What does success mean to you? Do you know the sacrifices, changes, or adjustments you need to make to reach it? The challenge here is to make sure that the people in your life understand your goals and the level of success you want to achieve. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk in-depth about the discipline of properly balancing your goals and your relationships, and yes, that is possible.
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Show notes:
[1:30] Preframe: what success means to you
[3:10] It's hard to know WHO to listen to
[5:20] Goals and relationships --- be proactive
[8:05] Every one of us is a bi-product of three things
[11:00] Work-life balance varies from person-to-person
[15:29] Do you want to level up in life, love, and wealth without breaking your bank? Join our group coaching, head on over to https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[16:18] The people in your life want to understand you, but they might not be able to
[21:37] Do the tough conversations in your relationship now
[26:16] Balancing your "wants" with your goals
[27:27] Check if you're out of alignment: goal vs. relationship
[28:19] Kevin's limited one-on-one mindset
[29:53] Group coaching group 3 is now open
[31:21] Outro