Have you ever felt overwhelmed or even ashamed because you’re avoiding something? You're not alone. We've all been there, pushing down feelings of being overwhelmed when a task seems too daunting or we fear the embarrassment of not responding in a timely manner. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about why we might be avoiding certain tasks. They discuss the importance of understanding and facing these avoidances and how doing so can lead to personal growth. No one likes to be uncomfortable, and it's human nature. But what if stepping out of your comfort zone was the key to overcoming avoidance? By facing these uncomfortable truths head-on, we can identify areas of avoidance and challenge ourselves to tackle them.
Links mentioned:
Next Level Monthly Meetup #20: "Is Your Mental Health Hindering Your Growth?" on August 10, 2023, 06:00PM EST - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/monthly-meetups/
Website 💻 http://www.nextleveluniverse.com
The best way to track your habits is here! Download the app: Optimal - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/optimal/
Any of these communities or resources are FREE to join and consume
We love connecting with you guys! Reach out on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email
Instagram 📷
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/
Email 💬
Show notes:
[4:57] Being ghosted by clients multiple times
[11:07] What is the thing you're avoiding?
[15:58] Eddie expresses his satisfaction with Alan's support in his and his business' growth through the Next Level Business Solutions
[17:37] Underneath what you're avoiding is uncertainty
[20:40] The Hundred-Dollar Habit
[25:55] Thinking about it took more time than doing it
[28:04] Face the next uncomfortable domino
[30:29] Outro