#1563 - One Powerful Reframe On Money

#1563 - One Powerful Reframe On Money

Next Level University

In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss their financial struggles to a place of abundance. They've learned that money's true value lies not in accumulation but in its potential to uplift and empower. They tackle the often-taboo subject of wealth, examining our emotional ties to money and how a scarcity mindset can hinder our ability to give, embarking on an intimate journey through our financial pasts, present ambitions, and the remarkable impact generosity can have on our lives and the world around us. This conversation is a powerful reminder that the path toward financial freedom is not just about the money in our bank accounts but the generosity in our hearts. By redefining our relationship with money to include a generous spirit, we open ourselves to a more prosperous, meaningful world of wealth.

Links mentioned:
Next Level Nation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/459320958216700
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Instagram 📷
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

Show notes:
(1:33) Scarcity mindset
(2:40) Redefining money
(5:07) Relationship with money
(7:33) Alligned intentions
(10:58) Goal-setting
(14:14) Sense of responsibility 
(16:56) Kim thanks Kevin for going above and beyond in helping launch the Peaceful Productivity podcast.
(17:56) Give a portion and empowerment
(20:37) Personal growth and giving back
(23:43) The power of generosity
(27:45) The cycle
(31:21) Outro

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