falmouth only enrages the Americans.Britain recalls General Gage and Admiral Graves putting General Howe and Admiral Shuldham in charge.Visit https://
Episode 073 Siege of Boston, Autumn Edition
General Washington gets frustrated by the lack of a plan to attack Boston. He also squelches his first mutiny. He sends Col. Benedict Arnold to Quebec and Col. Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga. He uncovers a British spy among one of the most trusted patriot leaders. Most of all he struggles with how to keep the army from going home over the winter.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 072 Siege of St. Jean
Generals Schuyler and Montgomery launch an attack from Fort Ticonderoga into British controlled Canada. They lay siege Fort St. Jean. After several months they capture the fort and take prisoner nearly all British regulars in Canada. Afterwards, the Americans capture Montreal without a fight.British Commander Guy Carleton dons a disguise and escapes back to Quebec. He prepares to defend the city against the American forces.Visit for more text, pictures, map
Episode 071 Britain Prepares to Crush a Rebellion
Over the winter of 1775-76, the Ministry in Britain decides to use overwhelming force to put an end to colonial resistance. The King refuses to receive the Olive Branch Petition and makes clear that he supports Parliament in this fight and calls for the use of force to suppress colonial treason. He also starts recruiting German speaking mercenaries to supplement the British Army. The ministry also dumps General Gage and Secretary Dartmouth, replacing them with General Howe and Secretary
Episode 070 Ousted Governors and Bermuda Powder Raid
Active patriot groups shut down all royal control of all colonies and arrest or expel their royal governors. The colonies also conduct a raid on Bermuda to acquire more gunpowder for the cause.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 069: The South Joins the War
Over the summer of 1775, the southern colonies throw out their royal governments and take control. Virginians fight off a British raid on Hampton. Carolinians capture forts and munitions. The Mecklenburg Resolves declare independence. Georgia patriots fight loyalists for control of the colony.Visit for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 068 Congress' Olive Branch Petition
In the summer of 1775, after creating a the Continental Army and making Washington its commander, Congress makes one final effort for peace, sending the King the Olive Branch Petition. After that, Congress focuses on the war at hand, drafting a Declaration on the Necessity of Taking up Arms. It organizes committees to run military affairs and creates a new Post Office. Congress also rejects Parliament's Conciliatory Proposition before it adjourns for the rest of the summer.Visit https:/
Episode 067: Washington Takes Command
Newly appointed General George Washington arrives in Cambridge to take command of what is now the Continental Army. He is shocked by the lack of discipline and the fact that his army has almost no ammunition. He quietly attempts to rebuild his army and collect more arms and ammunition. His hopes of a quick and successful offensive against the regulars on Boston are quickly dashed. Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Le
Episode 066: The British Take Bunker Hill
After ferrying thousands of regulars across Boston Harbor, General William Howe begins his attack on Bunker and Breed's Hills late afternoon on the afternoon of June 17, 1775. The regulars launch three bloody assaults to dislodge the provincial troops before the British break the American lines. The provincials retreat only after running out of ammunition. They lose nearly 450 soldiers, including General Joseph Warren. The British take more than twice that number in casualties, far more
Episode 065: The Provincials Occupy Bunker Hill
When the Provincials get word that the British plan to occupy the no man's land at Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights, they send Massachusetts and Connecticut militia to build defenses on Bunker Hill. The soldiers instead build the defenses on Breed's Hill, a smaller hill just next to Bunker Hill. The British take most of the following day moving regulars across Boston Harbor to attack the defenses with overwhelming force. The provincials use the extra time to reinforce and extend thei
Episode 064: The Second Continental Congress Begins
In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress begins after the war has already started. Delegates must play catchup. They have to decide whether they will support the war and what their goals are. Delegates agree to send one more petition to the King in hopes of pulling out a peace deal. Most delegates though, realize this is pointless. Congress supports the war. The only debate is whether victory means full independence, or simply a better guarantee of colonial rights. Congress creates
Episode 063 Buzzard's Bay and Machias
