Are you consciously aware of the cause and effect of every decision you make? Whether it's as monumental as Oppenheim deciding where to spend date night, every choice we make, big or small, affects our lives. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the intricate dance of choices, with every step having a downside. They delve into the concept of being a grow-giver and how it can strike a balance between achieving our goals and maintaining our relationships. The pain of outgrowing people, the resistance we face within ourselves, and the trade-offs we make in pursuing our goals can be challenging. They discuss making ambitious decisions and how understanding our core values can shape those decisions and their implications.
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Show notes:
[4:32] Life is a series of decisions and repercussions
[7:22] The Triad of Personal Freedom
[11:40] Unfortunate byproduct of the journey
[14:39] Amanda shares how Alan made her feel valued and supported during their first consultation call and how she appreciates his holistic approach
[15:31] The shift when you choose a goal
[18:43] Relationship vs achievement
[20:16] How your core values shift
[30:42] Outro