Magazines and Monsters

Magazines and Monsters

Magazines and Monsters

A podcast covering classic comics from the Silver, Bronze, and Copper Ages. Also, classic horror, fantasy and sci-fi films from pre-code to the 1980s! Marvel, DC, Hammer films, Amicus studio, it's all here! Hosted by Billy D., (A.K.A. Doc Strange) and a few of my favorite friends! Shows are as follows- The Bronze Age of Horror Comics (a guest and I discuss a comic(s) from the Bronze Age! The Brave and the Bob! is a show centered around Bob Haney and the Brave and the Bold! And of course, Magazines and Monsters the main show, covering all...

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 62, The Brave and the Bold 80, 1968 w/ Evan B!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 62, The Brave and the Bold 80, 1968 w/ Evan B!

Hey there zany ones! Evan Bevins is back, and he’s brought a crazy comic to talk about in today’s episode! Batman must team up with The Creeper to stop a bug! That’s right, it’ll take both of these heroes to stop a Hellgrammite! Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? I don’t think Batman or the Creeper knows, but maybe Freddie Mercury does! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licio

Mar 12, • 1:01:43

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 38/39, 1975 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 38/39, 1975 w/Scott West!

Hey there all you batty listeners! It’s time for more vampire action for you to sink your teeth into! In this episode, Scott and I love almost everything in these comics…except triple H! That goofball aside, these two books have very strong material and focus on the diabolical Dr Sun! So grab a pint of blood, and drink up! Right after you download, of course!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitt

Mar 10, • 1:27:13

Magazines and Monsters Presents- a Star Trek TOS Retrospective! Arena w/Tim Price!

Magazines and Monsters Presents- a Star Trek TOS Retrospective! Arena w/Tim Price!

Hey there all you Trekkies! My buddy Tim Price is here to talk some Star Trek! Tim is another long time fan of the show, and he chose not me of the most fun and popular episodes to talk about. We have a great time reminiscing about the show, the actors, and it’s place in modern day pop culture. So set those phasers to fun, and blast away! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious o

Mar 8, • 1:07:10

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 25/26, 1973 w/JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 25/26, 1973 w/JJG!

Hey everybody, Jeremiah is back, and he and I have two more issues to talk about! But, these two issues are a little bit of a downer. Not because they’re bad, but because they’re the swan song for Len Wein and Jim Aparo, unfortunately. So, not only do we cover these two issues, but we also lament the departure of these two giants! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the

Mar 3, • 1:26:01

Magazines and Monsters presents- A Star Trek TOS Retrospective! The Doomsday Machine, w/Ross!

Magazines and Monsters presents- A Star Trek TOS Retrospective! The Doomsday Machine, w/Ross!

Hey there all you Trekkies! My good buddy Ross (Stop! Let’s Team Up, Gallifreys Most Wanted) stopped by to talk about one of his favorite episodes from the series! We first talk a bit about his first experiences and love of the series and franchise, then dive into the episode! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page. You can find Ross on social media @JSA

Mar 1, • 1:06:12

Magazines and Monsters presents- A Star Trek TOS Retrospective! Episode 1! w/Karen!

Magazines and Monsters presents- A Star Trek TOS Retrospective! Episode 1! w/Karen!

Hey there all you Trekkies! I’ve been working behind the scenes getting together a Star Trek themed set of episodes. I wanted to spotlight a few episodes from the original series. I knew my first guest had to be Karen, as we’ve talked about the show a few times off line, plus on Planet 8, she’s talked with guys (Larry and Bob) about the franchise multiple times. Her pick is a fantastic representation of the series, and we had fun talking about it. So join the fun and download now! As usual, if y

Mar 1, • 56:08

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 61, The Brave and the Bold 65, 1966 w/ Paul Hix!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 61, The Brave and the Bold 65, 1966 w/ Paul Hix!

Hey there zany ones! My pal from The Waiting for Doom podcast, Paul Hix is back, and we have one crazy comic to talk about in this episode! None other than the Doom Patrol, of course, aided by The Flash! Plus, we get the Chief talking smack as usual! So don’t delay, download and listen in!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and

Feb 26, • 51:06

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The House of Secrets 95, 1972 w/ Mart Gray!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The House of Secrets 95, 1972 w/ Mart Gray!

Hey everybody! After a fun and ghoulish Christmas comic, I’ve lured Mart Gray (Too Dangerous for a Girl) back to the crypt for some horrific fun! We’ve got a gothic issue of House of Secrets on our plates and can’t wait to dig in to this cemetery of delights! So hit that download button and enjoy! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search

Feb 24, • 1:08:17

Magazines and Monsters Ep 122, DC Comics Presents 3, 1978 w/Professor Alan!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 122, DC Comics Presents 3, 1978 w/Professor Alan!

Call this one “the lost episode!” Back in the summertime 2024, my buddy Professor Alan stopped by to talk about one his favorite characters, Adam Strange! He’s no Dr Strange but he is pretty cool. This crazy adventure swaps Superman and Adam’s home worlds! And of course, shenanigans ensue! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or in the show’s Facebook page. You can find Professor Alan on Twitter @relatively_geek or his Faceboo

Feb 21, • 1:03:45

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 40/41, 1977 w/Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 40/41, 1977 w/Al Sedano!

Hey there all you howlers! Al Sedano is here and we’ve got two issues of werewolf by night to rap about! There are only two more issues after these and we push aside some melancholic feelings about it, and have a good time. The wrap of the Dr Glitternight story line, and some startling new powers for Jack! All this and more, so strap in and get ready to wolf out! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on

Feb 17, • 1:07:02

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 60, The Brave and the Bold 71, 1967 w/Ed Moore!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 60, The Brave and the Bold 71, 1967 w/Ed Moore!

Hey there zany ones! Ed is back here with me for some crazy action with Batman and Green Arrow teaming up! We talk about this in side in depth, with some of its shall we say interesting dialogue and tropes. Once we get past that, though, it’s a fun time talking B&B as usual! So dive in headfirst as that’s the only way to read Bob Haney!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or o

Feb 12, • 1:21:49

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 36 and 37, 1975 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 36 and 37, 1975 w/Scott West!

Hey everybody, Scott West is back, and so is our coverage of the Tomb of Dracula! It’s been a couple of months, but we’re diving back in headfirst! This second Dr Sun story line is really heating up, and this time it looks as if the Lord of vampires is in big trouble! He’s heading to the good old USA, and to a confrontation with Dr Sun and his new henchman! Plus…Harold H Harold (sigh). As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or o

Feb 10, • 1:15:33

Magazines and Monsters Ep 121, Marvel Preview 19, 1979 w/Clinton!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 121, Marvel Preview 19, 1979 w/Clinton!

Hey everybody! My buddy Clinton from The Days of High Adventure podcast is back, and we’ve got a fantastic magazine to discuss! Clinton and I have talked Conan in the past, but this time we’re talking Kull! This epic adventure is one of my favorites, and I knew I had to talk about it at some point. Now is that time! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page. You can find Clinton on social media @coffe

Feb 7, • 1:32:52

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Worlds Finest 256 and 258, 1979 w/Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Worlds Finest 256 and 258, 1979 w/Dr Anj!

Hey there all you werewolves! Dr Anj is here, and he’s brought two crazy comics with him to talk about! You normally don’t think of Worlds Finest when you think horror comics, but this two part story is definitely an exception! So get ready for a Kryptonian werewolf, a were-unicorn (yes, you read that right!), and a Man-Bat (no not that one)! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search Maga

Feb 3, • 1:22:40

Magazines and Monsters Ep 120, I Walked with a Zombie, 1943 w/Dr Anj!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 120, I Walked with a Zombie, 1943 w/Dr Anj!

Hey everybody! I’m bringing a bit of a extra Halloween love here, with another film by Val Lewton (and Jacques Tourneau)! And I’ve got my good friend Dr Anj here with me to talk about I Walked with a Zombie! This film is definitely not what modern horror fans would consider a zombie film, but Lewton did something very interesting and creepy as well! So join us for a fun conversation now!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can send it to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious o

Jan 31, • 1:14:22

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 23 and 24, 1973 w/JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 23 and 24, 1973 w/JJG!

Hey everybody! Jeremiah is back here with me, and we’ve got a pair of Phantom Stranger comics to talk about! These two issues are fun but there’s also an intriguing backup story that we enjoyed quite a bit. So tune in and enjoy the show!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find Jeremiah at his blog ( or on social media @bigox73

Jan 27, • 1:49:59

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 59, The Brave and the Bold 101, 1972 w/Evan Bevins!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 59, The Brave and the Bold 101, 1972 w/Evan Bevins!

Hey there zany ones! It’s time for more madcap adventures this time with Batman and his guest Metamorpho! No other guest can join me for this nonsense other than my buddy Evan Bevins! He and I have covered a few of these B&B issues, and we always have a fun time. So get ready for some Bat-action and intrigue as only the Brave and the Bold can supply! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so by reaching out to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Faceboo

Jan 22, • 1:24:32

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Superheroes 1, 1974 w/Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Superheroes 1, 1974 w/Al Sedano!

Hey there all you monsters! My buddy Al Sedano is here with me, and we’ve got a fantastic horror comic to talk about! It’s everybody’s favorite wall crawler, Spiderman and this time he has to deal with two monsters! Morbius and Man-Wolf have teamed up to try and take out old web head, and it’s going to take some extra effort for Spidey to come out on top! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page by se

Jan 20, • 1:02:33

Magazines and Monsters Ep 119, Green Lantern 200, 1986 w/Keith G Baker!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 119, Green Lantern 200, 1986 w/Keith G Baker!

Hey everybody! It’s time once again to charge up that ring, and head out into space, as Keith and I have a fantastic issue of Green Lantern to talk about today! This awesome anniversary issue is one for the ages, as it brings the past and present together and pushes the Green Lantern Corps into the future! So join us for a fun conversation about Hal, Guy, Carol, and Triple A! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can contact me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’

Jan 17, • 1:40:53

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Uncanny X-Men 144, 1981 w/Evan Bevins!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Uncanny X-Men 144, 1981 w/Evan Bevins!

Hey everybody! My pal Evan Bevins and I have a fantastically creepy comic to talk about today, and we hope some horror fans and X-Men fans will come along for the ride! This one is a solo mission for Scott Summers, aka Cyclops himself! We get some of his origin story plus The Man-Thing and an incredibly creepy villain! So join us for a good time talking comics! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook pag

Jan 13, • 1:11:39

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 58, Worlds Finest 253, 1978 w/Ward Hill Terry!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 58, Worlds Finest 253, 1978 w/Ward Hill Terry!

Hey there zany ones! WardHillTerry is back, and he’s brought one crazy comic with him! Batman and Superman have their hands full, as there’s royalty and roughhousing going on in Moldachia! And what does Bruce Wayne’s ex-flame have to do with all of this kerfuffle? Plus, the Man of Steel seems powerless to find the villains lair! All this and more, await within this fantastic episode! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or in

Jan 8, • 1:08:22

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Team Up 15, 1973 w/Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Team Up 15, 1973 w/Al Sedano!

Hey everybody! Al Sedano has joined me for another fun episode. We’re talking about the first meeting between Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (I think?)! This team up is a fun one, and Al and I have a blast talking about it. Plus, we get the first appearance of one of the craziest villains, The Orb! So join us for some fun and one crazy comic! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search Magazine

Jan 6, • 56:38

Magazines and Monsters Bonus Episode, Unknown World's of Science Fiction 6, 1975 w/ Derek Kunsken!

Magazines and Monsters Bonus Episode, Unknown World's of Science Fiction 6, 1975 w/ Derek Kunsken!

Hey everybody, Derek is back and we've got the final issue (sort of!) of this awesome magazine series, and although it was short-lived, it really has an impact. The feature story is/was a bit controversial, and Derek and I had a good time trying to break it down. Plus, Bruce Jones, Don Glut, and Rascally Roy Thomas! And look at that incredible cover by Frank Brunner! So join us once again for for some classic sci-fi stories and conversation!As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the s

Jan 3, • 1:27:34

Magazines and Monsters Ep 118, The Wolfman, 1941 w/Bryan Baugh!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 118, The Wolfman, 1941 w/Bryan Baugh!

Hey everybody! Horror comics creator Bryan Baugh is here with me to discuss one of the greatest horror films of all time! We’ve both been a fan of this one since childhood, so not only do we talk about this great film, but also about growing up monster kids, and all sorts of horror related shenanigans! So join us on this New Year’s Eve to celebrate one of the greatest monsters of all time! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so by reaching out to me on Twitter

Dec 31, 2024 • 1:27:33

Magazines and Monsters Ep 117, Spotlight on Wolverine!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 117, Spotlight on Wolverine!

Hey everybody! My buddy Ed Moore is here with me to celebrate the 50th anniversary of one of comic books most popular characters, Patch! Huh, what’s that you say? Who’s Patch? Well, for those in the know it’s an alter ego of Wolverine, but for those that don’t know, strap in for a ride to a place called Madripoor, and a part of Wolverine you may not know even existed!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me

Dec 27, 2024 • 3:51:04

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Witching Hour 28, 1973 w/Mart Gray!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Witching Hour 28, 1973 w/Mart Gray!

Merry Christmas all you ghouls! A Christmas comic that’s also a horror comic? Yes! Mart has brought a fun book with him and in this episode we get talking right on about holiday cheer and Death posing as Old Saint Nick! A fun time will be had by all, so you’d better not be naughty or Santa Mart will get you in your dreams! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can contact me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page. You can find Mart on most social medi

Dec 23, 2024 • 1:11:12

Magazines and Monsters Ep 116, ROM 5-7, 1981 w/Ed Moore!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 116, ROM 5-7, 1981 w/Ed Moore!

Hey there, space travelers! Ed and I are back for more ROM Spaceknight coverage! We’ve got 3 fun issues to talk about, and believe me when I say, there is a lot to cover! We’ll try to explain what a Hellhound is plus how exactly a Thornoid lost its job as the spokesperson for Domino’s Pizza! Oh and Dr Strange shows up…sort of. All this and more is waiting for you to download and listen in! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmons

Dec 20, 2024 • 1:57:01

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 57, The Brave and the Bold 117, 1974 w/Luke Jaconetti!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 57, The Brave and the Bold 117, 1974 w/Luke Jaconetti!

Hey there zany ones! My pal Luke is back, so that means we’ve got a Sgt Rock and Batman team up to talk about! In this one, the sarge is in hot water with the army, and he needs Batman’s help to get him out of trouble! Batman has Easy Company on his side though, or does he? Journey with us to the Berlin Wall and beyond for this crazy adventure! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesand or to me on Twitter @Billyd_li

Dec 18, 2024 • 1:02:09

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 38/39, 1976 w/Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 38/39, 1976 w/Al Sedano!

Hey there all you howlers! Get ready for some absolute madness, as Al Sedano is back and we’ve got 2 crazy issues of Werewolf by Night to talk about. Brother Voodoo makes an appearance, Jack fights wolves, Raymond Coker is here, and Buck chain smokes 356 cigarettes in one issue! So strap on that seatbelt and get ready to roll! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can send it to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s Facebook page (just search Magazines and Mons

Dec 16, 2024 • 1:16:10

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! X-Men vs Dracula! w/ Ed and Evan!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! X-Men vs Dracula! w/ Ed and Evan!

Hey everybody! Even after three-thousand hours of recording about Thor, I somehow managed to get Ed Moore (@TealProductions) and Evan Bevins (@evan_bevins) t join me for some more fun! Both of these guys (and me too!) are both huge fans of the X-Men, so I invited them on the show to talk about their love of Marvel's Merry Mutants, and a 2 part story when the team faced Dracula! The team is really on the ropes in this battle as they face the greatest supernatural threat ever! So, grab your crucif

Dec 9, 2024 • 2:24:08

Magazines and Monsters Ep 115, Night Tide (1961) w/Evan Bevins!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 115, Night Tide (1961) w/Evan Bevins!

Hey everybody, I’ve got a super weird movie to talk about, and my buddy Evan was willing to come along for the ride! This quirky film stars a very young Dennis Hopper in (I think) his first starring role in a film! A weird carnival, a sexy woman that would grab an sailor’s attention, and a couple of murders that have the police baffled! Don’t delay, hit that download button now and listen in to our conversation! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through em

Dec 6, 2024 • 1:15:20

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 21 and 22, 1972 w/ Jeremiah!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 21 and 22, 1972 w/ Jeremiah!

Hey there all you phantoms! Jeremiah and I are back with more coverage of the Phantom Stranger! These two issues are fantastic, as they’re chocked full of action, plus we get the return of Cassandra Craft! There’s also a continuing storyline involving the Dark Circle! So get ready for a fun filled episode!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just sear

Dec 2, 2024 • 1:23:17

Magazines and Monsters Ep 114, Daredevil: Born Again! w/Shag and J David Weter!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 114, Daredevil: Born Again! w/Shag and J David Weter!

Hey there all you devils! I roped in two awesome guests to help me celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of ‘ol horn-head himself, Daredevil! Both of these guys are life long DD fans and have a real love for the character, so they were the perfect duo for this episode. Shag (Once Upon a Geek, Fire and Water Podcast Network) and Dave (Dave’s Daredevil Podcast, The BatPod) have a wealth of knowledge about DD and it’s on full display in this fun conversation! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedb

Nov 29, 2024 • 2:28:36

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 56, World’s Finest 221, 1974 w/Ross!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 56, World’s Finest 221, 1974 w/Ross!

Hey there, zany ones! My pal Ross (Stop! Let’s Team Up) is back, and we’ve got another entry in the Saga of the Super Sons! This one is crazy as you’d expect, but it also has a moment that will tug on your heartstrings! So get your popcorn ready (sorry, T.O.!) and settle in, because we’re ready for a fun ride! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just

Nov 27, 2024 • 54:35

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 19 and 20, 1972 w/JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 19 and 20, 1972 w/JJG!

Hey there all you phantoms! Jeremiah is back and the next two issues of the series are absolutely gems!! We talk about the greatness of Len Wein and Jim Aparo (their partnership is coming to an end), some fantastic continuity, and the return of the ice giants! All this plus our usual shenanigans! As usual. If you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or at the show’s FB page (just search Magazi

Nov 25, 2024 • 1:26:24

Magazines and Monsters Ep 113, Silent Rage (1982),w/ Jarrod Alberich!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 113, Silent Rage (1982),w/ Jarrod Alberich!

Hey there all you serial killers! Grab your cowboy hat and six shooter, as Jarrod Albreich, the Yard Sale Artist is here with me, and we’ve got an unusual Chuck Norris flick to talk about today! Whether you like action, sci-fi or horror, you’ll enjoy this film…well maybe not as much as we did, but it’s definitely worthy of a watch! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on th

Nov 22, 2024 • 1:44:34

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Team Up 93/Marvel Premiere 28-Werewolf by Night!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Team Up 93/Marvel Premiere 28-Werewolf by Night!

Hey there all you werewolves! Al Sedano is back again, and we’ve got something special for you this time around! It’s two issues but not Werewolf by Night!?! No, it’s two other appearances by Jack Russell, and boy are they crazy! So do t delay, download and listen now! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can f

Nov 18, 2024 • 1:16:25

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 55, World’s Finest 216, 1972- The Super Sons! w/Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 55, World’s Finest 216, 1972- The Super Sons! w/Mart Gray!

Hey there, zany ones! My good friend Mart is back for more Super Sons chicanery! The junior versions of the greatest superheroes on earth find themselves in the old west! But there’s something fishy about this little town, and before you know it, our heroes end up in jail! The sinister secret this town holds is frigidly frightening, so get ready to shiver! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter

Nov 13, 2024 • 1:05:33

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 34/35, 1975 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 34/35, 1975 w/Scott West!

Hey there all you vampires! It’s that time again, yes it’s another bloody dose of the Tomb of Dracula! My good pal Scott West has a here with me, and we’ve got a duo of issues to talk about. One character leaves and another returns to the fold! Plus - Brother Voodoo! So don’t delay, hit that download button and sink your fangs into this episode! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_li

Nov 11, 2024 • 1:15:42

Magazines and Monsters Ep 112, Green Lantern 123, 1979 w/KGB!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 112, Green Lantern 123, 1979 w/KGB!

Hey there all you lanterns! My pal Keith G Baker is back, and we’re talking more Green Lantern! This was a special issue as it marked the return of strictly GL stories and the departure of Green Arrow! A sweet Gil Kane cover and tons of things to talk about inside as well, so download/stream and join in! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page. You can fi

Nov 8, 2024 • 1:06:49

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Brother Voodoo Spotlight pt2! w/Dallan B!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Brother Voodoo Spotlight pt2! w/Dallan B!

Hey there all you zombies! It’s time for part two of the Brother Voodoo coverage from Dallan B and me! We got a little carried away with our talk about Marvel’s voodoo master, so we’re here to knock out the next couple of appearances! The story continues with its craziness and so do we! So hit that download button and let’s go! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you cans do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the s

Nov 4, 2024 • 1:12:01

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Justice League of America 103, 1972! Halloween Special!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Justice League of America 103, 1972! Halloween Special!

Hey there all you phantoms! Happy Halloween! My Phantom Stranger cohost, Jeremiah, is here with me to celebrate the season, but an awesome comic as well! We dive into this unofficial crossover between some sneaky writers and artists, that spotlights not only the JLA and Phantom Stranger, but the coolest parade that there has ever been! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or o

Oct 31, 2024 • 1:11:35

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Strange Tales 169-171, 1973, Brother Voodoo! W/DallanB!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Strange Tales 169-171, 1973, Brother Voodoo! W/DallanB!

Hey there all you zombies! My pal Dallan is here with me again, and he suggest we talk about Marvel’s premiere voodoo master, Brother Voodoo! His first few appearances were dynamite, and we talk about the first three right here! So get ready to head over to Haiti and see the origins of this fantastic character! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (jus

Oct 28, 2024 • 1:59:46

Magazines and Monsters Ep 111, Cat People/Curse of the Cat People 1942/4, w/Bomber and Sheena!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 111, Cat People/Curse of the Cat People 1942/4, w/Bomber and Sheena!

Hey there all you cats! My pal Bomber (@HorrorHammer1) is back and so is another horror fiend (oops, I mean friend!), Sheena (@lovesheenaxoxo)! These two are here to help me cover two fantastic films and to heap praise on Val Lewton! So grab some popcorn and turn down the lights, there’s a panther woman on the loose!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or yo me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page

Oct 25, 2024 • 1:24:45

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 36 & 37, 1976 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 36 & 37, 1976 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey there all you werewolves! Al Sedano is back, and we’ve got two more issues and a story finale in this episode (we did clear up some audio issues as well)! The villain of this story is one gif the ages, plus we get the return of three other antithesis for Jack Russell! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the shows FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can

Oct 21, 2024 • 59:12

Magazines and Monsters Ep 110, The Body Snatcher (1945) w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 110, The Body Snatcher (1945) w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Welcome to part three of my Val Lewton tribute for Halloween 2024! This time my buddy Luke is here from the Earth Destruction Directive podcast, and we’ve got a banger for you! Boris Karloff at the peak of his powers, also Bela Lugosi! Strong performances by all in this one, but don’t just take my word for it, listen in!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB

Oct 18, 2024 • 1:25:44

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 32/33, 1975 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 32/33, 1975 w/Scott West!

