"The Epitome of Kimmy: Accept & Embrace It All" is Kimberly's story of finding hope from a painful past.
Kimberly's journey goes from being abandoned by her biological parents at a tender young age to enduring emotional, physical and sexual abuse, to overcoming these devastating experiences on the path to adulthood.
Kimmy had to find self-love and acceptance within in order to heal from her trauma.
This is Kimmy's Story.
Kimberly Bell is a native of Salisbury, Maryland born on August 13,1973. She is the adopted daughter of Norma Bell and the late William Bell. She now holds two degrees; one in human growth & development/psychology and the other in theology.
At age 25 she brought forth her trial sermon under the leadership of the late Dr. Charles Mack. Kimmy has served on the ministerial staff at St. James A.M.E. Zion Church and completed four years of conference studies. She also fulfilled 5 years as a director of the liturgical dance ministry on various capacities.
In May 2005, She was ordained an Elder through the Philadelphia/Baltimore Conference and was able to pastor a multicultural mission church in Maryland. She believes that God will get all the glory in her life. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 91:14-16.
The Epitome of Kimmy: Accept and Embrace it All, is an inspiring story of finding resilience, embracing your destiny and overcoming adversity. It is an eye-opening memoir that takes you beneath the surface into some of the harshest realities of life from the perspective of an abandoned little child in kinship care growing up into adulthood. It is the authentic true story with no filters.
This memoir confronts the societal issues that many people struggle with today such as pedophilia, domestic violence, child abuse, abusive relationships, and teen pregnancy. As you read on you will sense the trauma, abandonment and pain as well as God’s divine intervention in her life that allowed her to overcome and be who she is today. Through this book, you will also be inspired to keep pushing forward in life through the toughest times.
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