I had a lot of fun recording our first Q&A episode! You asked some great questions that have influenced the topics of many episodes and now I want to answer some specific questions.
In this episode, I answer three great questions sent in by listeners.
Topics include:
Multiple dog household
Handing a new young dog with older dogs
The difference between adding a male or female dog to your pack.
If you have your own questions to ask we want to hear them. You can email us directly at [yournewpuppy (@) playtimepaws.com] or if you sign up for our weekly updates you will not only get information when new episodes are released but you can reply directly to the email that is sent to you.
Links discussed in this episode
Episode #002: Which Type of Dog is Right for You
Episode #005: How (and Why) to Make Their Crate Your Dog’s Best Friend
Episode #006: My Dog Steals my Stuff!! How to Protect your Dog and your Things
Episode #007: Why Dogs Dig and What You Can Do About It
Psychology Today - Aggression Between Dogs in the Same Household
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