010: How To Develop a Morning Routine

010: How To Develop a Morning Routine

Real Estate Bestie

Are you pouring from an empty cup? There are so many benefits to having a consistent morning routine! According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “Having a morning routine can increase your energy, productivity and positivity. It also generates momentum, building up to the brain’s peak time for cognitive work (late morning).” As real estate agents, we wear lots of hats. Because we serve in so many capacities, we have to dedicate time to filling our own cups before pouring out for others. This is where a solid morning routine comes in. We can create space to prioritize self-care so that we can be better for the people we serve in business and our personal lives.

In this episode:

  • [4:27] Benefits of a morning routine
  • [8:17] Miracle Morning Book was the start of my morning routine
  • [10:05] For most of us, a morning routine will require us to get up earlier
  • [12:14] Be thoughtful of HOW you wake up
  • [14:35] Putting away my phone for the first hour of my day
  • [15:44] Be non-negotiable with yourself about waking up
  • [16:42] My morning rituals
  • [19:11] Remove myself from the bedroom
  • [20:19] How I use my morning routine time
  • [22:32] How my morning routine affects my family
  • [25:07] Move my body & begin the day
  • [25:32] Practice over perfection
  • [26:49] Three things I’ve learned with morning routines

Links mentioned in this episode:

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