Hey there vampires (no, not the sparkling kind!), Scott is back here with me, as we continue our coverage of the Tomb of Dracula! We’re diving back into the series proper, and the continuity is fantastic! Wolfman and Colan are giving the readers their money’s worth and then some! But don’t just take my word for it, hit the download button and hear what my pal Scott thinks about it as well! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmons

Oct 14, 2024 • 1:36:35

Magazines and Monsters Ep 109, The Seventh Victim (1943) w/Scott West!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 109, The Seventh Victim (1943) w/Scott West!

Hey there all you Devil worshipers! My good pal Scott West is here and he picked out a fantastic but obscure film to talk about tonight. It’s one that producer Val Lewton made and is really underrated in our humble opinions. So rather than continuing to extrapolate I’ll just say hot download and enjoy! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page. You can find

Oct 11, 2024 • 1:38:10

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Scary Tales 2, 1975, w/Nis!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Scary Tales 2, 1975, w/Nis!

Hey there all you gunslingers! My buddy Nis is back and he picked a fantastic Charlton horror comic to talk about! There are three wild stories in this issue, and we had a fun time talking about them all! Of course we have a favorite but you’ll have to listen in to find out which one it is! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines an

Oct 7, 2024 • 1:08:12

Magazines and Monsters Ep 108, Isle of the Dead (1945)!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 108, Isle of the Dead (1945)!

Happy spooky season! Well, my Halloween extravaganza has finally arrived! I’ll be covering some excellent films by Producer/Director/Writer Val Lewton! It all kicks off right here and now with this intriguing film, and will continue every Friday in October. Joining me for this one is my cohost for the Phantom Stranger episodes on my Bronze Age of Horror podcast, Jeremiah! He and I deep dive into this Lewton classic, then have some shop talk as well! So get ready for a wild ride!As usual, if you’

Oct 4, 2024 • 1:26:07

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 132, 1975 w/Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 132, 1975 w/Dr Anj!

Hey there horror fiends! An episode that was time-lost but now found! My good buddy Dr Anj sparked the synapses in my brain and I was able to find this fun episode we recorded a while back! This book caused some childhood trauma for young Anj, but don’t worry, my therapeutic ways will cure him! Maybe…As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or in the show’s FB page (just search Ma

Sep 30, 2024 • 1:00:18

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 54, Worlds Finest Comics 242, 1976 w/WardHillTerry!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 54, Worlds Finest Comics 242, 1976 w/WardHillTerry!

Hey there zany ones! My buddy Terry is back and he’s brought a fantastic comic from his youth! You know I love having guests n that share a comic with a connection to years past, and this episode is no exception. So let’s dive into this crazy adventure starting the Super Sons!As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). Yo

Sep 25, 2024 • 1:04:29

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 114, 1973 w/Monster Matt!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 114, 1973 w/Monster Matt!

Hey there all you ghouls! My good pal Monster Matt is here with me, and we’ve got a horror comic that will send icy chills down your spine! Grab your hockey mask and stick as the first gruesome tale in this book revolves around a hockey team seeking vengeance! Then, we get a burned out rockstar that will do anything to get back to the top, including making a deal with a demon! But there will be hell to pay when the rent comes due! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you c

Sep 23, 2024 • 1:09:17

Magazines and Monsters Ep 107, ROM 2-4, 1980 w/Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 107, ROM 2-4, 1980 w/Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Hey there, space knights! Ed is back and we’re diving into three big issues of ROM! We already talked about issue one and some history behind this character, so definitely go back and listen to that one first- (click here)! We get into some of the foundation that will build up these characters for issues to come. ROM, Brandi, and of course, the Dire Wraiths! All this and more awaits, so download and join us!

Sep 20, 2024 • 2:14:55

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 34 and 35, 1975 w/Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 34 and 35, 1975 w/Al Sedano!

Hey there all you werewolves! It’s time for more wolf action, and Al Sedano is here with me to explain it all! Well, we try to explain it all but these two crazy comics are not easy to explain, but we had a lot of fun talking about them. We do go off on a few tangents but it’s all good! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and Mo

Sep 16, 2024 • 1:17:33

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 53, World’s Finest 215, 1973 w/Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 53, World’s Finest 215, 1973 w/Mart Gray!

Hey there, zany ones! My good pal from the U.K., Mart Gray is here, and we’ve got a super fun comic to talk about! In the Haneyverse, this is the first appearance of the Super Sons! Yes a version appeared much earlier and we do talk about that briefly, but our main concern is how in the world Bob Haney managed to insert these two characters into continuity…sort of, maybe. So grab a stiff drink and listen in as we attempt to decider this riddle! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for t

Sep 11, 2024 • 1:25:22

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Monster of Frankenstein 7-9, 1973 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Monster of Frankenstein 7-9, 1973 w/Scott West!

Hey there all you monsters! Scott West is back, and we’ve got a frightening crossover for you! This is a Universal Studios lover’s dream, as the Monster faces off with the Lord of the Undead, Dracula! It’s a super cool event, and we couldn’t wait to talk about it! So hit that download button and let’s go! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines

Sep 9, 2024 • 1:32:35

Magazines and Monsters Ep 106, The Gorgon (1964) w/ Mart Gray!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 106, The Gorgon (1964) w/ Mart Gray!

Hey there all you monsters! I've finally wrestled my buddy Mart Gray down, and forced him to talk about one of our favorite Hammer films, The Gorgon! This film has all of the A-list actors and crew, so you know it's got to be top notch! We talk about all the best scenes, our favorite characters, and even go off on a tangent or two. So get ready to trek to the castle Borski in Germany, sharpen your sword, and fight the Gorgon! If you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so thro

Sep 6, 2024 • 1:15:00

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing Annual 1, 1982 w/Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing Annual 1, 1982 w/Paul Hix!

Hey there all you monsters! My buddy Paul Hix (Waiting for Doom, DCOCD, etc.) is back! He and I have brought a super fun comic to discuss and our thoughts on a certain movie as well (very briefly). We also talk about his fun podcast DCOCD as he’s been gearing up for more event coverage! So grab your mosquito repellent and head for the swamps! As usual, If you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licio

Sep 2, 2024 • 1:08:18

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Detective Comics 455, 1976 w/ Bill Bere!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Detective Comics 455, 1976 w/ Bill Bere!

Hey there all you vampires! Bill from the Bat-Pod is here and he's brought a fantastic comic book to talk about! What happens when the Batman faces off in a haunted mansion with a vampire that's over a century old? Well, Bill and I are going to tell you in grand fashion! So hit that download button and enjoy! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just

Aug 26, 2024 • 41:19

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 105, Avengers/Defenders War! w/ Dr Bobb!

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 105, Avengers/Defenders War! w/ Dr Bobb!

Hey everybody! Welcome to a super fun episode of the show. I've been jazzed about this episode for a while now, and it's finally here. I've invited my good friend Dr. Bobb along for this fun look at a classic Avengers/Defenders story! We talk about the lead up and then the entire story. So strap in for some hero vs hero action! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the s

Aug 23, 2024 • 2:16:23

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 52, The Brave and the Bold 108, 1973 w/ Luke Jaconetti!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 52, The Brave and the Bold 108, 1973 w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Hey there, zany ones! My good pal Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive podcast) is back, and we've got a super fun team up with Batman and Sgt. Rock for you! A team up with these two heroes is cool as it is, but when the villain of the story is...Satan (?), you know the story is going to be off the chain! So, download and listen in as Luke and I try to make sense of one of the most gonzo stories ever written! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so throu

Aug 21, 2024 • 1:16:32

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Tomb of Dracula 4 and Tomb of Dracula 31, 1975 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Tomb of Dracula 4 and Tomb of Dracula 31, 1975 w/ Scott West!

Hey everybody, my pal Scott West is back! Yes, your dynamic duo covering the Tomb of Dracula is together again, and we’ve got more blood splattering horror for you! Oh who am I kidding, we laugh a lot, poke fun, and make inappropriate references all while talking about a vampire killing people. Is it slightly demented? Maybe. Is it a ton of fun? Absolutely. So hit that play button and join the fun! As usual, if

Aug 12, 2024 • 1:36:51

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 104, Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974) w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age)!

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 104, Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974) w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age)!

Welcome to our final coverage of the Hammer Studios Frankenstein franchise! Mike (Comics in the Golden Age) is back and we're covering this last chapter of Baron Frankenstein! This one is a departure from the norm in some ways but a lot like previous films in other ways. Mike and I really enjoyed covering this one and the entire series (minus one film), and we're a bit sad to see it come to an end. But, we give it our best, and will definitely push forward with more content. As usual, if you'd

Aug 9, 2024 • 1:06:08

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 51, The Brave and the Bold 151, 1979 w/ Dr Anj!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 51, The Brave and the Bold 151, 1979 w/ Dr Anj!

Hey there zany ones! Dr. Anj is back and yowsa yowsa yowsa, this is one crazy comic! A famous panel is included in the pages of this one, but it had even more fun inside than I'd imagined. Plus, this book has a childhood connection for Anj, and he will explain. Batman, The Flash, disco, chauvinism, and liberated women! Plus, Batman is a makeup artist! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Bil

Aug 7, 2024 • 54:51

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 17 &18, 1972 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 17 &18, 1972 w/ JJG!

Hey there all you phantoms! Jeremiah is back with me again, and we have a couple of issues to talk about that are ace! Len Wein and Jim Aparo are at the top of their game, and you really see them gelling on this title! So grab your trench coat and fedora and let’s goooo! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters).

Aug 5, 2024 • 1:37:31

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 103, Rom 1, 1979 w/ Ed Moore!

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 103, Rom 1, 1979 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey there, space travelers! Please join Ed Moore and I, as we start this journey covering the classic Rom Spaceknight series by Marvel Comics! The "Romnibus" volume one just came out earlier this year, and Ed and I decided to cover some Rom! It really is one of Marvel's best from that era, and we reminisce about the comic, and give some background on the toy as well! So grab your neutralizer and analyzer, and let's track down some Dire Wraiths! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for t

Jul 26, 2024 • 1:48:04

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 50! World's Finest 239, 1976 w/ Professor Alan!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 50! World's Finest 239, 1976 w/ Professor Alan!

Hey there, zany ones! My buddy Professor Alan from the Relatively Geeky podcast network is back and he brought a wacky comic to talk about! This World’s Finest is really off the chain, but don’t worry, we know exactly what Bob Haney was doing here…maybe. Download and listen in and hey, if you can figure out this comic, please write in! As usual, If you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_

Jul 24, 2024 • 1:16:12

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 32 and 33, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 32 and 33, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody! It's time for more wolf action, as Al Sedano is back, and we've got two special issues to talk about! It's the first two appearances of Moon Knight! How do we feel about this character intro? What about the two subplots going on? All of these questions will hopefully be answered in this episode! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (jus

Jul 22, 2024 • 1:09:18

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Blade; Black and White Tpb w/ Bill Bere!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Blade; Black and White Tpb w/ Bill Bere!

Hey there, all you vampire slayers! A very cool episode today (if I do say so myself!), as Bill Bere from the Bat-Pod is here with me to discuss one of his favorite characters in Blade the vampire slayer! I've talked about Blade before in the pages of Tomb of Dracula, but these stories are from the black and white magazines from the Bronze Age! Sometimes these magazines were a little more hardcore but they always had top notch creators on them, and this trade paperback is no exception! So hit th

Jul 15, 2024 • 1:53:21

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 102, Village of the Damned (1960) w/ Karen (Planet 8 podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Ep. 102, Village of the Damned (1960) w/ Karen (Planet 8 podcast)!

Hey everybody, my good pal Karen is back, and we've got a fantastically creepy film to talk about on this episode. Its the creepy kid sub-genre where going to focus in on in this episode, and it's a fantastic example of British horror! After talking about this film, Karen and I talk shop for a bit (Planet 8 that is), and their recent episodes (including Roger Corman!). So hit that download button and enjoy! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email a

Jul 12, 2024 • 1:16:15

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 49, The Brave and the Bold 135 &136, 1977 w/ Evan Bevins!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 49, The Brave and the Bold 135 &136, 1977 w/ Evan Bevins!

Hey there, zany ones! My good buddy Evan Bevins is back, and we've got w two part story we affectionately call..."The Ruby Ryder Saga!" OK, we don't actually call it that, but we would've if we thought of it at the time. All kidding aside, we have a fantastic time talking about these two comics, and give all the praise to the creative team (Haney and Aparo)! So strap on your seatbelt, because the caped crusader is in for a bumpy ride! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, y

Jul 10, 2024 • 1:31:19

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Classics Comics 9- 1976, Dracula, w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Classics Comics 9- 1976, Dracula, w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody! The show is back, and even though there's chaos all around me right now (trying to figure out tech stuff I have no clue about), I'm getting things done...for now. As some of you may know, my good pal and Tomb of Dracula cohost, Scott West, is going through some tough times right now, so while he's taking care of some family business (link to a GoFundMe below), I've recruited a few other friends to step in and talk about the Lord of the Undead! Put your hands together for my buddy

Jul 8, 2024 • 1:14:28

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 15 & 16, 1971 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 15 & 16, 1971 w/ JJG!

Hey there all you phantoms! My good pal Jeremiah is back with me and we have a couple of solid issues of the Phantom Stranger to talk about. First we get an appearance of Storm from the X-Men (maybe), plus a robot blaxploitation character! Then we switch gears to an Egyptian/alien conspiracy story! All this and more await, so download and start listening! As usual, if you'd like to lave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @

Jul 1, 2024 • 1:44:04

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! DC Comics Presents 29, 1981 w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! DC Comics Presents 29, 1981 w/ Dr Anj!

Hey everybody! Dr. Anj is back as we've extended our coverage of The Spectre! We have a fantastic issue of DC Comics Presents to talk about, and it's a doozy! We see The Spectre vs Superman in this one, plus we recap the previous two issues to set the table as well! So get ready to jump into some madness in this issue! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB p

Jul 1, 2024 • 1:02:42

Magazines and Monsters Episode 101, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 3, 1981 w/ Keith G. Baker!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 101, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 3, 1981 w/ Keith G. Baker!

Hey everybody, my pal KGB is back, and we're here to check out the final issue of this fantastic mini series! Krona is really ramping up the body count, and Hal and the rest of the Corps looks down and out. But, don't count them out, as they show Krona and the universe what the Green Lanterns Corps is all about! So charge up that power ring, and head out into space, and join the Corps! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonsters

Jun 14, 2024 • 54:39

Magazines and Monsters Ep 100, Werewolf of London (1935), w/ MonsterMatt!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 100, Werewolf of London (1935), w/ MonsterMatt!

Hey all you werewolves! Monster Matt Patterson is back, and we've got a fantastic movie to talk about! This one predates the much more famous "The Wolfman" by six years! It's seemingly a forgotten film by most, but don't overlook it, as it has some very redeeming qualities and laid the groundwork for future werewolf films. Matt and I have a blast talking about this one, and it definitely should be one every horror fan seeks out. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you ca

Jun 7, 2024 • 55:03

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 48, The Brave and the Bold 145, 1978 w/ JJG!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 48, The Brave and the Bold 145, 1978 w/ JJG!

Hey there, zany ones! My Phantom Stranger cohost (on my Bronze Age of Horror Comics podcast), Jeremiah, has joined me to talk about a fun story that teams up Batman with the Stranger! This one involves crooks and voodoo, so you don't dare miss it...or JJG will make a voodoo doll in your likeness! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magaz

Jun 5, 2024 • 42:33

Magazines and Monsters Ep 99, The Savage Sword of Conan 40, 1979 w/ Dallan B!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 99, The Savage Sword of Conan 40, 1979 w/ Dallan B!

Hey everybody! My pal Dallan is back (after a way too long hiatus), and since he's one of the biggest Conan fans I know, I couldn't wait to talk about the best barbarian around. Dallan picked this fantastic issue of the Savage Sword of Conan magazine, and we have an awesome time talking about it. So, hit that play button and join us! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on

May 31, 2024 • 2:00:14

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 47, World's Finest 249, 1978 w/ Clinton (Coffee and Comics Podcast)

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 47, World's Finest 249, 1978 w/ Clinton (Coffee and Comics Podcast)

Hey there, zany ones! My pal Clinton (Coffee and Comics, Days of High Adventure podcasts) has stopped by to talk about a Bob Haney gem from Worlds Finest! This was a cover I’d seen many times before but never read! Huge thanks to Clinton for giving me the nudge to read and talk about it. It’s a glorious Haney romp! So, join us for a lot of laughs as we discover what in the world a Trillig is!

May 29, 2024 • 1:16:35

Magazines and Monsters Ep 98, Giant Size Defenders 2, 1974 w/ Monster Matt!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 98, Giant Size Defenders 2, 1974 w/ Monster Matt!

Hey everybody! Monster Matt is back, and we’ve got a favorite comic from his youth he wanted to discuss. He definitely didn’t have to twist my arm, as I’m a huge fan of The Defenders, too!

May 24, 2024 • 56:30

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 31 and Giant Size Werewolf 5, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 31 and Giant Size Werewolf 5, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody, it's time to get your silver bullets ready, because Al Sedano and I are hunting a werewolf! This time around we've got a couple of stories that are very contrasting! Both have their strong points and failings, but we had a blast as usual. So, get ready for some action in this realm and another! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just

May 20, 2024 • 1:22:34

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 46, The Brave and the Bold 95, 1971 w/ Evan Bevins!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 46, The Brave and the Bold 95, 1971 w/ Evan Bevins!

Hey there, zany ones! My pal Evan is back, and we have one of the zaniest comics ever written by Mr. Haney. Batman goes up against a fiery female named Ruby Ryder! No, she doesn't do adult films, but she is a female tycoon that rivals Bruce Wayne! This story has some of the wildest dialogue and kooky situations that you'll ever see. So jump on the crazy train along with us, and be ready! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonste

May 15, 2024 • 1:03:20

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 14, 15, and 16, 1974 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 14, 15, and 16, 1974 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey there all you demons! Ed is back and we’re finishing off Jack Kirby’s The Demon! We originally had plans for one more episode of coverage (16 plus a DCCP issue), but decided to squeeze these three books together so we can move forward with another project (announced at the end of this episode!). But don’t worry, we give Etrigan a good send off! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billy

May 13, 2024 • 1:49:27

Magazines and Monsters Ep 97, Frankenstein Must be Destroyed (1969), w/Mike (Comics in the GA)!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 97, Frankenstein Must be Destroyed (1969), w/Mike (Comics in the GA)!

Hey everybody! My buddy Mike is back, and we're back with our journey through the Hammer films Frankenstein series! This fifth installment of the franchise has some really high moments, but one that just doesn't belong, but no spoilers, as we get to that about 3/4's of the way though the conversation. So, get your scalpel sharpened, and get ready for the show! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @

May 10, 2024 • 1:22:22

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 13 and 14, 1971 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 13 and 14, 1971 w/ JJG!

Hey there all you phantoms! Jeremiah is back, and we've got a duo of issues to talk about in this episode! These issues are very strong material, and we gush over them for the duration. They're both vastly different stories, but strong for sure. So, don't touch that dial, just sit back and listen in! As usual, if you'd like to leaver any feedback, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and

May 6, 2024 • 1:16:35

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 45, The Brave and the Bold 134, 1977 w/ WardHillTerry!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 45, The Brave and the Bold 134, 1977 w/ WardHillTerry!

Hey there, zany ones! It's time to dive headfirst into another Brave and the Bold adventure! My pal Terry is back here with this fun pick, so get ready for a good time. Batman must bring in the traitorous Green Lantern, but the Commies aren't about to let their newest ally go without a fight! Psychedelic torture, green tea, and Batman shooting a gun...? This one has it all! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at o

May 1, 2024 • 1:00:11

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 12 and 13, 1973 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 12 and 13, 1973 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Hey everybody! My good pal Ed Moore is here and we've got two crazy issues of Jack Kirby's The Demon to talk about! The series is winding down, but these two issues are very interesting, as Ed and I point out. So get ready, and listen in as we dive into this madness! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can fin

Apr 29, 2024 • 1:32:17

Magazines and Monsters Ep 96, Detective Comics 339, 1965 w/Ross!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 96, Detective Comics 339, 1965 w/Ross!

Hey everybody! Ross is back, and as always, I've found an insane comic for us to talk about! No, not Zany Haney, but by Gardner Fox! Ross and I have a blast with this one, as we talk about well, gorillas, IEDs, and and terrible schemes concocted by apes. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Ross on social media @JSA4E or by searching any

Apr 26, 2024 • 41:04

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Werewolf 4, 1975 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Werewolf 4, 1975 w/ Scott West!

Hey there all you howlers! Surpise! My good pal Scott West has switched duties with Al this month, and is covering a Werewolf by Night Giant Size with me! There are two big stories in this one, so we get right into it! So hit that play button and start howling at the moon! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or to the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You c

Apr 22, 2024 • 1:18:05

Magazines and Monsters Episode 95, The Final Countdown (1980), w/ Ranger Gord!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 95, The Final Countdown (1980), w/ Ranger Gord!

Hey everybody, Ranger Gord (Prairie Justice; a Greg Saunders Vigilante podcast) is back! He's super excited to talk about this movie, as he's a big historian, and fan of the plot as well. This was a first time viewing for me, but not Ranger Gord! He's a huge fan of this one, and a huge historian as well, so we have a great time discussing this timepiece. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can doso through email at or to me on Twitter @

Apr 19, 2024 • 1:23:41

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 44, The Brave and the Bold 53, 1964 w/ Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 44, The Brave and the Bold 53, 1964 w/ Mart Gray!

Hey there zany ones! My pal from across the pond, Mart Gray is back! He brought along the first ever issue of the Brave and the Bold he ever read! This one isn't your typical Haney script, as he hadn't quite yet formed his zany ways in writing, but never fear, there's enough madness to go around! We hypothesize on alien horniness and whether or not comic book science is real! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at

Apr 17, 2024 • 1:23:54

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Dracula 3, 1974 w/Al Sedano

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Dracula 3, 1974 w/Al Sedano

Hey everybody! April Fools! It's a Dracula comic but Al Sedano is here with me to cover it! This one has a realy cool back story, and of course, solid art as well! Dracula vs a foe from centuries ago, and the loser will die! So, join us! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find Al on social media @AdamThan

Apr 15, 2024 • 1:04:42

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 10 and 11, 1973 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 10 and 11, 1973 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey there, demons! Ed Moore is back and we're diving into another set of issues of Jack Kirby's Demon! In this episode we'll wrap up the Phantom of the Sewers story line, then dive headfirst into a new one starring a Frankenstein Monster and his creator! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find Ed on soci

Apr 8, 2024 • 1:19:40

Magazines and Monsters Ep 94, DC Special 17, 1975!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 94, DC Special 17, 1975!

Hey everybody! Charge up those rings, and grab your battery, as I've got an oversized comic, and three awesome friends to help me cover it for this episode. First up, Evan Bevins joins me to talk about "The World of Living Phantoms!" Then, Keith G Baker swings by to help me with "The Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts!" And finally, author Jennifer DeRoss stops by to give her thoughts on a story written by Gardner Fox! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback, you can do so through email at

Apr 5, 2024 • 1:42:56

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 440, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 440, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

Hey everybody! Dr Anj is here and we've got the final issue if the Spectre in the Adventure Comics run here in front of us, and we're dying (see what I did there) to talk about it! It's been a wild ride, and Fleischer and Aparo don't take their foot off the gas in this one! So, sit back and enjoy the show. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can

Apr 1, 2024 • 43:53

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 43, The Brave and the Bold 181, 1981 w/Sean Ross!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 43, The Brave and the Bold 181, 1981 w/Sean Ross!

