Segment #1: "Jaguars @ Raiders Postgame Review"
The Raiders beat the Jaguars 19-9 in their 2013 home opener, but many Raiders fans actually felt better the previous week after losing to the Colts. Did the Raiders get too conservative with a lead vs Jacksonville, or was it good coaching and clock management that we saw? Raider Greg gives his opinion, plus we hear from Dennis Allen's Monday press conference as well as Greg Papa and Bill Romanowski via the Raiders flagship station 95.7 "The Game".
Segment #2: "Raiders @ Broncos Mile High Preview"
What do the Raiders have to do to beat Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos in Denver? Can they do it? Will they be embarrassed, or will we see a coming out of the new Raiders? Raider Greg gives his take, plus we hear more segments from 95.7 "The Game".
Segment #3: "The Boneline" Voicemail Segment
You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.
This week's callers:
1. Raider Steve from Pittsburgh
2. Raider Eric from Wisconsin
3. Raider Matt in Southern Illinois
4. Raider Sean from Minneapolis, Minnesota
5. The Raiders Edge from East Lansing, Michigan
6. The Desert Raider
7. The Surface Raider
8. Raider Grant in Salem, Oregon
9. Money Man has spoken Raider
10. Raider Malik from Tucson, Arizona
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Music credit: The Raiders by Sam Spence; Back in Black by AC-DC; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood.
Available in the iTunes store.
Running time - 1:13:11