Max Keidun is the CEO of the non-custodial, peer to-peer Bitcoin exchange hodlhodl. He was born in the former USSR and started his career as a journalist before he worked in the banking industry for 10 years. 2015 he quit his job in the finance industry and since then he is building products in the Bitcoin space. He is also a founder of the Baltic Honeybadger Conference in Riga.
Our topics
“The Bitcoin community is too focused on the tech, we need to be more focused on educating masses. I think that’s a part of mass adoption.” – Max Keidun
“I get fascinated about thousands of people in the world working on making bitcoin better at the same time.” – Max Keidun
Der Beitrag Max Keidun About the Possibilities of Non-Custodial Solutions and Memenomics in Bitcoin erschien zuerst auf The Anita Posch Show.
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