Episode 42: Moonfall & Our Flag Means Death

Episode 42: Moonfall & Our Flag Means Death

Awesome Friday Podcast

Greeting programs, and welcome to the Awesome Friday Podcast. This week we’re taking a closer look at the new ridiculous (in a good way) Roland Emmerich film Moonfall and the Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi led series Our Flag Means Death. Spoiler alert we loved both of these things, so come and join us for a love fest. 

Ed. Note: We had technical difficulties while recording this episode; some interference cropped up that we didn’t hear during recording. While I could minimize it, I couldn’t eliminate it entirely, so apologies for the segments where there is some static. -M

This episode's homepage has streaming links for the film and series discussed here. Join us!

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Meanwhile, relax and enjoy your flight.




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