#447 - Finding Focus and Avoiding Burnout with Karen Christensen - Live Mastermind

#447 - Finding Focus and Avoiding Burnout with Karen Christensen - Live Mastermind

Next Level University

#447 - Finding Focus and Avoiding Burnout with Karen Christensen - Live Mastermind

It’s with great pleasure and honor to have Karen Christensen who is a phenomenal speaker and podcaster lead us in today’s mastermind. Today’s discussion revolved around having a hard time finding focus and avoiding burnout. Make sure to do the activities within the call so you too, can have some introspection on your self-doubts and what you do to compensate. This is another great mastermind that you shouldn’t miss.

Where to find Karen:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/KJ_christensen/
Podcast blog: http://www.dreamcatchersdistrict.com/blog/
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dreamcatchers-district-podcast/id1275129640

What we talked about:
[0:00] Introduction
[2:13] Introducing our Mastermind guest
[5:31] Setting expectations
[8:34] What this mastermind focused on
[9:31] “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.” - Brené Brown
[11:03] Activity: try it out, too
[18:33] First list on the activity are your self-doubts; the second list is you overcompensate
[24:34] One of the masks that is common is confidence
[28:02] Relationships are relational
[31:57] Body scan exercise
[37:25] You can’t expect to perform at your highest levels at every moment of every day
[39:30] If you’re feeling that you’ve outgrown your life, you’re not alone and you can start over
[42:24] Greatness stems from insecurity and fear
[48:51] Starting over without having to start fresh
[50:17] Don’t quit, just pause and take a breath
[51:56] “The anecdote to feeling stuck is momentum”
[53:28] Mastermind participants’ tips when feeling burnout
[54:39] Free 30-minute consultation call with Alan (Peak Performance) and Kevin (Podcast)

Don’t forget to check out TheHyperConsciousPodcast.com  to learn more about the podcast and our other programs. Also, the best community to be part of right now is on that link. Give it a try! See you in the next episode of The Hyper Conscious Podcast.

FEEL FREE to  reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram or via email 


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/





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