With the British army sitting in Boston, the navy needs to provide supplies and prevent supplies from reaching the Provincials. An attempt to capture a ship at Buzzard's Bay fails as locals overtake the small British task force and take them prisoner. Similarly, when the British send a ship to protect two merchant vessels providing firewood for Boston, locals again capure the ships. They kill several of the British and take the rest prisoner.Visit my site at
Episode 062: The Three Headed Cerberus in Boston
Even before word of Lexington and Concord reached London, the Ministry decided they would need to up their game in the colonies. They did not send Gen. Gage all of the reinforcements he wanted, but they did send some soldiers and marines for the start of the 1775 fighting season. Along with them, the Ministry sent three new Major Generals to support Gage, traveling together aboard the HMS Cerberus. All three men, William Howe, Henry Clinton, and John Burgoyne would go on to play larger
Episode 061: The Battle of Chelsea Creek
In the first weeks of the Siege of Boston in 1775, the Provincial Army appears to be more of a disorganized mob than an army. Men do not obey officers. Units from one colony would not obey orders from another. No real chain of command exists. Further, the lack of uniforms, supplies, ammunition, and other logistical problems created their own problems. Soldiers on both sides begin to die from disease.The only real fighting at this time is over islands in Boston Harbor that contain food a
Episode 060: Securing Lake Champlain
Following Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen's capture of Fort Ticonderoga, Arnold seizes several ships and attacks Fort St. Jean in Quebec. With the captured ships, he forms his own navy on Lake Champlain. The British nearly capture Allen as he attempts to follow Arnold's raid and secure the fort. As word of the men's exploits get back to officials in New England and Philadelphia, more moderate politicians replace both officers out of fear that their actions will prevent politicians from
Episode 059: Taking Fort Ticonderoga
Benedict Arnold develops a plan to capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York in order to get cannon for Boston. Before leaving for Massachusetts, he tells several men in his home colony of Connecticut about his plan. These Connecticut men organize a force with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys, who live only a few miles from the fort. Arnold, unaware of this plan, gets approval from the Massachusetts army to raise a force in Western Massachusetts to attack the fort. Upon learning that
Episode 058: Slavery and Liberty
For most of the colonial period, slavery is surprisingly uncontroversial. As the American Revolution begins, colonists start to question the institution of slavery In the north, broad acceptance of slavery evaporates quickly after patriots demand that all men are born basic rights to liberty. Even in the north, slavery would not end for many more years though. In the south, where slave are much more critical to the economy, colonists prove unwilling to bend on the issue. Many in the dee
Episode 057: Regulars and Provincials
As the Siege of Boston opens in 1775, this episode takes a look at the command structure and life as a British Regular, and compares that to the Provincial army of militiamen around Boston.Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 056: The Shot Heard 'Round the World
The Siege of Boston begins as soon as the regulars retreat back to Boston following the battles at Lexington and Concord. The New England Provincial army springs up overnight from minutemen and militia units throughout New England. In the days that follow, Patriots and regulars record their accounts of the battles. The Patriots rush their accounts across the continent and over to London, spreading their version of events first. Word of the fighting encourages Patriots across the contine
Episode 055: British Retreat from Lexington and Concord
By the afternoon of April 19, 1775, having completed his search and destroy mission to Concord. Lt. Col. Smith finds himself facing a twenty mile gauntlet back to Boston. Thousands of angry militia stand ready to attack. His men are exhausted and running low on ammunition. His column barely makes it back to Lexington, where Lord Percy's relief column saves them from surrender. The combined force then faces its own running battle before finally returning to the safety of Charlestown. The
Episode 054: British Advance on Lexington and Concord
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Lt. Col. Smith leaves Boston via Charlestown. His goal is to seize and destroy munitions in Concord. Delays prevent his force from leaving Charlestown before Paul Revere and other riders alert the countryside. At around dawn on April 19, the regulars confront a group of militia on Lexington Green. The regulars at Lexington are an advance company led by a young Lieutenant. They fire on the militia before the main column arrives. When Col. Smith arrives,
Episode 053: Paul Revere Rides
