The Relentless Pursuit of 'Yes' - Jeb Blount 'Objections' Chapters 14, 15, 16 & Summary

The Relentless Pursuit of 'Yes' - Jeb Blount 'Objections' Chapters 14, 15, 16 & Summary

Inward Book Club

We're finishing our discussion on Jeb Blount's 'Objections' this episode and then summarising the book and the value we've gained from it. 

Chapter 14: 'Buying Commitment Objections' 

Blount talks about isolating and clarifying an objection Don't 'Pump and Pounce' - as he says. You shouldn't get immediately combative which we agree with. However, we think there are much more elegant ways than isolating and clarifying an objection than the reasons he gives. Notably just listening and reflecting. 

Chapter 15: 'Bending Win Probability in Your Favour' 

On p.186 we've highlighted what I believe is the most important paragraph in the book. 'Fanatical prospectors carry around a pocketful of business cards, they talk to strangers in doctor's offices, at sporting events, in lines to get coffee, in elevators, at conferences, on planes, on trains. They get up in the morning and bang the phone, during the day they knock on doors, in between meetings they prospect with email and text, at night they connect with and engage prospects on social media. When they are tired, hungry and fed up with objection, they make one more call.' 

Blount also talks about pre-call planning and we're pretty meticulous when it comes to planning before meeting with a client - he has a 4 stage process and the only thing he missed of for us is we like to tell the prospect what's going to happen during the call. Blount also chats about role plays and from our experience most candidates HATE role plays. But a lot of the good candidates don't - because they know they have top class selling skills they have a 'bring it on' attitude. 

Chapter 16: 'The Relentless Pursuit of Yes' 

This final chapter was just a pep talk from Blount really - but an effective one and a positive in which to end the book on. Summary: It's got us thinking about objections again, we like how Jeb Blount writes and we've much preferred it to some of the other sales books we've read on the show. 


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