#466 - Top 10 Leadership Lessons We Wished We Knew at 21

#466 - Top 10 Leadership Lessons We Wished We Knew at 21

Next Level University

466 - Top 10 Leadership Lessons We Wished We Knew at 21

We are honored and blessed to speak in front (virtually) of the Mass Maritime Academy students who were very inquisitive and eager to learn. We shared the top 10 lessons we wished we knew about leadership when we were still 21 years old. And of course, you already know that we gave more than just 10, so make sure to stay tuned.

Show notes:
[0:00] Intro
[1:45] Start of MMA speech
[2:04] Quick backstory of our lives
[13:15] #1 Lead with what’s needed
[15:45] As students, how often are you leading with what’s needed?
[16:48] #2 Vision
[19:03] What is one thing in your life today that at one point was just a dream?
[20:19] #3 The best and successful leaders have failed the most
[28:14] #4 The best leaders are also the most vulnerable
[29:31] Your relationship is only as good as the level of vulnerability
[29:42] Why are you struggling so much to be vulnerable?
[32:17] Our challenge to you: DM us on our IG accounts and be vulnerable
[33:02] Need help with leveling up? Check this out
[33:33]  #5 Relationships and valuing it
[35:00] #6 Drive to five and getting feedback from a different perspective
[37:52] Where have I tried to be right at the expense of the relationship?
[38:15] #7 Lead beyond yourself
[40:51] Who is somebody that you can help achieve your dreams while achieving your own
[42:05] #8 Take courage
[44:20] Where have you not have the courage to send the DM?
[46:15] #9 Great leaders don’t need the credit, but they need to take responsibility
[51:55] #10 Leaders keep the promises they make to themselves
[54:25] What’s one thing you are going to commit to promising yourself?
[55:20] Good leaders know when to push and when to pull
[58:24] Higher awareness = better decision
[1:01:48] Stop listening to people who do not have the results you want
[1:02:04] Chinese bamboo analogy
[1:02:50] Outru

FEEL FREE to  reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email 


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/





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