As Gen. Gage prepares to deploy a brigade of regulars to Concord, the Patriots activate their warning system. Joseph Warren deploys William Dawes and Paul Revere to alert countryside. The riders alert the militia and reach Lexington, while avoiding British patrols. They warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock at Lexington before continuing their ride.On the road to Concord, a British patrol captures Revere. Dawes gets thrown from his horse during his escape. But a third rider, Samuel Prescot
Episode 052: Salem Alarm & Hearts and Minds
In February 1775, Gage attempts to grab a cache of Patriot cannon in Salem. Col. Alexander Leslie leads a regiment of regulars on what is supposed to be a surprise sail up the coast and a fast dash to Salem to grab the guns. Alert patriots run ahead of the soldiers and remove the weapons before the regulars arrive. After a brief standoff, the regulars return to Boston empty handed.A few weeks later, Boston commemorates the 5th anniversary of the Boston Massacre. Interaction with soldier
Episode 051: The Portsmouth Alarm
By the end of 1774 Britain had banned all munitions imports to the colonies. After fearing that the British Navy might seize munitions at Fort William and Mary in New Hampshire. Paul Revere rides from Boston to alert the local militia. The militia attack the fort the following day. There is an exchange of gunfire, but no one is killed. The militia quickly capture the small garrison, remove the gunpowder, and then release their prisoners to take control of the fort again.The following da
Episode 050: Britain Prepares for War
In late 1774, Prime Minister North calls for early elections. This results in a solid majority in favor of getting tough on the colonies. In reaction to the First Continental Congress' call for economic boycotts, Parliament bans all colonial trade with any country other the Britain. It also passes the "Conciliatory Proposition," allowing colonies to raise taxes in whatever form they like, as long as they come up with as much money as Parliament wants. The Ministry informs Gen. Gage that
Episode 049: The Provincial Congress of Massachusetts
Gen. Gage retreats with his regulars into Boston in the summer of 1774. Patriots take control of all of the rest of Massachusetts. They form their own government, independent of royal authority. The Provincial Congress organizes a militia army, develops minutemen as a rapid reaction force, and names generals, led by Artemas Ward, for its independent army. The Congress also organizes logistics and creates a civilian Committee of Safety to run its military. One of the Committee members, B
Episode 048: The First Continental Congress
Parliament closed the Port of Boston following the Boston Tea Party. In response, colonial leaders met in Philadelphia in a "Grand Congress." Tories supported the Congress as a way of putting off local talk of boycotts. They hoped emotions would cool after a few months. The Patriots hoped to use the Congress to enact a continent-wide boycott and present a united front in opposition to Parliament. The summer of 1774, brought news of more of London's Coercive Acts. When Congress convened
Episode 047: The Suffolk Resolves
Gov. Gage decides he does not have a large enough army to control the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The armed colonists who confronted his regulars in the summer of 1774 are too numerous. Gage barricades his army in Boston and sends frantic letters to London calling for reinforcements.With that, royal authority over the colony is limited to Boston itself. Patriots control everything else. The Suffolk Meeting under Joseph Warren produces a series of resolves on how to handle the current cris
Episode 046: The Powder Alarm
On September 1, 1774, Gen. Gage sends a regiment to secure gunpowder stored at a powder house several miles from Boston. The regulars also seize several cannons, returning to Boston with the guns and ammunition.Rumors spread that the regulars had shot and killed several colonists during the raid. By the following day, thousands of armed militiamen have gathered outside Boston demanding answers. The militia eventually go home after learning that no one was killed. But the event reinforce
Episode 045: Governing from Salem
Governor Gage moves the colonial government to Salem and begins enforcing his policy of firmness, ignoring colonial protests and implementing the Coercive Acts. When the colonists refuse to obey, he attempts to use regulars to shut down a town meeting Salem. He arrests several leaders who held an illegal town meeting anyway. When the militia takes up arms to release those arrested, Gage realizes his soldiers could be overwhelmed by the shear numbers of armed militia. He is shocked by t
Episode 044: Lord Dunmore's War
In late 1774 Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore leads militia into Western Virginia. He hopes to stop local tribes who are attacking colonists. Tribes are upset that colonists are moving into their lands in violation of the King's Proclamation of 1763.After the Battle of Point Pleasant, Gov. Dunmore forces Chief Cornstalk to sign the Treaty of Camp Charlotte, giving up all claims to land east of the Ohio River.Visit my site, for more text, pictures, maps, a
