In this week’s Q&A, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions during the live podcast How Your Growth Affects Your Relationships. They respond to queries about explaining to family and friends why you say no to things, encouraging people to be open with you, staying in alignment with your current self, and more.
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Show notes:
[1:11] How can I explain to my family and friends why I’m saying no to a certain thing without feeling guilty about it?
[6:34] How can I encourage people in my life to be as open and vulnerable with me as I was with you, Alan?
[9:42] The host of Tomorrow’s Leader, John Laurito, has this to say about Kevin and NLPS (Next Level Podcast Solutions)
[10:51] When I grow and go back to old places with people who knew a different version of me, how do I stay in alignment with my current self instead of reverting?
[14:58] If you were to look back at the relationships you had at the start of your growth journey until now, what constant do you identify that you project will remain as you continue to grow?
[19:01] Leave a review and get a chance to win a $100 gift card
[19:40] Join the monthly virtual meetup on May 5, 2022, at 6 PM EST
[21:49] Outro