Hey everybody! Believe it or not, I've coaxed Sean Ross out of podcast semi-retirement! OK, ok, it's not quite that dramatic, but, he has returned to the show to talk about one of his favorite comics! This was a first time read for me, and I was ecstatic for Sean to talk with me about this one, as he's a huge fan of Hawk and Dove. So, join us for a good time talking comics! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show you can do so through email at or

Mar 27, 2024 • 1:09:40

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 11 and 12, 1971 w/JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Phantom Stranger 11 and 12, 1971 w/JJG!

Hey everybody! Jeremiah is back and we’re continuing on with our coverage of the Phantom Stranger! These two kooky issues had us laughing a bit, but they were also a lot of fun. I think Bob Kanigher must’ve borrowed Bob Haney’s stash before he wrote issue 12! As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB page (just search Magazines and Monst

Mar 25, 2024 • 1:26:51

Magazines and Monsters Episode 93, Asylum (1972) w/ Bomber and Sheena!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 93, Asylum (1972) w/ Bomber and Sheena!

Hey everybody! It's time for another awesome horror movie talk! I've got Bomber (@HorrorHammer1) back with me, and this time he brought a friend! Please welcome Sheena to the show! She's a life long horror fan, that has recently discovered some of the classics (thanks to Bomber), and he and I thought it would be great for her to join us and add a fantastic female perspective to the conversation. The three of us sat down to chat about the awesome Amicus anthology (or Portmanteau) film, Asylum! A

Mar 22, 2024 • 1:33:48

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 28, 29, and 30, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 28, 29, and 30, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey there, all you howlers! Al Sedano is back, and he and I have three big issues to discuss on this episode! Why three you ask? Well, there is a method to our madness, but it's a secret! But, we have these crazy stories to entertain you with right now! Three issues to wrap up the Dr. Glitternight saga (yes, SAGA!). As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB pa

Mar 18, 2024 • 1:12:12

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 42, The Brave and the Bold 96, 1971 w/ Luke!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 42, The Brave and the Bold 96, 1971 w/ Luke!

Hey there, zany ones! Luke from the Earth Destruction Directive podcast is back! We have another Batman/Sgt Rock team up to talk about, but this one isn’t in WWII!? Batman thinks Rock has betrayed the good ‘ol USA, and it’s up to him to stop the villains and find out exactly what the old war horse is doing! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just se

Mar 13, 2024 • 1:16:46

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 29 and 30, 1975 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 29 and 30, 1975 w/ Scott West!

Hey there all you blood suckers! Scott West is here once again, and we've got two spectacular issues to talk about! We get an epilogue to the Chimera story, and it does not disappoint! Then, we get a return to the dairy of Dracula! He retells three stories from his past where he met with death! All this and Scott announces that his new book is live (check for link below)! So join us! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonsters@g

Mar 11, 2024 • 1:13:15

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! A horror story by Ramona Fradon (R.I.P.)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! A horror story by Ramona Fradon (R.I.P.)!

Hey there horror fans! As you've most likely heard, the comic book industry lost a pioneer in Ramona Fradon. I personally knew about her work with superheroes, but it wasn't until recently that I discovered some really fun horror stories she illustrated! Joining me for this fun conversation is my good pal, Mart Gray! So tune in and enjoy the show! As usual, if you'd like to leaver any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd

Mar 10, 2024 • 41:54

Magazines and Monsters Ep 92, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 2, 1981, w/ KGB!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 92, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 2, 1981, w/ KGB!

Hey all you lantern fans! Keith G Baker is back, and we are jumping into the next issue of this awesome mini-series! We talk about Krona and his army, who the mysterious boss of the final level is, and why does Arkkis Chummuck eat his enemies? Plus we delve into how a rookie named Arisia is facing a juggernaut of a mission, mere days/weeks after becoming a GL. So join us for this deep dive into this universe threatening saga! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can se

Mar 8, 2024 • 1:04:18

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 8 and 9, 1973 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 8 and 9, 1973 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Hey everybody! Ed Moore is back, and we've got two more fantastic issues of glorious Jack Kirby artwork to talk about! We get a strange new villain (or is he?), that resembles the Phantom of the Opera or Sewers, if you will. Plus, we then theorize if Jason Blood has the largest apartment known to mankind. Oh and the correct way to spell mannikin is mannequin! If you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so though email at or to me on Twitter @Billy

Mar 3, 2024 • 1:50:24

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 40, The Brave and the Bold 92, 1970 w/ Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 40, The Brave and the Bold 92, 1970 w/ Mart Gray!

Hey there, zany ones! My good pal Mart Gray (the Too Dangerous for a Girl Blog) is back, and we've got a fantastic issue to cover! One of my favorite things in comics, is when writers try to script dialogue from another country. Haney has some fun moments and some ridiculous ones as well, but Mart and I have a fun time sifting through it all! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_lici

Feb 28, 2024 • 1:08:46

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 9 and 10, 1970 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 9 and 10, 1970 w/ JJG!

Hey everybody! My buddy Jeremiah is back, and we are ready to jump back into our coverage of The Phantom Stranger! It's been too long since we talked about DC's supernatural superhero. We get right into it with two fun issues, and we really rave about the cover to issue ten (just look at it)! So hit that play button and settle in for a while. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the

Feb 26, 2024 • 1:18:30

Magazines and Monsters Episode 91, Shock Waves, 1977 w/ Karen (Planet 8 podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 91, Shock Waves, 1977 w/ Karen (Planet 8 podcast)!

Hey everybody! Karen is back and boy do we have a crazy movie for you! Peter Cushing, John Carridine and Brooke Adams star in this weird, creepy film from 1977! Zombies can be pretty scary, but underwater nazi zombies are terrifying. We talk about the cast a bit, then dive headfirst into the movie, and we talk about it all, even some of its issues. It may be low budget, but it's definitely worth a watch as we proclaim. So, join us for this fun discussion! As usual, if you want to leave any feedb

Feb 23, 2024 • 1:16:50

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 27 and Giant Size 3, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 27 and Giant Size 3, 1975 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey there all you howlers! Al Sedano is here and creeping around your kitchen door! He’s brought 2 more issues of Werewolf by Night with him, and one is a GIANT SIZE! So get in and strap on your seatbelt, because we’re going on a road trip to Transylvania! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Al on Twitter @AdamThanospod or by searching

Feb 19, 2024 • 1:29:57

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 39, The Brave and the Bold 152, 1979 w/ Delvin (Longbox Crusade)

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 39, The Brave and the Bold 152, 1979 w/ Delvin (Longbox Crusade)

Hey there zany ones! It's time to take a walk on the tech side, as Batman and The Atom must find a hacker! Luckily for me, though, Delvin from the Longbox Crusade is here with me to help decode this crazy story! We'll try to figure out if these bad guys are German or Swiss, and if computers control traffic lights in 1979. Plus, we might need to call the X-Men, as we have a Trask in our midst! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesand

Feb 14, 2024 • 58:48

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 27 and 28, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 27 and 28, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey everybody! Scott West is here and we've got two more issues of The Tomb of Dracula to talk about! The issues are parts two and three of the Chimera story line, and they are both full of surprises. But I can’t give anything away, so tune in! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Scott on Twitter @ScottMWest69 and definitely check out h

Feb 12, 2024 • 1:15:50

Magazines and Monsters Episode 90, Unknown World's of Science Fiction 3, 1975 w/ Derek Kunsken!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 90, Unknown World's of Science Fiction 3, 1975 w/ Derek Kunsken!

Hey everybody! Author Derek Kunsken is back with me and we've got another issue of the awesome magazine, Unknown World's of Science Fiction! These mags are super cool and chocked full of great material, so if you get the chance to grab them, definitely don't sleep on them. As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Derek on most social media site @de

Feb 9, 2024 • 1:43:10

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 439, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 439, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

Hey, everybody, Dr. Anj is back, and we've got another great issue of this book, starring The Spectre! This issue has some very different aspects to it that we haven't seen before. Romance, horror, and a hydra all in this issue, so don't dare miss it! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Dr Anj on Twitter @dranj70 and be certain to check

Feb 5, 2024 • 57:25

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 38, The Brave and the Bold 161, 1980 w/ Professor Alan!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 38, The Brave and the Bold 161, 1980 w/ Professor Alan!

Hey everybody! Professor Alan is back, and we've got a great comic to talk about! The prof is a huge fan of Adam Strange, so I love to get him on as a guest to talk about him. This book is a fun one, as Adam and Batman switch places and planets, to solve some crime! As usual, ig you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find

Jan 31, 2024 • 47:55

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 6 and 7, 1973 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 6 and 7, 1973 w/ Ed Moore!

hey everybody, Ed is back and we're covering two more issues of Jack Kirby's The Demon! Two very different issues, and one new character debut (ok, technically two!). First up is The Demon vs a werewolf/yeti creature as old as time! Then, we get Klarion the Witchboy, and has cat Teekl! As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). Y

Jan 29, 2024 • 1:37:33

Magazines and Monsters Episode 89, Frankenstein Created Woman, 1967 w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 89, Frankenstein Created Woman, 1967 w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age)!

Hey everybody, Mike from Comics in the Golden Age is back, and we're jumping back into our coverage of the Frankenstein series of films from Hamer Studios! This film is really interesting, and we deep dive about it in this episode. There's no real continuity from the previous film to speak of, but that's probably a good thing. We get Peter Cushing, and as usual he's fantastic, add in Thorley Walters, Duncan Lamont, and the gorgeous, talented Susan Denberg, and you've got a very fun, exciting fil

Jan 26, 2024 • 1:23:42

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Psycho 3, 1971 w/ Rob!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Psycho 3, 1971 w/ Rob!

Hey everybody, Happy New Year! I'm welcoming a guest you haven't heard in a while, but I'm excited to have Rob (I have a nerdy mind) back with the show! He and I really share a love of black and white magazines, especially the horror books! We talk about Skywald as a publisher, then an issue of Psycho! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search M

Jan 22, 2024 • 1:22:22

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 37, The Brave and the Bold 67, 1966 "The Death of the Flash!" w/ The Bat-Pod!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 37, The Brave and the Bold 67, 1966 "The Death of the Flash!" w/ The Bat-Pod!

Hey there, zany ones! Bill and Dave from the Bat-Pod are here, and we've got a crazy issue to talk about! Batman teams up with the Flash, but why is the Scarlet Speedster reluctant to help? And who are these mysterious other speedsters carrying out crimes in Gotham? It's going to take both heroes and a little luck to solve this caper! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can dos o through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on

Jan 17, 2024 • 58:35

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 25 and 26, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 25 and 26, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

It's time once again, to break our your hair brush, put on your sunglasses, and hop on top of the van...oh wait, this ins't Teen Wolf, it's Al Sedano covering Werewolf by Night! We've got two more issues and a ton of fun, so hit that play button! Deprayve is on the loose, and a villain from the recent past returns! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page.

Jan 15, 2024 • 1:18:05

Magazines and Monsters Episode 88, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 1, 1981 w/ KGB!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 88, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 1, 1981 w/ KGB!

Hey everybody! After a long hiatus, my pal Keith G. Baker is back! He and I had a great time talking Zatanna, but now we're focusing in on the Green Lantern! Specifically, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps number one! I'm going to be covering a few different GL books this year, and why nt start off with this awesome mini series. We also cover some feedback from our Zatanna episode, so join us for some fun comics talk! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so throu

Jan 12, 2024 • 1:39:55

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Tomb of Dracula 2 and Tomb of Dracula 26, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Tomb of Dracula 2 and Tomb of Dracula 26, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey everybody! Scott West is back, and we've got two issues, and one is an over-sized Giant! We get a demonic cult, and even Dracula gets humbled! Plus, the first part of a multipart story, involving an unseen enemy and an ancient relic that can change the tide of history! Jagged-edged nipples, pipe fetishes, and hallucinations, are all on the table in this one! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on T

Jan 8, 2024 • 2:00:19

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 36, 1st Issue Special 3, 1975 w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 36, 1st Issue Special 3, 1975 w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

Hey everybody! Happy New Year! Let's start 2024 off right with two of my favorite people, Dr. Bobb and Dr. Husband from the Checkered Past Podcast! I've invited them on to talk about the crazy hero, Metamorpho. The Haney dialogue is always a point of emphasis in these books, but the way he writes this cast of characters is really off the chain! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_lici

Jan 3, 2024 • 48:59

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 438, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 438, 1975 w/ Dr Anj!

Hey everybody! Dr Anj is back, and he's brought along another issue of Adventure Comics, starring The Spectre! The series has been nothing short of awesome, but will that continue in this issue? The run is winding down, and possibly the book's steam as well. Fleischer, Aparo, and horror! It's all still here and possibly...a wedding? As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on

Jan 1, 2024 • 49:24

Magazines and Monsters Episode 87, King Kong (1933) w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 87, King Kong (1933) w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Hey everybody! Well, it's finally time for my big end of the year finale! Luke Jaconetti is here, and we've got a huge film to talk about! It's the 90th anniversary of King Kong! It has the original scream queen herself, Fay Wray, as the beauty that enthralls the beast! We try to do this one the justice it deserves, so click the download button and jump in! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitte

Dec 31, 2023 • 2:01:09

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 23 and 24, 1976 w/ Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 23 and 24, 1976 w/ Paul Hix!

Hey everybody! Paul Hix is back, and he's ready and raring to go, as we cover the final two issues of Swamp Thing volume one! We discuss what a Thrudvang is, a different direction for the book, and our possible future plans! All this and more, so tune in! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters). You can find Paul and

Dec 25, 2023 • 53:09

Magazines and Monsters Episode 85, Thor; the Eternals Saga part 5-Finale!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 85, Thor; the Eternals Saga part 5-Finale!

Hey everybody! Well, we’ve finally made it! It’s taken nine months, six episodes, and countless hours, but the big finale is here! Join in as Ed Moore and Evan Bevins and I, recount the last four issues of this epic story! And yes, we will get back to the Celestials and Eternals!

Dec 22, 2023 • 3:09:17

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 24 and Giant Size Werewolf 2, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 24 and Giant Size Werewolf 2, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody! Al Sedano is here, and we have 2 fun issues to cover! A trip to Transylvania is in order inside the pages of a Giant Size comic! Then, Jack must face round two vs Deprayve! Plus an extraordinary foe emerges, and he's one that the Werewolf seemingly can't handle one on one! The cops are also on Jack's trail, and this time it's shoot to kill! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billy_licio

Dec 18, 2023 • 1:15:13

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 24 and 25, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 24 and 25, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey all you bloodsuckers! Scott West is back, and we're got a pair of issues that will make your skin crawl! First up, Dracula uses his anonymity to attack Blade and his woman, Safron! Then, we get a new and awesome character introduction with Hannibal King! He has his own beef with Dracula, but he and Blade share something in common as well! So join us as we dive into these incredible comics! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonsters@gma

Dec 11, 2023 • 1:17:19

Magazines and Monsters Episode 85, Thor; The Eternals Saga pt4 w/ Evan and Ed!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 85, Thor; The Eternals Saga pt4 w/ Evan and Ed!

Hey everybody! We're back with the penultimate (I love that word) episode of our Thor the Eternals Saga! We see Thor learn about his past or is it alternate past? But why doesn't Thor remember any of this happening? And what does an opera have to do with it? I hope you already have the answers, because Evan, Ed, and I probably don't! Listen in to find some answers...maybe! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or

Dec 8, 2023 • 2:41:55

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 35, World's Finest Comics 236, 1976 "Killers Come in all Sizes" w/ Ross!

The Brave and the Bob! Ep 35, World's Finest Comics 236, 1976 "Killers Come in all Sizes" w/ Ross!

Hey there zany ones! Ross is back, and we're here to talk about another crazy comic from DC comics in the Bronze Age! Plus, it's written by Bob Haney! This is one of the stories that leaves you scratching your head at the end, but never fear, we'll try our best to explain mister Haney's story, plus talk about whatever else is on our minds! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on t

Dec 6, 2023 • 49:02

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 4 and 5, 1972 w/ Dr Anj and Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 4 and 5, 1972 w/ Dr Anj and Ed Moore!

Hey everybody! Ed Moore is back, and we’re here to talk more Demon by Jack King Kirby! But, we’re not alone! Please welcome Dr Anj to the show! He has a very specific reason for wanting to join us and we’ll address that right on! Plus, Anj will give us his origin story for this title. Then we’ll dive right into issues four and five of the series proper! So join us!

Dec 4, 2023 • 1:46:40

Magazines and Monsters Episode 84, Thor the Eternals Saga part 3! w/ Ed and Evan

Magazines and Monsters Episode 84, Thor the Eternals Saga part 3! w/ Ed and Evan

Hey everybody! Ed Moore and Evan Bevins are back, and we have a huge episode to bring you! Thor vs Odin! Eternals vs Olympians! Plus, we get pro wrestling! No joke! We have a great time talking about these fun issues, so sit back, and relax, as we entertain at least ourselves! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's FB page. You can find Ed on social media @tealpr

Dec 1, 2023 • 2:29:03

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 21 and 22, 1976 w/Paul Hix (Waiting for Doom)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 21 and 22, 1976 w/Paul Hix (Waiting for Doom)!

Hey everybody, Paul Hix is back, and we've got two more issues of Swamp Thing (vol 1) to talk about! The story lines seem to be straying further and further away from the original material, we both wonder why this is, and does it even matter with cancellation looming? Swamp Thing in space! A deadly virus! No, it's not 2020! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show's F

Nov 27, 2023 • 55:10

Magazines and Monsters Episode 83,Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 2, 1975 w/ author Derek Kunsken!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 83,Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 2, 1975 w/ author Derek Kunsken!

Hey everybody! Derek (Kunsken) is back, and we are here to tackle the second issue of Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction! We had a great time with the first issue, so we decided to cover the entire run (it's only 6 issues, plus a Giant Size)!But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This specific issue has a strong line up of stories and article, and we are ready to dive in. So, grab your laser pistol and your universal language translator, and lets head for the stars! As usual, you can send any fee

Nov 25, 2023 • 1:38:07

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 34, World's Finest 217, 1973 w/ Ranger Gord!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 34, World's Finest 217, 1973 w/ Ranger Gord!

Hey there, zany ones! Ranger Gord is back, and he's picked an insane comic from the vault to talk about on this episode. We dive into a very strange story in the pages of World's Finest, as Metamorpho somehow is imbued with the powers of both Batman and Superman! It's a tale only Bob Haney could write. The taler of the Superfreak! As usual, if you'd like to leave ant feedback you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the shows FB pag

Nov 22, 2023 • 1:24:22

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 22 and 23, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 22 and 23, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey there howlers! Al Sedano is back with me, and we’ve got a wild two-part story to bring to your ears! We see a tragic figure (not initially, or maybe at all?), murder, and wet dog…or wolf. We definitely have some questions and very little answers, as usual, but don’t let that fool you, we’re as entertaining as ever. As usual, if you’d like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on th

Nov 20, 2023 • 57:20

Magazines and Monsters Episode 82, Horror Express 1972, W/ The Yard Sale Artist, Jarrod Alberich!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 82, Horror Express 1972, W/ The Yard Sale Artist, Jarrod Alberich!

Choo Choo! The Trans-Siberian express is pulling out! The passengers aboard are Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Telly Savalas! The Yard Sale Artist himself, Jarrod Alberich is here with me, and we are going to talk about this awesome movie, as I've been wanting to cover this one for a long time! No other film has ever had such a great cast and so many horror and sci-fi elements in it! OK, maybe there has been another one, but it definitely wasn't this awesome. As usual, if you want to leave

Nov 17, 2023 • 1:37:07

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Chillers Featuring Dracula 1 and Tomb of Dracula 23, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Chillers Featuring Dracula 1 and Tomb of Dracula 23, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey there all you bloodsuckers! Scott West is back, and it's time for more vampire action! Dracula is getting the giant size treatment, and this story is pretty bonkers, and in an untraditional fashion, the story leads right into the following one in the regular series. Dracula needs a new home in London, so he has his minions procure one for him, except it's currently occupied by a young woman named Sheila Whittier. Unknown to Dracula (at first), the castle she lives in is haunted! Yes, it's va

Nov 13, 2023 • 1:28:30

The Brave and the Bob! The Brave and the Bold 118, 1975 "May the Best Man Die!" w/ Dr Anj!

The Brave and the Bob! The Brave and the Bold 118, 1975 "May the Best Man Die!" w/ Dr Anj!

Hey there, zany ones! My buddy Dr Anj is back, and we have a doozy of a comic for you! Can Batman and Wildcat defeat the crazed Joker? What does a dog named Spot have to do with this caper? We get some prison action (no, not THAT kind of action!), as Ted Grant boxes an inmate, and an infectious disease threatens to kill a prison full of inmates! All of this, plus Anj reveals his secret origin with this comic. As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email

Nov 8, 2023 • 51:58

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 2 and 3, 1972 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 2 and 3, 1972 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Hey everybody, Ed Moore is back, and he and I are continuing our coverage of Jack Kirby's Demon! After our intro episode that covered our thoughts on Kirby plus issue 1, we're diving headfirst into the next two issues right now!

Nov 6, 2023 • 1:55:58

Magazines and Monsters Episode 81, Zatanna Special 1, 1987 w/ Keith G Baker!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 81, Zatanna Special 1, 1987 w/ Keith G Baker!

Hey everybody! It's time for another episode with another new guest! Please welcome Keith G Baker to the show! Keith a Twitter friend and lifelong comic book fan that has a huge passion for DC comics in the 1980s. This era and publisher are not in my wheel house (yet!) so I recruited Keith to help guide me through this over-sized book. It's a 64 page adventure with demons, flying horses, and Jeff Sloane in a nightgown. Who is Jeff Sloane? Exactly. As usual, you can leave any feedback for the sh

Oct 29, 2023 • 1:33:29

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Classics Comics 20, 1977 "Frankenstein" w/ Fantastic Comic Fan!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Classics Comics 20, 1977 "Frankenstein" w/ Fantastic Comic Fan!

Hey everybody, I have my buddy Ron (Fantastic Comic Fan podcast) back for a short form episode, as a little extra something for Halloween. Most of my content came out every Sunday in October, but I thought it would be cool to have Ron on the show to talk about this hidden gem. This title doesn't get talked about much, but there are a couple of horror books for those of us that are fans of the genre! Interesting creative team that brings a faithful adaptation, and solid artwork. So, tune in to fi

Oct 29, 2023 • 22:16

Magazines and Monsters Episode 80, Planet of the Vampires (1965) w/ Scott West!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 80, Planet of the Vampires (1965) w/ Scott West!

Hey there all you planetary vampires! My good buddy Scott West is here to help me close out my Mario Bava coverage for the spooky season in 2023! We saved a great one for last, and we couldn't wait to get rolling! After we talk about our history with this film and Bava, we deep dive on this very influential film. This one is very interesting, and for a low budget film, it really does a fine job with its special effects, and the costumes are fantastic. So, join us as we travel to a far away solar

Oct 27, 2023 • 1:12:25

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Unexpected 144, 1973 w/ Zen of Comics!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Unexpected 144, 1973 w/ Zen of Comics!

