#1503 - Your Deepest Fear Also Creates Your Biggest Strength…

#1503 - Your Deepest Fear Also Creates Your Biggest Strength…

Next Level University

Fear and insecurity, we've all felt them at some point in our lives. They are feelings that can hold us back, creating impossible hurdles. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the concept of transforming these so-called weaknesses into our biggest strengths. We all have unique challenges and trials that we have faced in our lives. Instead of letting these challenges control us and bring us down, they share how to turn these trials into unique sources of strength. The key is to own our chips, embrace them, and use them to fuel our growth and success.


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Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

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Show notes:
[2:20] The bright side
[6:00] Desires and fears are connected
[6:50] John talks about his phenomenal experience working with Kevin and the Next Level Podcast Solutions team
[8:32] Mastery and greatness
[9:30] Lack of pain is your pain
[11:38] Don't let the chip drive you
[12:42] Outro

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