Episode 043: Colonies React to the Coercive Acts
Gen. Gage travels to Boston to replace Hutchinson as the new Governor of Massachusetts. The tough talking Gage had assured officials in London he could use firmness to enforce colonial compliance with the Coercive Acts, most of which were still under debate when he left London. Gage soon discovers that the threat of force only goads the heavily armed colonsits to threaten force of their own. Gage soon finds himself behind barricades in Boston, having lost control of the rest of the colo
Episode 042: The Coercive Acts
In response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament gets tough by passing several acts designed to punish Massachusetts. The Boston Port Act closes Boston Harbor until the city compensates everyone for damages related to the destruction of tea. The Government Act gives power to the Crown appointed Governor to fill most government positions and bans town meetings to discuss issues. The Administration of Justice Acts takes away the colony's right to try soldiers or other officials for murder.
Episode 041: Tea Party Aftermath
Despite the open destruction of private property, the colonies generally seem to approve of Boston's reaction to the tea ships. When another tea ship arrives a few months later, locals dump its chests in Boston Harbor as well. Other towns up and down the coast destroy or force the removal of tea. Soon, even drinking untaxed tea becomes unacceptable. Colonists hold tea burnings and refuse to allow anyone to sell or possess tea. The immediate reaction in London is that this is completely
Episode 040: The Boston Tea Party
Parliament tries to win the fight over tariffs by greatly reducing the cost of tea, and maintaining only a nominal three pence per pound tax on tea. Officials hope the lower prices will end the tea boycott. Radical colonial leaders see this, correctly, as London's attempt to establish that tariffs on imports to raise revenue are legal.Patriots are caught off guard as the tea arrives only weeks after they learn about the terms. Officials think they have beaten the protesters. Once the s
Episode 039: The Politics of Tea
After several years of calm in the colonies, Parliament changes the way tea is distributed and taxed throughout the Empire. Mostly, this is an attempt to bail out the East India Company which had too much tea and not enough cash. The Tea Act of 1773 reduced or eliminated almost all taxes on tea, and also allowed the East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies, rather than having to go through expensive middlemen. The result would be a massive drop in the price of tea. With a
Episode 038: The Green Mountain Boys
After New Hampshire issues thousands of land grants in a disputed region, New York gets the King to declare the land part of the New York colony. New York then declares all the property owners living on land grants from New Hampshire to be illegal squatters who need to buy their land again or leave. After legal and political efforts lead nowhere, the land owners with New Hampshire grants form a militia that becomes the Green Mountain Boys. Ethan Allen becomes the best known leader of th
Episode 037: Committees of Correspondence and the Colony of Vandalia
As events quiet down after 1770, London tries to make many minor behind the scenes changes to the colonial power structure, making it harder for the colonies to resist the next confrontation. Samuel Adams works with others to set up Committees of Correspondence, so Patriots can keep track of these changes across the colonies and develop strategies to resist.Also, land speculators attempt to set up a new colony in western lands, reserved by the King for native American tribes. The attemp
Episode 036: Sinking the HMS Gaspee
Rhode Island colonists, like just about all other colonists, greatly resented the new tough enforcement of trade laws by British officials. It made profitable trade virtually impossible. The HMS Gaspee and its commander Lt. Dudingston developed a reputation for being one of the worst in terms of strict enforcement and poor treatment of civilians.One night in 1772, the Gaspee ran aground on a sandbar in Naragansett Bay. That night, locals rowed out to the ship, shot Dudingston, removed t
Episode 035: Carolina Regulators and the Battle of Alamance
In both North and South Carolina, colonists on the western frontier run into conflicts with the east coast dominated government. Westerners in each state form Regulator movements to enforce the law locally as they see fit. In North Carolina, this leads to open warfare with the colonial government. Regulators and militia do battle in 1771 near Alamance Creek.For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Vi
Episode 034: Massacre Fallout and Townshend Acts Repealed
