“I don’t think anything grows when you’re comfortable because it doesn’t have to.” - Kevin Palmieri
Change is uncomfortable, but it comes with growth. In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about attracting the right people into your life and the growing pains associated with growth. They answer questions about the discomforts of personal growth, keeping your core identity, and suppressed memories. They also chat about knowing who to look up to while on your personal development journey. If you want to listen to the keynote presentation of today’s episode, check out episode #694.
Book recommendation: Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD
Group coaching details: https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
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Show notes:
[1:02] Why is discomfort key to personal growth?
[6:33] On working through suppressed memories in order to grow
[10:16] Branden Lowe from Decide & Design Podcast shares his testimonial on Kevin and Alan's mentorship
[11:26] How to attract people that would help us grow than those who will hold us back?
[14:30] Keeping your core identity when going through growing pains
[17:33] Knowing who’s a good or bad person to look up to
[21:08] Podcast and business coaching slots are NOW OPEN, DM Kevin and/or Alan
[22:16] Outro