5. How We Lead is Changing For Good

5. How We Lead is Changing For Good

Dear Workplace

Imagine a good leader. What do you think of? Has that changed over time? For me growing up, it was the person who was the loudest, tallest, boldest, and oftentimes the most “masculine.” But this view of leadership is changing, and it’s changing for the better. What does good leadership look like now? What is working and what isn’t working in leadership culture? And how can anyone work towards being a better leader? In this episode I chat with Zina B. Sutch Ph.D and Patrick Malone Ph.D together about their research into leadership development and how it is changing for the better of ourselves and our employees. I also got a chance to talk with Phil Jung, who manages hundreds of employees, about how being a leader can take on several forms.

Subscribe today. Dear Workplace is hosted by Monica H. Kang and InnovatorsBox. Learn more at dearworkplace.com. Find summary notes here.


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