After British Regulars kill five colonists and injure others at what becomes known as the Boston Massacre, local radicals force the government to relocate the soldiers to Castle Island, out in Boston Harbor. The Massacre becomes an example for why standing armies should not be maintained among a free people.For months following, both sides prepare for trials, in which John Adams, among other patriot lawyers, represents the British soldiers. A jury acquits Captain Preston and five of the
Episode 033: The Boston Massacre
Over the winter of 1769-70, locals in Boston make life as uncomfortable as possible for the British Regulars occupying the city. Fights break out regularly. The local courts would not punish locals and the army would not punish soldiers for fighting. Street brawls become more frequent. A mob chases customs informer Ebenezer Richardson into his house and threatens his life. He fires into the crowd, killing a young boy. A few weeks later, a British soldier on guard at the Customs House s
Episode 032: The Battle of Golden Hill
During the winter of 1769-70, New Yorkers fight with British Regulars. When New York failed to come up with sufficient money to quarter the soldiers, British Regulars destroy the Liberty Pole. Isaac Sears, a leader in the local Sons of Liberty Chapter tries to make a citizen's arrest of several soldiers a few days later. Both sides quickly escalate the event into a massive street brawl involving thousands of soldiers and civilians. Dozens are wounded. Both Sears and Alexandar McDougall
Episode 031: Wilkes and Liberty & Tar and Feathers
Radical John Wilkes returns from France in 1768 to face the charges for seditious libel. He would spend the next two years in prison, during which time he would be elected to Parliament, which refused to seat him, as well as other goverment positions. As much as the King and Parliament hated Wilkes, the people of England loved him as a defender of liberty. The colonists also took up Wilkes as a hero of the fight for liberty. As the sides harden between Parliament and the colonies. Prime
Episode 030: The Occupation of Boston
With officials in Boston unable to control the people and enforce the law, Secretary of State Hillsborough decides enough is enough and orders four regiments of British regulars to occupy the town. Radical colonists debate resisting the troops by force of arms, but decide in the end to back down. Instead, they simply send protests to London. Locals harass the soldiers at every opportunity, and make the occupation as difficult as possible. The Navy attempts to impress (force) local sail
Episode 029: The Liberty Riot
The American Board of Customs arrives in Boston in 1767 ready to enforce the new Townshend duties. With the backing of the British Navy, the Board tries to show who is boss by seizing a ship belonging to the wealthiest merchant in Boston and a leader of the tax protests, John Hancock. The seizure of Hancock's ship Liberty results in a riot and the beatings of several customs officials. The Board learns that they are not the boss and must flee to Castle William, an island in Boston Harbo
Episode 028: Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer
Following passage of the Towshend Acts in 1767, the colonists are unsure how to respond. These are import tariffs, not taxes, which was the line they drew over the earlier Stamp Act. They don't want to pay but have trouble articulating a good argument that everyone accepts.John Dickinson writes a series of 12 letters, purportedly from "a farmer in Pennsylvania" explaining why these new laws are just as objectionable. His letters push the colonists into real opposition to the new laws. B
Episode 027: Prime Minister Pitt Falls from Power
Prime Minister William Pitt's illness prevents him from running his administration. The Duke of Grafton becomes acting Prime Minister for over a year and eventually take the office officially when Pitt resigns in 1768. Although Grafton is a moderate on colonial issues, he moves hardliners like Lord North and the Earl of Hillsborough into his cabinet. The Ministry also adds to the Townshend Acts by creating several new Admiralty Courts in America to enforce the Townshend Acts and other c
Episode 026: The Townshend Acts
William Pitt, champion of colonial rights, finally becomes Prime Minister in 1766. Illness however, keeps him from active participation in the government. His Lord of the Exchequer Charles Townsend tries to boost revenue by increasing tariffs on a wide variety of colonial imports. While avoiding direct taxes, the new laws are designed to extract money from the colonies as well as increase enforcement actions. Townshend hopes to introduce colonial compliance to Parliament slowly with thi
Episode 025: Tensions Simmer
Following the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, colonial protests stopped and trade resumed. Parliament is not happy about the pushback and seems determined to find a way to put the colonies in their place. The colonies are unhappy about the Declaratory Act and Parliament's assertion of complete tax authority over the colonies, despite a lack of colonial representation in Parilament. The colonists and the English people begin to view their interests as in competition with one another.Dur
