08/28/22 - Show #596: "Raiders Undefeated In Preseason for First Time Ever"

08/28/22 - Show #596: "Raiders Undefeated In Preseason for First Time Ever"

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg

Show Topics:

Segment #1: Making up the Raiders 53 Man Roster for 2022

Raider Greg shares his thoughts on some players he would like to see make our roster

Segment #2: Raiders new coaching staff, and how they have prepared the team

Thoughts on the job our new coaching staff has done through camp and the preseason

Segment #3: The AFC West - How it looks going into the regular season

What the mainstream media says, and what Raider Greg says about the AFC WEST standings prediction

Segment #4: Raider Nation “Boneline” Call-in Segment


01. Raider Steve in Vegas
02. Alfonso in Mexico City
03. Nebraska Raider
04. The Prez (Before Hall of Fame Game)
05. Raider Tom in Minneapolis (Day after Vikings game)
06. Raider Malik in Tucson
07. Ruben in North Carolina
08. Raider Malik in Tucson (Call #2)
09. Raider Malik in Tucson (Call #3)
10. The Prez (Call #2)

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Music credit: Back in Black by ACDC; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood; The Raiders by Sam Spence.

Running time: 1:11:05


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Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg • 08/28/22 - Show #596: "Raiders Undefeated In Preseason for First Time Ever" • Listen on Fountain