Tune in to today’s episode as hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions from the Q&A session of the live podcast: What's Really Holding You Back From Accomplishing Your Goals? They hammered questions about getting to where you want to be, transitioning from thinking short-term to long-term, and identifying what’s holding you back. Moreover, Kevin also shares the most challenging conversation he’s ever had in his life. Make sure to listen to the live podcast if you haven’t already.
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Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/
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Show notes
[1:19] The equation to understanding the delta between where we are versus where we aspire to grow
[7:08] The most challenging conversation Kevin had to have to get him out of his comfort zone
[11:13] How to transition from short-term thinking to long-term thinking?
[12:08] Amy Lenius, the co-host of the Evolution of Mom podcast, shares how great it is to work with Alan and Kevin
[13:28] How do you identify what’s holding you back?
[16:32] What steps to take to be a type 4 self-belief/ self-worth
[21:37] Group Coaching Round 4 opens up on September 7. Group coaching is a perfect opportunity if you want to dip your toes on what personal coaching is
[23:37] Outro