Episode 024: Stamp Act Repeal and Declaratory Act
The Stamp Act took effect on November 1, 1765. But colonial opposition prevented the use of any stamps. Protesters forced newspapers, courts, and ports to operate without stamped paper. Creditors could not go to court to collect on debts and trading vessels stop going to England. As a result, English merchants joined in opposition to the Act.Prime Minister Rockingham replaced Grenville and immediately set about to repeal the law. The problem was, Parliament did not want to look like it
Episode 023: The Stamp Act Congress
Colonists at all levels of society protested the Stamp Act of 1765. Newspapers railed against it. Mobs marched in the streets, and destroyed the homes of tax agents and other supporters. Colonial politicians not only spoke out against the Act but organized the Stamp Act Congress to coordinate a unified response to this tax. At issue was "taxation without representation." Parliament, for the first time, was imposing a direct tax on the colonists, even though they had no representation in
Episode 022: The Stamp Act and Quartering Act of 1765
In 1765 Prime Minister Grenville led passage of the Stamp Act through Parliament. He designed the tax on newspapers, legal documents and a host of other paper to collect revenues from the colonies. Although some radical Whigs like William Pitt opposed the new taxes, the law sailed through Parliament with relative ease. Parliament wanted to pay off its war debt and thought the colonies needed to contribute more. To help with enforcement, Parliament also passed the Quartering act, forcing
Episode 021: The Colonies React to Taxes
Following the passage of the Sugar Act in 1764, the British colonies in North America begin to organize opposition. The new taxes and trade enforcement policies hits the colonies just when they are experiencing other economic problems. Brtiain's removal of war subsidies leads to growing unemployment and a general lack of jobs. The Currency Act contributes to exisiting money shortages. The Wheelwright Scandal makes all of this worse. British restrictions on western lands cuts off a trad
Episode 020: The Sugar Act & Currency Act of 1764
In 1764, with Britain under a massive debt from the Seven Years War and with increased costs of maintaining its new colonies, the Grenville Ministry passes the Sugar Act to raise revenue from the colonists. The Act itself actually cuts tariff rates, but also institutes enforcement measures to ensure the colonists cannot evade the taxes as easily as they did in the past. Parliament also passes the Quartering Act, to make colonies pay for the quartering of British Regulars within their bo
Episode 019: Suppressing the Indians
In 1764, in response to the Native American attacks known as Pontiac's War, the colonists strike back at the Indians, killing the guilty and innocent alike. Gen. Amherst approves use of smallpox against the Indians. He proposes a campaign of terror and slaughter against the tribes. At the insistence of Indian agent Sir William Johnson, London recalls Amherst, leaving Gen. Thomas Gage in charge. Gage follows through on Amherst's attack plan, sending out two expeditions to destroy Indian
Episode 018: Pontiac's War
By 1763, France has left Canada after losing the the French and Indian war. British soldiers and colonists continue to occupy land west of the Allegheny mountains in violation of promises. To save money, Britain stops making annual gifts to the tribes. The Indian tribes unite and rise up against these continuing violations of treaties. The tribes seize multiple forts and besiege others. Soldiers and colonists hunker down in forts, flee the region, or die horrible deaths.For more text, p
Episode 017: Parsons Cause, Bishops, and Trade
As the Seven Years War comes to an end, Britain and her colonies begin bickering over issues unrelated to the war. In Virginia, a new lawyer named Patrick Henry convinces a jury not to pay ministers the wage required under the law. The Archbishop of Canterbury is thwarted in his attempts to force New England to accept an Anglican Bishop. James Otis Jr. becomes an early advocate against the enforcement of trade tariffs through the use of general warrants. For more text, pictures, maps, a
Episode 016: Treaty of Paris & Wilkes Affair
The French try for one last land claim in North America at the Battle of Signal Hill. Following the end of combat, the British army in America shrinks, removing men and money from the colonies. Britain finally ends the Seven Years War with France and Spain through the Treaty of Paris in 1763. British politician John Wilkes learns the hard way that although the King has gotten involved in politics, you cannot criticize the King like any other politician. He goes on to become a hero for t
Episode 015: Cherokee Uprising, Fighting in West Indies & Spain joins the War.
