Today’s episode is the Q&A portion of last week’s live podcast episode, “If You Want To Find YOUR People, You Have To Be YOURSELF,” where hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros respond to questions about having the difficult conversations with people you’ve known forever, being your authentic self in a job that's no longer aligned with you, differentiating people who are not safe to be your authentic self around, and more.
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Show notes:
[1:02] Recognizing that people you’ve known forever are no longer in alignment can be very challenging. How can you begin to have those conversations with those people without them feeling like it’s “coming out of the blue”?
[3:55] How do you be your true authentic self in a job that’s not aligned with you or your goals?
[9:35] How do you differentiate who is not safe to be your authentic self around?
[12:26] Janine Morris talks about how valuable Group Coaching is, what's her take away and why she thinks you should take the leap. Click here:
[13:02] I’m still trying to unlearn and change the behavior from my past. Is there a way to approach this and not become overwhelmed in the process?
[15:30] What is your advice for entrepreneurs who are still trying to find their people and create a community?
[20:39] Join Next Level Monthly Meetup #11: "How To Find Your Unique Genius Zone" on Nov 3, 2022, 06:00 PM EST -
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[23:37] Outro