Why is it okay not to be #1? Aren’t we supposed to be aiming for the top-most position? In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share what happens if you focus on your genius zone and become #1 in that arena instead of trying to be the top in everything. In a team, business, or relationship, leaning into each other’s strengths will lead down the path of greatness—divide and conquer is the key.
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Show notes:
[1:28] Context for today’s episode
[5:40] Here’s an analogy that ties this concept together
[8:22] Here’s a sweet message from Jennifer Hurvitz, the host of Doing Relationships Right podcast
[8:57] Book recommendation Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
[10:43] Be #1 in YOUR genius zone
[12:23] Update on Group Coaching
[13:22] Don’t miss tonight’s 1st ever monthly event (Jan. 7, 2022): https://calendly.com/alanlazaros/creating-consistency
[15:03] Outro