The Cherokee go to war against the settlers in the Carolinas who are encroaching on their land. Britain captures French colonies in the West Indies (what we today call the Caribbean). Newcastle and Pitt leave the government as the Earl of Bute takes charge. Spain finally joins France in the war against Britain, only to lose some of its own colonies. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit mega
Episode 014: Canada Becomes British & Britain Gets King George III
The British Army in America captures the final concentration of French forces at Montreal in 1760. This effectively ends major combat operations in North America. With the death of his grandfather, 22 year old King George III claims the throne. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 013: The Battle of Quebec
British Gen. Wolfe defeats French Gen. Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham in 1759. The British capture the key city of Quebec. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 012: The Fall of Forts Duquesne, Niagara, and Carillon
After convincing most Indians to abandon the French in the Ohio Valley, the British take Fort Duquesne at the end of 1758. Gen. Amherst takes command of British forces for the 1759 fighting season, capturing Forts Niagara and Carillion as well. Fort Duquesne becomes Fort Pitt. Fort Carillion becomes Fort Ticonderoga. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 011: Louisbourg, Frontenac, & Treaty of Easton
Gen. Amherst captures Louisbourg in Britain's first major victory of the French and Indian War. The British follow up with a successful raid on Fort Frontenac. In Pennsylvania, the British sign the Treaty of Eastong. This ends most of the military opposition of Indians in the Ohio Valley. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 010: New British Strategy & Attack on Fort Carillon
After continuing defeats, Britain changes leaders. It also adopts a new strategy for encouraging British colonial support for the war in North America. Gen. Abercromby's army assaults Fort Carillon at Ticonderoga.For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 009: Fort William Henry Massacre & Rise of William Pitt
The French offensive continues in 1757 as Gen. Montcalm takes Fort William Henry. France's Indian allies massacre part of the British and colonial garrison. In London, the King gives William Pitt a chance to turn around the war with new strategies. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 008: Surrender of Fort Oswego
The French go on the offensive, capturing Forts Ontario and Oswego. The British retreat, ceding much of upper New York to the French and their Indian allies. Various tribes also move aggressively to push British colonists out of the Ohio Valley. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 007: Acadia, Lake George, and Loudoun
The British expel the French inhabitants, of Acadia. The French and British fight over Lake George. Britain gets a new Prime Minister, the Duke of New Castle. Lord Loudoun arrives in America as the new British miltiary commander. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 006: British Take Charge: Battle of the Monongahela
Britain sends Gen. Braddock to America to recapture the Ohio Valley in 1755. He meets the French and Indians at the Battle of the Monongahela. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 005: Jumonville & Fort Necessity
Virginia sends a young man named George Washington into the Ohio Valley to challenge the French. There, he starts a world war. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 004: Britain, France, and the Indians
Britain and France had spent the prior century in almost continuous fighting. In American, Native tribes attempted to play off the two European powers against one another, while engaging in their own power struggles with neighboring tribes. Today's episode looks at the power dynamics in play before the outbreak of the French and Indian War. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 003: British Background
Background on the American Colonies. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 002: American Background
Background on the American Colonies. For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Episode 001: Introduction
Today I begin the American Revolution Podcast.For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit