#815 - How Do You Handle Judgement & Negative Feedback From Friends And Family? - Q&A

#815 - How Do You Handle Judgement & Negative Feedback From Friends And Family? - Q&A

Next Level University

In this week’s Q&A, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions during the live podcast How To Lean Into Who You REALLY Are. They respond to questions about handling negative feedback as you grow, knowing if we’re not around the right environment, balancing goals and cultural background, and more. So tune in and let this guide you to start leaning into who you really are as you grow and reach your next level you.

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Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
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Show notes:
[1:16] How do you handle judgment or negative feedback as you grow?
[6:10] How do we combine all parts of us to be truly who we’re supposed to be?
[10:14] Here's a quick testimonial from one of our group coaching members, Jacob Valdellon
[10:52] How do we know if we are not around the right people, places, things, and ideas?
[14:45] How do you find the balance between cultural background and being true to yourself?
[20:36] Free online course
[21:42] Outro


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