Brian Baumgartner (aka Kevin Malone)! The Office and Packers Fandom. Beau Allen on D-Line Prospects and College Football Road Trips

Brian Baumgartner (aka Kevin Malone)! The Office and Packers Fandom. Beau Allen on D-Line Prospects and College Football Road Trips

Green Light with Chris Long

Macon gives a Hello to St. Louis, Missouri, and Chris salutes Jimmy Buffet in the Layup Line. Chris, Macon and Bad Back Badke talk about player safety in the wake of Wake Forest’s court storming, and Chris rants about the deterioration of modern society after seeing Cam Newton get jumped. Brian Baumgartner, who you might know as Kevin from The Office, joins the program to talk about The Packers, playing fantasy football, and the enduring popularity of The Office. Beau Allen joins to preview the IDL prospects in this year’s draft and discuss potential college football road trips.

(00:00) - Hello, Layup Line and modern fan/player interactions.

(39:11) - Brian Baumgartner (aka Kevin Malone) on rooting for the Packers, fantasy football and the enduring success of The Office.

(1:37:32) - Beau Allen reviews the IDL prospects in this year’s draft and the guys pitch their ideal college football road trip destinations.

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Also, check out our paddling partners at Appomattox River Company to get your canoes, kayaks and paddleboards so you're set to hit the river this summer.

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