#989 - The #1 Thing Holding MOST People Back

#989 - The #1 Thing Holding MOST People Back

Next Level University

You may think you’re doing everything you possibly can, but sometimes, it takes slowing down and practicing deep mindfulness and self-awareness to see your blind spots. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the #1 thing that may be holding you back: your associations. So, are the people who regularly share their thoughts and opinions the same as those you most admire and respect? Are most people in your social bubble braver, brighter, and more successful than you are? If not, it could be time to curate a new social circle.

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Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

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Show notes:
[2:03] Your community
[9:34] Sail away from the people who take the wind out of your sails
[13:32] Alexandra Ramos is a group coaching graduate, and here’s what she has to say…
[16:50] Identify the bleeders and feeders in your life
[24:26] Join the Next Level Nation private Facebook group
[25:24] Monthly Virtual Meetup on June 2, 2022. Register here:  https://bit.ly/3LgHHBd
[26:51] Outro


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