#425 The Truth Always Comes Out In The End with David Meltzer

#425 The Truth Always Comes Out In The End with David Meltzer

Next Level University

#425 The Truth Always Comes Out In The End with David Meltzer

Welcome to another FIRE episode of The Hyperconscious Podcast and today we share another behind the coaching scenes with David Meltzer. We picked his brains today about the law of attraction, his relationship with money, credibility and so much more. But we mostly focused on how the truth always comes out in the end. We encourage you to listen intently and you’ll surely learn so much from this 30-minute episode. Stay tuned.

Join David Meltzer every Friday at 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET for FREE TRAINING. To RSVP go to www.dmeltzer.com/training or text (949)298 2905

Things we talked about in this episode:
[0:31] Episode introduction
[2:28] On synchronicity
[3:46] Golf swing analogy
[5:30] On the presence of fear and suppression
[7:23] The candle story
[7:51] Money and David Meltzer
[10:44] David’s morning prayer
[11:24] David’s toxic relationships that he is actively working on
[15:15] What’s the next step when you forgive?
[17:36] On credibility or the lack thereof
[20:00] “The perception comes upon evaluation”
[22:40] The last time David was in over his head
[26:02] Communicate with credibility
[29:32] 3 key tools to have the highest frequency
[30:03] Free training with David Meltzer and how to RSVP

Don’t forget to check out TheHyperConsciousPodcast.com  to learn more about the podcast and our other programs. Also, the best community to be part of right now is on that link. Give it a try! See you in the next episode of The Hyper Conscious Podcast.

FEEL FREE to  reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram or via email 


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Hyper-Conscious-Podcast-106871136824274/




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