Hey there all you black cats! My good pal Nis (Zen of Comics) is back, and its been far too long since he and I talked comics! So, we have a fun DC horror anthology book to talk about today! There are four stories in this book, and we definitely have our thoughts on each, and some are definitely better than others. We do both agree about the awesome cover on this one (Nick Cardy)! So, join us for this episode during this Halloween season! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for the sh

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:41:01

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion 13, 1973 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion 13, 1973 w/ JJG!

Hey there, forbidden followers! Jeremiah is back, and he's brought along a creepy anthology horror book from DC comics for the spooky season! It's been a while since he and I have had the chance to record, but never fear, we'll get back to more Phantom Stranger after Halloween, but for now, we get to sit down and speak on two scary tales from this lesser-known title! Yes, that's right, two awesome stories in this book, one is your more traditional horror story, and the other has a bit of a humor

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:13:13

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 105, 1973 w/ Mart Gray!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 105, 1973 w/ Mart Gray!

Hey there, all you horror fiends! For the first time ever, I've got my good buddy Mart Gray on the show! He's a big fan of the horror comics, and tis the season as they say, right? He picked a really fun issue from the House of Secrets, and he and I (and Abel) will try our best to gleefully present the three stories inside this book. Mart synopsizes the first and third stories with his usual dramatic flare, and I cover the second one that's a bit of an odd edition to the comic. But, it does have

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:01:49

Magazines and Monsters Episode 79, Baron Blood (1972) w/ JJG!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 79, Baron Blood (1972) w/ JJG!

Hey everybody! It's week three of my Halloween Mario Bava coverage! My buddy Jeremiah is here with me (we typically cover Phantom Stranger, and other wacky oddities), and we dive headfirst into the madness of this proto-slasher film! It's a bit of an odd one in my humble opinion, but also very fascinating. An interesting cast that we talk about as well as the differences between Bava's previous films and this one. This was a first watch for JJG, and I love it when a guest is coming in raw, wheth

Oct 20, 2023 • 1:17:08

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Batman 348-351 and Detective Comics 517/518, 1982 w/ Charlton Hero!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Batman 348-351 and Detective Comics 517/518, 1982 w/ Charlton Hero!

Hey there, all you Batty listeners! My pal Chris Bailey is back, and we're here for the spooky season to talk about some horror themed Batman comics! These books were chosen for two big reasons, and we get into that right away on this episode. From the late Bronze Age or Copper Age, if you will, Gerry Conway really upped the ante with a very creepy story, and then add the atmospheric horror talents of Gene Colan, and you've got a winner. So, join Chris and I on this Halloween themed journey! As

Oct 15, 2023 • 2:24:14

Magazines and Monsters Episode 78, Black Sabbath (1963) w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 78, Black Sabbath (1963) w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive podcast)!

Hey everybody! My pal Luke is back, and we are here to talk about one of the most celebrated films by Mario Bava! Black Sabbath is a super fun anthology film with three segments, that are very different from each other, but are brought together by the one and only Boris Karloff! We talk about the cast, and differences between the Italian and US versions, plus our thoughts on Bava in general, and some of the other directors he influenced later. So, don't pick up that telephone, steal a ring from

Oct 13, 2023 • 1:19:23

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 437, 1975 w/ Dr. Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 437, 1975 w/ Dr. Anj!

Hey there, all you spirits of vengeance! Dr Anj is back, and we're covering one very sadistic comic book! Normally, we see the Spectre do all the dirty work, but in this story, we get to see the villain employ some pretty heinous acts, too. This issue also brings a slight change in the art team as well, but no worries, it's still top notch. Plus, we briefly hit on the Aquaman backup, as it has a kooky story (Paul Levitz) and great art (Mike Grell). So grab your hypnotizing glasses from the comic

Oct 8, 2023 • 52:43

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 436, 1974 w/ Tim Price!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 436, 1974 w/ Tim Price!

Hey there, all you spirits of vengeance! Tim Price is back, and we have gas! Wait a minute, I mean the Spectre fights gas...or something like that! Anyways, Tim and I breakdown this wild story that not only includes children getting killed (Yeesh!), but a Nazi, too! All of this plus, Clark Kent, I think. Plus a wonky Aquaman backup story that we'll touch on as well. As usual, you can send any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licio

Oct 8, 2023 • 1:09:12

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 435, 1974 "The Man Who Stalked the Spectre!" w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 435, 1974 "The Man Who Stalked the Spectre!" w/ Dr Anj!

The bell tolls for evil this night! The Spectre is on the prowl for vengeance, and only Dr Anj and myself can bring you the tale that tells of the spirit of vengeance! Join us as we deep dive into this issue and explore not only the fantastic storytelling of Michael Fleischer but the exquisite artwork of Jim Aparo as well. We also talk about the elephant...or Superman in the room in this issue as well. What was Fleischer trying to convey with this "special appearance" or was it just a bit of fun

Oct 8, 2023 • 47:53

Magazines and Monsters Episode 77, Black Sunday (1960) w/ Bryan Baugh!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 77, Black Sunday (1960) w/ Bryan Baugh!

Hey everybody! Well, it's finally here. My kickoff for films in the month of October, 2023! The theme is Mario Bava films, and to help me get things started, I've got a brand new guest to the show. Please welcome indie comic book creator, Bryan Baugh! Bryan is a huge fan of horror comics, films, etc., and he's very fond of European horror films! He and I gush over this directional debut for Bava, and dive into this extremely atmospheric and important piece of Italian film making. We do talk a bi

Oct 6, 2023 • 1:50:55

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Chillers 3, 1975 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant Size Chillers 3, 1975 w/ Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Well, if you've made it this far, get ready, because this third episode is definitely giant sized! Ed is back with me again, and we tackle the final installment of this series. This one is a bit unique that it's all reprints, but they're all recent reprints. Don't worry, Ed and I will explain everything (wink and nod to the Checkered Past podcast)! The stories in this one are top notch for sure, as the list of creators is a who's who of Marvel Comics from the this era. A fantastically hilarious

Oct 1, 2023 • 2:52:19

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Chillers 2, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Chillers 2, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey everybody! It's time for more Marvel anthology comics, and I've got Ed Moore back with me for another round of horror stories! This book is basically the opposite compared to the first, as it's mostly reprints (7), and just 3 new stories. Don't worry, though, Ed and I had a blast with this oversized book, and can't wait to roll through it with you! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Bill

Oct 1, 2023 • 1:37:20

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Chillers 1, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Giant-Size Chillers 1, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey there all you spooks! This is part one of my Halloween kickoff! To lead off, I once again have Ed Moore, and more anthology comics! This time, though, Ed and I are covering some Marvel books. Specifically Giant-Size Chillers! We have ten stories in this big book, so Ed and I waste no time in talking about each one. We also talk about our favorites, plus some of the shortcomings of the book as well. So, get ready, as we welcome the spooky season with a bang! As usual, you can leave any feedba

Oct 1, 2023 • 1:38:29

Magazines and Monsters Episode 76, The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) w/ Mike from Comics in the Golden Age!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 76, The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) w/ Mike from Comics in the Golden Age!

Hey there everybody, it's Hammer time! Mike is back with me, and we're taking a quick side trip away from the exploits of Baron Frankenstein, to bring you a classic in every sense of the word! This original story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is an all time classic, and up to this point had been adapted on film several times. But, when Hammer takes a stab (see what I did there?) at it, they bring out the big guns! Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Andre Morell are front and center in this wonderf

Sep 29, 2023 • 1:20:13

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 1, 1972 w/ Ed Moore (Teal productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Demon 1, 1972 w/ Ed Moore (Teal productions)!

Hey there all you demons! It's about time I had Ed Moore back on the show, and we're starting a new series in grand fashion! The King of Comics, Jack Kirby, created so many fantastic comic book characters, it was tough to decide which one to dive into, but then it occurred to me that I own all sixteen issues of this series, plus it's not one that I've seen covered a lot either, so why not jump in. This is a longer episode, as we not only cover the first issue, but our thoughts on Kirby, and our

Sep 25, 2023 • 1:59:36

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 20 and 21, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 20 and 21, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody, Al is back, and we're here to bring two more fun issues of Werewolf by Night your way! A new creative team is here, and Doug Moench and Don Perlin are on a mission to tie up every loose end from the last ten plus issues! Can they do it? Well, listen in to find out! Are 3 werewolves better than two? Was the Joker consulted before his origin was used? All of these questions and more will be answered! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through em

Sep 18, 2023 • 1:03:01

Magazines and Monsters Episode 75, Batman 343 and 344, 1981/2 w/ The Bat-Pod!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 75, Batman 343 and 344, 1981/2 w/ The Bat-Pod!

Hey everybody! Finally, I'm going to be talking some Batman! And not only that, but Gene Colan era Batman, and with two awesome guests. Please welcome Bill and David from the awesome podcast The Bat-Pod! Both of these guys are huge Bat-fans, and have a long history with the character. We talk about their Batman origins, their fun podcast, and then dive headfirst into these two very good issues. There are new villains and old, plus political intrigue, and the Wayne Foundation is in jeopardy of be

Sep 15, 2023 • 1:18:36

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 32, The Brave and the Bold 41, 1962 "The Raiders from the Secret World!" w/ Professor Alan!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 32, The Brave and the Bold 41, 1962 "The Raiders from the Secret World!" w/ Professor Alan!

Hey there, zany ones! Professor Alan isback, and we're talking more Cave Carson! These issues we've covered have the illustrious Bob Haney scripting, so of course I'm up for them! Seriously though, the concept behind this character/team is a lot of fun, and definitely worth checking out. Plus, if you haven't heard, Professor Alan has ended one of his long running podcasts, but added a new one, so definitely look him up on social media and give his shows a listen! As usual, if you'd like to leav

Sep 13, 2023 • 47:48

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 21 and 22, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 21 and 22, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey everybody! Scott West is back, and we've got two crazy issues of TOD to talk about! First up, is the conclusion to the Doctor Sun storyline. Then it's Dracula vs a Commie vampire! Even he hates those whackos! Plus, Blade is t odds with Quincy, and Taj is back! All the plus, AC/DC references, continuity gaffs, and Frank and Rachel being as useless as ever! All of this and more, so download and listen in. As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email, a

Sep 11, 2023 • 1:22:42

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 19 and 20, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 19 and 20, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

Hey everybody! Paul Hix is back, and we're here to talk more Swamp Thing! --- Send in a voice message:

Sep 4, 2023 • 50:13

Magazines and Monsters Bonus Episode! Marvel Premiere 41, 1978 w/ The Fantastic Comic Fan!

Magazines and Monsters Bonus Episode! Marvel Premiere 41, 1978 w/ The Fantastic Comic Fan!

Hey everybody, a shorter episode today, as I sat dow with my friend Ron, from the Fantastic Comic Fan podcast! I asked him to check out this cool sci-fi offering from Marvel's awesome tryout title, Marvel Premiere. The book definitely has some Star Trek vibes, but the creative team made some of their own decisions, and we talk about them throughout the episode. A great cover, and interior art as well, plus a very interesting cast of characters. As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for th

Sep 1, 2023 • 14:39

Magazines and Monsters Episode 74, The Skull (1965), w/ Chris (@Creep Your Socks Off)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 74, The Skull (1965), w/ Chris (@Creep Your Socks Off)!

What does a book bound in human skin and a human skull have in common? If you guessed Peter Cushing, you're correct! Join Chris and I for a brief discussion about this really cool film from Amicus Productions. It stars two of my all time favorite actors, in Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, plus a few other British horror regulars as well! We talk about a really trip scene in the middle of the film as well, as it's something often talked about when this one is being scrutinized. So join us for

Sep 1, 2023 • 48:28

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 31, Teen Titans 34, 1971 w/ Chris Franklin!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 31, Teen Titans 34, 1971 w/ Chris Franklin!

Hey there, zany ones! It's time for more madness from Mr. Bob Haney! I've brought along a friend to talk about a wild issue of the Teen Titans, pleas welcome Chris Franklin to the show! Chris is a podcaster, artist, and has written articles for 13th Dimension and Twomorrows publications. He and his wife, Cindy have the incredibly fun show JLUcast, where they cover the awesome DC animation from Bruce Timm and company covering Justice League/Justice League Unlimited. They also have an equally fun

Aug 30, 2023 • 1:54:50

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tower of Shadows 9, 1970 w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tower of Shadows 9, 1970 w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

Hey there all you Lovecraftians! My pal Luke Jaconetti is back, and we've got one awesome comic book for you! I'm slowly dipping my toe back into the horror anthology realm, and Luke picked a really fun book. This one contains one new story and three reprints from the Atlas era of Marvel. The names Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby are entombed within, but so is the name of the father of modern horror, H.P. Lovecraft! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through emai

Aug 28, 2023 • 1:26:46

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 18 and 19, 1974! W/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 18 and 19, 1974! W/ Al Sedano!

Owooooooooooooo! It's time for another hairy adventure starring the Werewolf by Night himself, Jack Russell! Al is here and we have two very interesting issues to discuss. Ma Mayhem, Baron Thunder, and the rest of The Committee are still after Jack, but for what reason? Then, Jack comes face to face with another werewolf and two vampires! All of this, and we bid farewell to writer Mike Friedrich with these issues. As usual, you can leave any feedback through email at Magazinesandmonsters@gmail.

Aug 21, 2023 • 53:32

Magazines and Monsters Episode 73- Thor: The Eternals Saga part 2! (Thor 286-289) w/Evan and Ed!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 73- Thor: The Eternals Saga part 2! (Thor 286-289) w/Evan and Ed!

Hey everybody, it’s time to pick up your hammer, travel to Asgard! We’re back with more coverage of this colossal story. Evan, Ed, and I cover four more super exciting issues in another long-winded episode, but hey, what do you expect when you get three old dudes together to talk comics? We get more Deviant/Eternals action, Thor vs Sif...sort of, the Warriors Three dead? All of this and more, so strap on your seatbelt and jump in for the ride! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the

Aug 18, 2023 • 2:26:40

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 30, The Brave and the Bold 116, 1975 “Grasp of the Killer Cult” w/JJG

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 30, The Brave and the Bold 116, 1975 “Grasp of the Killer Cult” w/JJG

Hey there, zany ones! My good buddy Jeremiah is back, and we discuss this not so zany Bob Haney comic. We explain why it isn’t quite as wild as his usual stories, but it’s a really fun comic nonetheless! Batman needs help, and he gets it from his pal, The Spectre! Commissioner Gordon is a complete jackass like usual, but he'll either see the ere of his ways, or be punished by the avenging spirit! Or maybe not. As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through emai

Aug 16, 2023 • 58:25

The Bronze Age of Horror comics! An Interview w/ Val Mayerik! Plus, Marvel Two-in-One 95, 1983 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror comics! An Interview w/ Val Mayerik! Plus, Marvel Two-in-One 95, 1983 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey everyone! Ed Moore and I have a really special episode today! Ed (@tealproductions) and I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down to have a comics talk with the excellent artist, Val Mayerik! We talk about his time at Marvel comics, horror in particular, and especially on Supernatural Thrillers starring the Living Mummy! After that, Ed and I change pace and tackle a wild single issue appearance (years after Supernatural Thrillers ended) of N'Kantu, as he meets up with Ben Grimm and they ha

Aug 14, 2023 • 2:15:41

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The House of Mystery 226, 1974 w/ Zen of Comics!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The House of Mystery 226, 1974 w/ Zen of Comics!

Hey everybody! My buddy Nis is back, and he’s brought a 100 page DC horror anthology book! Full disclosure, this is a loooong episode, but a fun one! We have a couple of laughs, and Nis reveals a phobia! All this and more is coming your way! --- Send in a voice message:

Aug 7, 2023 • 2:26:16

Magazines and Monsters Episode 72, The Night Stalker, 1972 and Scream of the Wolf, 1974 w/ The Classic Horrors Club!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 72, The Night Stalker, 1972 and Scream of the Wolf, 1974 w/ The Classic Horrors Club!

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the show! This time around I've got a podcasting duo to help me tackle not one, but two made-for-tv films from the 1970s! These are two of my favorite films, and Rich and Jeff are along for the ride, as they love these TV movies as well. The first film is definitely a huge classic amongst horror fans, as it had a tv show follow it that was a cult classic. Te second film is a bit lesser known outs of the hardcore fans, but it has two strong actors

Aug 4, 2023 • 2:08:35

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 29, The Brave and the Bold 122, 1975 "Hour of the Beast" w/ Paul Hix!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 29, The Brave and the Bold 122, 1975 "Hour of the Beast" w/ Paul Hix!

Hey there Zany ones! It's time for another trip to the lunatic fringe! Join Paul Hix and I, as we take a slight detour from our recordings for the Bronze Age of Horror Comics, and check out this story from The Brave and the Bold starring Swamp Thing and Batman! At times this book isn't as crazy as you'd expect from Bob Haney, but there are a few lines of dialogue that cause us a bit of pause. So, definitely tune in for our shenanigans, plus Paul talks about his experience at HeroesCon! As usual

Aug 2, 2023 • 46:27

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 14 and 15, 1975 w/Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 14 and 15, 1975 w/Ed Moore (Teal Productions)!

Hey all you wrappers out there! No, not Snoop or Dre, I mean bandaged up wrappers! Ed and I have reached our final destination, and no, there isn't a log truck next to us that going to send us to meet our maker, we're going to finish off the last two issues of the Living Mummy! It's been a fun ride, and we've had a blast, and that continues in this episode. Will Dr. Skarab, The Mummy, Zephyr and crew be able to stop the Elementals from taking over the world? Plus, we get to see the complete orig

Jul 31, 2023 • 1:21:58

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 12 and 13, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 12 and 13, 1975 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey everybody, are you ready for The War that Shook the World?!?!?! Well, Ed Moore and I are ready! Join us, as we tackle this wild, weird story. These two issues are the start of a four part story, and we attempt to figure out why it takes that long to finish up this arc. The Elementals are center stage from here on out, and we dissect things as best as humanly possible. Some slight changes in art duties, and we do talk about all of it. So, strap in and get ready for the ride! As usual, if you

Jul 31, 2023 • 1:39:50

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 19and 20, 1974 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 19and 20, 1974 w/ Scott West!

Hey everybody! Scott West is back, and we're ready to rock and roll with two more awesome issues of The Tomb of Dracula! And in this episode, The Insults of Dracula returns! We have a blast with that segment as usual, then we move on to the issues at hand. First, we get a really cool story with Dracula and Rachel Van Helsing together in the mountains! Then, we finally get to see the menace of Dr. Sun! A crazy, action-packed issue for sure! So join us for our usual shenanigans! As usual, if you'

Jul 24, 2023 • 1:16:42

Magazines and Monsters Episode 71, Omega the Unknown 1, 1976 w/ Chris Sheehan (Cosmic Treadmill, X-Lapsed)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 71, Omega the Unknown 1, 1976 w/ Chris Sheehan (Cosmic Treadmill, X-Lapsed)!

Hey everybody! My buddy Chris Sheehan is back, and he and I are beginning a multipart deep dive into a very strange (imagine that) series by Steve Gerber! Both Chris and I have a great appreciation for Gerber's work, and we intend to give this series its due. We're starting off with just the first issue and our thoughts on Steve in this episode, then we'll return with our next episode covering multiple issues, on our way to the end. So, get ready for some Steve Gerber craziness! As usual, you c

Jul 21, 2023 • 1:11:28

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 28, The Brave and the Bold 79, 1968 "The Track of the Hook!" w/ Charlton Hero!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 28, The Brave and the Bold 79, 1968 "The Track of the Hook!" w/ Charlton Hero!

Hey there, zany ones! It's time for more madness from DC comics, and specifically Bob Haney! This one really caught me off guard a bit, and for one big reason. Hero and I explain it in this one closer to the end of the episode, but don't fret, as there are plenty of Haney-isms to talk about, plus some awesome art by Neal Adams! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the sho

Jul 19, 2023 • 1:11:54

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 16 and 17, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 16 and 17, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody, Al Sedano is here once again, and we are talking some Werewolf by Night! Two more issues are covered, with varying degrees of quality for sure. Plus, a prominent character exits the book! We’re both a bit sad about that, but never fear, as we will forge ahead! The first issue is interesting, but we aren't quite sure how to describe it. The second issue is what we've come to expect from this title. So, join us in our quest to uncover this hairy pair of comics! As usual, if you wan

Jul 17, 2023 • 56:41

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 7 and 8, 1970 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 7 and 8, 1970 w/ JJG!

Hey everybody! Jeremiah is back and ready to talk more Phantom Stranger with me! We are both pumped as we get two awesome covers by Neal Adams, and interiors by Jim Aparo! There are however, two different writers, and you can definitely see the tendencies of each one. We hav a good time busting on that jackass Dr. 13, and the villain in the second story is absolutely crazy! So, get ready to dive into two more fun issues with us! If you want to leave any feedback for the show you can do so throug

Jul 10, 2023 • 1:30:42

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 5 and 6, 1970 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 5 and 6, 1970 w/ JJG!

Hey all you spooks and specters! Jeremiah is here with me to cover two more issues of the Phantom Stranger! We’re creeping towards all new material, with Jim Aparo art and definitely excited! But for now, we have some solid work from Mike Sekowsky and company! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the show’s FB or Tumblr pages. You can find Jeremiah on Twi

Jul 10, 2023 • 1:33:12

Magazines and Monsters Episode 70, The White Buffalo, 1977 with Ranger Gord!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 70, The White Buffalo, 1977 with Ranger Gord!

Hey there all you rustlers, it's time for another film discussion! I've invited my friend Ranger Gord, from the Prairie Justice podcast over, and he and I are talking about a very good movie from 1977. This one is a fantasy/western film with some spiritual and supernatural elements (well, at least I think so), and a poignant look at the relationship between Native Americans and settlers. We get some really good performances from Charles Bronson and Will Sampson, even if the special effects aren'

Jul 7, 2023 • 1:52:06

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 27, The Brave and the Bold 40, 1962 "Three Caverns of Doom" w/Professor Alan!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 27, The Brave and the Bold 40, 1962 "Three Caverns of Doom" w/Professor Alan!

Hey there, cave dwellers! It’s time for another edition of The Brave and the Bob! Professor Alan has stopped by whilst on his summer break to talk crazy comics! We have great time talking about a first read for me, in Cave Carson! This character was a blind spot for me, but the Prof enlightens me (and possibly you!) about this character and his team. From time to time, you may catch us drooling over the artwork of one Joe Kubert, but not to worry, you'll have a good time, guaranteed. If you'd

Jul 5, 2023 • 1:01:43

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tower of Shadows 1, 1969 w/ Nis K (Comic Zen)!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tower of Shadows 1, 1969 w/ Nis K (Comic Zen)!

Hey all you grave diggers out there! It's time for something brand new! Please welcome a new guest to the show, Nis K! He and I have been Twitter friends for a while, so I figured it was well past time he joined me for some comic book fun. He's a long time comic book fan, and we have a great time talking about this one. Marvel was just starting to dip their toes into the horror anthology genre, and we definitely are critical and praise this one as we believe it deserves. So, light your candle, a

Jul 3, 2023 • 1:15:11

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 434, 1974 "The Spectre!" w/ Ross!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 434, 1974 "The Spectre!" w/ Ross!

