We're on Chapters 4, 5 & 6 and I'd like to start off by saying that I've had two proper coaching interactions incorporating Keith's techniques! He's got me thinking and more than anything, it's nice to have a different strategy.
Chapter 4: 'How to Coach in 10 minutes or less'
This chapter is about real world scenarios which is what we both like about the book. Keith talks about how if you're chief problem solver, you'll always be chief problem solver and you'll never create any leverage. And once you teach people how to do something, you have leverage because they will have learned how to do it themselves and you won't have to tell them again.
Chapter 5: 'Tools to Manage the Coaching Process and Assess Results'
We liked this chapter - we love the simplicity of some of Keith's coaching forms, they're refreshing and to the point. I really like sales leaders who go out on the road with their team because there's no way you can coach someone if you don't know what they're like or what their style is - how can you coach if you don't know what your colleague is like in front of clients?! Because they have no empathy with how that individual operates
Chapter 6 - 'Transforming Critical Conversations into Positive Change and Measurable Results'
We thought this was an odd chapter - don't get me wrong, it's good - I just got the feeling that we've already covered most of it But we did really enjoy the opening paragraph - Keith tells us how if you're a sales leader and a member of your team makes a mistake - it's your fault. Avalanches roll downhill. and we agree. You need to take ownership.
Tip from us - Always have in your mind as a sales manager - 'make sure I'm coaching'. We've been slightly more critical of Keith on this episode than we were on the first, but lets be clear - if somebody asked me whether or not they should buy this book, my answer would be a definite yes.