EP114 John Bunzl on his Simpol Solution

EP114 John Bunzl on his Simpol Solution

The Jim Rutt Show

John Bunzl talks to Jim about the multi-faceted approach to global cooperation he created, Simpol - The Simultaneous Policy...

John Bunzl talks to Jim about his Simpol approach to global cooperation. They cover simultaneous implementation, connections to GameB, feasible viable support, the first-mover disadvantage, regulatory chill, the veto issue, destructive global competition, utilizing competition & cooperation, global problems, the myth of sovereign nations, wokism vs trumpism, the dead-ends of corporate social responsibility & the global justice movement, the failure of political targets, three core tactics of the Simpol solution, policy creation process & trade-offs, nation vs word-centric consciousness, biological & evolutionary connections, and more.

Episode Transcript

Mentions & Recommendations

The Simpol Solution Book

National Popular Vote

The Logic of Collective Action by Mancur Olson

Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter

Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter

Bret Weinstein

JRS: EP111 Anatol Lieven on Climate & Nationalism

John Bunzl is a global political activist and businessman. In 2000, he founded Simpol, a way for citizens to use their votes to drive politicians towards global cooperation. It has supporters in over 100 countries and enjoys the support of a growing number of Members of Parliament around the world. He has authored or co-authored a number of books including Monetary Reform – Making it Happen!, People-centred Global Governance – Making it Happen!, and Global Domestic Politics. He has published numerous articles on global governance in the Journal of Integral Theory & Practice. He has lectured widely, including to The Schumacher Society, The World Trade Organisation, The Lucis Trust, and various universities.


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