A show that explores ways to make life a little more interesting, with the intention of convincing you to entertain ideas that you wouldn't normally allow yourself to consider. These ideas would normally get thrown in the crazy basket, but there may just be some merit to them. Each episode will take you on a small journey and will start with something pretty normal… but similar to a thought process will jump around and end up discussing something a little more outrageous or fantastic. Welcome to McUniverse.
The future is now..now..now..
We have the machinery, so are we already living in the technology driven future promised by science fiction movies? Also an answer to why we haven’t met any time travel tourists…. yet. Guests Blair Crawford https://daltrey.com/podcast/ John Cadogan https://www.youtube.com/user/AutoExpertTV Matthew Szydagis https://www.albany.edu/physics/faculty/matthew-szydagis Carita Gronroos https://www.reikidrummoyne.com.au/ Joseph Ortega Biometric Tech History of Biometrics https://www.biometric
What's your meditation?
Dear Vic, Having a glass of wine is not your meditation. The experts have backed me on this. Join me as I go on an inner journey to discover the pros and cons of meditation.
Rory Kinsella - https://we-meditate.co/
Sara Lazar, Ph.D https://scholar.harvard.edu/sara_lazar
Willoughby Britton https://vivo.brown.edu/display/wbritton
Antony Foo Miller
Steve McDonald https://programs.bayfm.org/future-sense/2020-04-13
Meditation Articles
Jonesing for a Coffee
When people talk about their passion for coffee, they always talk about the taste, the aroma and how they "need it".... but there is never any real acknowledgement of the fact that they just love getting high... on coffee. Guests Emily Oak https://about.me/emilyoak Professor Simon Crowe https://scholars.latrobe.edu.au/display/sfcrowe Ray Thorpe https://www.happyherbcompany.com/ray-thorpe-on-industry-leaders-documentary/ Martin Williams https://www.prism.org.au/tag/marti
Sleep - A Solution to All Problems
Sleep could possibly be the solution to all your problems, you need it to be healthy and it's also a place to explore your inner most ideas and thoughts through a technique called lucid dreaming. Join me as I speak to sleep enthusiasts, dream practitioners and scientists about this interesting way to approach your nightly slumber
Sam Downing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZM88de675p54pLTbGl1myA
Julia Landrey https://www.superconscious.com.au/
Thomas Peisel http://www.thoma
Murder Free Food is a Myth
In part one of McUniverse we serve a 3 course meal of ideas as a carnivore, a vegan and a scientist, talk about the ethics of eating and the consciousness of plants. Guests James Aspey https://www.jamesaspey.com.au/https://www.instagram.com/jamesaspey/?hl=en Dr Monica Gagliano https://www.monicagagliano.com/ https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/576914/thus-spoke-the-plant-by-monica-gagliano/ Carnivore Diet Links Mikhalia Peterson https://mikhailapeterson.com/ Shawn Baker https://shawn-baker.
Join me, Dan McHugh, for McUniverse... A podcast that encourages you to entertain ideas that you wouldn't normally allow yourself to consider.
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