#1161 - 1 Thing Most Successful Dream Chasers Have In Common

#1161 - 1 Thing Most Successful Dream Chasers Have In Common

Next Level University

We all have goals. And what's the first thing most of us think about when we consider how to achieve them? “I need to get motivated.” But the thing is, there’s something more powerful than motivation to achieve your dreams – your intention to implement them. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss the power of implementation and how it’s common in successful dream chasers. You can have big dreams and all the knowledge on what to do and how to get them, but they will remain as dreams if you don’t take action and implement them.

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Alan: @alazaros88

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Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

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Show notes:
[1:17] Their ability to implement
[4:32] The implementation-awareness gap
[12:25] Kevin, on not being able to implement everything he knows
[15:33] Nathan Schwermann shares his experience working with Alan Lazaros’ Next Level Business Solutions - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-business-solutions/
[16:51] You either lack awareness or implementation
[28:14] Outro

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