Jim talks with Emil Ejner Friis about political metamodernism and what comes after postmodernism. They discuss the "woke vacuum" & its failure to include common folks, psychosocial problems vs material challenges in Western countries, Jim's pushback on postmodernism, Trump as the first postmodern president, personal vs institutional change, emotional states & leadership, late-stage financialized capitalism's effects on communities, European vs American approaches to industry/manufacturing, military alliances & European defense independence, the urban-rural divide in American politics, "internet trans" vs medical gender dysphoria, social media's role in amplifying cultural divisions, the intersubjective verification of the inter-objective, comparing the internet with the printing press, multi-party vs two-party political systems, the potential for American democratic renewal, and much more.
Episode Transcript
The Listening Society, by Hanzi Freinacht
Nordic Ideology, by Hanzi Freinacht
JRS EP36 – Hanzi Freinacht on Metamodernism
JRS EP53 – Hanzi Freinacht on the Nordic Ideology
JRS EP82 – Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future
JRS EP173 – Hanzi Freinacht on Metamodern Self-Help
Metamoderna (website/organization
Emil Ejner Friis is a theory artist and a teacher of metamodernism. He is a co-founder of Metamoderna and one of the writers behind Hanzi Freinacht. He has spent the last ten years trying to figure out how to create a listening society, a kinder and more developed society that deeply cares for the happiness and emotional needs of every citizen.