Have you ever been told to trust your gut? Sometimes your gut is right, other times not so much. The level with which you can trust your gut or your intution depends on how developed it is in that particular arena. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about intuition and understanding how it works. How much can you trust the feeling you get about something? Is your prediciton of what is going to happen next right? Sometimes we know things without really knowing why we know it. It is information mapped in our minds from the experiences we've had or things we've learned in the past, and our "gut" recognizes the pattern in the present.
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Show notes:
[1:25] What is intuition?
[5:46] The conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind
[9:45] The genius zone
[14:10] Kazia shares how great Next Level U Book Club is
[14:50] Is it intuition or experience?
[18:35] How much can you trust your intuition?
[25:45] Outro