Once you understand the importance of goal setting, the next thing to do is to figure out what you want. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss choosing and setting goals. We all know that goal setting is very important, but remember that setting your goal is only one of the journey's steps to achieve it. So, what is your goal? What are you doing to accomplish it?
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Manifestation Equation: https://bit.ly/3A8XPCd
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Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc
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Show notes:
[1:29] Is it okay to take a break?
[4:40] There are levels to every game, no matter what you’re doing
[10:13] Don’t give yourself too much negative feedback
[12:19] Set a goal and figure out how to do it
[17:07] Amanda Rodriguez shares her experience with Next Level Business Solutions with Alan Lazaros
[24:53] Manifestation equation
[27:36] What is your goal, and how much work are you willing to do for it?
[33:30] Outro