Hey there all you spirits of vengeance! Ross is back for another serving of the Spectre! These stories are something else, as they really pushed the boundary for content in comics at the time. Fleischer and Aparo are masterful, and Ross and I both gush over their work. The run is definitely something you should seek out and we talk about the possibilities of hunting these issues down. As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonsters@g

Jun 26, 2023 • 45:35

Magazines and Monsters Episode 69, Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1, 1975 w/ Derek Künsken!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 69, Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1, 1975 w/ Derek Künsken!

Hey everybody! It’s time for some awesome sci-fi action! I have a new guest to the show- please welcome author Derek Künsken! He writes sci-fi novels and was the perfect guest for this eclectic series of magazines from Marvel comics! He and I comb through this magazine page by page, and did we ever enjoy it. The content is second to none, and just look at that cover by Kelly Freas! So, do not hesitate, jump in and download now. As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at

Jun 23, 2023 • 1:55:23

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 26, The Brave and the Bold 103, 1972 "A Traitor Lurks Inside Earth!" w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 26, The Brave and the Bold 103, 1972 "A Traitor Lurks Inside Earth!" w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

Hey there, Zany ones! Another episode is here, and so are two of my absolute favorite people! Welcome back to the show Dr. Bobb and Dr. Husband from the Checkered Past Podcast! It's been way too long since I had them back, and we have a crazy comic to discuss. Batman must recruit the Metal Men to try and stop a military computer gone haywire! It has the capability to launch missiles, but no, since you asked, Matthew Broderick is not in this one! We do find out that Bob Haney actually tied this i

Jun 21, 2023 • 59:32

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 18 and Werewolf by Night 15, 1974! w/ Scott and Al!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 18 and Werewolf by Night 15, 1974! w/ Scott and Al!

Well, it's finally here! Because you demanded it! Well, maybe not, but anyway, Scott West and Al Sedano are here with me, and we have a fun episode lined up! I've been talking about it for months, and we're finally here. Jack Russell and his new companion, Topaz, have made their way to Transylvania, and they seek answers to Jack's family's past! There's only one problem, the Lord of the Vampires is also here! Plus, I get the origin stories for both guys on Dracula and the Werewolf! As usual, y

Jun 19, 2023 • 1:44:30

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Spotlight 14 and 15, 1974 "The Son of Satan" w/ Charlton Hero!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Marvel Spotlight 14 and 15, 1974 "The Son of Satan" w/ Charlton Hero!

Hey there all you trident wielders! Back by popular demand, is my coverage of the Son of Satan, and of course, that means my brother from the great white north, Charlton Hero is joining me! We had a blast the first go round, so we dive headfirst into these next two issues. First up, Daimon gets a letter from a University in St. Louis about a haunted building, then he must face a satanic cult! Oh and he slaps a chick for no reason. Not kidding, he really goes off the rails, which we will address.

Jun 12, 2023 • 1:19:38

Magazines and Monsters Episode 68, The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 68, The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) w/ Mike (Comics in the Golden Age podcast)!

Hey everybody! It's been a long time coming, but Mike is back, and we're here to continue our coverage of the Hammer Studios Frankenstein franchise. This third installment, is one that deviated from the prior continuity, and is a mixed bag as far as I'm concerned. But, fear not, Mike and I are very fair and give the film the kudos it deserves, and the boos when it fails a bit. So, get your pitchforks and torches ready, because we're climbing that hill to burn down the castle! As usual, you can l

Jun 9, 2023 • 1:08:33

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 25, The Brave and the Bold 63, 1965 "Revolt of the Super Chicks!" w/ Dr. Anj!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 25, The Brave and the Bold 63, 1965 "Revolt of the Super Chicks!" w/ Dr. Anj!

Hey there, Zany ones! Dr Anj is here, and he and I are going to try and make sense of this incredibly crazy comic! What is a Multi-Face? Can two Super Chicks stop his nefarious scheme? Can Bob Haney not be sexist? We have a lot of questions, but a lot of fun as well. So, join us, along with Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Tazerface...I mean Multi-face! As usual, you can leave any feedback through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the shows FB or Tum

Jun 7, 2023 • 1:02:56

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 17 and 18, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 17 and 18, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

Hey all you swampy skulkers, Paul Hix is back, and we're here to talk about two more issues of Swamp Thing! These two issues are really out there, but have some tremendous artwork, and funny bits that Paul and I point out. We try to dissect the stories as best we can, plus Paul teaches me some Aussie slang (you bogen!). All of this and a slight peek into future episodes as well! So join us on this journey! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback you can do so through email at Magazinesandmon

Jun 5, 2023 • 1:12:14

The Brave and the Bob! Bonus Episode for JL May, 2023! The Brave and the Bold 29, 2009 w/ Clinton!

The Brave and the Bob! Bonus Episode for JL May, 2023! The Brave and the Bold 29, 2009 w/ Clinton!

Hey there, JLMay'ers! It's that time of year again, and Paul Hix has organized this year's JLMay event! You've heard 28 other episodes up till now, and Clinton and I are going to try to figure out how Batman and a hippie from 1968 can team up and play fireman. Seriously, that's pretty much all they do in this "team up." We do have some fun along the way talking about Frankenstein, Svengoolie, and outdated political references. So, stay tuned! As usual, you can reach out to the show through emai

May 29, 2023 • 57:44

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Strange Adventures 207-209, 1967 "Deadman" w/ Charlton Hero!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Strange Adventures 207-209, 1967 "Deadman" w/ Charlton Hero!

Can you kill a Deadman? Charlton Hero and I are about to find out! We finally make our return to the corner of the DC universe where a ghost hunts for his killer! We'll see Boston Brand bust up a counterfeit ring, and save a good couple in the process. Then, he faces off against another trapeze specialist called "The Eagle!" This guy is one tough customer, and Boston might survive, but will his friends? So join us, as we tackle the next three issues of Deadman, in Strange Adventures! As usual, i

May 29, 2023 • 1:28:58

Magazines and Monsters Episode 67, Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane 15, 1960 w/ Ross!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 67, Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane 15, 1960 w/ Ross!

Hey everybody, welcome back for another episode of the show! This time around, my buddy Ross from the Stop! Let's Team Up! podcast is here with me to talk about a crazy Silver Age comic! Why are we talking about a Lois Lane comic from 1960? Well, tune in and find out for the specifics, but one reason is that Lois Lane seems to be getting a bad rap lately, and I don't think it's quite fair. If you read comics with the keeping in mind the sensibilities of when it was written. Ross and I have a rea

May 26, 2023 • 58:41

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 24, The Brave and the Bold 106, 1973 "Double Your Money...and Die! w/ Delvin (Longbox Crusade)

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 24, The Brave and the Bold 106, 1973 "Double Your Money...and Die! w/ Delvin (Longbox Crusade)

Hey everybody! The episode was a lot of fun as I welcomed a new guest to the show! Delvin from the Longbox Crusade is here, and we get to talk about a cool issue of the Brave and the Bold. It's a Batman and Green Arrow team up, but we also see some shenanigans with Ollie and Bruce, and a "playgirl." Investors are being knocked off one by one, and next on the list is Oliver Queen! Can Batman trap the villain before he gets to Ollie? Tune in to find out! As usual, you can send any feedback for th

May 24, 2023 • 1:07:54

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 433, 1974 "The Spectre" w/ Ross!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 433, 1974 "The Spectre" w/ Ross!

It's time for another trip down vengeance lane! Join Ross (Stop! Let's Team Up!) and I, as we travel down the spooky road to the house where Jim Corrigan lives! That's right, another episode in my coverage of The Spectre in Adventure Comics is here. This is another visually stunning story by Jim Aparo, and Michael Fleischer delivers a solid horror tale. We talk about the story, ads, and a very special letter as well, so join us for some fun.  As usual, you can leave feedback for the show through

May 22, 2023 • 51:09

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 13 and 14, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 13 and 14, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

He there all you howlers! Al Sedano is back, so that means it's time for more Werewolf by Night! We cover two solid issues in this episode, and they introduce two very interesting characters. We also talk briefly about our upcoming crossover with Tomb of Dracula, and a few other sordid things! This story also has a bit of Darkhold talk, and that will ramp up over the next story as well. So, join us for this awesome content, as Marvel Wolfman is really doing a great job, plus, did I forget to men

May 15, 2023 • 1:12:59

Magazines and Monsters Episode 66, The Green Slime (1968) w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 66, The Green Slime (1968) w/ Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

Hey everybody! Grab your laser rifle, put on that space suit, and get ready to fight some aliens! No, not Xenomorphs, but their mighty predecessors, the Green Slime! I've called for back up on this one, so my pal Luke Jaconetti is here with me to sort out this wild movie. We had a good time talking about this one, and recommend to anyone that hasn't seen it to get out there and do so immediately. If you can't have fun with this one, you have no soul, and we confirm that in our discussion. And st

May 12, 2023 • 1:32:36

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 23, The Brave and the Bold 90, 1970 w/ Professor Alan!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 23, The Brave and the Bold 90, 1970 w/ Professor Alan!

Hey there, zany ones! It's time for more Haney madness in the Brave and the Bold! Long time listener, first time caller, Professor Alan is here, as he's a huge Adam Strange mark, and this issue has one or two panels with him in it! We'll explain that, and a whole lot more as we dig deep into this wild ride from Earth to Rann and back again. Oh and Batman definitely kills a guy.  As usual, you can leave feedback for the show though email at or to me on Twitter @Bil

May 10, 2023 • 1:21:06

The Bronze Age of Horror! The Tomb of Dracula 17, 1974 and Dracula Lives 1, 1973 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror! The Tomb of Dracula 17, 1974 and Dracula Lives 1, 1973 w/ Scott West!

Welcome back to the tomb! Scott is back, and we're changing things up ever so slightly! We'll be covering The Tomb of Dracula 17, but then instead of issue 18, we are jumping to Dracula Lives 1! Yes, this magazine started to get referenced in the regular series, so we thought it best to dive in now! Firsly, we see Dracula board a train to try and make it to Transylvania, but there are a few more problems on this train. Rachel and Frank being the first two problems, but then we meet two gentleman

May 8, 2023 • 2:00:04

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 3 and 4, 1969 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 3 and 4, 1969 w/ JJG!

Hey all you hip chicks and dudes out there! The Phantom Stranger coverage is back, and I have my cohost, Jeremiah here to help me usher in the end of the reprint material! Not that it was terrible mind you, but these new stories really pick it up a notch, as we'll explain. But, for now, we get some crazy dialogue, solid artwork, and of course, that insane Dr. 13! So, join us for some fun and ghost breaking! As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at Magazinesandmonsters@

May 1, 2023 • 1:19:17

Magazines and Monsters Episode 65, Thor: The Eternals Saga Episode 1! (Thor Annual 7, Thor 283-285, 1979) w/Ed and Evan!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 65, Thor: The Eternals Saga Episode 1! (Thor Annual 7, Thor 283-285, 1979) w/Ed and Evan!

hey everybody, Ed and Evan are back, and we're here to continue our coverage of Thor: the Eternals Saga! In our fist episode, we laid the foundation for this story, but now, we dive headfirst into the story, starting with a huge 35 page annual! --- Send in a voice message:

Apr 28, 2023 • 2:45:09

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 22, World's Finest 252, 1978 "Will of the Whisperer" w/ Ed and Steeven!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 22, World's Finest 252, 1978 "Will of the Whisperer" w/ Ed and Steeven!

Hey there, zany ones! It's time for more madcap mayhem from Bob Haney! This comic is so off the chain, I had to invite a tag team to help cover it! Welcome back to the show, Ed Moore, and his Superman Super Show partner, Steeven! The three of us attempt to tackle this madness from Haney, but Batman and Superman have an even tougher time fighting gossip and The Whisperer! That's right, the "World's Finest" struggle to stop a guy that makes prank phone calls and gossips to the newspaper! OK, there

Apr 26, 2023 • 2:01:21

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 10 and 11, 1974/5 "The Living Mummy" w/ Teal Productions!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 10 and 11, 1974/5 "The Living Mummy" w/ Teal Productions!

Hey everybody! It's time for another episode of the show! Tune in, as Ed Moore (@tealproductions) and I unwrap another couple of issues of Supernatural Thrillers! Things really short into high gear, as not only are the Elementals hot on N'Kantu's heels, but a new nemesis named The Asp! We praise the creative team, as they're due, because these books are top notch comics for 1975!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitte

Apr 24, 2023 • 2:03:55

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 13 and 14, 1983 "Mark of the Beast- Finale" w/ Dr Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 13 and 14, 1983 "Mark of the Beast- Finale" w/ Dr Anj!

Well, for all of you that stuck with us from the beginning (October) until now, this is the final episode of our Night Force coverage. Join Dr. Anj and I as we close out this very cool series, and give our thoughts on the series as a whole, and what might have been had it not been cancelled. Anj has a lot of questions, as do I and we try to theorize on what went down vs what was to be. Either way, Wolfman, Colan, and company gave us 14 issues, and we thank them for it. As usual, if you want to l

Apr 21, 2023 • 1:12:34

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 11 and 12, 1983 "Mark of the Beast" (Chapters 1 and 2), w/ Dr. Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 11 and 12, 1983 "Mark of the Beast" (Chapters 1 and 2), w/ Dr. Anj!

Welcome back! Dr. Anj and I are here and super excited to be talking more Night Force! In these two issues, we see The Baron up to his old tricks again, as he agrees to help a couple with a haunted house. He also convinces Vaness and Jack to get involved, and that can only mean trouble. Plus, throw in Nazis and satanists, an disaster is just around the corner!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious of

Apr 21, 2023 • 1:11:04

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 12, 1973 and Giant Size Creatures 1, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 12, 1973 and Giant Size Creatures 1, 1974 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody! Al Sedano is back, and we're ready to roll with two more issues starring everybody's favorite lycanthrope, Werewolf by Night! This episode will be slightly different, though, as we'll cover issue 12, then jump to Giant Size Creatures 1! Why you ask? Well, because 13 and 14 are a two part story, plus we need to synch up with the Tomb of Dracula for our crossover event (coming in June!). In this episode, we'll wrap up the Hangman story line, then check out an awesome issue introduci

Apr 17, 2023 • 1:23:46

Magazines and Monsters Episode 64, The Changeling, 1980 w/JJG!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 64, The Changeling, 1980 w/JJG!

Hey there all you mansion haunting ghosts! It's time for another movie discussion! This time around, my frequent comic book collaborator, Jeremiah is here, and he and I are going to spotlight one of our favorite horror films of all time! This spooky supernatural thriller has an excellent story that mixes ghosts, murder, mystery, and a dash of political intrigue all into one superb film! If you haven't seen this one, get out there and watch it ASAP, because it's awesome and plus, we spoil the fil

Apr 14, 2023 • 1:37:50

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 21, Superboy 180, 1971 "Prince of the Wolfpack" w/ Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 21, Superboy 180, 1971 "Prince of the Wolfpack" w/ Mart Gray!

Hey there, lupine listeners! My cross-Atlantic compadre, Mart Gray is back, and he chose a really crazy comic for this episode! Superboy goes completely off his nut in this one, plus, Pa Kent is thrown in the hoosegow! And if that weren't enough, there's a warlock on the loose in Smallville! So, join us for a ton of fun, and a few laughs, as we dissect this wild comic, by none other than the zany one himself, Bob Haney! If you'd like to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through emai

Apr 12, 2023 • 52:37

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 15 and 16, 1973 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 15 and 16, 1973 w/ Scott West!

It's time for all you listeners to get your skeletons out of the closet! And what better way than to start the week except to join Scott West and I motormouth on about the Tomb of Dracula! We have another duo of issues, and these are crazier than the pervious two. First, we get one that we call "the memoirs of Dracula," then it's full on monster vs monster, as the Lord of Vampires faces off with a living skeleton called "Back from the Grave!" All of this, and our "Insults of Dracula" segment as

Apr 10, 2023 • 1:42:34

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 15 and 16, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Swamp Thing 15 and 16, 1975 w/ Paul Hix!

The hottest Aussie on the planet is back! No, not Kylie Minogue, but Paul Hix! That's right, it's time for more Swamp Thing! Paul and I dive into another couple of issues, and they are fun! Swampy gets accosted by an insane priest and his demon, then he ends up on a mysterious island with rebels with a cause, and zombies! All this and more, so definitely tune in!  As usual, you can send any feedback to the show though email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or

Apr 5, 2023 • 1:04:48

The Bronze Age of Horror! Adventure Comics 432, 1974 "Anguish of the Spectre!" w/ Tim Price!

The Bronze Age of Horror! Adventure Comics 432, 1974 "Anguish of the Spectre!" w/ Tim Price!

hey all you ghostly listeners to there! It's Monster Monday one again, and I'm finally diving back into the Adventure Comics run with The Spectre! The first episode covering this run was all the way back in October of 2022, and I definitely want to make more time to continue on with this incredible book. I dragged Tim Price out of the basement of the Wright on Network, so I have to get him back before anyone notices! He and I dive into this one and get creeped out and befuddled by the content, w

Apr 3, 2023 • 1:14:12

Magazines and Monsters Episode 63, Thor: The Eternals Saga, Preview! w/ Ed Moore and Evan Bevins!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 63, Thor: The Eternals Saga, Preview! w/ Ed Moore and Evan Bevins!

Hey everybody, welcome to this mega marathon of an episode! Ed Moore and Evan Bevins have agreed to help me with the monumental task of covering my all time favorite Thor story- Thor; the Eternals Saga! But before we begin our coverage, we felt the need to lay some groundwork, by recapping when Thor was in the past year or so, plus touch on the Eternals series by Jack Kirby and his other huge cosmic creations, the Celestials! So, after this episode, look forward to at least four episodes (probab

Mar 31, 2023 • 2:48:57

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 20, The Brave and the Bold 84, 1969 "The Angel, the Rock, and the Cowl!" w/ Luke Jaconetti!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 20, The Brave and the Bold 84, 1969 "The Angel, the Rock, and the Cowl!" w/ Luke Jaconetti!

Ten hut! Alright, zany ones, it's time for a huge moment in comic book history! When Batman met Sgt. Rock! And yes, they were both full fledged men in WWII! Or at least they were on Earth B. Come see Bruce Wayne/ Batman along with Sgt. Rock and Easy Company journey to France, as they attempt to thwart project Barbarian! Whatever that is...just kidding, Luke and I will explain everything (a nod to my pals at the Checkered Past Podcast). So, tune in for our thoughts on this awesome issue, plus sto

Mar 29, 2023 • 1:25:49

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 1 and 2, 1969 w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Phantom Stranger 1 and 2, 1969 w/ JJG!

Hey everybody, my pal Jeremiah is back, and it's time for The Phantom Stranger to materialize! Rather than our coverage being a long, drawn out affair, I'm going to try and package two episodes together once evert 4-6 weeks. That will get more Phantom Stranger contents into your ears faster! We cover a bit more of the reprint material in this episode, but there is some good stuff here, you just have to give it a chance. Of course, there's one kooky story that is very Golden Age, but again, it ha

Mar 27, 2023 • 1:34:12

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Showcase 80, 1969 Presents The Phantom Stranger! with JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Showcase 80, 1969 Presents The Phantom Stranger! with JJG!

Hey all you supernatural strangers! My pal Jeremiah is back, and we're beginning a new series of recordings, starring the Phantom Stranger! And of course, his annoying antithesis, Dr. 13! We check out this awesome book that has a few new pages, and reprints two stories from the 1950s series. The plan is that we'll cover a couple of issues from the Bronze Age series hopefully until its conclusion. Along the way definitely check in on my other show, The Brave and the Bob! as JJG and I will also be

Mar 27, 2023 • 56:10

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 10 and 11, 1973 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 10 and 11, 1973 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the show! Al is back and we have a howling good time talking about two more issues of Werewolf by Night! The first issue finishes off the Sarnac story line, then, we get something new with the Hangman! This creep is really off his nut, and gives the werewolf all he can handle. All this and family drama, Jack moves into an apartment complex for swingers, and we get stupendous artwork from Tom Sutton! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the

Mar 20, 2023 • 1:11:34

Magazines and Monsters Episode 62, Captain Clegg (Night Creatures, 1962), w/ Karen (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 62, Captain Clegg (Night Creatures, 1962), w/ Karen (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Hey everyone, Karen from the Planet 8 Podcast is back, and I've roped her into talking with me about another Hammer film! This one isn't as highly regarded as the last one we covered, but I enjoy it quite a bit, as my favorite Hammer actor Peter Cushing is front and center, plus it hits my nostalgia button as well! There is a great cast and a lot of swashbuckling fun to be had, so pop in your earbuds and let us walk you through the Romney Marsh! As usual, if you'd like to leave any feedback for

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:30:57

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 19, The Brave and the Bold 110, 1973 w/ Ranger Gord!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 19, The Brave and the Bold 110, 1973 w/ Ranger Gord!

Hey there Zany ones, Ranger Gord is back with me for another episode ! He’s a big fan of Wildcat, and he teams up with the Batman to try and take down an evil corporation in this issue! And no, this isn’t a current year story! RG recounts his personal history with this book, and some other fond memories of Haney, motorcycles, and other shenanigans Canadians get into! So, join us! As usual, you an leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitter

Mar 15, 2023 • 1:20:54

The Bronze Age of Horror! The Tomb of Dracula 13 and 14, 1973 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror! The Tomb of Dracula 13 and 14, 1973 w/ Scott West!

Hey there, all you batty listeners! Scott and I are back, and we've got two more issues of ToD to talk about in this episode! The first issue is very important in the series, as it shows a new rival for Dracula, in Dr. Sun! Then, we dig deeper into the origin of none other than Blade! The following issues is a wild one, as we see that Dracula has been apparently killed, but his servants live on, and do his bidding! So, join us, and enjoy the ride, as Marv, Gene and Tom, are really starting to hi

Mar 13, 2023 • 1:30:08

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 8 and 9, 1974 w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 8 and 9, 1974 w/ Ed Moore!

Hey all you mummified maniacs! It's time for another archaeological dig in Egypt! Ok, well, it's actually going to be in outer space and then the pyramids! Ed is back, and he and I are continuing our journey through the adventures of N'Kanut the Living Mummy! These two issues really jump off in a different direction, and we talk about that, a new character (well, not new to the Marvel Universe), and everything in between! Be ready for two wild issues! As usual, you can leave any feedback through

Mar 6, 2023 • 2:07:13

Magazines and Monsters Episode 61, The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972), with John Turley!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 61, The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972), with John Turley!

Hey there all you cryptids! It's long past due that I dove into this genre! And I've got a great guest to help me out! Please welcome John Turley to the show! He's a Cryptid enthusiast, and Twitter pal of mine for a long time now, and I couldn't think of a better person to have on to join me for this groundbreaking film!  We discuss our love of this film, the genre, and our history with the lore in general (pop culture, our childhood memories, etc.). Here are some links for websites and such tha

Mar 3, 2023 • 1:30:04

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 18, The Brave and the Bold 60, 1965 "The Astounding Separated Man!" w/ Ed Moore!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 18, The Brave and the Bold 60, 1965 "The Astounding Separated Man!" w/ Ed Moore!

