In this week’s Q&A, host Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions during the live podcast: #946 How To Leave Your 9-5 & Start Your Own Thing. They respond to questions about how to talk with family about quitting, justifying quitting, staying focused without a boss, and identifying good and bad expenses. If you’ve been wanting to start your own business or end your 9-5 struggle, this episode will surely enlighten you.
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Show notes:
[1:10] How do you talk with your family about quitting your job if they have a belief around going to school, working, then retiring?
[6:53] How do you justify quitting a 9-5 that you went to school for without feeling like you wasted your education?
[11:41] Here’s a Group Coaching feedback from the Co-founder of Evolve Ventures, Bianca Thomas
[13:35] How do I determine ahead of time that I can stay focused and diligent without a boss and being my own boss?
[18:54] If you need to have low expenses, how do you know what’s a good or bad expense?
[21:06] What should be someone’s goal take-home?
[22:42] Leave a review and get a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card
[23:20] Want to start the journey to self-growth? Considering joining Group Coaching
[24:55] Outro