“When you fail, there’s gold buried there only if you take the time to dig.” - Alan Lazaros
Making mistakes is a guarantee in life. You can’t avoid them entirely, no matter what you do.
In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about learning more from your mistakes than your successes. Most, if not all, of your mistakes can be excellent learning opportunities. In fact, learning from failure is often the key to success because by getting things wrong, you’ll improve your skills and grow in various ways.
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Show notes:
[1:50] You have more distinctions when you learn from your mistakes
[6:15] You learn from your mistakes because of the necessity to focus on what went wrong
[12:10] Fail early, fail often, and fail forward
[15:23] Alex Taylor, the owner of Shoreline Shooter Productions based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is pleasantly satisfied with Alan’s coaching services
[16:22] When you perform, you get an opportunity to reflect
[20:19] How did Kevin overcome the “making mistakes is a bad thing” mindset?
[22:56] Leave a review – get a chance to win an Amazon gift card
[23:46] Group coaching slots are now available
[26:31] Outro