Hey everybody! Ed Moore (@tealproductions) is back, and we are here to cover the very first full appearance of the Teen Titans (Wonder Chick...I mean Girl, included)! We analyze, hypothesize, and might possibly anesthetize some of you listeners, with our craziness. We also cover my hatred of feet, and Ed buys me a subscription to Footsy Quarterly (thanks, pal!). So, join us for this momentous occasion!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at Magazinesandmonsters@gmail

Mar 1, 2023 • 1:01:17

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 1, 1972 "It, the thing that could not die!" w/ JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 1, 1972 "It, the thing that could not die!" w/ JJG!

Hey all you muck encrusted monsters out there! This week brings a very cool comic book, and a story behind it as well. My pal Jeremiah joins me again, and we talk about this comic book adaptation (original story by Theodore Sturgeon) by Roy Thomas! JJG talks about this recent acquisition and I think I might throw in my history with it as well. Seek this book out if you can, because it's a very fun and faithful adaptation.  As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so t

Feb 27, 2023 • 58:09

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 8 and 9, plus Marvel Team Up 12, 1973! w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 8 and 9, plus Marvel Team Up 12, 1973! w/ Al Sedano!

Get ready for another howlin' good time! Al Sedano is back, and in this oversized episode we're going to talk about 3 big issues! First up, we get the werewolf versus a demon from another dimension! Next, Jack and Spider-Man cross paths in San Francisco, and we meet the menacing (ok, lame) Moondark! And finally, my favorite crazy villain makes his comic book debut, as the Tatterdemalion strikes! All this and more, as we slowly step towards our big crossover with the Tomb of Dracula!  As usual, y

Feb 20, 2023 • 1:41:07

Magazines and Monsters Episode 60, Giant-Size Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu 2, 1974 "The Devil-Doctor's Triumph!" w/ Charlton Hero!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 60, Giant-Size Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu 2, 1974 "The Devil-Doctor's Triumph!" w/ Charlton Hero!

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting! OK, maybe not EVERYBODY, but my pal Chris Bailey and I are definitely checking out some of the best martial arts action ever produced in comics! Join us, as we discuss Marvel's best martial artist, as Shang Chi must face his father's maze of madness! Hallucinations abound, as we ll as death traps for our hero (not Chris), and is that love in the air? Shang Chi finds love and sorrow in this excellent story by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy!  As usual, you can leave an

Feb 17, 2023 • 1:21:17

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 17, The Brave and the Bold 98, 1971 with JJG!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 17, The Brave and the Bold 98, 1971 with JJG!

Huzzah! The show is back, and so is Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein! We not only cover this kooky comic, but announce our ongoing coverage of this book’s guest star! --- Send in a voice message:

Feb 15, 2023 • 59:38

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 11 and 12, 1973 w/ Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 11 and 12, 1973 w/ Scott West!

It's that time again...time to creep back into the crypt, open up a coffin, and into two more issues of The Tomb of Dracula! Join Scott and I as we introduce a new segment to the show- The Insults of Dracula! We have a great time giving the Count his due in the insult department, and afterwards, we tackle two more issues of this incredible series. The first issue is a wild one, and the second, a very somber story to be sure. Things will never be the same after this one! And don't forget, we've a

Feb 13, 2023 • 1:36:58

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 9 and 10 (plus intro from 8), 1983, with Dr. Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 9 and 10 (plus intro from 8), 1983, with Dr. Anj!

Hey there, Dr. Anj and I are back with more Night Force coverage! Join us, as we tackle the next story line in one episode! Marv really went in a different direction with this one, and Anj and I had a fun time talking about it and trying to dissect it. Anyone that's read this will tell you it's very thought-provoking, and of course, it was phenomenal from an artistic point of view. All this, and an announcement about our future plans! As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show you

Feb 6, 2023 • 1:37:02

Magazines and Monsters Episode 59, The Devil Rides Out (1968), with Karen Walker (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 59, The Devil Rides Out (1968), with Karen Walker (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Hey everybody! Karen, from Planet 8 is back, and we talk about another huge Hammer film! This is one of the most acclaimed films from Hammer, and rightly so, as the casting and acting are top notch. We discuss every bit of this film, and scheme for something else going forward as well. Christopher Lee really shines in this one, so if you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to give it a watch.  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at o

Feb 3, 2023 • 1:16:45

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 16, World's Finest 251, 1978 "Invasion of the Deathless Brain!" w/ Ross!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 16, World's Finest 251, 1978 "Invasion of the Deathless Brain!" w/ Ross!

Hey there, zany ones! I've got my buddy Ross here with me, and we laugh a lot in this episode! Why you say? Well, we get two naked superheroes, said superheroes mentioning the writer of the book, and then to top it all off, we get Batman undergoing brain surgery! All this plus Ross announces a new show he's working on, and any fan of DC comics needs to check it out (trailer at the end)!  As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesandmonsters

Feb 1, 2023 • 1:07:16

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 6 and 7, 1973 w/ Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 6 and 7, 1973 w/ Al Sedano!

Hey there, howlers! Al is back, and that means more werewolf action with Jack Russell, the Werewolf by Night! In this episode, we talk about Jack vs the trucking industry, politically incorrect descriptions, and carnies! Plus at the end we talk about plans for our next episode and a crossover! Definitely tune in to hear us gush over Mike Ploog and his amazing artwork as well!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitter @

Jan 30, 2023 • 1:22:53

The Bronze Age of Comics, Werewolf by Night 4 and 5, 1973, with Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Comics, Werewolf by Night 4 and 5, 1973, with Al Sedano!

Hey howlers! It's time for another hairy adventure with my buddy Al Sedano, as we jump into two more issues of Werewolf by Night! Jack faces off with a big game hunter, then a menace of a different kind, that has the life of his sister hanging in the balance. Plus, Al lends his thoughts on the recent WWBN Disney+ special (slight spoilers)!  As usual, you can leave any feedback through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page (just search Magaz

Jan 23, 2023 • 1:06:12

Magazines and Monsters Episode 58, Strange Adventures 9, 1951 “The Origin of Captain Comet! w/ Ron

Magazines and Monsters Episode 58, Strange Adventures 9, 1951 “The Origin of Captain Comet! w/ Ron

Hey everyone! It’s #Scificomics month! I have a new guest to the show, as Ron from the Fantastic Comic Fan podcast is here to talk about this fun story! We see the origin of a great character that seems to be a bit forgotten, although they bring him out once and while. We do touch lightly on the other stories and creators in the book as well. We had a good time resurrecting Captain Comet, to let people know they need to check out Strange Adventures, and more sci-fi comics in general!  As usual,

Jan 20, 2023 • 37:50

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 15, The Brave and the Bold 54, 1964 "The Thousand and One Dooms of Mr. Twister! w/ Ed Moore!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 15, The Brave and the Bold 54, 1964 "The Thousand and One Dooms of Mr. Twister! w/ Ed Moore!

Hey everybody! It's tome for more Zany Haney, but, also for a huge comic book (not that all of Haney's stories aren't huge!), as my guest and I are talking about the first team-up of the Teen Titans! Unofficially, perhaps, but it is the first time as it's referenced in a later comic (B&B 60). Join Ed Moore (@TealProductions) and I, as we dive into this crazy comic that has a villain for the ages (or at least until the next Haney written comic).  As usual, you can leave ant feedback for the show

Jan 18, 2023 • 1:19:01

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, The Tomb of Dracula 9 and 10, 1973 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, The Tomb of Dracula 9 and 10, 1973 w/Scott West!

Welcome back to continuing coverage of the best horror series of the Bronze Age (maybe all time?)! Scott and I tackle two more issues of the series, and the second one this time around is a biggie! Blade, the vampire slayer is here! He's got an attitude, funky clothes, and the skills to kill vampires! We also get a peek at what Quincy and his team are up to, plus we say goodbye to Clifton (or is it Clifford?), as his usefulness is at an end. Biker gangs, lousy chowder, and meddling priests, add

Jan 16, 2023 • 1:24:54

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Mystery 184, 1970 with Jarrod Alberich!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Mystery 184, 1970 with Jarrod Alberich!

Hey there, creepy ones! A new episode and a brand new guest! From the Longbox Crusade, it’s The Yard Sale Artist himself, Jarrod Alberich! He and I are here to talk comics, and horror comics at that! We discuss a great issue of House of Mystery  --- Send in a voice message:

Jan 9, 2023 • 54:04

Magazines and Monsters Ep 57, Dracula Prince of Darkness (1966), with Pete Doree!

Magazines and Monsters Ep 57, Dracula Prince of Darkness (1966), with Pete Doree!

Hey everybody! Continuing my dive into the best horror studio that ever was, my pal Pete Doree and I sat down to talk about Hammer Films, Dracula Prince of Darkness! This film had some very thought-provoking aspects, and Pete and I go full throttle into it! As usual, you can contact the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page. You can find Pete on Twitter as well @PeteDoree and don’t forget to check

Jan 6, 2023 • 1:21:36

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 14, The Brave and the Bold 89, 1970 "Arise, Ye Ghosts of Gotham" with JJG!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 14, The Brave and the Bold 89, 1970 "Arise, Ye Ghosts of Gotham" with JJG!

Hey, Zany ones, I'm back and so is my frequent collaborator, Jeremiah! He and I are going to be covering a wild story starring of course, Batman, and the Phantom Stranger! We're going to be covering his exploits in his own title in the late Silver/Bronze Age over on my horror podcast (The Bronze Age of Horror), so we thought it was fitting to hit a couple of his appearances right here in the Brave and the Bold! This is one wild story of course, as Zany Bob Haney leads the way, with art by Ross A

Jan 4, 2023 • 1:06:13

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 5 and 7, 1973/4 "The Living Mummy!" w/ Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Supernatural Thrillers 5 and 7, 1973/4 "The Living Mummy!" w/ Ed Moore!

It's time to unwrap and unwind, as The Mummy is coming to town! Cairo and New York City, that is! Join me and Ed Moore, as we discuss these two stories, and discover what makes a Mummy tick! Is it a special serum? Or maybe a longing for nice rest on a park bench? Either way, we'll dive into the first two appearances, and even cover a strange tale that's a backup in the second book!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twit

Dec 26, 2022 • 1:38:57

Magazines and Monsters Episode 56, Conan the Barbarian 25, 1973 "The Mirrors of Kharam Akkad" w/ Charlton Hero!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 56, Conan the Barbarian 25, 1973 "The Mirrors of Kharam Akkad" w/ Charlton Hero!

Unsheathe your sword, and get ready for action! My buddy Chris Bailey is back, and we're here to talk about the one and only, Conan! Why did we pick this specific comic? Well, it's a landmark for a lot of folks, as it's the first time Big John Buscema pencilled Conan! he went on to have a tremendous run on the title (with Roy Thomas), and we mark the beginning of that tenure right now! A crazy priest, magic mirrors, and of course, action out the wazoo! Strap on your seatbelt, as it's gonna get n

Dec 23, 2022 • 1:07:21

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 13, The Brave and the Bold 148, 1978 "The Night the Mob Stole Xmas!" w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 13, The Brave and the Bold 148, 1978 "The Night the Mob Stole Xmas!" w/ The Checkered Past Podcast!

Hello zany fans! It's Christmas time, and I've invited two elves to my workshop to podcast with me! Join me and the Checkered Past boys (Dr. Bob and Dr. Husband) as we journey from Gotham City to Florida to find out why the mob stole Christmas! Did they do it because they're in the employ of the Grinch? Or is there some other nefarious reason??? Either way, we see Batman and Plastic Man take a road trip, feed deer some tobacco, use a car wash as a shower, and see Commissioner Gordon lie and rely

Dec 21, 2022 • 52:31

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics episode 12, The Unexpected 167, 1975 "Deathwatch" with JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics episode 12, The Unexpected 167, 1975 "Deathwatch" with JJG!

Hey there, all you creeps! My compadre JJG is back, and we're here to discuss another fantastic DC horror comic! The Unexpected was one of DC's horror anthology books, that featured many different creators- some young, some old, but always content that was definitely solid! This book contains three stories that we talk about, and we rank them at the end, our favorite and then the rest!  As usual, you can send any feedback to the show's email address or to me on Twi

Dec 12, 2022 • 1:00:59

Magazines and Monsters Episode 55, Paranoiac (1963), with Chris Franklin!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 55, Paranoiac (1963), with Chris Franklin!

Hey everybody! Welcome back to another awesome movie discussion. In this episode, you'll hear a band new guest and I discuss one creepy film! Please welcome Chris Franklin to the show! Chris and his wife, Cindy, have an excellent podcast (JLUcast) where they discuss the outstanding TV animated series Justice League/Justice League Unlimited! Chris is also a frequent cohost and guest on many other shows on the Fire and Water Network, he also has writing credits for 13th Dimension, Back Issue, Retr

Dec 9, 2022 • 1:59:54

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 12, The Brave and the Bold 94, "Rebels in the Streets!" w/ Ranger Gord!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 12, The Brave and the Bold 94, "Rebels in the Streets!" w/ Ranger Gord!

Teenagers run amok! Yes, this happened a lot in the 1960s and 1970s, and there's only one man that can help me handle these crazy kids- Ranger Gord! He's back, and we tackle this wild tale from the mind of Zany Bob Haney, and the wonderful art of Jim Aparo! A nuclear bomb, and kids that demand change are more than Gotham PD can handle, so Batman recruits the Teen Titans for help.  As usual, you can contact the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licio

Dec 7, 2022 • 1:18:42

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, Strange Adventures 205 and 206, 1967 "Deadman" with Charlton Hero!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, Strange Adventures 205 and 206, 1967 "Deadman" with Charlton Hero!

Welcome to a new series on the feed! My pal Chris Bailey (@Charlton_Hero and I are going to cover the Strange Adventures  appearances of Deadman, and then bounce around the DC universe to check out more of his appearances. But, in this episode, we'll be diving in to his first two comics, in Strange Adventures!  --- Send in a voice message:

Nov 28, 2022 • 1:14:09

Magazines and Monsters Episode 54, Savage Sword of Conan 26 and 27, 1978 w/ Clinton Robison!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 54, Savage Sword of Conan 26 and 27, 1978 w/ Clinton Robison!

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the show! I've asked Clinton (Coffe and Comics, Days of High Adventure) back to discuss some more Conan with me! We talk about one of his favorites and a first time read for me, and it encompasses two big issues of the Savage Sword of Conan! This magazine was one of the highlights for Marvel Comic in the Bronze Age, and Clinton and I deep dive into this one wholesale. So, join us, and we'll travel back to the times of serpents, jungles, and seas!

Nov 25, 2022 • 1:17:17

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 12, The Brave and the Bold 82, 1969 "The Sleep Walker from the Sea" with Evan Bevins!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 12, The Brave and the Bold 82, 1969 "The Sleep Walker from the Sea" with Evan Bevins!

It's time for another trip into the Zany-verse! Evan Bevins (@Evan_bevins) is back, and he's here to discuss another issue of craziness with me! We dive (sorry!) into this one and discuss Aquaman's bad reputation as a lame superhero, plus how amnesia may run in his family. We also talk about Bruce Wayne and his love life, plus some people that Internal Affairs might want to investigate at the Gotham P.D.! So, join us, as we don't sleep walk through this episode of madness! If you'd like to leave

Nov 23, 2022 • 1:12:41

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Swamp Thing 13 and 14, 1974, with Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Swamp Thing 13 and 14, 1974, with Paul Hix!

Hello there all you bog beasts! Paul Hix and I are back to discus two more issues of Swamp Thing! First, we'll encapsulate issue 13, which is the last story by Len Wein! Then, David Michelinie takes over, but through both issues, we get incredible Nestor Redondo artwork that we gush about incessantly! Two vastly different stories, but both are excellent!  As usual if you’d like to send any feedback in, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_lici

Nov 14, 2022 • 53:55

Magazines and Monsters Episode 53, The Beast Must Die (1974), with Nic Brown and Rod Barnett!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 53, The Beast Must Die (1974), with Nic Brown and Rod Barnett!

Hey everybody, welcome back to another awesome film discussion on the show! This film is one I love (yes, even though it's cheesy!), and I was able to have two great guests on to talk about it. Returning to the show was my buddy Rod from The Naschycast and Bloody Pit! And, for the first time on the show, friend, author, producer, and podcaster, Nic Brown! Both of these guys are huge film fans, and have a wealth of knowledge, so it was a pleasure to have them on. We dive into this one and give a

Nov 11, 2022 • 2:05:12

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 11, The Brave and the Bold 126, 1976 "What Lurks Below Buoy 13" with Alex Segura!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 11, The Brave and the Bold 126, 1976 "What Lurks Below Buoy 13" with Alex Segura!

Hey everybody, welcome to a very special episode of the show! I was elated to have writer Alex Segura as my guest! We had a good time recounting a very special issue (his first B&B and Batman!), and you know a Zany Haney comic will deliver the goods as well! We'll attempt to find out what Commies, Nazis, and a whale have in common, plus, Batman has a Benny Hill moment. All of this and more awaits, so join us! As usual, if you want to reach out to the show with any feedback, you can do so through

Nov 9, 2022 • 36:59

Magazines and Monsters Episode 53, Night of the Demon (1957), with Monster Matt!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 53, Night of the Demon (1957), with Monster Matt!

Hey everybody, after his whirlwind Halloween tour, I was lucky enough to get my buddy Monster Matt to sit down with me and talk about one of his favorite classic horror movies with me! Well, ok, not really, as we recorded this back in July, but we did have a great time, as we both love this movie! It has a great cast, special effects, and script, so batten down the hatches, as we dive into this gem! As usual, you can leave any feedback through email at or on Twitte

Oct 31, 2022 • 1:02:28

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Unexpected 169, 1975, with Jeremiah Jones Goldstein!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Unexpected 169, 1975, with Jeremiah Jones Goldstein!

Hey there all you creeps! It's time for another episode of the show! This time around, I've lured JJG into the crypt, and we're going to talk about a DC anthology horror book. Specifically, The Unexpected 169, from 1975! This book offers 3 horror stories, two of which we find very good, and one that's just so-so. Definitely give a listen and let us know your thoughts on the book as well!  As usual, you can send any feedback for the show through email at or to me on

Oct 30, 2022 • 59:51

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Doorway to Nightmare 4-5, 1978 and Madame Xanadu 1 (from 1981), with JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Doorway to Nightmare 4-5, 1978 and Madame Xanadu 1 (from 1981), with JJG!

It's time for part two of my Doorway into Nightmare coverage! Join me and Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein, as we cover the last two issues of the inaugural series, plus the fantastic one-shot by Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers in 1981! Madame Xanadu was a super cool character, and each story has its own flare that set it apart from the others. If you haven't read this material, definitely check it out on the DC app or grab the issues online or in a shop. They are worth it!  As usual, if you want to

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:42:19

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Doorway to Nightmare 1-3, 1978 with JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Doorway to Nightmare 1-3, 1978 with JJG!

Come with me, through the Doorway to Nightmare! Join me and Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein, as we tackle (in two parts) this super fun series from the Bronze Age! First up, we discuss these first three issues, and just check out these covers by Mike Kaluta! This series was short-lived, but it really leaves an impact for those that are fans of the mystical/magical corner of comics. Demons, vampires, and cults, oh my!  As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at Magazinesandmonste

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:29:11

Magazines and Monsters episode 52, Hero for Hire 8 and 9, 1973 with Professor Alan and Luke Jaconetti!

Magazines and Monsters episode 52, Hero for Hire 8 and 9, 1973 with Professor Alan and Luke Jaconetti!

Has there ever been a more iconic statement than Where's my money, honey? Well, Luke, Professor Alan and I are about to find out! We dive headfirst into one of the most crazy stories in the history of the Bronze Age, that has gained fame for not only a couple of panels, but for a title in general that was trying to do something edgy and topical. The three of us have a great time discussing this story, and poking a little fun at it as well.  As usual, you can reach out with any feedback by emaili

Oct 28, 2022 • 1:30:50

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 10, The Brave and the Bold 75, "The Grasp of Shan-Zi!" with Ed Moore!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 10, The Brave and the Bold 75, "The Grasp of Shan-Zi!" with Ed Moore!

The time for another dive into DC madness has arrived! Join me and Ed Moore (@TealProductions), as we celebrate Chinese New Year, along with Batman and The Spectre! These two mighty heroes must face a centuries old threat that is more powerful than both pf them combined! Maybe Commissioner Gordon can help?...not likely. We talk all about this crazy comic, especially the Zany dialogue!  If you want to send any feedback to the show, you can do so by email at or to me

Oct 27, 2022 • 48:40

Magazines and Monsters Presents- Super Blog Team Up Special! The Son of Satan (Marvel Spotlight 12 and 13, 1973) with Charlton Hero!

Magazines and Monsters Presents- Super Blog Team Up Special! The Son of Satan (Marvel Spotlight 12 and 13, 1973) with Charlton Hero!

Hey now! Not only is it Halloween, but it's time for another edition of Super Blog Team Up (#SBTU)! Joining me for this momentous occasion, is the Charlton Hero himself, Chris Bailey! We sit down and talk about Marvel Comic's most hellish hero, The Son of Satan! We cover two very early appearances of this devilish character, and we had a great time discussing them. We did have some critical opinions, so strap on your seatbelt!   As usual, you can leave any feedback through email at Magazinesandm

Oct 26, 2022 • 1:27:17

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 4-6, 1972 w/Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! The Tomb of Dracula 4-6, 1972 w/Scott West!

Welcome back to another entry into the Tomb of Dracula! Join Scott and I as we tackle three big issues in this episode! We meet a bride of Dracula, a moorlands monster, and visit a hell dimension that even the count himself fears! The conclusion of the Ilsa Strangway story, plus Scott and I concoct a new drinking game when we read ToD, and Frank Drake's unwanted sexual advances. All of this and more, so join us!  As usual, if you need to leave any feedback you can do so through email at Magazine

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:54:20

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 7-8, 1973 with Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Tomb of Dracula 7-8, 1973 with Scott West!

Hey everybody, Scott and I are back with more Tomb of Drac! Ok, I admit that's kinda lame, but our coverage is not! In this episode we welcome Marvelous Marv Wolfman to the book! Plus, we get two new characters introduced in Quincy and Edith Harker! Technically, I guess, you get three as we can't leave off Saint the dog! There are some really crazy elements, especially in issue 8, that we talk about, but even with those elements, and some inconsistent inking, these two issues were a lot of fun.

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:21:11

The Bronze Age of Horror Episode 10, The Tomb of Dracula 2 and 3, 1972! with Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Episode 10, The Tomb of Dracula 2 and 3, 1972! with Scott West!

Good evening, it's time for the fright show! Welcome back Scott West to the show, as he and I cover the next two issues of The Tomb of Dracula! We really dig this series, and even though it's a bit disjointed early on from so many hands in the pot, we thoroughly enjoyed these books. We pick up right where we left off, with Dracula on the loose, and Frank Drake on the very edge! The new characters that enter the scene are fantastic, and a huge part of the book going forward.  As usual, you can re

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:16:00

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 431, 1974 with Shag!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Adventure Comics 431, 1974 with Shag!

