EP69 Rachel Haywire on Free Thinking & Expression

EP69 Rachel Haywire on Free Thinking & Expression

The Jim Rutt Show

Rachel Haywire talks to Jim about running for president, acting vs philosophizing, the art right, aesthetics, today's left & right, dark bohemianism, and much more...

Rachel Haywire talks to Jim about running for president in the transhumanist party, her Elixer Salon, her Pulling out of the Narrative article, GameB, acting vs philosophizing, taking our work & selves seriously, neo-reactionaries, understanding & working with people who have dark triad traits, NLP, understanding the art right, aesthetics, the complex dynamics of today's political left & right, H. L. Mencken, antisemitism, defending cosmopolitanism, dark bohemianism & scaling volatility, anarchism, sex & gender, Slate Star Codex, and more.

Episode Transcript

Mentions & Recommendations

Rachel's books, The New Art Right & Acidexia

Rachel's Blog

Peter Limberg's Stoa


Rachel's article, Pulling out of the Narrative

Rachel on Twitter

Curtis Yarvin

Tyson Yunkaporta JRS Interviews: EP65, EP66 & Currents 010

Rachel's article, The Sociopath’s Coma

Rachel Haywire is an author and entrepreneur based in New York City. She is also a futurist and musician who ran for President of the United States as an independent candidate. Her interests range from VR to philosophy to aesthetic movements.


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