The Ultimate Answer: Joshua's Journey into Quantum Healing

The Ultimate Answer: Joshua's Journey into Quantum Healing

Between The Before & After (The Stories that Shape Us)

From a very unusual childhood, to a fascinating and powerful journey into becoming a quantum healer, this is Joshua's story!

In this podcast episode, we discuss the topic of skepticism and how to approach conversations with those who are dismissive of certain ideas.  

Joshua shares his experience with quantum energy transformation and how he is able to identify where someone's problem resides in their body and transform it quickly.  

Our conversation also touches on the topic of death and the idea that we are energy separate from our bodies. Joshua shares his experiences with helping people who have had paranormal experiences in their homes and how he is able to clear their space from a distance.  

This is rooted deeply in his own experiences with anxiety, mental health struggles, and seeing entities as a child.  



00:00:00 Joshua's Journey: Overcoming Anxiety And Obstacles In Pursuit Of Success

00:04:36 Exploring Different Healing Modalities For Migraines, But No Complete Solution Found

00:07:21 Childhood Fear Of The Paranormal And Sensitivity To Conflict In The Home

00:10:31 Conversation About Disability And Socialization

00:12:59 Challenges Faced By A Student With Adhd In High School

00:15:21 Switching Majors: From Education To Journalism

00:19:52 Difficult Conversations With Parents About Mental Health And Entities

00:22:44 Varied Experiences Of A Multifaceted Individual

00:24:47 The Metaphysical Element: Understanding Entities And Their Appearance In Our World

00:28:59 Energy Healing And Perception Of Spiritual Entities

00:32:20 The Importance Of Being Present In Life And Death As A Non-practicing Medium.

00:35:07 Overcoming Skepticism In Quantum Energy Transformation

00:40:39 Trusting Intuition And Working With Extreme Religious Beliefs


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Between The Before & After (The Stories that Shape Us) • The Ultimate Answer: Joshua's Journey into Quantum Healing • Listen on Fountain