Hey everybody! Get ready for a ghostly good time, as Shag (the Fire and Water Network) and I scare up some Spectre for y’all! We cover his first appearance in Adventure Comics (431), as well as talk about the Fleischer/Aparo run in general! Plus, we talk about his new show, Once Upon a Geek! As usual, if you want to send any feedback to the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page. You c

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:00:10

The Bronze Age of Horror! Marvel Spotlight 3 and 4, 1972 "Werewolf by Night, the Darkhold!"

The Bronze Age of Horror! Marvel Spotlight 3 and 4, 1972 "Werewolf by Night, the Darkhold!"

Hey there crypt creepers! It's time for another edition of the Bronze Age of Horror Comics! I've got Al Sedano back with me, and that means Werewolf by Night is our topic of discussion, specifically Marvel Spotlight 3 and 4, from 1972! These are the las two issues before Jack Russell transitions to his very own title! The issues loom large in Marvel continuity, as they introduce The Darkhold! Join us as we dissect these two issues and the mysterious book written by a demon!  As usual, you can re

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:03:20

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 1-3, 1972, with Al Sedano!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Werewolf by Night 1-3, 1972, with Al Sedano!

A Giant-Sized episode is here! Join me and Al Sedano, as we tackle three big issues of Werewolf by Night! We get the continuation of one story, then 2 more epic stories that we both loved!  As usual, if you want to leave any feedback for the show, you can do so through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page (just search Magazines and Monsters on Facebook). You can find Al on Twitter @AdamThanospod and definitely t

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:29:58

Magazines and Monsters Episode 51, Quatermass and the Pit (1967), with Karen from the Planet 8 Podcast!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 51, Quatermass and the Pit (1967), with Karen from the Planet 8 Podcast!

Hey everybody! My good friend Karen (Planet 8 Podcast) is back, and we’re talking about one of her favorite Hammer flicks, Quatermass and the Pit! This was the third entry into this franchise for Hammer Studios, and it’s a real cracker! So, tune in for this fun discussion! As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page (just search Magazines

Oct 14, 2022 • 1:29:50

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 9, World's Finest 225, 1974 "Bow before Satan's Children!" with Mart Gray!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 9, World's Finest 225, 1974 "Bow before Satan's Children!" with Mart Gray!

There's a famous quote I love that goes something like..."they say there's someone for everyone, and the person for you is a psychiatrist." I feel people have probably thought this about me a time or two, and possibly Bob Haney as well. Luckily my compadre, Mart Gray is here with me to ascertain whether or not I (and Haney) need a psychiatrist! Batman, Superman, children possessed by Satanic eggs, oh my!  If you'd like to send any feedback to the show, you can do so through email at Magazinesand

Oct 12, 2022 • 46:45

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 6-8, 1982 with Dr. Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 6-8, 1982 with Dr. Anj!

We're back and better than ever! Join Dr. Anj and I, as we cover the final three chapters of The Summoning! The cops are beating down the door at Baron Winter's house, Vanessa is strapped into a machine that activates her powers to their fullest, and Donavan and Jack are attempting to stop what could bring about the apocalypse! So, tune in and found out what happened, and what we think about this explosive conclusion!  If yo want to leave any feedback you can do so through email at Magazinesandm

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:19:54

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Ep Night Force 3-5, 1982 "The Summoning" part 2!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Ep Night Force 3-5, 1982 "The Summoning" part 2!

Hey there, all you satanic orgy lovin’ freaks! Dr. Anj is back, and we cover 3 more issues of this crazy series! Donovan and Jack are trying to rescue Vanessa, at the behest of the Baron! But, does he really have her best interests at heart? Join us for this integral part of the story! --- Send in a voice message:

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:29:12

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 1 and 2 (plus the preview), 1982 "The Summoning" part 1, with Dr. Anj!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Night Force 1 and 2 (plus the preview), 1982 "The Summoning" part 1, with Dr. Anj!

Hey everybody! The satanic panic is in full swing, as Dr. Anj and I embark on a journey that will cover Night Force volume one! In this specific episode, we cover the preview from New Teen Titans 21, then move on to the first two issues of the series. This one is a slow burn with multiple layers, and we do our best to explain all that's going on. There is a a lot happening with a few different characters, so you have to keep up. Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan (and company), pick up right where they

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:56:46

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 92, 1971 with Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 92, 1971 with Ed Moore!

This is it! The big one! No, not a world war, but a truly seminal comic book that Ed and I are talking about on this episode of the show! Join us, as we talk about the first appearance of the Swamp Thing! he may look more like The Heap, but trust us, the work Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson put in here brought DC comics so much cash over the decades it's crazy! Who knew the little story would flourish into a beautiful orchid? Plus, there are three other really strong stories in this issue, so list

Oct 2, 2022 • 57:33

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Mystery 179, 1969 with Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Mystery 179, 1969 with Ed Moore!

Fellow ghouls, I present to you, one creepy comic, and one fun guest! Listen in as Ed Moore (@TealProductions) and I trek to the House of Mystery, and visit Cain! He has three stories for us, and Ed and I had a great time chatting about them. We get names like Neal Adams, Joe Orlando, Bernie Wrightson, and Sergio Aragonés! These top notch creators really deliver the goods in this issue (well, duh!), so climb aboard the horror expressway with us! As usual. you can send any feedback to the show th

Oct 2, 2022 • 51:40

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 81, 1969 with Ed Moore!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics! House of Secrets 81, 1969 with Ed Moore!

The House of Secrets has a new caretaker...and his name is Abel! In this super spooky episode, Ed and I take a road trip to the House of Secrets, and Abel reveals his origin with the haunted manor! The book has three really strong stories in it, plus some hilarious shenanigans with Cain! So, gather round the fireplace, and let's tell some creepy stories! As usual, you can send any feedback to the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the F

Oct 2, 2022 • 49:56

Magazines and Monsters Episode 50, Flash 123, 1961 "The Flash of Two Worlds" with Javon Stokes!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 50, Flash 123, 1961 "The Flash of Two Worlds" with Javon Stokes!

Welcome to a very special episode of the show! As you know, typically I cover a lot of crazy comics, and most wouldn't be considered groundbreaking by most. I decided to not just cover a seminal comic book, and break away from the more bizarre side of the medium, but I also brought a guest on that loves and creates his own comics! Please welcome my friend Javon Stokes to the show! Javon is a creator and podcaster that is one of the hardest working people I know in the industry, and I couldn't wa

Sep 30, 2022 • 54:58

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 8! The Brave and the Bold 78, 1968 "In the Coils of Copperhead!"

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 8! The Brave and the Bold 78, 1968 "In the Coils of Copperhead!"

It's time for another entry into the zany! Join me and my returning guest, Evan Bevins, as we tackle this crazy story! What happens when Bat-girl and Wonder Woman fall head over heels for the Dark Knight? The answer lies with Copperhead! Or maybe Commissioner Gordon? Or maybe Bob Haney! Listen in to find some answers. Or maybe none. --- Send in a voice message:

Sep 28, 2022 • 1:08:02

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode , DC Special 11, 1971 "Beware...the Monsters are Here!" with JJG!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode , DC Special 11, 1971 "Beware...the Monsters are Here!" with JJG!

Hey all you spooks! I'm back with another creepy episode of the show! It's time for another DC horror anthology title, and this one is awesome! And welcome back my regular cohost for these books, Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein! We get talking about this awesome book, and don't look back, but you can't give enough love for this spectacular Neal Adams cover! Inside there are six stories to bite into, plus multiple one-pagers by Sergio Aragonés! Plus, a one page prose piece by Len Wein! Oh, and did I men

Sep 19, 2022 • 1:29:15

Magazines and Monsters Episode 49, Blacula 1972, Scream Blacula Scream !973, with Mark Radulich!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 49, Blacula 1972, Scream Blacula Scream !973, with Mark Radulich!

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the show! This time around, I've lured Mark Radulich into my spooky mansion, and he and I are talking about one of my all time favorite movies (and my favorite Blaxploitaion film), Blacula! This film hit at the perfect time, as moviegoers were itching for something outrageous, and boy do they get it with this one! Mark and I then talk briefly about the sequel, but to be honest, we're not huge fans. Don't let that discourage you, though, because we hav

Sep 16, 2022 • 1:07:20

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 7, The Brave and the Bold 147, 1979 "Death-Scream from the Sky!" with The Checkered Past Podcast!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 7, The Brave and the Bold 147, 1979 "Death-Scream from the Sky!" with The Checkered Past Podcast!

Hey hey hey! It's time for more DC madcap comics! Join The Checkered Past Podcast boys and I, as we talk about butt shots, Kindergarten Cop, farts, space travel, Dr. Evil, and boardroom shenanigans! We cover a wild issue of the Brave and the Bold (147), and we loved it! It has some personal significance for one of us as well, and we explain everything! As usual, you can contact the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page. You can

Sep 14, 2022 • 59:55

The Bronze Age of Horror! Episode 7, Swamp Thing (vol 1) 11 and 12, 1974 with Paul Hix!

The Bronze Age of Horror! Episode 7, Swamp Thing (vol 1) 11 and 12, 1974 with Paul Hix!

Hey there all you monsters out there! It's time for another episode featuring a new series! Paul Hix (the Waiting for Doom podcast) and I will be indexing Swamp Thing volume 1, starting with issues 11 and 12. Why you ask? Well, listen in to find out! We talk about these two cool issues from Len Wein and Nestor Redondo, plus our plans for some future episodes as well. Swamp Thing versus dinosaurs, confederate soldiers, mutated worm creatures, and yes, even a crocodile monster (sorry, Paul!).  As

Sep 5, 2022 • 1:17:43

Magazines and Monsters Episode 48, Iron Man Annual 3, 1976 "More or less the return of the Molecule Man!" with Luke Jaconetti!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 48, Iron Man Annual 3, 1976 "More or less the return of the Molecule Man!" with Luke Jaconetti!

Hey everybody, I'm back with another great guest and another comic book conversation! I've brought back my good pal Luke Jaconetti, from the Earth Destruction Directive podcast, as he's a huge Iron Man fan! We gush over this crazy comic, as it has a fantastic creative team, and a plot for the ages! For 1976, this comic really pushed some boundaries, and Luke and I had a blast talking about it.  As usual, you can reach out to the show through email at, or to me on T

Sep 2, 2022 • 1:18:01

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 6, The Brave and the Bold 123, 1975 "How to Make a Superhero" with Tim Price!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 6, The Brave and the Bold 123, 1975 "How to Make a Superhero" with Tim Price!

It's that time again! Time for more Zany Haney and Jim Aparo! Tim Price returns to the show, and we dissect another Brave and the Bold masterpiece. We see Batman arrest Bruce Wayne (Bat-Cop?), Metamorpho teams up with Batman, and Plastic Man falls in love! And this is just scratching the surface. These three heroes have their work cut out for them, as a devious villain (a returning villain) threatens to take them all out! As usual, you can send any feedback through email to Magazinesandmonsters@

Aug 31, 2022 • 1:21:47

Magazines and Monsters Episode 47, Satan's Six 1, 1993 with Charlton Hero!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 47, Satan's Six 1, 1993 with Charlton Hero!

Hey there, faithful listeners! My good pal Chris B. sat down with me for another crazy Jack Kirby comic, as it's August, and time for the spotlight to shine solely on the king! In this episode, we tackle the much maligned Satan's Six, which was part of the Secret City Saga! Sounds great, huh? Well, we have some opinions of our own about this book and its execution, so tune in to find out all about it! If you have any experience with these comics, let us know your thoughts! After our conversation

Aug 29, 2022 • 1:16:05

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 6, House of Secrets 150, 1978 "A god by Any Other Name"

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 6, House of Secrets 150, 1978 "A god by Any Other Name"

Welcome back to the crypt, as a guest and I peel open the pages of another creepy comic book from the Bronze Age! In this episode, Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein and I enter the House of Secrets, and tackle this anniversary issue (150). Typically, this was an anthology title, but this particular issue has one story in it, and it delivers the goods! How can you go wrong with a cover by Jim Starlin?!?! There's a guest star in this story as well, so hold on to your seat, as we present a thriller from DC

Aug 22, 2022 • 58:22

Magazines and Monsters Episode 46, Brides of Dracula (1960), with Professor Frenzy!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 46, Brides of Dracula (1960), with Professor Frenzy!

Hey everybody! Here we go with another awesome film discussion, and another great guest! Please welcome Gerry, from the Professor Frenzy Show! If you haven't listened to him and Chris talk indie comics, get out there an do so. Now, onto the matter at hand! Gerry and I sat down to talk about one of the most beloved Hammer films of al time, Brides of Dracula! This sequel (sort of), has a very strange name (we elaborate), but it has the best vampire hunter of them all, Dr Van Helsing, played by Pet

Aug 19, 2022 • 1:26:54

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 5, The Brave and the Bold 156, 1979 "Corruption!" with Ed Moore!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 5, The Brave and the Bold 156, 1979 "Corruption!" with Ed Moore!

Hey there! Its that time again! Time for another look at The Brave and the Bold! I have an awesome, brand new guest, and an issue that's super cool! Batman teams up with none other than Dr. Fate! Join me and Ed Moore (Teal Productions), as we dive into this crazy comic, starring Batman and Dr. Fate! If you’d like to send any feedback for the show, you can send an email to or reach out on Twitter to me @Billyd_licious or on the FB page (by searching Magazines and Mo

Aug 17, 2022 • 55:51

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, Episode 5, Weird Mystery Tales 2, 1972 with Charlton Hero!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics, Episode 5, Weird Mystery Tales 2, 1972 with Charlton Hero!

Welcome back to the crypt, you creeps! This episode is a landmark of sorts, as it will showcase a comic from the DC Bronze Age library of anthology horror comics. Not only that, but it's #JackKirbymonth on the calendar (see @Relatively_Geek on Twitter) as well! Well, if it's a crazy Kirby comic, I have to drag my good pal Charlton Hero on the show for his unique perspectives on the more quirky side of the King! Weird Mystery Tales was a crazy title, but you can count on Kirby to bring the awesom

Aug 8, 2022 • 1:11:03

Magazines and Monsters Episode 45, The Avengers: The Yesterday Quest (1979), with Ross (Stop! Let's Team Up)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 45, The Avengers: The Yesterday Quest (1979), with Ross (Stop! Let's Team Up)!

Hey everybody, welcome to a special episode of the show! Typically, I only cover one comic here, but today, with my buddy Ross's help, we are going to cover a great storyline from the late 1970s, and The Avengers called "The Yesterday Quest!" This was a really fun time in comics, especially if you were an Avengers fan, and this story is one of the greats for a few reasons. But, you'll need to tune in and find out our thoughts!  As usual, you can contact the show by email at Magazinesandmonsters@

Aug 5, 2022 • 43:30

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 4, The Brave and the Bold 131, 1976 "Day of Tigers, Night of Death!"

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 4, The Brave and the Bold 131, 1976 "Day of Tigers, Night of Death!"

Welcome to episode 4 of the show! I had the pleasure of welcoming a new guest to the show this time, and Chris, from the Professor Frenzy show and I had a blast talking about The Brave and the Bold 131! This crazy issue is a Batman and Wonder Woman team up, and Bob Haney spares no sanity in it! We also get the incredible work on Jim Aparo on art and letters! Join us for this gonzo issue, and as always, thanks for tuning in! Any feedback for the show can be sent to

Aug 3, 2022 • 56:40

The Bronze Age of Horror, Episode 4, Tales of the Zombie 1, 1973 with Rob (I Have a Nerdy Mind)

The Bronze Age of Horror, Episode 4, Tales of the Zombie 1, 1973 with Rob (I Have a Nerdy Mind)

Hello, boils and ghouls! It's time for another episode of the show! In this fright filled installment, I have a new guest sitting down with me in the crypt! Rob and I tackle one of the best black and white magazines from the 1970s, and especially from Marvel Comics! Tales of the Zombie was a good one, and had top tier talent cranking out the content! We cover the entire issue, mention some ads, plus our history with black and white horror magazines as well! As usual, you can contact the show thr

Jul 25, 2022 • 58:56

Magazines and Monsters Episode 44, The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) with Mike from Comics in the Golden Age!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 44, The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) with Mike from Comics in the Golden Age!

Hey everybody, I'm back with another film discussion with my Frankenstein cohost, Mike, from the Comics in the Golden Age podcast (and awesome Twitter account)! We dive headfirst into this one, and talk about some of the stark differences from the first film, and a few similarities. We also discuss the star of the show, Peter Cushing, as he shines as only he can. We also talk about some of the minor players, as they contribute to some fun scenes as well. Join us for a good time! As usual, you ca

Jul 22, 2022 • 1:14:38

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 3, The Brave and the Bold 85, 1969 "The Senator's been Shot!" with Evan Bevins!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 3, The Brave and the Bold 85, 1969 "The Senator's been Shot!" with Evan Bevins!

Welcome to episode three of the show! In this installment, I'm joined by my friend, Evan Bevins! Evan is a blogger, comic book lover, and all around good dude, and he agreed to sit down with me and talk about another Bob Haney classic issue of B&B!  --- Send in a voice message:

Jul 20, 2022 • 48:40

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 3, Marvel Spotlight 2, 1972 (Werewolf by Night)

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 3, Marvel Spotlight 2, 1972 (Werewolf by Night)

Welcome to episode three of the Bronze Age of Horror Comics! Please welcome to the crypt, Al Sedano, from the Resurrections; an Adam Warlock and Thanks Podcast! Al is a big fan of the Marvel horror comics of the Bronze Age, especially Werewolf by Night! He and I sat down to talk about the first appearance of Jack Russell in Marvel Spotlight 2, 1972! We also talk about the genre in general, and we scheme about more in the future! Definitely give Al a follow on Twitter @AdamThanosPod and give his

Jul 11, 2022 • 1:05:35

Magazines and Monsters Episode 43, World's Finest 244, 1977 - The Vigilante with Ranger Gord!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 43, World's Finest 244, 1977 - The Vigilante with Ranger Gord!

Hey everybody, it's time for another awesome episode about comics with another new, awesome guest! This time around, I lassoed Ranger Gord from the Prairie Justice podcast, to sit down and discuss his favorite hero, The Vigilante! This Bronze Age tale is very fun, and we have a last talking about it (the lead story will be covered on my other show, The Brave and the Bob! down the road). World's Finest is a great book, and this one is an over sized edition from the Dollar Comics era! If you want

Jul 8, 2022 • 1:00:24

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 2! Teen Titans 43, 1973, with the Checkered Past Podcast!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 2! Teen Titans 43, 1973, with the Checkered Past Podcast!

Welcome to episode two of the show! This one was an absolute party, as Dr Bob and Dr Husband joined me to talk about this crazy comic written by Zany Bob Haney! Can the Titans solve a case involving a demonic curse? The three of us cover our eyes, as this one contains graphic material (seriously!), as we see dead people, a dead kid tossed in a treasure chest, and a cow that almost kills Speedy! Tune in as we had an udderly fantastic time!  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify

Jul 6, 2022 • 1:13:23

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 2, The Monster of Frankenstein 1, 1973

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 2, The Monster of Frankenstein 1, 1973

Welcome back, ghouls! It's time for another episode of the show! This time, I've lured MonsterMatt Patterson down to the crypt to talk about another great horror comic! The Monster of Frankenstein 1, 1973, was the third of the "big three" monsters to get its own series, but don't even think that means the material is third rate. With names like Gary Friedrich and Mike Ploog, you know you're in for a monstrously good time! The best part of this issue is that it mirrors the Mary Shelley novel, so

Jun 27, 2022 • 1:00:36

Magazines and Monsters Episode 42, The Norliss Tapes (1973), with Rich Chamberlain (Classic Horrors Club Podcast)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 42, The Norliss Tapes (1973), with Rich Chamberlain (Classic Horrors Club Podcast)

Hey everybody, I'm back with another cool film and another awesome guest! I've known/been friends with this guest for quite a few years now, and we talk about that at the beginning of the show. Rich Chamberlain is a blogger, podcaster, and all around good guy. I contacted him about talking movies, and especially some of our favorite made-for-tv movies, and we decided on this very interesting one from 1973. This decade had a string of really good quality films on TV and we enjoyed talking about t

Jun 24, 2022 • 1:12:59

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 1, The Brave and the Bold 124, 1975! with Tim Price!

The Brave and the Bob! Episode 1, The Brave and the Bold 124, 1975! with Tim Price!

Welcome to the first episode of this brand new show! This one has been in the oven for a while, and I'm stoked to finally hit the launch button! I'm starting off with an absolutely insane issue, and a guest that can handle it! Please welcome, Tim Price to the show! Tim is a part of the awesome podcast, The Outcasters (where they cover Batman and the Outsiders), so his Bat-knowledge and love for The Brave and the Bold is great! We discuss the issue, and it's a wild one, as are all the Sgt. Rock/B

Jun 22, 2022 • 1:16:36

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 1, The Tomb of Dracula 1, 1972 with Scott West!

The Bronze Age of Horror Comics Episode 1, The Tomb of Dracula 1, 1972 with Scott West!

Welcome to the fist episode of this new show! I thought it would be appropriate to start off the show with not only an awesome guest, but the grand-daddy of Bronze Age horror comics as well! The Tomb of Dracula 1, 1972! I'm joined by writer, musician, and podcaster, Scott West! He and I discuss this issue an our love of horror comics, and especially, ToD!   If you want to leave any feedback you can do so through email at, Scott can be found on twitter @ScottMWest (

Jun 13, 2022 • 1:04:34

Magazines and Monsters Episode 41, Iron Man Annual 4, 1977 with Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive podcast)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 41, Iron Man Annual 4, 1977 with Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive podcast)

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the show! This time around I have the biggest Iron Man fan I know here, Luke Jaconetti, and we're going to talk about this cool annual from the 70s! MODOK is definitely one of the craziest villains and toss in The Champions for even more fun! Luke and I talk about this book, but also his love of Iron Man as well.   As usual, you can reach the show through email at or to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious or on the FB page! Yo

Jun 10, 2022 • 48:18

Magazines and Monsters Episode 40, The Mummy (1959), with Karen Walker (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 40, The Mummy (1959), with Karen Walker (Planet 8 Podcast)!

Hey everybody, I'm back with another awesome film discussion, and a great guest as well! It's Hammer time, as Karen from Planet 8 Podcast joins me to talk about the 1959 classic, The Mummy! The film is a Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee team up, and my favorite version of this story. We talk about the film, production, and cast, and then some possible plans down the road for another Hammer classic!  As usual, any feedback for the show can be sent through email at

May 27, 2022 • 1:06:07

Magazines and Monsters Episode 39, The Defenders 15 and 16, 1974 with Dallan B!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 39, The Defenders 15 and 16, 1974 with Dallan B!

Hey everybody, this episode was a long time coming, as Dallan and I explain! The plan was to talk about this one together oh maybe two years ago! In all seriousness, we had a great time talking about this insane story, starring our favorite non-team, The Defenders! We are both big fans of this title, and are definitely going to talk more down the road. This nutty story involves not only the Defenders, but Professor Xavier of the X-Men as well! Thanks to Dallan for being patient with me.  As usua

May 13, 2022 • 1:01:43

Magazines and Monsters Episode 38, Horror of Dracula (1958) with Bomber (@HorrorHammer1)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 38, Horror of Dracula (1958) with Bomber (@HorrorHammer1)!

