Ready to upgrade your perspective on personal growth? In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss the challenge of the "before and after" mindset, commonly portrayed in weight loss ads, and encourage you to embrace self-improvement as a daily commitment. Remember that success cannot be owned by health, wealth, or love. It must be earned every day. This journey toward personal growth is a continuous one. Regardless of our current skill level, there's always room for improvement. The goal is not to attain finite results but to engage in an infinite game where our mindset and approach to life influence the results.
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Show notes:
(1:35) This is a forever thing
(4:12) The house analogy and success are not ownable
(5:38) Observation from marriage
(7:20) Understanding finite vs infinite game
(11:15) Persistence and tenacity
(14:10) Austin shares his top-notch experience working with Kevin under Next Level Podcast Solutions.
(15:51) Self-belief in your unique capabilities
(18:12) Alan's story of failing forward
(21:47) Life is an everyday gradual gathering
(24:24) Personal growth is an infinite game
(27:02) Outro