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of the show! This one has been a long time coming, as I've wanted to cover this seminal Hammer horror film for a while! Join me and my awesome guest, Bomber, as we tackle the first Dracula adaptation by Hammer, and we get the awesome tag team of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in it. We had a blast talking about this film, and Hammer in general, plus a few solemn words about the passing of Veronica Carlson as well (R.I.P.).  As usual, you can reach out

Apr 29, 2022 • 1:15:37

Magazines and Monsters Episode 37, Detective Comics 322, 1963 with Chris Sheehan (X-Lapsed podcast)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 37, Detective Comics 322, 1963 with Chris Sheehan (X-Lapsed podcast)!

Hey everybody, here comes another madcap episode, this time with my good buddy Chris! He and I talk about this insane issue, Detective Comics 322, starring the Batman Genie! Yes, you read that correctly! Batman is a genie, and it's up to Robin, Batgirl, and Commissioner Gordon to solve this crazy caper. We also have some old guy talk where we have fun being critical about modern day comics, collecting, and then transition to talking about Chris's monumental efforts covering everything X-books cu

Apr 15, 2022 • 1:15:33

Magazines and Monsters Episode 36, Curse of Frankenstein 1957, with Mike (Comics in the Golden Age podcast!)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 36, Curse of Frankenstein 1957, with Mike (Comics in the Golden Age podcast!)

Hey everybody, I'm back with another episode of the show! I know I promised when I first got rolling with this podcast, that I'd be very Hammer Studios heavy on my episodes that feature films. Well, in 2022, I'm going to deliver on that promise, and starting right now! There's no better place to start than the beginning, and The Curse of Frankenstein from 1957, is where Hammer launched into the stratosphere. It also launched the careers of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee into superstar status!

Apr 1, 2022 • 1:28:42

Magazines and Monsters Episode 35, DC Comics Presents 8, 1978 with Jeremiah Jones Goldstein!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 35, DC Comics Presents 8, 1978 with Jeremiah Jones Goldstein!

Hey everybody, another episode is here! This one was a blast, as I was able to record with another new guest! Jeremiah is a blogger (click here for his comics blog!) and podcast guest from around the interwebs, and a member of the Super Blog Team Up gang (search #SBTU on Twitter)! JJG and I sat down to talk some DC comics in the form of the slimy Swamp Thing! But, in this issue of DC Comics Presents, you get another swamp dweller, and they both take on Superman...or do they? Listen in to find ou

Mar 18, 2022 • 46:46

Magazines and Monsters Episode 34, Rodan (1956) with Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 34, Rodan (1956) with Luke Jaconetti (Earth Destruction Directive)!

Hey everybody, it's time for another episode! This time around, I'm talking to Luke Jaconetti, from Earth Destruction Directive! If you're going to talk about Daikaiju, you've got to have him on. As you can see in the title, we're discussing Rodan from 1956. This is Luke's personal favorite, and possibly mine as well! I have the American version, which is slightly shorter than the Japanese version, so after we discuss this awesome film, we dive int some of the differences (thanks, Luke!). This f

Mar 4, 2022 • 1:46:00

Magazines and Monsters Episode 33, The Witching Hour 1, 1969 with Max (Weird Warriors Podcast!)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 33, The Witching Hour 1, 1969 with Max (Weird Warriors Podcast!)

Hey everybody! It's Friday and here comes another episode with another awesome, first time guest! This time I lured Max, from the Weird Warriors Podcast, into the crypt! In this fright-filled show, we talk about The Witching Hour 1, from 1969! DC comics in the Bronze Age is definitely remembered for their horror anthology comics, and this issue kicked off an 85 issue run of this title! There are three cool stories in this book, and we had a blast talking about them! As usual, you can leave any f

Feb 18, 2022 • 1:02:40

Magazines and Monsters Episode 32, A Ghost Story for Christmas (1970s) with Pete Doree!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 32, A Ghost Story for Christmas (1970s) with Pete Doree!

Hey everybody! I'm back from my hibernation with a recording! This one was an absolute blast, as I was able to talk with comic book creator, Brit, and all around fun guy, Pete Doree! We discussed two of the famous A Ghost Story for Christmas installments, The Stalls of Barchester (1971), and The Signalman (1976)! Both of these supernatural thrillers are solid entries into the television movie category, and Pete and I had a good time discussing them. Give a listen and enjoy! As usual, you can sen

Feb 4, 2022 • 50:49

Magazines and Monsters Episode 31, Mystery in Space 67, 1961 with Professor Alan (Relatively Geeky Network)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 31, Mystery in Space 67, 1961 with Professor Alan (Relatively Geeky Network)!

Hey everybody, welcome to the first episode of 2022! It's sci-fi month on the comic book inter webs, and I've got a fun guest with a crazy comic to talk about! Welcome back to the show, Professor Alan, of the Relatively Geeky Network!  --- Send in a voice message:

Jan 24, 2022 • 57:34

Magazines and Monsters episode 30, 90 Years of Universal Horror!

Magazines and Monsters episode 30, 90 Years of Universal Horror!

Well, this it it! The big one! Celebrate not only the 90th anniversary of Dracula and Frankenstein (both were released in 1931), but ring in the New Year with Herm and myself, as we talk about our Top 5 Classic Universal Horror Films, in honor of this tremendous anniversary. We both have our favorites, and we'll talk about them for sure, but I also asked what was your number one classic Universal horror film on Twitter, and I received a huge response (don't worry, I'll be going over all the twee

Dec 31, 2021 • 1:59:40

Magazines and Monsters Episode 29, DC Christmas with the Superheroes 1, 1988

Magazines and Monsters Episode 29, DC Christmas with the Superheroes 1, 1988

Hey everybody, I'm back with another comic book review. Since the Christmas season is upon us, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about this great comic from DC that reprinted some awesome holiday stories from years past (late Silver Age though the Copper Age). And I asked one of my best friends to join me! Please welcome, Martin Gray! You make know him from his blog ( or from his huge catalogue of guest appearances on podcasts, such as A World on Fire; an All-Star Squadro

Dec 17, 2021 • 1:03:26

Magazines and Monsters episode 28, Excalibur (1981)

Magazines and Monsters episode 28, Excalibur (1981)

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the show! In this film discussion, I'll have two super guests along for the ride as we talk about this epic fantasy film! Welcome back to the show, Karen from the Planet 8 Podcast! And, also give it up for my frequent collaborator on shows such as Into the Weird, A World on Fire; an All-Star Squadron Podcast, and Star Rocket Radio, Herman Louw! Both of these guests have a huge affection for this one, and we'll dive in head first to discuss it in-depth

Dec 4, 2021 • 2:32:21

Magazines and Monsters episode 27, War is Hell 13, 1975

Magazines and Monsters episode 27, War is Hell 13, 1975

Hey everybody, welcome back to the show! On this episode, I'll be talking to a new guest, Luke Jaconetti (@ljacone) from the Earth Destruction Directive podcast (Two True Freaks network) about a war comic from Marvel in the Bronze Age! We talk about this crazy comic, #warcomicsmonth (look for this hashtag on Twitter), and Luke's love for kaiju films! Definitely give Luke a follow and check out his shows! As usual, you can contact the show via email at or on the FB

Nov 26, 2021 • 43:00

Magazines and Monsters episode 26, My Greatest Adventure 80, 1963

Magazines and Monsters episode 26, My Greatest Adventure 80, 1963

Hey everybody, I'm back with another episode of the show! This one was an absolute blast, as I finally got to podcast with a great guy, Paul Hix, from the Waiting for Doom podcast! He agreed to come on the show and talk about the first comic book appearance of the Doom Patrol with me! He also talks about the many other comic book iterations, as well as the tv show (I'm a complete newbie to the Doom Patrol). We talk about some of the "similarities" between this team/book and a couple of others we

Nov 19, 2021 • 48:24

Magazines and Monsters episode 25, Silver Bullet (1985)

Magazines and Monsters episode 25, Silver Bullet (1985)

Hey everybody, I'm back and it's time for another film discussion! In this episode, I'l be joined by two of my favorite people, Herman Louw (Longbox of Darkness, Into the Weird) and Ryan Daly (Fire and Water Podcast Network)! The three of us like this movie quite a bit (although we are honest about its shortcomings during the discussion), and we couldn't wait to sit down in front of the mics and wax rhapsodic about it. (quick note- we referenced Midnight Mass from Netflix a few times, as Herm, R

Nov 12, 2021 • 2:26:56

Magazines and Monsters episode 24, Action Comics 345, 1966!

Magazines and Monsters episode 24, Action Comics 345, 1966!

Hey everybody, I'm back with another show! This time around my good buddy Chris Sheehan (@Acecomics) is joining me to talk about this crazy DC Silver Age comic about Superman! The insanity of the story is a lot of fun, and Chris and I have a blast talking about it, plus a wild back up story featuring Supergirl, too! As usual, you can contact the show via email at or on the FB page or by reaching out to me on Twitter @Billyd_licious (main account). Chris is on Twitt

Nov 5, 2021 • 55:17

Magazines and Monsters Episode 23, House of Wax (1953)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 23, House of Wax (1953)

Hey everybody, here is the final Halloween episode for this year. I saved my favorite Vincent Price film, and my favorite guest for the finale. I hope you enjoy hearing myself and Herm talk about this film, as it's near and dear to my heart since my youth. Vincent Price is nothing short of amazing in this film (as he is in just about every film), so sit back and relax, as we gush over this one! As usual, you can leave any feedback for the show via email at or to me

Oct 29, 2021 • 1:27:19

Magazines and Monsters Episode 22, Weird Mystery Tales 15, 1974

Magazines and Monsters Episode 22, Weird Mystery Tales 15, 1974

Hey everybody, welcome back to another spooky episode for this Halloween season! I've lured my pal Herman Louw back into the crypt for another recording. We've been jonesing for some DC horror anthology conversation ever since our comrade in arms, Ryan Daly shuttered the doors of his show (click here for that awesomeness). This one is an awesome issue packed with vampires and werewolves, and you don't want to miss it! We also make an announcement regarding some Swamp Thing coverage in the near f

Oct 22, 2021 • 1:01:33

Magazines and Monsters Episode 21, Dark Night of the Scarecrow, 1981

Magazines and Monsters Episode 21, Dark Night of the Scarecrow, 1981

Hey everybody! As we creep closer to Halloween, a couple of trick-or-treaters came to the dungeon. I had no treats, but I asked them to come inside and watch a spooky movie with me! Ryan Daly (from the Fire and Water Network) and Herman Louw (Longbox of Darkness) join me to talk about the made for television movie, Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981)! This is one creepy movie, and the three of us had a blast talking about it! You can find Ryan on Twitter @ryandaly01 and Herman is @darklongbox (I'

Oct 15, 2021 • 1:26:43

Magazines and Monsters Episode 20, Black Magic by Simon and Kirby!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 20, Black Magic by Simon and Kirby!

Hey everybody, it's time for some more spooky fun! This time around and Have my buddy Mike from the Comics in the Golden Age podcast (and The Kirbycast) back to talk more comics. It's always a special treat to talk some Jack Kirby, and we'll be discussing two stories from the Golden Age horror title Black Magic! Simon and Kirby created so much incredible content, and Mike and I talk about this title, the incredible run these two had together, and a special interview Mike did in 2020 with Joe Sim

Oct 8, 2021 • 49:13

Magazines and Monsters Episode 19, Assignment Terror 1970

Magazines and Monsters Episode 19, Assignment Terror 1970

Hey everybody, I'm back with another recording and another awesome guest! This time around I'm joined by Euro-cinema aficionado, Rod Barnett (Naschycast, The Bloody Pit, Wild, Wild Podcast (with his cohost, Adrian Smith))! He has spent countless hours (with his partner Troy) dissecting, analyzing, and reviewing a ton of films, especially Spanish horror films, like Assignment Terror! This wild film stars Paul Naschy, Michael Rennie, and Karin Dor. In this one you'll get a real education about som

Oct 1, 2021 • 1:21:58

Magazines and Monsters Episode 18, The Brave and the Bold 83, 1969

Magazines and Monsters Episode 18, The Brave and the Bold 83, 1969

Hey everybody, welcome back! In this episode, I sit down with my buddy Sean Ross (Bat-Pod, Secret Wars and Beyond), and we talk about another crazy issue of The Brave and the Bold! Oh yeah, Bob Zany Haney really lets loose in this one and we get art by Neal Adams (cover by Irv Novick) to boot! The post Batman 1966 TV show era was definitely a rollercoaster for Batman, and this book is certainly reflective of that fact. Sean is on Twitter @Sean42AZ As usual, if you want to contact the show, you c

Sep 24, 2021 • 57:08

Magazines and Monsters Episode 17, It! The Terror From Beyond Space (1958)!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 17, It! The Terror From Beyond Space (1958)!

Welcome back to another episode of the show. This time around I’ve got a returning guest, Karen (@Walker_KM) from the Planet 8 Podcast (and formerly Bronze Age Babies!)! She and I talk about this wonderful film, the groundwork it laid, and the future films it influenced. Definitely get out there and see this film, as its reach far exceeded the intent of the people who made it.  As usual, you can leave feedback by emailing the show at or reach out to me on Twitter @

Sep 17, 2021 • 48:10

Magazines and Monsters Episode 16, Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers 3, 1982

Magazines and Monsters Episode 16, Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers 3, 1982

Hey everybody! I invited a new guest to the show for a special occasion. August has been deemed #JackKirbyMonth (by the powers that be on Twitter), and I couldn't let it slip away without talking some Kirby on the podcast (technically this episode won't drop until September 3rd, but just use your imagination). Joining me this time, is a Kirby enthusiast that loves the King's crazier, later work (like the book we're covering today) Charlton Hero! CH has been a good friend of mine on the Twitters

Sep 3, 2021 • 1:10:16

Magazines and Monsters Episode 15, The Wicker Man (1973, 2006)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 15, The Wicker Man (1973, 2006)

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the show. This time around my buddy Herman Louw and I will be discussing a classic horror film in The Wicker Man (1973). But, we'll also be talking about the remake from 2006 as well (Yes, the bees!). The original stars one of our all time favorite horror actors, in Christopher Lee! This film is one of a kind, and really ramped up the craziness, especially in the folk horror sub-genre.  As usual, you can contact the show by email at Magazinesandm

Aug 20, 2021 • 1:57:07

Magazines and Monsters Episode 14, Savage Sword of Conan 7, 1975

Magazines and Monsters Episode 14, Savage Sword of Conan 7, 1975

Hey everybody! In this fun episode, I had my buddy Clinton Robison (Coffee and Comics, Days of High Adventure) stop in, and we both love to talk some Conan, so we chatted about one of our favorite stories! This character had a great run at Marvel comics, with not only a conventional comic book, but also in the line of black and white magazines as well! We'll talk about this story, and our thoughts in general on Conan and the sword and sorcery genre as well!  As usual, you can contact the show th

Aug 6, 2021 • 1:03:57

Magazines and Monsters Episode 13, Dr Doom in "...Though Some Call it Magic!"

Magazines and Monsters Episode 13, Dr Doom in "...Though Some Call it Magic!"

Hey everybody, get ready for another episode of Magazines and Monsters! This episode is one I've been really looking forward to because I was able to sit down with my good pal, Professor Alan, from the Relatively Geeky Network! And as he's contractually obligated to do so, we had to talk about Dr. Doom! This story is one that is part of the character's incredible foundation, and is a must read (Astonishing Tales 8, 1971, Gene Colan Tribute book, 2008).  As usual, you can contact the show with fe

Jul 24, 2021 • 39:35

Magazines and Monsters Episode 12, From Beyond the Unknown 20, 1972!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 12, From Beyond the Unknown 20, 1972!

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode! In this one, my guest is author and Twitter friend, Jennifer DeRoss! Jennifer is the brain behind the book "Forgotten All Star: A Biography of Gardner Fox!" We'll talk briefly about her book, then dive into this crazy issue (featuring Silver/Golden Age reprints) that is all Gardner Fox material! We also talk about her next upcoming project as well!  As usual, you can reach out to the show through email at or on Twitte

Jul 9, 2021 • 48:15

Magazines and Monsters Episode 11, Marvel Treasury Edition 9 (1976)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 11, Marvel Treasury Edition 9 (1976)

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of Magazines and Monsters! In this one, I'll be talking with one of my Twitter brothers, Kyle Benning! Kyle has the KSCGSF (King Size Comics Giant Size Fun) podcast, and loves the Treasury Editions! Hence why he and I will be talking about Marvel Treasury Edition 9, 1976! This over-sized book is packed with goodness, and has some of the greatest creators to ever grace the medium in it!  If you want to contact the show, please reach out through email Maga

Jun 25, 2021 • 1:12:35

Magazines and Monsters Episode 10, City of the Dead (1960)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 10, City of the Dead (1960)

Hey everybody, Herman and I are back with more horror for you! This time around, we're talking about a proto-Amicus film (by Subotsky and Rosenberg), called City of the Dead (1960, Horror Hotel in the U.S.)! We really love this one for a few different reasons, but none bigger than the fact that Christopher Lee is the star! Witches, zombies, sacrificial daggers, and a burning at the stake! Join us, if you can stand the heat.   As usual if you have any feedback you can email the show at Magazinesa

Jun 5, 2021 • 1:05:27

Magazines and Monsters Episode 9, The Brave and the Bold 149, 1979

Magazines and Monsters Episode 9, The Brave and the Bold 149, 1979

Welcome back to another episode of Magazines and Monsters! This time around, I'm covering a zany comic from the Bronze Age of DC comics! My partner for this one is Sean Ross, from the Pulp 2 Pixel network, and podcasts such as Secret Wars and Beyond (The Squadron Supreme coverage was great!) the Never Ending Reading Pile, and now the co-host of the Bat-Pod. We're covering The Brave and the Bold 149, 1979! This comic has my favorite DC creative team in Bob 'Zany' Haney and Jim Aparo! The insane m

May 28, 2021 • 56:15

Magazines and Monsters Episode 8 - Night of the Eagle (1962)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 8 - Night of the Eagle (1962)

Hey everybody! Herman and I are back with another film discussion! Night of the Eagle (1962) is a good one from a smaller studio (as in not Hammer or Amicus), but really delivers the goods! The film is actually based on a very good novel, Conjure Wife (by Fritz Lieber, and we'll talk about it, too) about witchcraft in the setting of a small British university. If you haven't seen this film yet, definitely give it a watch before listening in (spoilers ahoy, as usual). The film stars Peter Wyngard

May 14, 2021 • 1:00:00

Magazines and Monsters Episode 7, EC comics; Shock Suspenstories!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 7, EC comics; Shock Suspenstories!

Welcome to the latest episode of Magazines and Monsters! In this episode, I'll be talking with Mike (his twitter - ComicsintheGoldenAge), from the Comics in the Golden Age Podcast! Mike and I will be discussing three incredibly awesome stories from EC comics title Shock Suspenstories (two from issue 6 and one from issue 5). These tales of horror were groundbreaking to say the least, especially when you consider they were published in 1952! Get ready for the gore, as Al Feldstein, Bill Gaines, Wa

Apr 26, 2021 • 54:12

Magazines and Monsters Episode 6, Unearthly Stranger (1964)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 6, Unearthly Stranger (1964)

Hey everybody! I'm back with yet another discussion about a film. This time, I'm welcoming a brand new guest! Karen, from the comic book blog (1/2 Karen, 1/2 Doug!) Bronze Age Babies, and she's also a co-host of the Planet 8 podcast, and even has her own solo blog, Echoes from the Satellite! She is without a doubt one of the biggest sci-fi fans I know, so I asked her to come onto the show to discuss this rare British film from the 1960s! We dive into this one and try to dissect what the film is

Apr 16, 2021 • 51:32

Magazines and Monsters episode 5, Salem's Lot (1979)

Magazines and Monsters episode 5, Salem's Lot (1979)

Hey all you ghouls! I'm back with another movie review with my old pal Herman Louw! This time out we will be talking about one of our favorite television productions, Salem's Lot (1979/80)! This two-part movie from director Tobe Hooper took some liberties with the source material (the Stephen King novel), but is still an outstanding representation. Join us for a dive into this vampiric masterpiece, as we dissect and applaud it, and the novel as well!  As always you can send feedback to the show

Apr 6, 2021 • 2:08:47

Magazines and Monsters Episode 4, Amicus Films- Dr Terror's House of Horrors (1965)

Magazines and Monsters Episode 4, Amicus Films- Dr Terror's House of Horrors (1965)

It's been a long time listeners, but I'm finally back! Join me and my Into the Weird co-host, Herman Louw (@darklongbox), as we tackle another horror film! This time, we'll be taking a ride on the Amicus Studios express, and dive into Dr. Terror's House of Horrors from 1965. The first of their Portmanteau (anthology) films, and quite possibly the best...? We'll give our thoughts on this one, and even preview what we'll be up to in our other adventures! Don't miss this one, as we have a ton of fu

Aug 24, 2020 • 1:42:47

Magazines and Monsters Episode 3! Halloween fun!

Magazines and Monsters Episode 3! Halloween fun!

A quick preview of some upcoming events, followed by a look at Chamber of Chills 3, 1972. This issue has 3 spooky stories to get your blood pumping! --- Send in a voice message:

Oct 30, 2019 • 12:32

Episode 2: Super Blog Team Up: Immortal!

Episode 2: Super Blog Team Up: Immortal!

In this episode, I’m going to be discussing Kang the Conqueror, as part of the awesome Super Blog Team Up event! #SuperBlogTeamUp #SBTU --- Send in a voice message:

Aug 28, 2019 • 21:42

Mini-sode 3, Captain America 137, 1971! “To Stalk a Spider-Man!”

Mini-sode 3, Captain America 137, 1971! “To Stalk a Spider-Man!”

A quick look at a classic Cap and Falcon story also starring Spidey! --- Send in a voice message:

Jul 10, 2019 • 7:42

Mini-sode 2, Dr Doom!

Mini-sode 2, Dr Doom!

A quick look at my favorite Dr. Doom story! --- Send in a voice message:

Jun 26, 2019 • 8:01

Episode 1, Hammer Films; Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)

Episode 1, Hammer Films; Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)

Welcome, to the very first (full) episode of Magazines and Monsters the podcast! In this inaugural episode, you'll hear me (Billy D, A.K.A. Doc Strange) and a very special guest, Herman Louw, from the Longbox of Darkness and Into the Weird podcasts, as we'll take some time to discuss one of our favorite Hammer Studios films! No bells and whistles on this one, as it was a chore to get out (huge thank you to Herman!), just two guys talking about Christopher Lee, Veronica Carlson, Michael Ripper, a

Jun 8, 2019 • 1:02:02

Mini-sode 1, Warlord by Mike Grell!

Mini-sode 1, Warlord by Mike Grell!

A quick look at issue number one from the 1976 series! Also, an update about future episodes. --- Send in a voice message:

May 18, 2019 • 5:13

Preview episode!

Preview episode!

A quick look behind the curtain to hear the content for the first two episodes of the show. I’m keeping the guests a secret, but don’t worry, they’re both incredibly fun and knowledgeable. --- Send in a voice message:

May 6, 2019 • 1:16

Magazines and Monsters episode 0

Magazines and Monsters episode 0

Get ready for classic comic books, horror films, and everything in-between! #comics #films --- Send in a voice message:

Apr 12, 2019 • 1:48

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